Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Power, Privilege, and Classism

Power, privilege, and classism are interconnected. The more privilege you enjoy, the more power you have to access opportunities that build wealth. The more wealth you can amass, the higher your social standing. It is important to note that having wealth is not an indictment. However, the privileges that have often led to inequalities in wealth distribution are real. As a social worker, you may find yourself working with clients who do not enjoy the privileges you knowingly or unknowingly enjoy. The more you understand your own relationship to power, privilege, and class, the better you will understand your clients’ realities. For this Discussion, review how classism is represented in the Hernandez family.

By Day 5

An explanation of how classism is demonstrated in the Hernandez video.
Identify specific barriers to social services that the Hernandez family experiences because of their class status (e.g., working poor).
Explain how the intersection of class (e.g., working poor), ethnicity (e.g., Hispanic), and migration history (e.g., move from Puerto Rico to mainland) may further impact the Hernandezs experience.
Identity 2-3 strengths in the Hernandez family.
Provide recommendations for how social workers might address issues of classism present in the Hernandez case.
Explain how recommendations would address class issues.

Application of Crisis Theory and Resiliency Theory to a Case Study

1- to 2-page case write-up that addresses the following:

Map the clients crisis using the five stages of the crisis.
Describe the clients assets and resources (in order to understand the clients resilience).
Describe how you, the social worker, will intervene to assist the client to reach the reintegration stage of the crisis. Be sure that the intervention promotes resiliency.
Evaluate how using crisis theory and resiliency theory together help in working with a client

Leadership Failure

The paper should describe a dilemma of a compelling leadership failure derived from the the higher education sector, more specifically a college that has a poor workplace culture.

Include the following sections:

Intro paragraph


Proposed Leadership Theory for Improvement


Utilizing research-based organizational and administrative leadership styles and approaches learned such as servant leadership, develop a critical theory based solution to this issue.

Include the work from the attached annotated bibliography which will be provided for you.

Cite the works used in the annotated bib

Immanuel Kant’s Ethical theory

using 500-700 words discuss Immanuel Kant’s Ethical Theory i.e., deontology and how it may apply to modern policing ethical practices. In doing so, describe the theory of deontology and provide some historical background pertaining to Kant (born 1724 – died 1804). No direct quotes should be used in the response.

Biological Bases of Behavior

Prior to beginning work on this assignment visit the PubMed Central (Links to an external site.) web page. You may also consider reviewing the PubMed Central Quick Start Guide (Links to an external site.) and PubMed Tutorials (Links to an external site.) to help you navigate the resource more effectively.

For your assignment this week, you will complete an additional step on your selected topic for the final project. This week you will gather another five scholarly sources that relate to the behavioral aspects of your topic. Please note that the topic you selected will determine what questions you will address from the two options listed below.

Option A: If you have selected a brain-based disorder,
Describe the symptoms of the disorder and how those symptoms are related to the brain structures that are involved.
Option B: If you have selected a brain process,
Discuss how the brain processes information to reach the behavior in question.
The Behavioral Aspects: Final Project Part 2 paper

Must be three double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Centers APA Style  (Links to an external site.)resource.
Must include a separate title page with the following:
Title of paper
Students name
Course name and number
Instructors name
Date submitted
For further assistance with the formatting and the title page, refer to APA Formatting for Word 2013 (Links to an external site.).
Must utilize academic voice. See the Academic Voice (Links to an external site.) resource for additional guidance.
Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.
For assistance on writing Introductions & Conclusions (Links to an external site.) as well as Writing a Thesis Statement (Links to an external site.), refer to the Ashford Writing Center resources.
Must use at least five scholarly sources in addition to the course text.
The Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.
To assist you in completing the research required for this assignment, view this Ashford University Library Quick n Dirty (Links to an external site.) tutorial, which introduces the Ashford University Library and the research process, and provides some library search tips.
Must document any information used from sources in APA Style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Centers APA: Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.) guide.
Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. See the APA: Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.) resource in the Ashford Writing Center for specifications.

climate change

Please write a 3- to 4-sentence double-spaced summary of the passage, in which you accurately reproduce the main ideas presented in the passage. Remember to follow the passage’s original order as much as possible, and to use APA reporting frames throughout, where appropriate.

You MUST include in your summary the following elements:
    an introductory frame in which you identify the author’s main claim
    reporting frames, where appropriate
    one use of indirect citation
    the author’s key jargon (original language)
    at least one quotation from the passage, correctly integrated

I will also be looking for:
    correct representation of the main claim and the overall gist of the passage
    correct grammar and syntax
    correct use of English idiom

Application Theory

Directions: This written exam is to be submitted electronically through BlackBoards system by the deadline. No late exams will be accepted. This exam is worth 25% of your course grade. Exams should be no less than 3 and no more than 5 pages in length. Your responses should reflect a thorough and thoughtful reading of the required text (Robbins, Chatterjee, & Canda, & Leibowitz, 2018) and How to Be an Anti-Racist (Kendi, 2018). Part 1: Application of Theory We examined five (5) broad areas of human behavior theory so far this semester (systems, conflict, feminist, empowerment, and cultural identity). Choose TWO (2) of these broad theories and respond to the following 2 sections: 1. Clearly identify your two theories and describe the core concepts of the theory in your own words to demonstrate your knowledge of the theory base. (5 points) 2. Using specific examples from the text and any outside reading/current events, relate each of the two theories to a major theme of How to be an Anti-Racist and thoroughly describe how the theories explain your selected themes. (5 points) Part 2: Examining Anti-Racism Practices on an Individual Level 3. Describe how you can commit to following some of the steps to eliminate racial inequity that Kendi outlines on page 231. a. How can you hold yourself accountable while practicing these steps? b. Who can support you in this work to actively be an antiracist? (5 points) 4. Why does Kendi recommend that we approach antiracist work with vulnerability? a. Why is it difficult to acknowledge our own beliefs or perspectives as being racist? b. How can recognizing and sharing our own beliefs create an opportunity for self-reflection? c. How can you help others in their own reflection and learning? (5 points) 5. Provide an APA style reference list for any cited sources (should include, at minimum, the two required texts). Please make sure to proofread your work and follow the response format described in the directions. Spelling, sentence structure, citations, organization, flow and critical thinking are all important aspects of this assignment and assessed in this section. (5 points)


Business Analytics/Statistics

Managers in more advanced analytics companies give more weight to analytics when they make key business decisions. Employees frequently look for signals about what is important to management, and whether what is important today will be important tomorrow. How can management help employees understand what analytics are important to monitor on a regular basis and what analytics could fluctuate as the business cycle runs its course?

Business Analytics/Statistics

The following question should be answered in a minimum of 250 words.

Managers in more advanced analytics companies give more weight to analytics when they make key business decisions. Employees frequently look for signals about what is important to management, and whether what is important today will be important tomorrow. How can management help employees understand what analytics are important to monitor on a regular basis and what analytics could fluctuate as the business cycle runs its course?

Business Analytics/Statistics

There are two questions to answer and each answer should be a minimum of 250 words, which is why I put 2 pages on the order. Responses should be detailed with examples, if applicable.

1) Managers in more advanced analytics companies give more weight to analytics when they make key business decisions. Employees frequently look for signals about what is important to management, and whether what is important today will be important tomorrow.
How can management help employees understand what analytics are important to monitor on a regular basis and what analytics could fluctuate as the business cycle runs its course?

2) The manager of a large manufacturing firm is considering switching to new and expensive software that promises to reduce its assembly costs. Before purchasing the software, the manager wants to conduct a hypothesis test to determine if the new software does reduce its assembly costs.
Would the manager of the manufacturing firm be more concerned about a Type I error or a Type II error? Explain.
Would the software company be more concerned about a Type I error or a Type II error? Explain.