Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Psychology Research

Reviewed for Summer B 2020 May 5
The purposes of this assignment are to:
    Demonstrate proper use of current APA format in a term paper.
    Demonstrate proper use of one of the research methods studied in this coursespecifically, the case study.
    Reflect on what you have learned in this course and write about it.
    Reflect on the course content as critiqued from a biblical, Christian perspective and write about it.
    Note: Thinking and reflecting on what you have learned will take a considerable amount of time. Be sure to give yourself plenty of time for this assignment.
Instructions: Using a case study approach, write a four to eight page research-based paper using yourself as the research subject by answering the assigned research questions:
    What have you learned about research at an introductory level?
    How do you evaluate or critique this from a biblical, Christian perspective?
These two questions above are deliberately not written as level one headings in APA formatting the way they appear above, however, a good way to organize your document would be to use these two ideas as appropriately written level one headings.  Add additional levels of headings as appropriate to organize your content.
You will use the APA skills that you honed, the case study skills you developed in, and all the content you studied throughout all the this course. Current APA format needs to be demonstrated in all aspects of this assignment. Proper APA formatting is required as part of the content of this assignment.
Your paper must include a properly-formatted title page, four to eight pages of content with correct APA formatting throughout, including proper citations and levels of headings, and a reference page. The title page and references page are in addition to the assigned four to eight pages of content. Maintain consistency between your citations and reference page. Your paper must include at least four references to sufficiently support your paper. Required references include your Introduction to Research textbook and the Publication Manual, and at least two additional scholarly references. You may also include additional content-related sources you would like to include that are part of what you learned in this course this term. Remember, use current APA format and paper elements for a student paper throughout (including your title page, appropriate vocabulary and sentence structure, introductory statement, in-text citations, page numbers, levels of headings throughout the document, a conclusion statement, and consistency between your in-text citations and references).
Be sure to consult your Publication Manual for proper formatting for your in-text citations and references for these other sources.
Your assignment will be checked for plagiarism.
Be sure to document your sources appropriately as in-text citations and as references when you use the textbook or other material from this course, personal interviews with friends, etc.
This assignment requires that you incorporate proper APA formatting throughout the document. Formatting errors will result in point deductions.
Also, be sure to use some biblical source to back up your ‘case study’ (ie verses)

Women should be allowed to register for the draft

General Thesis Statement- Women should be allowed to register for selective service because they are already serving successfully with their male counterparts, would increase the pool of capable Soldiers should the Draft be required, and is a step toward gender equality.

4 Sources Required

4 Level 1 Headings Required (not including title/conclusion

Argument for women being allowed to register for the draft and counter arguments

Women should be allowed to register for the draft

Argue why women should be able to register for draft and include a counter argument. Please use this general thesis statement. —Women should be allowed to register for selective service because they are already serving successfully with their male counterparts, would increase the pool of capable Soldiers should the Draft be required, and is a step toward gender equality.

Process of Attraction and Love

Describe the process of attraction and love. Make sure to reference the below articles (read during Week 4), but also bring in other articles as well.  Extend these findings to other areas.

Dutton, D. G., & Aron, A. P. (1974). Some evidence for heightened sexual attraction under conditions of high anxiety. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 30(4), 510.

Gonzaga, G. C., Turner, R. A., Keltner, D., Campos, B., & Altemus, M. (2006). Romantic love and sexual desire in close relationships. Emotion, 6(2), 163.

Cognitive Shifts from Preschool to School Age

Please use the book attached as your reference.

Your total response should be at least 250 words, include at least one in-text citation, and should answer each one of the following questions.

Do you think that there is any connection between the cognitive shifts that children make between about five and seven years of age and the fact that most cultures with formal education systems begin children’s schooling at this age period? Are these shifts continuous or discontinuous?

To answer this question, address the following points, some of which are covered in detail in one of Watson’s lectures:

Detail the many shifts that occur between five and seven years of age.
Discuss the differences between the preschooler (age 3-5) and the school age (age 7-11) child in terms of how they think differently.
Speculate as to why this shift might or might not make children ready for school.
Talk about the cognitive abilities of the child at the end of the concrete operational stage.
How are these cognitive abilities reflected in the types of learning activities in school? Provide a specific example of a learning activity and what cognitive ability enables the ability to engage in this activity.


COLLEGIATE SPORTS financial reality

Write a report answering the following question: Based on the governance structure of the NCAA, the financial realities of the NCAA, and NCAA amateurism, should student-athletes be paid by their university for their practice and participation in varsity intercollegiate athletics and why?

You MUST include cited research from at least THREE sources, at least one of which must be a scholarly journal. (Scholarly/peer reviewed)

You will be gradded on the following topics:
NCAA governance structure
Financial Realities of NCAA**

criminal justice policing

Research Assignment
Currently. there is a movement in America that police reform is needed. Many believe that change must start from the top of an law enforcement agency down.

In Louisiana, there are three major administrative positions ( Chief of Police, Sheriff or Superintendent) that run police departments, sheriff’s offices and the state police. These leaders are either elected by the community or appointed by a mayor or governor. These leaders are in charge of public tax dollars that are between 1 to 120 million dollars a year along with protection the constitutional rights of all citizens within their jurisdiction. Your assignment is the following:

Part One:

Research and Identify the qualifications an individual in Louisiana  needs to hold one of these positions. If it is elected, be sure to include the requirements to run for public office.  You should be looking for the following information :

register voter
criminal record
ethical record
Civic duty
military experience
psychological wellness
physical health wellness
credit score history/financial responsibility
Family and faith composition
Part Two:

You are to identify each leader in the following Cities, Parishes and State and list their qualifications:

Louisiana State Police

Terrebonne Parish Sheriff’s Office

Houma Police Department

Lafourche Parish Sheriff’s Office

Thibodaux Police Department

Assumption Parish Sheriff’s Office

St. Mary’s Parish Sheriff’s Office

Morgan City Police Department

St. Charles Parish Sheriff’s Office

Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office

Lafayette Police Department

Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office

Gretna Police Department

New Orleans Police Department

Part Three:

In your research you must provide the additional information:

The size of the department and the responsibilities the department has.
The size of the department budget and where does the funding sources come from.
Who has oversight over the  agency besides the Administrator. ” meaning who do they answer too.”
The methods of selecting employees and promotions.
Is higher education important to them.
What are their goals and objectives.
Part Four:

Question to answer: Does a good Cop Mean they would be a Good Administrator.
Your paper must be in APA format and must be no shorter than 10 pages long. You must have at least 9 agencies you reference in your paper.

Do not take this paper lightly,  you can fail the course by not doing it.

Answer this question:

Does good cops mean they are good administrators.

Legal Framework: Historical Investigation and Application

After you watch Dred Scott v. Sandford here please complete the following:

Investigate the case in some detail. Please supplement the video with outside research. You will write a mini-research paper that is approximately 750 words or 3 pages

Please address the following prompts:

1. What law/order/court case did you choose? Why?

2. Please summarize the legal action you chose?

3. Who did it effect? Whose mobility was restricted? Was there any group that had enhanced mobility because of this law? What year was it created?

4. What did race have to do with the law? Please explain the historical context under which the law was created in some detail. A war? Slavery? “Yellow Peril”?

5. Explain what geography or location had to do with the case? What geographic area inspired or was most influenced by these laws?

6. When was the law finally repealed or abolished? Has there been any apology from the U.S. government?

7. What were the human costs of these laws? Why do you think they were created?

8. Can you identify any laws today that are similar to the law you investigated?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Agricultural-Biological-Technology is the future, and a company developing a new gene that would make food more nutritious would have a valuable asset if no other company could use their discovery. Make an argument as to why businesses that develop modified organisms should be able to preserve their property rights by patenting such organisms.

Your argument might include the purpose of a patent being designed to protect the payoffs from investments in this sort of research and development. Then, make a counterargument as to why such organisms should not be allowed a patent. While you should present both sides, you should clearly choose a position for or against and attempt to persuade the reader to adopt your position. Actively incorporate and consider issues related to sustainability (societal, economic, and environmental), as well.

Arguments against might be found on websites such as Greenpeace. Also, be sure to read the United States Supreme Court decision of Diamond v. Chakrabarty.

Please have at least 5 cited sources.The paper must:
states legitimate arguments in favor of the position
states legitimate counterarguments against the position
persuades the reader to take the writer’s position
uses acceptable sources (including laws, legal theories, academic articles, etc.) to support the arguments, particularly the writer’s position. All sources are cited in APA format.
demonstrates a high quality of writing, including the use of clear and concise language

Any topic (writer’s choice)

You must have at least 5 cited sources

If you found a one-of-a-kind prototype of a revolutionary new mobile phone lying on a public beach, what would you do with it? What would be the consequences of your chosen action?
Does the value of a parcel of land come only from the profits it can generate? If not, what makes land valuable? Does it ever have any value that is not recognized by the law? Actively research and address issues of sustainability in this context.
What is the role of governments in regulating the use of any form of property? Why do laws work so well to maintain standard uses, and what would be alternative ways to set boundaries on what businesses could do?
What are some limitations of current law (choose any country of interest) in terms of protecting the use of public and private property from a sustainability perspective?