Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

For this discussion, students will explore legislation related to the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) role.  In addition, you will explore current legislative action regarding the RN/LPN role (multi-state licensure) with the expectation that should APRN compact licensure become a reality, the benefits would be comparable.

Critical Elements for a Class Discussion
Refer to the assignment instructions for details on required content, word limits, required references, due dates, Turnitin requirements, etc. Keep the focus on the intent of the assignment and do not allow yourself to drift too far.  The following critical elements should guide your postings:
    Prepare for the assignment by reviewing the module content and resources.  Students should demonstrate graduate-level understanding and analysis of the concepts and the relationships among ideas, identifying hidden assumptions or fallacies in reasoning.  Students are expected to demonstrate the ability to apply the principles or concepts in the lessons to real-life situations integrating implications for advanced practice.  Students should support their opinions with expert opinion through a deep dive into the literature validating thinking and/or broadening perspectives/understanding of the content.
    The original post should provide reflection and meaning by describing thoughtfully what the idea means, uncovering new insights.
    The online discussion should mimic a thoughtful classroom discussion.  Therefore, the student should demonstrate promptness and initiative in posting.
    The presentation of the post should demonstrate a clear and concise writing style appropriate to graduate-level work, utilizing appropriate terminology.
    Peer-reviewed references (meaning articles published in scholarly journals) should be your primary support in all posts and cited according to APA formatting guidelines.

Assignment Directions
Review the grading rubric for this assignment. Overall, points are awarded based on the quality of the posts and the degree to which the submissions contribute to class discussion. Postings should reflect application of the assigned lesson materials.  Peer-reviewed references and evidence (results of formal inquiry published in the literature) are your primary types of support and are necessary to develop posts as expected.
1. Describe HOW and WHY barring APRNs from full practice authority affects
(a) healthcare costs
(b) access to and/or delivery of care, and
(c) quality of care. 
Discuss each required factor individually ( DO NOT GROUP TOGETHER) and support your conclusions with current research data and examples.
2.  (A) Discuss several ways that the Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC) increases access to care while promoting public safety.  (The connections you include are up to you, but since we deal with natural disaster often on the gulf coast, you may consider addressing this in your discussion or our current global health crisis.) 
(b). Based on your research of both the NLC and APRN compact licensure, what impact can we anticipate APRN compact licensure to make if it comes into effect?  This may include client care, education, or administrative perspectives. 
3. Discuss the status of implementation of the APRN Consensus Model in my home state Georgia.  This section should include all of the following:
    (A) What titles are used for APRNs?  Are all four APRN roles recognized in your state?  If not, which roles are not recognized?
    (B) Is the term “licensure” used for APRN roles in your state?  If not, what term(s) are used?
    ( C ) Is a graduate or post graduate degree required in your state to practice in an advanced practice role?
    (D) Is national certification required in your state to practice in an advanced practice role?
    ( E ) Do APRN roles allow for independent practice in your state?  Not independent?  No authority?
    (F) Do the APRN roles allow for independent prescribing in your state?  Not independent?  No authority?
Please address each bullet point!!!
4. If you were responsible for evaluating positive change regarding the full realization of the APRN role, what outcomes would signify progression in the resolution of APRN barriers?  To answer this question, develop a
(a) patient-based outcome,
(b) system-based outcome,
(c) policy-based outcome
that would guide your evaluation into your discussion.  Provide support from the literature for each point that proves valid that the Consensus Model is working.  See the Outcome diagram attached for examples of each type of outcome.
5.  Identify and discuss legislation in Georgias legislature regarding the APRN role.  Include the bill number and title as applicable.
    Is there legislation currently being proposed in Georgias legislature regarding the APRN role?  Has there been previous state legislation that has failed?  To find out, do one of the following:
o    Go to your state board of nursing site and see what pending legislation is discussed there. You may begin by doing a web search for the name of your state and “current nursing legislation.”
o    Go to (Links to an external site.) and search for current state legislation.  Use search terms such as “nurse”, “nursing”, “APRN,” etc. Discuss your findings.
o    Cite and reference legislation in APA format.


Tracy, M. F., & OGrady, E.T. (2018). Hamric and Hanson’s advanced practice nursing: An integrative approach (6th ed.). Saunders Elsevier.

Chapter 19: Maximizing APRN Power and Influencing Policy
Chapter 21: Reimbursement and Payment for APRN Services
Chapter 22: Understanding Regulatory, Legal, and Credentialing Requirements
Chapter 23: Integrative Review of APRN Outcomes and Performance Improvement Research

Additional Instructions for Discussions
    Each student will submit an initial discussion post of approximately 750-1000 words in the discussion.  Support your discussion with at least 5 references, the majority of which should be peer-reviewed. Primary references should be published within the last five (5) years 2016-2020. No title page is required.
    Use APA-style headings consistent with rubric order for initial post.
    Your initial post needs to be submitted to the website and edited accordingly.

Group and Organizational Structuration Theory

I prefer a writer who is already familiar with communication theory. In particular, (Group and Organizational) Structuration Theory. It’s for an upper level communications course.

The assignment is for a literature review that will ultimately be incorporated into my final research paper. The topic of the research paper is derived from my response to a discussion post. I’m attaching the rubric for the literature review (this assignment), and the relevant discussion topic and my response.

Also, I have other resources I can send. I’m happy to discuss, collaborate, and participate in the process as much as possible.

I’m somewhat flexible with the deadline. However, I also need to complete the annotated bibliography and the research paper itself, in about the next week or so.

Depending on how this goes, I’d be interested in discussing those projects as well.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

1. Design Build Contract:
a. Define the structure and intent of a firm fixed price (FFP) design-build contract.
b. What are advantages and disadvantages of such a contract?
c. As noted in the case study, the more common type of contract used in public
sector projects like the Tacoma Narrows Bridge is a design-bid-build contract. What
advantages does a design-build contract have over the design-bid-build

Tacoma Bridge

1. Design Build Contract:

a. Define the structure and intent of a firm fixed price (FFP) design-build contract.
b. What are advantages and disadvantages of such a contract?
c. As noted in the case study, the more common type of contract used in public
sector projects like the Tacoma Narrows Bridge is a design-bid-build contract. What
advantages does a design-build contract have over the design-bid-build

Nurs 208

Evaluation of your learning strategies and learning style

-Suggested study/learning strategies related to your identified learning style.

-Three most important points and/or suggested actions discussed

-Identify suggested actions that you think may be useful to incorporate as part of your study skills and classroom skills that you can use to support learning and academic success.

-How or why could these actions help support student success?

-How will you incorporate these study/learning strategies and classroom skills to support learning and academic success?

As discussed in class, this assignment is not to be written in an academic, scholarly manner.

Main points and bullet points are acceptable; a narrative is also acceptable.

Positive Psychology : Journal – psychological / spiritual perspectives of well-being

In an essay of 400 to 600 words, use the following intro line: “Did you know…?” and complete the question with an idea or fact that you’ve learned so far about one of the psychological OR spiritual perspectives of well-being covered in the modules on Western, Eastern or Indigenous perspectives on well-being that you find especially compelling or helpful.  Be sure to describe or define the idea or fact that you are referring to and what perspective it comes from.  Also provide your reflections on why you might potentially find it relevant to your personal or professional life.

This assignment is worth 15% of overall course grade and will be evaluated on:  adequacy of describing / defining the idea or fact, the depth of reflection on its importance or usefulness; Use of support / explanations; readability/organization

–    The essay should be double spaced and use a consistent font (preferably size 12)
–    Proofread your work carefully.  One of the scoring rubric dimensions for this assignment is the organization and readability of the essay
–    Any quotations should be limited and properly integrated.  Only Two direct quotes maximum from sources,
–    Included a correctly formatted APA title page, including the title of your essay, your name, and date.  (A running head is optional)
–    Use in-text citations whenever drawing from a scholarly source and list the source in a correctly-formatted reference section at the end in APA format.

Comparative between Roman Empire (31 BCE-476 CE) and Han China (206 BCE-220 CE)

Outline with thesis statement, topic sentences, and two cited sources for each topic sentence.  There are three categories I have to compare/contrast.  Two topic sentences for each category; one describing the similarities between the two civilizations, and the other describing the differences.  I have to have a minimum of five sources used with one being a primary source.  I uploaded the template to use, as well as the progress I already made.

a Book Review of Michael Pollan’s “Omnivore’s Dilemma.”

It needs to include 6-7 (full/double-spaced) pages of actual content, a title, and a reference page are an addition to the actual content. In sum, you need to submit 8-9 pages total. With regard to what I am looking for; I am looking for a short summary of the book at the beginning of your paper, what stood out to you, what resonated, and why… and any lingering questions that you might have with respect to Pollans work.

a Book Review of Michael Pollan’s “Omnivore’s Dilemma.”

It needs to include 6-7 (full/double-spaced) pages of actual content, a title, and a reference page are an addition to the actual content. In sum, you need to submit 8-9 pages total. With regard to what I am looking for; I am looking for a short summary of the book at the beginning of your paper, what stood out to you, what resonated, and why… and any lingering questions that you might have with respect to Pollans work.

The Case for Acme Fireworks

You are the manager of Acme Fireworks, a fireworks retailer who sells fireworks, puts on ground display fireworks, and large aerial display fireworks. The company started in the owners garage two years ago and now has 15 employees that you manage. The company started as a sole proprietorship, and the owner has never changed the entity. The owner has informed you that the company has received inquiries from several large businesses wondering if the company could create several fireworks displays on a regular basis. The owner told the inquirers that the company could fill such display orders, and a price per display was agreed upon. It was discussed that most of the cost for a fireworks display is for skilled labor, insurance, and the actual service of setting off the fireworks. No other details were discussed. The owner is anticipating that new employees will need to be hired, but he is worried that if the large orders for fireworks displays do not continue, the company will not have the funds to pay the new employees. The owner is now considering changing the business entity, but he does not know what entity to form or how to form it.

The owner has asked you to do the following:

Determine if the contracts with the businesses will be governed by common law or the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), and explain why.
Analyze whether the owner formed a contract with the businesses, and apply the five essential elements of an enforceable contract.
Explain the potential personal liability to Acme Fireworks if a spectator is injured by a stray firework from a fireworks display.
Discuss the different employment types and relationships relevant to agency law, and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of each type specific to Acme Fireworks.
Explain why Acme Fireworks should not operate as a sole proprietorship. Recommend a new business entity, and provide rationale to support your recommendation.