Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Nurse safety in psychiatric facilities

Create a presentation that is both audio and visual. You may use any type of medium so long as all viewers are able to review your presentation.  Avoid using first and second person in the presentation.  (I will record my audio based on the visual that you create. Please include notes on what to say)

The EBP/EBM presentation should include discussion of the following:

Describe a health care problem/issue that has been personally encountered excluding staffing issues and hand hygiene. (For administration majors, retention can be used)  AVOID first person
Include at least one citation that supports the need for this project
Discuss rationale for undertaking this project. (first person ok)

Identify the purpose of this presentation
Research Question
Write a focused PICO question related to the health care problem/issue.
Identify each element and describe
Literature Search
Review five relevant, peer-reviewed, primary research studies (less than 5 years old) related to the problem.

Describe the search strategy-databases and subject headings used.
Discuss the rationale for choosing the five articles. How did you determine which articles were relevant, research studies? (Do not use first person)
Reflect on the literature search process of locating quality references. Was it easy, hard, frustrating and why?

Literature Synthesis
The purpose is to draw conclusions about the findings in the literature so that you can identify how the literature addresses your research question.
Compare & contrast, critically evaluate, and interpret the findings, so that you can draw conclusions. Use authors name when referring to a study and not the title of article.
Reflect on the approach you took when synthesizing the literature and any challenges you experienced.

Practice/Management Recommendation
Formulate a practice recommendation based on the findings in the literature that support or refute the practice or management issue/problem. Utilize citations within the summarization to support your recommendation.
IF you recommend a practice change, there needs to be at least two articles that support your recommendation.
Discuss implementation of this recommendation.
Reflect on any potential issues that you may face with implementing the recommendation (will it be costly to the organization, require a lot of education, etc.).

Summarize the keys points of the presentation or the take away information that you want the viewer to understand.
Using APA 7 format, list all references used in presentation and submit .

Reality Vs Perceptions

Our text suggests that objective reality is often significantly different from our perceived reality and is an important variable to consider when making decisions within an organization. In addition, attribution theory describes how people create the explanations for their own and others actions, as well as for the outcomes of applied behaviors. Based on these two premises, formulate an analysis about how the development of our realities explain human behaviors within organizations and industry that can essentially affect rational decision making.

Your paper should include the following:

Summarize the differences between perceived and objective realities and how our perceptions negotiate what we believe to be true.
Discuss how the following affect ones perception of reality and rational decision making.
Attribution theory
Bounded rationality
Cognitive biases
Conjunction fallacy
Primacy and recency effects
Selective perceptions
Contrast effect, and
Consider using headings in your paper to organize these elements.
Explain why, as a leader or manager of an organization, one should be aware of the bias that our perceptions may have on day to day rationale decision making.
Identify strategies to increase awareness of potential effectors of our ability to make rational decisions based on our developed realities.

regulations impose in APRN in the state of Florida

Review the following articles by copy and paste it on the top of your computer research tag:

American Association of Nurse Practitioners Standards of Practice

Discuss at least 3 regulations impose in APRN in the state of Florida and would you like to change the process.

At least 3 references


PART I:  Locate the web site for The World’s Most Ethical Companies at

For this assignment, you will be researching one of the 2020 Honoree companies from this web site.  Specifically, you should select any one company that interests you, and do a deep dive into the company’s operations.  What is their primary industry?  What are their primary products or services?  Who is their target audience?  Then, what SPECIFICALLY, have they accomplished to justify this honor?

PART 2:  Using your text, locate specific examples or terminology that explains the practices you have found your company has used to make it an award-winning organization.  In your paper, use the exact vocabulary or terms used in the book and make sure that you bold those terms. (Provide definitions if necessary.) **(BOOK IS ATTACHED TO THIS ASSIGNMENT)**

Your paper should be:

Written using Microsoft Word, font size 12 (no smaller), single-spaced.
The paper should be 3 – 5 pages in length.
You should include a Bibliography listing all outside sources, including your text and web sites.
Excessive spelling and grammar errors will lower your grade.  (More than one per page is excessive.)

Safety among nurses working in mental health wards

Information on the article is included in “research critique” document.
The “qualitative research worksheet” questions is what will be answered into essay form.
The “wellbeing and staff safety” is the article to critique for this paper.

Additional documents are comparison of Evidence Based Practice (EBP) models for resources in writing critique.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Every manager has different skills, and specialties of expertise.  It is quite possible that you could be in a situation where you see something that someone else does not see, especially if they are working under you with less education or experience than you.  If a loan officer working under you recommends a loan to a customer, describe (A) when you would authorize that loan, and (B) when you would deny the loan in each of the following cases and give your rationale.

You disagree with your subordinate because you do not think restaurants are good investments in general, so you have a bad feeling about this customer’s ability to repay the loan based on your experience with the market rather than any financial facts.
You disagree with your subordinate because you think medical operations are high risk for legal problems, so you have a bad feeling about this customer’s ability to repay the loan based on your experience with the law rather than any financial facts.
You disagree with your subordinate because you think members of their family are business failures, so you have a bad feeling about this customer’s ability to repay the loan based on your experience with social history rather than any financial facts.
You disagree with your subordinate because you just have a bad feeling about this customer’s ability to repay the loan based on your gut instinct rather than any financial facts.

Ypu must have 5 cited references.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

** Please see attachment for reference topic** This is a doctoral class

Assignment Content

Note: You do not need IRB approval for a class activity.

Interview two participants (in-person) that have an understanding of the content of your research topic/problem. Refer to the interview requirements below:

Explain the purpose of the interview to the participants by using the appropriate introduction.
Each interview must be audio recorded and timed.

Transcribe your interviews (word-for-word). Within the transcriptions, highlight any areas that you think might be thematic or represent emerging patterns.

Write a 350- to 500-word reflection about what you learned, what challenges you had, and how you felt about the data you were able to obtain.

Submit your assignment.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

** Please see attachment for reference topic** This is a doctoral class

Assignment Content

Note: You do not need IRB approval for a class activity.

Interview two participants (in-person) that have an understanding of the content of your research topic/problem. Refer to the interview requirements below:

Explain the purpose of the interview to the participants by using the appropriate introduction.
Each interview must be audio recorded and timed.

Transcribe your interviews (word-for-word). Within the transcriptions, highlight any areas that you think might be thematic or represent emerging patterns.

Write a 350- to 500-word reflection about what you learned, what challenges you had, and how you felt about the data you were able to obtain.

Submit your assignment.

Final Paper Checklist

*** Refer to Final Paper order #180373819 ***

This assignment involves answering some questions about your research paper, based on a checklist.  Answer these questions about your final research paper:

1.  What am I trying to prove?  1-2 sentences.

2.  Write down five specific examples that you use to prove your thesis.
Each example should be about 1-2 sentences.

3.  Do I include in-text citations using APA format, after factual information?  Yes or no?  Read your paper again carefully and make sure you did not forget any citations. 

4.  Have I thought of a good title for my paper that’s interesting and lures the reader in?  If so, what is your title?  If not, think of one now and write it down.

5.  Have I added enough of my opinions in relation to the factual information that I’ve included?  In other words, is there an equal balance of fact and opinion?
Yes or no?  If no, add more opinions.

6.  Did I include my references page and did I do it according to APA format and style mentioned in the book? 

7.  Did I proofread for errors?  You should read your paper at least four times before sending it to me.  Yes or no?

8.  Did I write 12-14 pages and use 12-14 sources?  Yes or no?

9.  Is my conclusion long enough and strong enough?  Does my last sentence leave the reader with something to think about?  How can my last sentence or thought be improved?

Checklist for Final Paper

*** Refer to Final Paper order #180373817 ***

This assignment involves answering some questions about your research paper, based on a checklist.  Answer these questions about your final research paper:

1.  What am I trying to prove?  1-2 sentences.

2.  Write down five specific examples that you use to prove your thesis.
Each example should be about 1-2 sentences.

3.  Do I include in-text citations using APA format, after factual information?  Yes or no?  Read your paper again carefully and make sure you did not forget any citations. 

4.  Have I thought of a good title for my paper that’s interesting and lures the reader in?  If so, what is your title?  If not, think of one now and write it down.

5.  Have I added enough of my opinions in relation to the factual information that I’ve included?  In other words, is there an equal balance of fact and opinion?
Yes or no?  If no, add more opinions.

6.  Did I include my references page and did I do it according to APA format and style mentioned in the book? 

7.  Did I proofread for errors?  You should read your paper at least four times before sending it to me.  Yes or no?

8.  Did I write 12-14 pages and use 12-14 sources?  Yes or no?

9.  Is my conclusion long enough and strong enough?  Does my last sentence leave the reader with something to think about?  How can my last sentence or thought be improved?