Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Ghosts in the nursery

Please respond to the text attached
Examine, explain,
Include that you agree with the author and why
Identify reading purpose
Critique the strengths and weaknesses
Use examples
Mention the title author and the thesis
Include real life examples

CHAD and Lingustic

please separate each of the assigney by putting the topic on top and do not share the file. Please do the LInguist part first and send it to me before 9pm tomorrow. you  can have extra date for the chad 168 if u do need more time to finish
CHAD 168n (I do not have the pdf textbook; it is called  Clarke-Stewart, A,., &Parke, R. D. 2014. Social development (2nd ed.) Hoboken, NJ )
Review the section in the chapter about the notion of the online self (p.157 in textbook).  Answer all of the following questions.  Your most thorough and specific response should be to question 4 in bold, to show your understandings of the theories about identity development.     
1.  What are your experiences in using media like the internet to explore identities?
2. Do you they think this will increasingly be a means of identity formation for adolescents?
3. Do you think our online identity matches our true self-concept?  Why or why not? 
4. How could this type of identity exploration possibly change theories of identity formation?
5. One of the reasons there are gender differences in self-esteem is the physical ideals for females presented in the media, how do you think social media impacts males/females/nonbinary or non-gender conforming adolescents differently?
6.  Based on everything learned in this module, what is one thing you suggest schools (K-12) should do to decrease implicit bias.  (you can focus on SES, ethnicity, gender, sexual preference, ESL or any specific bias you want)
After filming the fluency lecture, I decided not to make another video/slide set for narrative arc and story schema. Instead, I have a few reflection questions Id like you to answer after you read Cunningham & Zibluskys Ch. 4
Narrative arc and story schema are both related to text comprehension.
Narrative arc shows students that stories almost always follow a pattern. The human brain is hardwired to think in stories, and there is a predictable structure to those stories. Further, we can use these stories to relate to our own lived experiences, and potentially learn.
Watch the following clip, and use the story arc worksheet to follow along with the story:
Pixar Short Narrative Arc (Links to an external site.)
1.    How could you use this clip to teach students about conflict? How about themes? What would you talk to students about as they filled in the story arc worksheet for each section? In what ways could you help them relate the clip to their own lived experiences? Cite Cunninghams ch. 4 in your answer, if possible.
Story schema refers to the general framework of stories. One of many frameworks includes the heros journey. Take a look at this clip for more information:
TedED A heros journey
What makes a hero? – Matthew Winkler (Links to an external site.)
1.    Children develop more sophisticated versions of story schema as they hear more stories and gain more life experiences. What do you think this means in relation to the heros journey?
2.    How does the heros journey offer opportunities to teach a concept like cause and effect outside of non-fiction texts? Why is this important for students to know and understand as we build fluency and comprehension skills?

Learning Game
    Due Monday by 11:59pm

    Points 2

    Available Sep 21 at 12am – Sep 28 at 11:59pm 8 days
Directions are in the fluency lecture materials (DO NOT SHARE THE VIDEO).

CHAD and Lingustic

please separate each of the assigney by putting the topic on top and do not share the file. Please do the LInguist part first and send it to me before 9pm tomorrow. you  can have extra date for the chad 168 if u do need more time to finish
CHAD 168n (I do not have the pdf textbook; it is called  Clarke-Stewart, A,., &Parke, R. D. 2014. Social development (2nd ed.) Hoboken, NJ )
Review the section in the chapter about the notion of the online self (p.157 in textbook).  Answer all of the following questions.  Your most thorough and specific response should be to question 4 in bold, to show your understandings of the theories about identity development.     
1.  What are your experiences in using media like the internet to explore identities?
2. Do you they think this will increasingly be a means of identity formation for adolescents?
3. Do you think our online identity matches our true self-concept?  Why or why not? 
4. How could this type of identity exploration possibly change theories of identity formation?
5. One of the reasons there are gender differences in self-esteem is the physical ideals for females presented in the media, how do you think social media impacts males/females/nonbinary or non-gender conforming adolescents differently?
6.  Based on everything learned in this module, what is one thing you suggest schools (K-12) should do to decrease implicit bias.  (you can focus on SES, ethnicity, gender, sexual preference, ESL or any specific bias you want)
After filming the fluency lecture, I decided not to make another video/slide set for narrative arc and story schema. Instead, I have a few reflection questions Id like you to answer after you read Cunningham & Zibluskys Ch. 4
Narrative arc and story schema are both related to text comprehension.
Narrative arc shows students that stories almost always follow a pattern. The human brain is hardwired to think in stories, and there is a predictable structure to those stories. Further, we can use these stories to relate to our own lived experiences, and potentially learn.
Watch the following clip, and use the story arc worksheet to follow along with the story:
Pixar Short Narrative Arc (Links to an external site.)
1.    How could you use this clip to teach students about conflict? How about themes? What would you talk to students about as they filled in the story arc worksheet for each section? In what ways could you help them relate the clip to their own lived experiences? Cite Cunninghams ch. 4 in your answer, if possible.
Story schema refers to the general framework of stories. One of many frameworks includes the heros journey. Take a look at this clip for more information:
TedED A heros journey
What makes a hero? – Matthew Winkler (Links to an external site.)
1.    Children develop more sophisticated versions of story schema as they hear more stories and gain more life experiences. What do you think this means in relation to the heros journey?
2.    How does the heros journey offer opportunities to teach a concept like cause and effect outside of non-fiction texts? Why is this important for students to know and understand as we build fluency and comprehension skills?

Learning Game
    Due Monday by 11:59pm

    Points 2

    Available Sep 21 at 12am – Sep 28 at 11:59pm 8 days
Directions are in the fluency lecture materials (DO NOT SHARE THE VIDEO).

Culturally Competent Nursing

For this assignment, you will interview a person from a cultural background that is different from your own. Using the twelve domains of culture from the Purnell Model, discuss the health practices of that culture and compose a scholarly paper in a Microsoft Word document of 5 pages formatted in APA style.
In your paper, you should include the following:
Select a person from a cultural group different from your own. You may choose a patient, friend, or work colleague. For the sake of confidentiality, do not reveal the name of the person you interview; use only initials.
For the person you select, complete the cultural assessment using questions 1 through 12 from the Purnell Model for Cultural Competence.

On a separate page, cite all sources using APA format.

Macro environmental and industry analysis

Company: Waste Connections
The task is POLITICAL/GOVERNMENT/LEGAL/REGULATORY ENVIRONMENT in part 1 Macro or general environment. Threat of Entry and Power of Suppliers in part 2 Industry analysis.
No introduction needed.


This section MUST:
    include a complete analysis of opportunities and threats captured by graphs, charts, tables of the industry in which your firm operates in the following 4 environments:
o    technological
o    economic
o    socio-cultural
o    political/government/legal/regulatory
    provide quantitative data for each trend analyzed charts, graphs, tables not words. All primary and secondary sources (including web sources) MUST be cited and sourced in footnotes – NOT endnotes
    identify each trend as an opportunity or threat

    Do NOT analyze the industry or the firm in the macro environment.
    Do NOT mention  your firm in the MACRO as you are NOT analyzing your firm in this section
    Analyze the technological TRENDS disruptive innovation – that MAY IMPACT your industry if they are inputs to firms in the industry OR because they are substitutes that will eliminate the need for the products or services of your industry.
    USE data from the government agencies that produce the data Statistics Canada, US Bureau of Economic Analysis, US Bureau of Transportation Statistics
    Do NOT use data aggregators eg Statista, IBIS

Order of Analysis

Complete your analysis in the following order:
Political/legal Environment Trend Analysis O/T (opportunities and threats)

Note: There is a rough causality to the order above. An innovation in the technological environment stimulates entrepreneurs in the economic environment to exploit and commercialize the technology innovation. This, in turn, causes changes in the socio-cultural environment as consumers change their behavior by adopting it, and this finally triggers a response by elected officials and regulators in the political/legal environment who develop laws and regulations to deal with these changes and transformations.

4 pages, double spaced.

This section MUST:
    ID the MOST important federal or state or provincial government departments and agencies that regulate the industry of the firm that is being analyzed e.g. NR Can and National Energy Board are most important for oil and gas while DOT, NTSB are most important for airlines, railroad and trucking
    Do NOT analyze city or municipal by-laws far too many in Canada or US
    ID the industry association that represents the industry of your firm e.g. Canadian Bankers Association
    ID the issues the association identifies as the most important
    ID the most important relevant laws that specifically target and affect your industry of the selected firm.
    Do NOT analyze generic laws such as general taxation or copyright; only laws that specifically affect your industry (e.g., Bank Act for banking e.g. taxes imposed only on alcohol)
    evaluate each law or regulation as an opportunity or threat, and provide reasons for this judgment

Hint: Identify and review the industry association web site to see which issues the association identifies as most important
Read the Globe and Mail and the National Post.

In this section you MUST:
    complete an industry structural (NOT cyclical) analysis of the industry in which your firm competes
    structural = permanent change e.g. aging of the population, decline of birth rate, major technological innovation
    cyclical = the recurring economic changes relating to the seasons, the business cycle including interest rates, exchange rates and GDP
    provide empirical data for each TREND analyzed. All sources, primary and secondary (including web pages), MUST be cited and sourced
1.    Threat of Entry
3 pages, double spaced.

In this section, you MUST:
    identify and analyze any barriers facing potential entrants, including:
o    average capital investment needed to enter the industry
o    presence of strong brand names among existing firms
o    economies of scale (i.e., annual break-even point in units)
o    government regulation e.g. CRTC, Investment Canada Act
o    patents
    provide quantitative or empirical data when analyzing each barrier

Important: Do NOT title the heading Barriers to Entry. It is a Threat of Entry. You are examining and analyzing barriers to entry to determine the threat of entry.
    low barriers to entry = high threat of entry
    high barriers to entry = low threat of entry

2.    Power of Suppliers
3 pages, double spaced.

In this section, you MUST:
    identify the AGGREGATE numbers of firms and revenues in the supplier industry
    analyze the availability of substitutes for the products supplied
    identify whether the supplier industry is concentrated or fragmented (i.e., less than 5 firms account for more than 50 percent of industry sales)
    determine whether suppliers are price takers or price makers

Case Study

Goal: Read and review the selected case study from the required text, and answer the analysis questions.

Read: Chapter 13 case 2: You Cant Fire Me! Check Your Policy

Format Requirements: Each answer is to be clear and concise, and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Journal articles and books, if used, must be referenced according to APA style

Submission Requirements: Please answer the questions at the end of the case for this case study. Your answers must present a research-based rationale (citing outside sources) when appropriate. For other questions, you are to use your knowledge of other business areas, your creativity, and own experience to provide solutions, recommendations, scenarios, and/or justifications in your response.

Create a graphical representation of the categorization of hotels

    Create a graphical representation of the categorization of hotels (reference the slides provided in the PPT and do your own researchbe sure to reference all sources of information!!!!!)
    You can choose to create your infographic breaking down hotels by ADR, Size, CAA Diamond Rating or Forbes Star rating

week 6 DB Reply

Please read the attached thread and reply to it. Reply using at least 275 words. Referenced does not count in word count. You must use at least 3 references.  Rubric and instructions are included along with the text book for the class.

Engage in a substantive discussion that meets grading rubric specifications. Submit replies of 275 words each. Make sure that you are adding new and relevant information as well as scholarly research with each reply.

Leadership Final Project Part 2

Part 2:
Leadership Final Project
Merida has provided deep insight into 1 and 2 Kings.  This insight is more than just stories about historical events.  The depth comes from the people involved.  The text covered a full range of personalities from murderous villains to others who were completely sold out for God.  People in leadership today have to deal with a full range of personalities as well (hoping the true villains are a distinct minority!).

You are to write a 1,300-word document, double-spaced, APA-formatted paper. In your paper, you will evaluate three (3) current leadership styles in light of what you have read in Merida.  Where did you find examples of each of those styles in the text?  Where were they effective in the biblical setting?  What different leadership style might have been more effective (biblical character attempted style A what you are writing about but would have made more progress with style B)?  In what settings or situations might the style you are evaluating work well today?  Support your research with eight (8) scholarly sources.  Limit your literature search to the last five (5) years and select only sources that are full text PDF.

As part of this project, prepare an annotated bibliography.  The bibliography will be structured as follows: APA formatted reference (minimum 250 words per reference) followed by summary of key points, evaluation of the quality of the publication, evaluation of the quality of the author(s), where this fits into the assignment, and the library database in which you found the article.  A traditional APA reference page and the annotated bibliography will be turned in with the associated paper.

health care

PurposeThe purpose of this assignment is to explore a critical concept in nursing.  The student will be able to demonstrate application of information literacy and ability to utilize resources (library, writing center, Smart Thinking, located within the Tutor Source tab under Course Home, APA resources, Turnitin, and others) through literature search and writing the paper.

Course OutcomesThis assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:CO 2:  Identify characteristics of professional behavior including emotional intelligence, communication, and conflict resolution.CO 3: 
Demonstrate information literacy and the ability to utilize resources.Due DaRequirements and GuidelinesYou must choose one of the articles from the Approved Articles for the RUA document located in the files.Your choices are based on the following nursing topics:    Safety    Delegation    Prioritization or   
Caringreference you must use.

Caring:Ricotta, J.J. & Novak, L. (2020). Caring for caregivers and patients in the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Healthcare Compliance, 22(4), 55-61. Mattioli, D., Walters, L., & Cannon, E. J. (2018). Focusing on the caregiver:  Compassion fatigue awareness and understanding.  MedSurg Nursing, 27(5), 323-328.

please include DOI