Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Annotation of Journal

Read Instructions.

Most or all annotations should be insightful, thoughtful, and constructive.


poses thought-provoking questions that cannot easily be looked up.

accurately answers questions posed by peers on the paper.

provides more detail to statements made or experimental techniques used in the paper.

identifies limitations to the methods used in the paper and/or makes suggestions for how else an experiment might be performed.

links to and provides a description of useful papers and websites that provide further clarity to some aspect of the paper.

makes connections between the content of the paper and other topics and/or other research papers..

Annotations should be made in each section of the paper:





We need at least 6 annotations made within the paper total.

language testing

You are to choose one area of English language skills (reading, listening, speaking, writing)
for this essay. You are to conduct a library study on language testing and assessment
techniques that have been proposed and used for the skill you choose. Given the word
limitation for this assignment, you will choose to focus on three major techniques in detail.
The following is a suggested structure of your assignment. The words below are approximate
and suggestive. Word counts include in-text citations.
i will provide a sample essay and more clear instructions after I assigning a writer

HRD – Peer Analysis

Analyze peer posts and provide a response with a new academic peer reviewed article. This is the feedback instructor provided so please adhere to their feedback as well:
  The discussion board should be a “conversation” between you and your colleagues.  I know you are sticking to third-person voice, but for the discussion board only, its OK to create a friendlier tone for this class.  For example, instead try:

“Hi Lois,

I see how you reflected upon certain aspects of….”

Instead of

“In the post, Jackson reflects…..”

Post 1 – Author: James
Social Justice Culture and Productivity

Everyone enjoys being treated fairly, and they are more likely to have positive attitudes and improve performance in situations where they feel they are beating treated fairly. The statement seems to be intuitive, but scholars who study human behavior and workplace interaction conduct studies to prove or disprove these intuitive notions, working to understand the impact of fair treatment within the workplace and society as a whole. The purpose of this paper is to briefly explore the concepts of social and organizational justice and their impact on productivity in the workplace.


Social and Organizational Justice

The concept of social justice can be difficult to define, but it is often associated with the concepts of equality and equity. Citing Powers and Faden (2006), Moffa and Longo (2016) describe the theory of social justice that focuses on human well-being rather than specific metrics of equality or equity. This line of thought argues that being proactive and attentive to anything that hinders peoples well-being is the best path to social justice.  In a later article, Faden and Powers (2008) further define the concept of human well-being, upon which their definition and viewpoint of social justice rest. They postulate that the major components of human well-being are health, personal security, development and exercise of reasoning, social respect, deep personal attachments, and self-determination in life. 

Some scholars take the concept of social justice and apply it more specifically to business organizations that exist within a society. The principles of fair treatment (or the perception of fair treatment) that apply within the larger society are mirrored within business organization. This social justice within the confines of the particular organization is termed organizational justice. Cropanzano et al. (2007) identify three components of organizational justice: distributive, procedural, and interactional. Of note, the authors look at organizational justice based on the perception of employees – their definition of organizational justice is linked to perceptions and not some definitive or objective reality of whether or not a situation is just. To further exlore the three components mentioned, Cropanzano et al. (2007) relate procedural justice with the appropriateness of the allocation process within an organization. Its subcomponents include consistency, lack of bias, accuracy, comprehensive representation, and having an appeals process. Distributive justice is linked to the appropriateness of the outcomes of situations and managerial decisions in the workplace. Its subcomponents include equity, equality, and need. Interactional justice is based on the appropriateness an employee receives in their treatment by authority figures within the organization. Its subcomponents include interpersonal justice and informational justice. To achieve organizational justice in the workplace, it is important to understand and work towards success in each of these three areas (Cropanzano et al., 2007). 


Research suggests that fair treatment, social justice, and organizational justice increase employees willingness to perform at high levels as well as raising the level of positive citizenship behaviors by employees. Organizational justice also increases employees commitment to their group within the organization. Further, it also increases their desire to remain with the organization. These indicate the bottom-line business benefits of increased performance and reduced turnover (Cropanzano & Schminke, 2001).


This brief exploration of the concepts of social and organizational justice expand understanding of the concepts makeup and subcomponents, and also provide indicators that successfully achieving these conditions has a positive impact on productivity in the workplace. Elements of the body of knowledge indicate that organizational justice (a subset of social justice with similar characteristics) includes the components of distributive, procedural, and interactional justice. Research suggests that workers who perceive these elements within their workplace have increased performance and are less likely to leave the organization. Cropanzano et al. (2007) provide further incentive to pursue organizational justice with their analogy that it is a two-sided coin – the absence of justice is likely to cause problems within an organization and the existence of organizational justice brings positive outcomes to the organization. For this reason, leaders have strong incentive to understand and pursue organizational justice within their spheres of authority, knowing that it also contributes to benefits within the larger society.

Post 2- Author: Chad
Workplace Investigations

Lorene Schaefer, an employment lawyer and workplace investigator in Atlanta stated, In todays world, being able to conduct an effective internal investigation that will withstand legal scrutiny is a core competency for HR professional (Meinert, 2014).  The ten common HR investigation mistakes are the following:

Failing to plan.
Ignoring complaints.
Delaying investigations.
Losing objectivity.
Being distracted during interviews.
Using overly aggressive interview tactics.
Not conducting a thorough investigation.
Failing to reach a conclusion.
Failing to create a written report.
Failing to follow up with those involved.

Ballard and Easteal (2018) found that workplace investigations into alleged misconduct lacked procedural fairness, neutrality and were not timely.  Employers have an implied responsibility to take care of their workers which includes ensuring rules, regulations, and any of the employees or management of the organization does not violate policies.  It is this ability, to investigate wrongdoings, that allows employment relationships to be effective (Ballard & Easteal, 2018).  The overall recommendation from Ballard & Easteal (2018) was to have a trained investigator, not part of the organization, that can develop fair and unambiguous investigation following government laws as well as company rules and policies.

The way an employer responds to a complaint is so important to eliminate employer liability for a work-rule violation (Meinert, 2014).  The four key items for employers to immediately determine based on the complaint are the following:

Select who will be interviewed;
Determine what will be investigated by setting parameters for that particular investigation;
Identify documents and evidence need to prove or disprove allegations;
Decide on an impartial investigator that is trained knowing that his actions and decisions
might have to stand up in a court of law.

The last issue is what to do once an investigation is completed.  Smith and Stone (2017) state the most important part is to document the incident and record all actions to include the following:

The incident investigated with dates;
All parties involved with any part of the investigation with full contact information;
All key factual and credible findings as well as all documents reference during the investigation;
All employer rules and regulations involved in the investigation;
The deciding party for any violation with written rational to the decision;
All actions taken by the employer.

Again, all of these documents might be needed in court and without them, an employer has no proof they attempted to do the right actions (Smith & Stone, 2017).


Define the term statesmanship and explain its relevance to effective and ethical public administration. 
Evaluate historical models for government administration.
Compare and contrast with American founding principles.
Synthesize a Biblical/covenantal model of statesmanship, leadership and organizational behavior with the above.

Using the MEALs Paragraph development 

The MEAL plan is a way to organize your paragraphs as you write; it helps writers create strong, thorough paragraphs. The letters, “M-E-A-L,” form an acronym that stands for the following:

MMain idea: This is usually expressed in a strong topic sentence.See tips on using a strong topic sentence.

EEvidence: Once your readers are clear what the main topic of your paragraph is, you can use source material as evidence to discuss your topic and promote your academic argument. The word “evidence” is another way to say source citations.See tips on how to best use evidence.

AAnalysis: After giving the evidence, youll want to explain, incorporate, and integrate that evidence by providing some analysis. Analysis is where you can compare, contrast, and provide explanations for the source material, why it is important, and how it relates to your main idea.

LLead out: The lead-out sentence or sentences are where you will sum up what the paragraph discussed and then preview what is coming in the next paragraph so that the reader can smoothly move from one idea to the next.See some other tips on transitional words and phrases.

MUST HAVE THE THE FOLLOWING:citations from all required reading, presentations, and scholarly source material.

Biblical Integration

Provides a nuanced discussion of Biblical concepts as related to the content and assigned questions.

Sources & Citations

All required readings and presentations from the current and prior modules must be cited. At least 20 scholarly sources are used.

Grammar & APA

Limited to no errors in grammar, spelling, APA, etc.

Social Work

Respond to the discussion questions. Learners can respectfully challenge other group members to critically analyze the debated issue. An excellent response will include references.

You will be expected to write all your answers in full sentences with proper English (not short-handed email language or point form). The citation of all material must follow APA guidelines. References will be listed at the end of the posting.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

How do you feel when you learn something new, either in a class, at work, or elsewhere?
How do the concepts of classical and operant conditioning apply to that feeling?
How might you use those concepts to create an environment for successful learning and/or to motivate studying?


Please review the ethics assignment.  When completing this assignment think like a nurse “researcher” not as a nurse at the bedside. You will be analyzing the DeGrazia et al., (2015) article (posted on Blackboard), for evidence of any ethical or legal issues that arose in the study and how the researchers dealt with the issues.  Hint: think of the ethical implications not only the physical implications. Please answer the questions and submit as word document via the above submission link.

Ethics Assignment 10_7_19.docx

Prevention of Deformational Plagiocephaly in Hospitalized Infants Using a New Orthotic Device.pdf – DeGrazia et al. (2015) (use for assignment)

Why isn’t evidence based practice improving health care for minorities in the United States?.pdf – Lee, Fitzpatrick and Baik (2013)  The U.S. has fast growing racial/ethnic minority groups and therefore, the evidence based knowledge developed for nursing practice should reflect the diversity of the population.
A nurses guide to ethical considerations and the process for ethical approval of nursing research.pdf – Ingham-Broomfield (2017)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Search for a nursing research article where the conceptual/theoretical framework is clearly identified, developed, and applicable to the selected research study (make sure it has the IMRAD format) however QI projects/protocols are acceptable too. Avoid concept analysis papers. Include a reference for the article you selected (the article reference should be in APA format).  Please attach the article to this post to enable us to read about the theory application in the research study you selected for this discussion.  Be sure to provide citations and references in APA format.

When you post your study answer the following prompts:

1. Which conceptual or theoretical framework has been identified in the introduction/method section (give brief description)? Is the framework adequately described? Do you feel the framework appropriate for this research study? Why?

2. How did authors relate their findings to the theory?

3. Did the findings support the theory? Did the findings only support part of the theory?

The detachments below are the reading attached to the HW.

In chapter 3, Drucker states that “new technology will employ more people and, above all, more people who are highly skilled and highly trained (page 21, “Automation and the Worker”)” This week, write a one to two page paper about a trend in business as

In chapter 3, Drucker states that “new technology will employ more people and, above all, more people who are highly skilled and highly trained (page 21, “Automation and the Worker”)”

This week, write a one to two page paper about a trend in business as it pertains to automation.

Find an article that discusses a business situation in which a company has switched to some form of automation. Start your paper out by providing a paragraph in which you explain the content of the article. Next, explain why the decision was made to automate. Does this support or contradict Drucker’s statement? Discuss if this decision had a positive and/or negative effect – or both. In your opinion, was this the right decision? Was this an ethical decision? Explain your answer.


Please review the John Hopkins Nursing Evidence Based Summary of the Evidence Tool attachment.  You are asked to extract key information from each of your three EBP articles.  Be concise and use the example above as a guide. Please complete all the column boxes for each of your articles selected for your EBP project (one should be the one submitted for your quantitative appraisal) if it related to your EBP question (make sure you include your EBP question) and submit the completed table word document via the above submission link. At the same time you are submitting your table you will also need to submit the PDFs (not a links) of each of your three study articles (so I can read and analyze these too).

*Tip- Self edit need.  Did you complete the EBP question field?  Did you provide a reference list at the end?

I will not be able to grade your table unless you include your EBP question and submitted the 3 articles. Use the above example as a guide.

Complete the Summary of the Summary of Evidence Assignment.


Simplifying Synthesis.pdf – Shellenbarger (2016) Great article which provides steps on how to synthesize.