Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Nurse Staffing and Inpatient Hospital Mortality.

Read Nurse Staffing and Inpatient Hospital Mortality.

Write a Memorandum (no more than 2 pages) directed to your faculty answering the questions:

What questions the did researchers try to answer?
What study design was chosen for this study? Why?
What data was collected? Why?
What biases the study was subjected to?
What conclusions were made?
How a healthcare manager can use this study to guide departmental staffing?

Link to Nurse Staffing and Inpatient Hospital Mortality:


Review the Statistical Analysis Assignment. Please submit completed word document via the above submission link.

Statistics Assignment 9_20_20CT.docx Preview the document
DeGrazia_et_al_2015(10)-1.pdf Preview the document ( use for some of the questions)
Zellner et al _2007 _(1).pdf Preview the document (use for some of the questions)

Brand Communication and Society Check the website of three big-name companies, such as: 1. McDonald’s: 2. Starbucks: 3. Target: Write a 2 – 4 page report on their efforts to be socially responsible.

Brand Communication and Society

Check the website of three big-name companies, such as:

1. McDonald’s:

2. Starbucks:

3. Target:

Write a 2 – 4 page report on their efforts to be socially responsible. How is the company’s social responsibility position reflected in its advertising?

This assignment MUST be completed in a word document.

This paper should be written in APA format 7th edition.

Please note a reference page is required, I will not accept your paper if your sources are not cited.

During a Crisis Event

Review the two questions below and respond using a minimum of three (3) outside academic, scholarly references for EACH question. Please create or apply personal experience that would add to the overall subject of Organizational Crisis Management.
Be sure to use APA 7 formatting.

1. Evaluate how decision-makers can manage or confound a crisis.

2. What impact do effective communications have in an organization during crisis events?

This essay should be in proper APA 7 format style to include a separate title and reference page. Abstract not required.


Lets assume that you and a few close friends have just invented a new video game that has all the people you know raving about it. Its a spin-off from the wildly popular Guitar Hero concept where the music player can become a keyboardist (keyboard sold

Lets assume that you and a few close friends have just invented a new video game that has all the people you know raving about it. Its a spin-off from the wildly popular Guitar Hero concept where the music player can become a keyboardist (keyboard sold with game unit), bass player, or drummer (complete with drumsticks and simulated drumhead pad). Given what you know about the video game market and buying video games, take a position and defend it with respect to whether it would be better for your company and partners to pursue a promotional push or promotional pull communication strategy to present your Rock Man to the video game market. Explain and support your position.

Literature Review

Respond to this discussion question:

In a doctoral program, a learner must assume the role of independent researcher in order to become an expert in their respected field of study. Along the way, learners will need to identify a gap (an area of study that needs to be researched) in order to formulate research question(s). Klingner, Scanlon, and Pressley (2005) detailed the process a researcher takes to produce a scholarly article. Discuss how a review of literature contributes to a doctoral identity by transitioning a learner into a scholar. As you make your way along your doctoral journey, other than completing one course and moving on the next, when and how will you evaluate that you are growing as a learner and as scholar?

1 reference is required. I have attached the assigned reading connected to this question.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

For this Assignment, you are going to choose a historical or current law that impacts a culturally diverse group. Begin by choosing a culturally diverse ethnic group (Native Americans, South Asian Americans, Latino/a Americans, Arab/Muslim Americans, and African Americans) that you will focus on for this paper. Be sure to select a group that you have not researched for a previous Assignment.
Please answer the following:
    Identify the culturally diverse ethnic group you have selected.
    Briefly discuss the historical background and changing demographics of this group.
    Identify a historical or current law that affects this group and describe the law in detail.
    Explain how the law you have chosen impacts the culturally diverse group.
    What are the strengths and weaknesses of this law? Explain your answer, including how this law represents a good or bad law when it comes to regulating culturally diverse groups.
    Recommend changes to the current law that would positively impact multicultural service delivery (either nationally and/or internationally, including global perspectives) for your chosen culturally diverse group. Provide specific suggestions.
Assignment Guidelines
Your Assignment should be a 34-page essay (not including the title and reference pages) and should include the following elements:
    Title page: Provide your name, title of Assignment, course and section number, and date
    Body: Answer all the questions in complete sentences and paragraphs
    Your responses should reflect professional writing standards using proper tone and language. The writing and writing style should be correct, accurate, and reflect knowledge of human services.
    Reference page: Sources in APA 7th edition format
    Include a minimum of three scholarly or academic sources, with one of them being the textbook.
    Use Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced, and left aligned
    Use standard 1″ margins on all sides
    Use APA 7th edition Formatting and Citation style
    This Assignment assesses the following Course Outcomes:
    Discuss historical and current legislation affecting human service delivery.

Please read the following chapter in your text:
    Chapter 13: Working with African American Clients: An Interview with Veronique Thompson
Chapter 13 includes a discussion from Dr. Veronique Thompson, a tenured professor and graduate of HBCU (historically Black colleges and universities), which shares key values and characteristics common to African Americans and the factors shaping their experience such as slavery, racism, and discrimination. Additionally, she discusses subpopulations at risk such as Black male, Black female, Black children born into poverty, and Black LGBTQ community.
Library Readings
Deflem, M. (2017). Race, Ethnicity and Law (Vol. First edition). Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing Limited.
    Part 1: Laws and Black Lives – Understanding the historical influences on contemporary assessment and counseling issues of African American offenders
Gradin, C. (2012). Poverty among minorities in the United States: Explaining the racial poverty gaps for Blacks and Latinos. Applied Economics, 44, 37933804.
James, J., Rodriguez, C., Fong, R., & Dettlaff, A. (2015). Addressing Racial Disproportionality and Disparities in Human Services: Multisystemic Approaches. New York,NY: Columbia University Press.
    Chapter 3: African American Children and Families, by Ruth G. McRoy and Ratonia C. Runnels
Mays, V. M., Johnson, D., Coles, C. N., Gellene, D., & Cochran, S. D. (2013). Using the science of psychology to target perpetrators of racism and race-based discrimination for intervention efforts: Preventing another Trayvon Martin tragedy. Journal for Social Action in Counseling and Psychology, 5(1), 1136.
Wallenberg-Lerner, H., & James, W. B. (2014). Important components needed in todays global society from a cross-cultural perspective. Journal of International & Global Studies, 6(1), 1429.
Web Resources
Shively, M., & Mulford, C. F. (2007). Hate crime in America: The debate continues. National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Journal, 257. Retrieved from

Managing Boundaries in the Helping Process

Managing boundaries is an everyday reality faced by human service professionals, particularly those who live and practice in small communities. Helpers who work in rural communities may have greater challenges in dealing with multiple relationships than those who work in urban areas.

Assignment Scenarios

Scenario 1
A human service professional discovers that all of her bank accounts are at the local bank where a client works as a teller. This client has access to the human service professionals financial information and may be able to ascertain who the human service professionals other clients are in town when checks are deposited.

Scenario 2
A human service professional sees one of his clients at the local grocery store. The client is with one or more other persons. The human service professional, who is mindful of confidentiality, must decide how to respond. If he doesnt acknowledge the client, will the client feel snubbed? On the other hand, what if the human service professional approaches the client to say hello and the client doesnt want others to know that he or she is working with the human service professional?

Scenario 3
A human service professional has been invited to a dinner party hosted by a friend. She is not aware of the fact that the friends son is dating one of her new clients, who also attends the party. Upon seeing her client at her friends party, the human service professional must decide how to respond. This scenario can be taken in a number of directions. For example, what if the client has concerns with the human service professionals friend because the son constantly complains about him/her? What if the client identifies as being gay and is romantically involved with the friends son, but his parent (the human service professionals friend) does not know that he is gay?

Scenario 4
A former client wants to become friends with you on social media. You understand the importance of ethical practice and attempt to avoid blurred boundaries, dual relationships, breaks in confidentiality, and privacy issues. You mistakenly add this former client to your friends list and are unsure how to proceed.
Assignment Directions

For this assignment you will discuss each scenario in terms of managing the boundaries of the helping process.
Please be sure to address all of the following in your assignment:
    Discuss the importance of following ethical guidelines in human service practice.
o    You may want to review the NOHS Ethical Standards for Human Services Professionals.
    For each of the four scenarios above:
o    Identify the ethical problem.
o    List the NOHS Ethical Standard that aligns with the ethical problem.
o    Develop a strategy to resolve the ethical problem.
Assignment Guidelines
Your assignment should be a 34-page expository essay, not including the title and reference pages, and should include the following elements:

    Title page: Provide your name, title of assignment, course and section number, and date.
    Body: Answer all the questions in complete sentences and paragraphs.
o    Your responses should reflect professional writing standards, using proper tone and language. The writing and writing style should be correct and accurate, and reflect knowledge of skills and practice in the human service profession.
    Reference page: Sources listed in APA 7th edition format.
o    Include a minimum of four scholarly or academic sources to support your responses and conclusions, one of which must be the National Organization of Human Services Code of Ethics.
    Use Arial or Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced and left aligned.
    Use standard 1″ margins on all sides.
    Use APA 7th edition formatting and citation style.
    This assignment assesses the following Course Outcome:
    Evaluate the ethical standards as they relate to managing boundaries in the helping process.

Please read the following chapter in your text:
    Chapter 10: Getting the Most from Your Fieldwork and Supervision
Web Resource
National Organization for Human Services. (2015). Ethical standards for human services professionals.

The reading examines the skills and knowledge that are required for successful job performance. You will also identify effective supervisor qualities, rationale for participating in group supervision, and multiple roles and relationships among supervisors and supervisees.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Hi Gaskell, you did one of my short paper, but this one is long, and more detail please let me know if viable for you. Thank you. the due date is Oct 2 at by 6pm.
need a paper APA 7 with minimum 4 pages long. attach is the rubric and the information required for the paper. does not need headers.

below is a link that address in detail the deontology.

i have the book references. I can add them later.

Is sexuality a topic of conversation in your culture?

Does our sexuality have a taboo topic? What is it? Sex in my culture was not a topic of discussion. No one speaks of it, if we did, the assumption is that we would be more curious and want to act on it. Therefore, if we don’t talk about sex, no one would be doing it…