Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Marketing exam

This exam covers textbook material from Chapter 1 through Chapter 7. To complete the exam, respond to the three essay-response items presented. Each item is worth 33 points (you receive one bonus point for completing the exam). Your responses may be based upon any of the material covered in the course, as well as any outside-of-class material that you believe to be appropriate.

1. With respect to the stages of international market involvement, describe the unique aspects of global marketing (sometimes termed a global marketing orientation or the global marketing concept). Explain why global marketing is generally considered to be strategically superior to other approaches to international marketing involvement. Offer an example of a company/business that is at the global marketing level do not use Coca-Cola or Pepsi as the example.
Justify your choice of the company/business with specific details concerning why you believe it to be engaged in global marketing.

2. A crucial element in understanding any nations business and political culture is the subjective perception of its history. Explain the meaning of this statement and then respond to the two items below.
(a) Select a nation (you cannot select the United States, China, India, Japan, Canada, Germany, or Mexico) and provide an example of the subjective perception of history for that nation.
(b) For the nation selected in part (a), indicate whether that nation generally follows M-time (monochronic) or P-time (polychronic). Explain both the differences between these
time systems and why your selected nation can be considered to be following M-time or P-time.

3. The United States economy has experienced both high unemployment and low unemployment over the last decade and a half. Examine some of the common arguments for American protectionism and indicate which of these arguments (if any) is strengthened or weakened as a result of economic conditions. Do you believe there is a relationship between protectionism, the self-reference criterion, and ethnocentrism? Explain.

Leadership Nursing and Healthcare Organizations

This paper is due in a month. Please note the course objectives, each one will need to be met. I have attached a copy of the job descriptions for both Leadership positions I’ve held. This is being done in an effort to validate a future class.  Please let me know if you should have any questions, or believe that you will not be able to complete it. Thank you in advance.

open Bible final.

Final Paper
So what is the point of all this study of the New Testament? Is it just ancient history with no relevance for today? Is it just a wearisome study? Even a verse in the Old Testament reads, “Be warned, my son, of anything in addition to them. Of making many books there is no end, and much study wearies the body” (Ecclesiastes 12:12, NIV).

One of the key points in studying the New Testament is to understand the examples set for us in these ancient pages. In 1 Corinthians 10:6 and 10:11-12 (NIV), Paul wrote these words of warning in regard to all the stories of faith in the Old Testament. Certainly they also apply to what we now have compiled in the New Testament:

Now these things occurred as examples to keep us from setting our hearts on evil things as they did These things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us, on whom the culmination of the ages has come. So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you dont fall!

The New Testament is a lesson in life. Learn from their mistakes. Model their successes. Listen to their instruction. Follow the Jesus who called both them and you.

The final is a 3-5 page, researched response paper to three of the four following essay questions. In the paper, you will need to integrate information gained from all previous assignments. Utilize and reference at least six biblical references, properly citing Scripture in APA format. Use at least four academic references to support your response (you may use your textbook as one of your resources and the Bible as another). Please use the library website to assist you in finding more academic resources.

This is an open note, open textbook, and open Bible final.

The following are the four essay questions. Please select three to respond to:

Drawing on the entire New Testament, make a list of five names and titles used to identify Jesus. Discuss the meaning of each name or title, the person(s) using it, and the place in the New Testament where you found the usage. Discuss how the title helped to explain some aspect of Jesus character or role and why that would be attractive to the audience of the writer. After you finish doing this, choose two names or titles that you find to be most helpful or impactful to you. Explain why you chose these names or titles and what significance they have to you personally.
Having studied and read about the expansion of the early Christian church and movement, discuss the factors (personal, religious, political, etc.) which contributed to its spread. What are the most important factors that you have discovered throughout this study? Do not just list, but explain why you chose the people, events, or cultural issues that helped Christianity spread through the Roman world.
Explain why the Johannine literature is important to a student of the New Testament.
Discuss the New Testament assertion of Jesus as God the Son. What are the implications? How did Jesus and His followers communicate this unique relationship between God the Father and God the Son? Explore, specifically, both the incarnation and the attributes of God in Christ. Draw specific textual support from John 1, Philippians 2, Colossians 1, and other New Testament reading, and from all previous assignments.

Adolf Hitler

The three aspects of the topic that I would likely develop to present include:

Hitler’s violent antisemitism towards the Jewish population leading up to the Holocaust. I would like to further my research to find out why Hitler despised the Jewish individuals.

How Hitler rose to great political power thorough the Nazi party.
The life of a young Hitler would be interesting to present. I believe that Hitler was a troubled child.
Doing research based on his upbringing may help to understand his power better.

Nazi Camp Systems and the extent of the working men, women, and children. The consequences of not obeying Hitler lead to being placed in Nazi Camp systems.

Minimum of 8 scholarly resources!
Main purpose of the source
Intended audience for the source
Relevance to your topic (or explain why it was not relevant to your topic)
Author’s background and credibility
Author’s conclusions or observations
Your conclusions or observations

mock research proposal

For this task, you will pull together your learning from the previous assignments to create a quantitative or qualitative mock research proposal in PowerPoint. Assume you will be presenting your proposal to the committee that decides who will receive funding for their study. The required components for your PowerPoint presentation are as follows (consider using 1-2 slides for each area). Begin your presentation with a brief description of your topic of interest.

    Research Question and Hypothesis.
    Select a research question that would be appropriate for your area of specialization or experience. Note the research question, as well as the null and alternative hypotheses. Be sure to clearly identify the specific independent and dependent variables you would like to study.
    Research Method.
    Clearly state the specific method that you selected to use with as much detail as possible, along with a rationale as to why it is appropriate given your research question. Which of the four research goals does this question address?
    Define the population of interest for your study and its characteristics. This should include, but is not limited to 1) age; 2) gender; 3) ethnicity; 4) additional cultural factors; and 5) education level.

    Define your method of sampling the population (for example random, convenience, etc.). State how you would gain access to the participants. Justify your choice of the sampling method.
    Describe the treatment(s), conditions, intervention(s), etc. that you could potentially use. Explain and justify your choices.
    Briefly describe the measures you would use, what scale they are a part of, how they fit, etc.

    Data Type and Collection.
    State the type of data you need to collect and how it would be collected. Explain how the data you collect will answer your Research Question. Discuss how this data and collection method is appropriate for your qualitative research design. Justify your choices.

    Ethical Protection of Participants.
    Describe any ethical issues you foresee with your study. Make a preliminary assessment of the level of risk associated with participation in your study that might need to be raised with the Institutional Review Board.
    Discuss ways in which the results of your study may not be valid, such as threats to internal and external validity. Examine any problems or limitations in your design that may lead to concerns here, along with possible concerns regarding the role of the research, and any biases, values, personal interests, etc. that might influence your study.

    Role of the Researcher.
    Briefly, but explicitly, state biases, values, and personal interest in the area of study and your experience with it. Predict how these would affect your study.

Incorporate appropriate animations, transitions, and graphics as well as speaker notes for each slide. The speaker notes may be comprised of brief paragraphs or bulleted lists and should cite material appropriately.

Support your presentation with at least five scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources may be included.


This week, you will prepare a pamphlet for your assignment submission. Assume your pamphlet will be used by local researchers to help educate potential research subjects. Your materials will help these individuals decide whether they want to participate in future research studies, as ethical treatment and adherence to guidelines are important considerations.

As related to your topic or selected research area, first, briefly describe each of the five APA ethical principles (available at and illustrate their importance when conducting research.

Then, explore possible concerns or consideration to be mindful of when designing a research study with your specific topic or area of focus in mind. (offenders with substance use disorders in correctional facilities) Select at least one relevant issue for each of the five ethical principles that could be a concern for your topic, and then document how you could avoid these ahead of time. What might you do to comply with these ethical principles and guidelines?

Provide a pamphlet with graphics and visual aids to help you illustrate these points.

Support your assignment with at least three scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including seminal articles, or the APA website, may be included.

Length: trifold pamphlet, not including title and reference pages

research on eyewitness testimony

Select an article from this weeks books and resources related to your topic of interest (see attached).
Prepare a written assessment to address the following:

    Indicate whether this approach was appropriate or effective. Provide examples to support your thoughts.
    Identify at least one potential threat to the internal validity of this study. Then, explain how you might work around this or improve upon this study with this specific issue in mind.
    Conclude with a discussion on the issue of external validity within the study. Explain whether this is a concern.
    Determine how you might work around this issue if you were to redo the study. Explain how you would prepare your conclusions.

Support your assignment with at least three scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including seminal articles, may be included.

Length: 5-7 pages, not including title and reference pages

Statement Analysis

There are 2 parts to this paper. Part one will be an Excel document that has horizontal and vertical analysis of the income statements, and part 2 will be a 5 page paper describing your findings. You need to be able to do both the Excel document and the word document for me to assign the paper to you. I will upload documents once I have chosen a writer.

Statement Analysis

This will be a two part term paper. For this first part, you will need to know how to do horizontal and vertical analysis of the income statements in excel. The next part will need to be a four page paper that describes the analysis. Please make sure that you are proficient in both excel and writing.

Skills Practice Recording

You will reflect and write a role-play that demonstrates your beginning practice completing a social work assessment. Your paper will reflect on your intentional use of skills you believed important to completing a multidimensional assessment. This is a paper that is submitted and written from the perspective of a social worker. Please address the following in your reflection:

What skills did you use to build rapport with your client? (label the specific skill, such as used open-ended questions, use of paraphrasing, use of empathy, reference the review lecture from week 2 from Methods 1 course and course text)
Did you establish a purpose?
What went well in the session? Support why and what skills helped.
What would you do differently, now that you have reviewed it?
What skills do you find most challenging to use within the assessment process and how will you work toward strengthening these throughout the course?

Using APA 7th edition formatting in referencing your sources within your reflection.

Required Text and Reading Materials:

Cournoyer, B. (2017). The social work skills workbook. (8th ed.). Thomas Brooks.
Canadian Association of Social Workers. (2005). Code of ethics. CASW.
Canadian Association of Social Workers. (2005). Guidelines for ethical practice. CASW.
Canadian Association of Social Workers. (2008). Social work scope of practice. CASW.

3-4 pages