Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Pandamic Paper

The events of September 11, 2001 lead to the modification of many aspects of aviation, some of which are still in effect almost 20 years later. What modifications to current systems, or implementation of new systems do you think will occur due to the impact of COVID-19 on the aviation industry? Support your answer by citing and referring to at least six sources. This paper should follow APA 7th Edition formatting guideline

Any topic (writer’s choice)

    Explain the difference between an adjustment disorder and anxiety disorder. Provide examples to illustrate your rationale.
    Explain the diagnostic criteria for your assigned anxiety disorder.
    Explain the evidenced-based psychotherapy and psychopharmacologic treatment for your assigned anxiety disorder.
    Support your rationale with references to both the Learning Resources or other outside creditable and up to date resources. At least 3 total.
Learning Resources
American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
Gabbard, G. O. (2014). Gabbards treatment of psychiatric disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publications.
    Chapter 16, Panic Disorder
    Chapter 18, Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia)
    Chapter 19, Generalized Anxiety Disorder
    Chapter 20, Specific Phobia
Sadock, B. J., Sadock, V. A., & Ruiz, P. (2014). Kaplan & Sadocks synopsis of psychiatry: Behavioral sciences/clinical psychiatry (11th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.
    Chapter 9, Anxiety Disorders (pp. 387417)
Stahl, S. M. (2017). Prescribers Guide: Stahls Essential Psychopharmacology (6th ed.). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Write a 2 page paper in which you do the following:
    Describe the PMHNP practice environment for your home state, highlighting restrictions or limitations for practice.
    Compare the PMHNP practice environment in your home state with a neighboring state or a state in which you would like to practice.
    Describe a professional and/or clinical practice issue a new PMHNP will need to consider and address with the certification, licensure, credentialing, or relocation process.
    Develop a checklist for passing the national certification exam, including a detailed timeline that includes academic preparation (study plan), registration, financial preparation, etc.
    Include a clear and comprehensive purpose statement.
    Include at least 2 Learning Resourses and at least 2 creditable outside resourses that are up to date (within the last 5 yrs).
Learning resorses:
American Nurses Association. (2014). Psychiatric-mental health nursing: Scope and standards of practice (2nd ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
American Psychiatric Association. (2016). Practice guidelines for the psychiatric evaluation of adults.
Barton Associates. (2017). Nurse practitioner scope of practice laws. Retrieved from

Any topic (writer’s choice)

1. Copy and paste the above link into your web browser and watch the short video on Walt Disney.

2. Research other business leaders who you feel were or are “transformational” leaders. Choose a leader from any time period. Be creative in your choice, seek out others that are not Jobs, Welch, etc.

3. Write a one page paper on the leader you chose and upload to BB. Include citations and references.

SW6 peer answer

These are 3 of my classmates work and i need an answer to each of their writing.

All Discussion RESPONSES to peers :

> use the class readings, outside sources, or my experiences as support
> reflect deep rather than surface level thinking
> express my thoughts clearly
> use respectful language and tone
> directly relate to the topic of the discussion

      100 words minimum for responses

SW 7


1. Why did you select the piece of art you chose to share?

2. What is your understanding as to what is happening with in the artwork?

3. What characteristics do you think the artist is attempting to express with the art work? For example: Coping, Strength, Courage, Comfort, Empahty


Caring and Comfort:Directions: Read the following articles and answer 2 of the following 4 questions. 

When someone is crying, of course, the noble thing to do is to comfort them. But if someone is trying to hide their tears, it may also be noble to pretend you do not notice them.

Lemony Snicket, Horseradish

Sometimes the best way to help someone is just to be near them – Veronica Roth, divergent

1.What is your definition of comfort?

2.How can you relate comfort and caring ?

3.When someone comforted you, did you feel better?

4.How you ever felt like some one tried to comfort you but it did not succeed ?

Multiple Assignments ( IT Security/ Law)

Assignment: Cybercrime-Related Laws and Digital Evidence

Imagine you are watching a movie that has a dramatic court scene where the prosecutor picks up a menacing weapon used in the commission of the crime. As he or she thrusts it up high for all to see, a collective gasp echoes through the courtroom. The jurys eyes widen as their minds struggle to process the weapon visually. 
Now consider the same movie scene again. Except this time, the prosecutor picks up a laptop and thrusts it into the air. The same dramatic reaction, however, is unlikely. Although digital evidence that is stored in devices might seem intangible, this type of evidence has been used in previous legal cases for trying cybercrime. 
Cybercrime is just as real and subject to the same burdens of proof and judicial process. Yet, the admissibility of digital evidence for establishing proof of a cybercrime can be challenging. Understanding the linkage between digital evidence and the execution of a cybercrime is important for establishing a legal case.

To prepare for this Assignment, pick one of the following areas of cybercrime and select a federal or state law that addresses it:

    Computer Intrusions
    Cyberharassment and Cyberstalking
    Economic Espionage
    Financial Crimes and Fraud

For this Assignment, write a 3- to 5-page paper in APA format that:

    Summarizes the key elements of the law.
    Explains the types of digital evidence that would need to be collected to prosecute a case under this law. Be sure that you include possible sources of evidence, such as computing devices, wireless devices, and Internet service providers (ISPs).
    Proposes a new or emerging technology within the area of cybercrime selected that might not be covered under this law.

Required Readings
Easttom, C., & Taylor, J. (2011). Computer crime, investigation, and the law. Boston, MA: Course Technology.

Chapter 6, Organized Crime and Cyber Terrorism (pp. 210223)
These pages discuss cyber terrorism, information warfare, and cyber espionage.

FindLaw. (1999). United States v. Upham. Retrieved from

Assignment 1: Computer Incident Response Team Plan

You probably have heard the names Ebola, Bird Flu, and West Nile Virus. In recent years, these names have made headlines as clusters of outbreaks have occurred around the globe. Given the serious nature of infectious diseases and the possibility of regional or global outbreaks, organizations like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have incident response teams that can quickly deploy anywhere in the world to investigate potential outbreaks and contain them if need be.
IT incidents are similar to infectious disease outbreaks in that if safeguards are not in place to prevent them, critical systems and information may be compromised. To mitigate these incidents, many IT departments have specialized teams, called computer incident response teams (CIRTs). These teams mobilize and respond to incidents. As with emergent infectious disease response teams, the sooner CIRT teams respond, the sooner incidents can be contained.
The Plush Packet Institute of Technology (PPIT) Board of Directors next priority is the schools ability to respond to security incidents, especially with a second school opening in the near future. The board has asked you to begin drafting a CIRT plan.

For this Assignment, write a 2- to 3-page CIRT plan for PPIT that:

    Classifies the types of computer incidents that would activate the CIRT
    Defines at least three roles for CIRT members
    Defines at least two primary responsibilities for CIRT members
    Defines two CIRT policies

Assignment 2: Risk Management
Driving your car anywhere is risky. Imagine that your cars tire treads are worn to the point that they might blow out at any moment. Unfortunately, you cannot afford new tires until the end of the month, but you still need to go to work every day. What should you do? To make a decision, you would need to assess the risks of driving your car carefully.
Like people, organizations must manage risk carefully. To do so, risks must be identified and evaluated continuously. Documents like risk assessment reports are integral to maintaining the appropriate level of risk tolerance.   
The Plush Packet Institute of Technology (PPIT) Board of Directors next priority is risk assessment. The board has asked you to begin drafting a risk assessment report for the current school.
To prepare for this Assignment, review the Case Study: Plush Packet Institute of Technology in this units Learning Resources.

For this Assignment, write a 4- to 5-page risk assessment report for PPIT that addresses the following:

    Threats from agents, especially those from the network
    Vulnerability appraisal
    Risk assessment
    Risk mitigation

Required Readings

Cichonski, P., Millar, T., Grance, K., & Scarfone, K. (2012). Computer security incident handling guide (Special Publication 800-61). Retrieved from
This document provides computer incident response guidelines.

Kral, P. (2011). The incident handlers handbook. Retrieved from
This document describes the six phases of the incident handling process.

University of Arkansas. (n.d.). Risk assessment guidelines. Retrieved from
This document describes risk assessment and provides a sample report.

Document: Case Study: Plush Packet Institute of Technology (PDF document)
Note: You will use this document to complete Assignment 2 in this unit.

Assignment: Certified Forensic Tools

Have you ever read a fictional story about a treasure hunt for pirates gold? Adventurers often follow a crude map that marks the exact spot of the treasure with a large X. To find the treasure, the adventurers must overcome many challenges and use a wide variety of resources. In the end, they unearth a treasure chest and delight in its riches.
Computer forensics investigations are like treasure hunts conducted in reverse. The location of the treasure is specified in a search warrant and X marks a property on a city map. As a forensics investigator, you are given the treasure firsta bounty of computers, devices, and information. Your job is to analyze this treasure and work backwards to the suspects. To accomplish this, you will use certified forensics tools to preserve digital evidence. Like a serpentine dashed trail on the treasure map, your path will have many twists and turns and might take you through memory addresses, inside devices, and across networks. Without certified forensics tools, authorities would find it difficult, if not impossible to collect and preserve digital evidence. Prosecutors would have an even greater challenge bringing many cases to trial.
You are a forensics expert working at a federal lab. You have been given the following physical evidence for a suspect being held on numerous charges that include plotting to destroy federal facilities, aiding and abetting terrorists, and counterfeiting:
    Phones (3 smart phones, 1 old analog phone, and 1 used pre-paid cell phone)
    Media (44 data DVDs, 13 data CDs, 2 SD cards, and two 3.5 floppy disks)
    Cameras (1 digital camera with a cracked lens and 1 DSLR camera body)
    Hard Drives (5 external and 8 internal hard drives)
    Routers (1 router)
    Tablets (2 tablets)
    PDAs (1 PDA [personal digital assistant])
    Laptops (2 PC laptops and 1 Mac notebook)
    Desktops (1 PC desktop with monitor, mouse, and external 3.5 floppy drive)
    Thumb Drives (1 thumb drive)

One of the laptops is on and connected to a foreign network through a wireless access pointa directory structure is visible; the operating system is Windows XP. The suspect is also known to have an account with an Internet Service Provider (ISP).

For this Assignment, write a 4- to 5-page report in APA format that evaluates several forensic software tools.

Explain which ones you might use to conduct your investigation of the physical evidence. Be sure to address tools that you might use to collect evidence from the foreign network. Justify your choices.

Required Readings
Easttom, C., & Taylor, J. (2011). Computer crime, investigation, and the law. Boston, MA: Course Technology.

    Chapter 7, Observing, Collecting, Documenting, and Storing Electronic Evidence (pp. 227245)
This chapter outlines the steps for an investigator to follow when initiating any investigation.

    Chapter 8, Collecting Evidence from Hardware (pp. 247273)
This chapter describes how to perform a forensic examination, find, and catalog evidence from a hard drive.

    Chapter 9, Collecting Evidence from the Operating System (pp. 275300)
This chapter describes how to gather information from the operating system.

    Chapter 10, Collecting Evidence from Other Sources (pp. 301315) 
This chapter describes how evidence is collected from various sources such as firewalls and routers.

Assignment 1: Jurisdictional Aspects of Cybercrime

You are using your wireless device to locate a restaurant. Suddenly, a large flashing skull-and-crossbones appears on your screen and a menacing laugh plays. Seconds later your device has been wiped clean. You are the victim of a cybercrime. If caught, can the cybercriminal that destroyed your devices data be brought to justice, regardless of jurisdiction?
To prepare for this Assignment, examine a law that addresses cybercriminal (e.g., hackers, spammers, or cyber terrorists) offenses.

For this Assignment, write a 2- to 3-page paper in APA format that:

    Explains the laws key elements, especially those related to jurisdiction and sentencing.
    Analyzes the jurisdictional aspects of cybercrime related to bringing cybercriminals to justice. Provide an example in which this law might apply.

Assignment 2: Copyright and its Various Owner Rights

The Internet has facilitated exposure for a multitude of industries, artists, and products. However, inherent challenges exist when attempting to protect ownership. If users have access to someone elses media and documents, should they be able to copy, modify, or distribute them? This is a crucial question that individuals and legislators are attempting to answer in this digital age.
You have just passed the state bar exam and are now officially an attorney. As a reward, the junior partner has assigned you a case. Your client is a popular band named Pixel the Pony. The bands manager, Hub The Hippo, and record producer, Mac The Meerkat are in your office. Hub explains that the bands new single Pony Express is being distributed illegally by music lovers on the Internet in mp3 format. He discusses at length the substantial time and costs the band incurred creating this original work.
Once he finishes, Mac shows you spreadsheets detailing costs, expenses, and projected profits. She feels that the illegal distribution (via peer-to-peer networks [P2P]) will result in the record label losing significant income. Hub and Mac want the distributions to stop immediately and those responsible held accountable. So far, the record labels investigators have determined that illegal distribution has occurred in the United States and abroad.

For this Assignment, write a 4- to 5-page paper in APA format that:

    Specifies which U.S. intellectual property, digital rights management, and/or property laws apply to this case
    Enables your case as a consideration in the purview of “fair use” under the law
    Proposes remedies the law provides for the enlisted violations
    Addresses how your clients expected revenues will be adversely impacted
    Discusses legal remedies that you will be seeking on behalf of your client
    Briefly addresses possible international jurisdictional problems

Reflection 7

Part 1:

Please take a look at the Dickinson Poems and the Quotations from Lewis. 

Prepare a reflection response on the writing of either Dickinson or Lewis. 

Reflect upon the poems or the quotations that are most meaningful to you and explain why.

Build a Customer Community Project

Read Chapters 5-7 in Marketing to the Social Web. Assume you are starting a company.  Think of a product or service you will sell.  Write a one page summary of this company and in additional pages thoroughly respond to Steps 1-3. You need to demonstrate an understanding of Ch 5-7, the specific steps mentioned, and how you would specifically implement for your company. Your submission needs to be substantive in nature and a thorough analysis. As always, please ensure spelling, grammar, and sentence structure is reviewed and addressed.

As a new business owner, you are limited in financial resources for your company.  As you have learned in this social marketing class, there are many ways to promote your new company without spending a lot of money.  For this project you will develop a plan to build your own customer community.

Your one page company summary and steps 1-3 are due this week. Below are nuggets from the chapters, but you want to be sure to read and thoroughly apply all the content from the assigned chapters to this assignment.

Step 1: Observe and Create a Customer Map
The goal is to understand the most influential places within the social web and capture what the largest communities are. See what they are talking about and what the talking points are. See what people are saying about your company, the products/services, and your competitors. Part of observe is to research the key influencers using search tools and keywords. You may see what key terms and words are helpful in your category. Observation will help you understand your space and business landscape. With the customer map, you will identify all key customer segments and consumer groups and fully understand their needs, wants, concerns, etc. This is more than just knowing key demographics, but knowing what is called psychographics (attitudinal data, behavioral data, more emotional in nature and somewhat intangible versus static demographic data).

Step 2: Recruit Community Members
This is all about why a customer will engage with you. Remember how Chapter 6 talked about the need for ensuring a sound outreach strategy using the Social Web and how the content must be compelling. Well, you do need a specific plan in attracting and retaining your community. Marketing on the social web is all about generating leads, producing revenues, increasing brand awareness, building loyalty, and starting a meaningful dialogue. Recruiting is about meeting the consumers needs whether they are looking for networking opportunities, entertainment, information, knowledge, or a forum in which they can give feedback/opinions. To recruit you can use traditional media (direct mail, lists, brochures, advertisements, etc.) and of course, digital/social media. The goal is to create a community that people want to engage with and tell others about.

Step 3: Evaluate Online Conduit Strategies
The main questions to address are (1) Who do you want to reach? and (2) What do you want to say to them? The four main strategies are reputation aggregators, blogs, e-communities, and social networks. And search too. You would use all of the above to fully embrace a sound strategy and to maximize your ROI.

The 1-page company summary would want to contain such elements as the company description (a summary of your products/services), mission, focus, potentially a SWOT analysis, your structure, your competitive advantage (how you differentiate yourself), etc. You would then move forward with Steps 1-3.

Read through the assigned deliverables and execute appropriately and thoroughly. Please ensure your submission is thorough, detailed, and addresses the key concepts. The Assignment is to submit a 1-page summary of your company AND in additional pages thoroughly address Steps 1-3 (your submission will be multiple pages in length).

Popular Press Versus Scholarly Sources

Assignment Goals
The purpose of this assignment is to
    Differentiate between popular press sources and scholarly peer-reviewed sources
    Evaluate how evidence and research is used in the area of health promotion
    Utilize critical analytic skills in assessing the validity of the information available to consumers since these articles in the popular press represent the information that your clients will be asking you about. A health care provider needs to be able to critically analyze this type of information for his or her clients and families.

Assignment Directions
Find an article in the popular press (i.e., a newspaper or magazine article from a publication such as Newsweek, Time, or The New York Times) that discusses current research or a topic in the area of health promotion and disease prevention.
For the purposes of this assignment, the popular press article must discuss or refer to original research, and you must be able to locate the original scientific study discussed. (The research article must be published in a scholarly peer-reviewed journal.)
After reviewing both sources, complete a one-page evaluation that addresses the following points:
1.    Provide a brief summary of the popular press article.
2.    How does the popular press article present the research from the primary source?
3.    Is this popular press article something that you would share with your patients? Why?
4.    Provide any other observations you have about the two articles and how the information is presented in each. (E.g., In your opinion, does the popular press article get it right? Is there misleading information or oversimplifications? How do the two sources differ in terms of language or tone?)

Make sure to include full APA citations for both sources.

Tips= You can use this Time Magazine article about sleep deprivation…(

…and compare it to these scholarly sources mentioned in the Time Magazine article…
