Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Work Breakdown Structure Project

Work Breakdown Structure Project
you will create a WBS for a project to remodel a kitchen. The items are required for this assignment:

Create a list of the major deliverables
Create an outline from this list you just created (modify the list as necessary). An example of an outline for a Wedding project follows:

Work Breakdown Structure

1. Wedding project
1.1    Decide on date
1.2    Marriage license
1.3    Ceremony
1.3.1    Rent church
1.3.2    Florist
1.3.3    Create/print programs
1.3.4    Hire photographer
1.3.5    Wedding ceremony
1.4    Guests
1.4.1    Develop guest list
1.4.2    Order invitations
1.4.3    Address and mail invitations
1.4.4    Track RSVPs
1.5    Reception
1.5.1    Reserve reception hall
1.5.2    Food and beverage    Choose caterer    Decide on menu    Make final order
1.5.3    Hire band
1.5.4    Decorate reception hall
1.5.5    Wedding reception

Create the WBS diagram, providing three levels of detail in the outline and WBS.
Your project paper should be 12 pages in length and follow APA formatting and citation.

Post-Anesthesia Care Unit Nurses’ Knowledge of Pulse Oximetry

The instructions will be attached in a word document for better understanding .

Grading Criteria
Definition of research concepts highlighted in Research Critique Outline AND example from assigned research article, if applicable.
8 pts
Proper grammar, spelling, syntax
Overall use of APA style (format, references etc.)
1 pts

disinfecting protocols for an animal hospital

they are asking me to write a paper stating what i would do if i was in charge of disinfecting protocols in an animal hospital. How i would clean things, what my protocols would be. For example id deep clean the cabinets once a month. I will upload and provide the assignment instructions so you can see

Diagnostic Tools

students will be responsible for reading three research articles and completing written responses to the readings for that day. These responses are meant to facilitate class discussion of the assigned material. For each response, students will be required to write a one-page paper synthesizing the three articles.
The following factors will be considered in grading: relevance, accuracy, synthetization of the reading materials, degree to which the responses show understanding/comprehension of the material, and quality of writing.

risk factors of patients fall in hospital

I have two result i got from my research and I need to write disscussion about this two results:
first : illeterate patients or those with low education level are more at risk of fall in Hospital ?
A)what are the causes for that , B)add studies with same results support this ideas
Second: more patients who fall were married
A)what do you think the causes for this result
B)support your disscussion with more studies
C) then write about nursing roles in this , some recomendation to prevent the fall of illeterate patients to provide more education
1)the refrencess should be updated from 2016 then
2)my study was conducted in Saudi Arabia better to add studies in saudi arabia

The Nexus of Homeland Security and Terrorism

The Nexus of Homeland Security and Terrorism
You will examine the nexus between terrorism and homeland security. You will analyze the use of all phases of emergency management (mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery and the subcomponents found in each phase) as much as is applicable as each relates directly to terrorism. Mitigation as it relates to terrorism will be examined and will include risk assessment as well as mitigation strategies both structural and non-structural. Hint mitigation of terrorism can and should be at many levels and in many ways, such as strategically and globally as well as tactically and locally and across a myriad of disciplines. Prevention will also be addressed, and, again, holistically. Preparedness will be addressed, and remember, there are many disciplines that represent the first responder community as well as the larger homeland security community. Response and recovery will be addressed and, once again, there are many groups involved in both phases. The analysis will be written in standard APA formatting using headings and references. A minimum of 6 references are required. The examination must be at least 7 full pages of content. The paper will be submitted through SafeAssign.

Assignment Specifics:
    Minimum of 7 full pages, not counting title and reference pages
    Research-oriented paper in current APA format
    At least 6 sources

Submit by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Friday of Module/Week 8.

Career Development of Professional women returning to the workforce

Your report should include:
o A description of the target group and their needs which might include: language, lack of skills, cultural isolation, qualifications, sponsors and networks, experience, organisational resistance, lack of organisational flexibility (jobs, time, etc.)
o Are you targeting a particular industry or sector?
o Is the strategy one to be implemented by an organisation, government or NGO, or a combination;
o Provide a brief overview of the types of strategies that are required for the career development of this group. Select one strategy to discuss in detail that you believe will address one or more of the issues identified from your research.
o Rationale for the chosen strategy drawing on research, both academic and organisational material. What are the factors that are needed to ensure that your strategy is effective? What are the risks or barriers to success?
o Outline how this strategy might be implemented – steps that you would recommend. o Provide one example of an organisation that is using this strategy with success.

The report is to be written as an organisational document with wide distribution and a diverse audience, not as a formal academic essay. However, your project should be informed by both a review of relevant academic (research, refereed articles, books, etc.) and professional literature (organisational reports, government policies, media articles, audio visual resources). The presentation: format, language and organisation, needs to be informative and persuasive.

Concept Analysis Project Part 1

1- The concept word is HEALTH
2-Determine the aims of the concept analysis according to Walker and Avants Method.
3-Identify all uses of the concept possible by using dictionaries, thesauruses, colleagues, and current literature to establish definitions and uses.
4-Determine the defining attributes of the concept by taking notes on the characteristics that appear repeatedly when examining the different instances of the concept.

A- Clearly presented concept and introductory paragraph with purpose statement & overview of Walker and Avants Method.

B -Clearly present aims of the concept chosen according to Walker and Avants Method.

C -Clearly identified all uses of the concept using appropriate resources according to Walker and Avants Method.

D -Clearly presented defining attributes of the concept according to Walker and Avants Method.

E -Correct APA formatting for title page, in text citations, and reference list.

Strategic Planning and Leadership

The overall objective is to understand and explain the limited representation of African American populations in athletic leadership positions, specifically coaching in the NFL and the NBA. The two focal points are as follows:

-The impact of mission, vision, and culture on profits and strategic planning
-Evaluation of previous performance

Attached is the first paper written on this topic. This paper (2) should be a continuation of paper 1 addressing the two focal points above.

Minimum of 6 sources

Trends in Healthcare Spending

The cost of healthcare in the U.S. is often discussed by the press. Trends in healthcare spending are determined by public and private decisions about health care delivery and reflect the values and beliefs of society and policy makers.

Compare the distribution of healthcare expenses for 2017. (Nations health dollar: where it came from and where it went with those of 2011 [see textbook]).

Write a summary of your findings and their meaning in terms of health care spending.

Must be formatted in APA and all references cited.