Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Difficult and Virtual Stakeholders

Perform the following tasks:

Step 1: Respond to the following questions:

What are the consequences of not controlling stakeholder engagement? A PMI article identified the following types of problem stakeholders: Micro-managers, pushies, doubting thomases, procrastinators, scope creeps, and saboteurs. Discuss your strategies for handling difficult stakeholders on your projects or your stakeholder management plan. 

What are the advantages and disadvantages of working with virtual stakeholders?

Use the assigned case study “Fiat Group  in the Mastering Project Human Resource Management textbook on pp. 217-218 to answer the following questions:

Discuss the concept of project management family within the context of this case.

What did Comau do to control project communications?

What are the lessons learned from this case?

Investigating the Growth of Robotics: Impacts on Employment and Economic Trend

PPT needed on the research paper attached

the ppt is of 10 minutes and the table of contents shud be as follows

1. What is your Proposal about?

2. Why it is important (related to literature review and gap in the literature identified)

3. What is/are the aim/objective/ purpose of the proposal?

4. What are your research questions or hypothesis?

5. What data do you need to address your research question or hypothesis?

6. How are you going to collect the data, and analyze the data?

please write notes(in notes section) on each slide so I know as to what to speak during that particular slide. the content of all notes should suffice 10 minutes

Manage Stakeholder Engagement

Part 1: Evaluate the inputs, tools and techniques, and outputs of manage stakeholder engagement.

What role does a communications management plan play in helping the project manager manage stakeholder engagement?

Part 2: Read Case Study: “Solenoid Electric India Limited – Using Its Core Values to Lead the Way in Effective Stakeholder Engagement Management” on page 196 and answer questions 1-5 on page 200.

Identify Solenoid Electrics key external stakeholders.
What are Solenoids stakeholder engagement strategies?
What is the significance of the acronym SCORE in this case?
How does Solenoid Electric manage engagement with its customers?
What are the lessons learned from this case?
Write a 3-4 page paper in the form of an essay.

The paper must include an introduction, body and conclusion.
Include a title page and a reference page (these do not count toward the three page requirement).
Follow APA (current edition) format.
Use information from the text, other scholarly sources, and your personal experiences (if applicable) to support your answer.

Mastering Project Human Resource Management: Effectively Organize and Communicate with all Project Stakeholders, Harjit Singh, 2015, Pearson Education

Gibbs Cycle on Shadow

Hi there,
I hope you are doing well.I need Gibbs cycle essay but i need A+ grade in this essay if possible please contact me as soon as possible. I have attached the instructions. You have to follow the book  chapter -16 ( the dark sides of leadership)to write the essay but please follow the template and rubric to write. Please tell me t he charges as well. I don’t know the words.

social institutions

Our text states Sociologists define social institutions as relatively stable social patterns that serve a broad range of crucial functions in society. Examples include the economy, family, religion, state, education, and media. Compare and contrast these social institutions. Which of the institutions has the greatest effect on crime and why? Be sure to support your responses with specific sources and examples (specific paper guidelines are listed below).

Guidelines (please see the grading rubric link in the course menu for further details):
2-3 pages, APA format (12 point, Times New Roman or similar font, double-spaced, 1″ margins, running head)
Include a separate title page, abstract page, and reference page
Refer to the Sample Paper _OWL_.pdf for specific requirements of each of these pages
Utilize a minimum of two (2) additional, academically appropriate, outside resources in addition to the course text

course text:
Hagan, F. E. (2016). Introduction to criminology: Theories, methods, and criminal behavior (10th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.                                               


Respond to 3 sections.

Citations: Either (author, page number) or actual sentence number as provided on pages.

There will be no separate “Works cited” or “Reference” page, so you much provide Full Bibliographical Information at the end of the response for each section.

To catheterize or not to catheterize

The prior submission was designed to introduce my subject matter which is to evaluate the need for an indwelling foley catheter in an inpatient health care facility located in the South region of the country. I will also be introducing data related to the subject to develop the project that will have to be integrated into the paper which must be completed by next week. I need background information about the subject from the individual who will assist me in completing this.

Business Ethics

Establishing a culture of sound business ethics within an organization is challenging, to say the least. Companies that market products that are not considered to be healthy for consumers have additional challenges. Using the CSU online library, research a company that markets unhealthy products. Examples might include tobacco or alcohol companies but these examples are not all-inclusive. Respond to the following questions.

1.    Briefly describe the company and its product and the ethical dilemma associated with the production and distribution of its products.
2.    Describe how the perception of the product differs within cultures both within the United States and globally.
3.    How has this company handled the ethical implications of its product with a focus on social responsibility, integrity and business ethics?
4.    Explain how leadership within the organization can instill a culture of ethics within the marketing department as they strive to advertise a product that is not healthy for the customer.

Your response should be a minimum of two double-spaced pages not including the title and reference pages. You are required to use at least one peer-reviewed source. Referenced sources must have accompanying citations complying with APA guidelines.

One good peer-reviewed reference to use is What Is Our Story? Philip Morriss Changing Corporate Narrative. (Named Philip Morris CSU article attached) Any others you can choose as you like.

Caregiver Staffing in Skilled Nursing Facilities and the Influence on Quality of Care

Compose a focused paper that explains and describes your healthcare issue/topic from the scientific and mathematical/analytical perspectives of inquiry. (You will cover two perspectives in one paper.)

Address your general topic by forming and answering two levels of research questions for each inquiry.

Choose a Level 1 Research Question/Writing Prompt from both of the lists below to answer in the paper.
Compose a Level 2 Research Question/Writing Prompt for each kind of inquiry that provides detail, specificity, and focus to your inquiry, research, and writing.
State your research questions in the introduction of your paper.
Answer each research question and support your assertions with evidence (research) to form the body of your paper.
In the conclusion of the paper, briefly review the issues, research questions, answers, and insights.
Level 1 Research Questions/Writing Prompts
SCIENTIFIC Perspective of Inquiry

What are the anatomical, physiological, pathological, or epidemiological issues?
Which body systems are affected?
What happens at the cellular or genetic level?
Which chemical or biological issues are most important?

Level 1 Research Questions/Writing Prompts

What are the economic issues involved?
Which economic theories or approaches best explain the issue?
What are the statistical facts related to the issue?
Which statistical processes used to study the issue provide for the best explanation or understanding?

Paper Topic: Caregiver Staffing in Skilled Nursing Facilities and the Influence on Quality of Care
I have attached the references page

Community Health Care Program Comparison

In 750-1,000 words, compare the GCU Wellness Center to a community health care program in your community. Address the following in your comparison:
How does each program evaluate their overall strengths? Consider the program’s accreditation.
What are the challenges that each of these entities face?
What are two evidence-based practices used by each entity?
How effectively does each program include mental health services? Explain how they do so.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.