Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Article that relates to personality development


            Description of journal article (e.g., publication date, title, journal name)

            Thesis Statement clearly indicated (main idea of your critique, sum up the main points)

            Explanation of why you think the article is relevant


            Provides overall idea of the content of the article

            Outline main points

            Outline results

            Outline discussion


            Provide critique of the article

            Description of problems with the authors premise, methods, or conclusions

            Well-organized, argument flows well from one point to the next

            Clearly addresses and refers back to thesis statement of critique


            Overview of the articles argument

            State conclusions based on analysis/critique

            Provide your conclusion and your reactions to the article


Read Chapters 9 – 10:
      Daft, Richard.  (2018).  The Leadership Experience, (7th edition).
Leaders Self-Reflective Summary Report for Chapters 9-10
Leaders Self-Reflective Summary Reports: (see uploaded material)
Leadership Self-Insight 9.1 on page 264
Leadership Self-Insight 10.2 on page 307

Submission criteria: complete all assigned exercises and submit an 400 to 700 word report: double-spaced, one-inch margins, 12-point font, and APA format.

Each weekly summary should include three sections:

    Section I: Summary- Summarize the results of the exercises.

    Section II: Discussion- Discuss how the results of the exercises apply to the information and/or concepts presented in the text

    Section III: Personal Reflection

    1.    Discuss how you will use the information and concepts presented in the assigned chapters and the results of the exercises to enhance your ability to lead others.

    2.  Discuss how you will use the information and concepts presented in the assigned chapters and the results of the exercises to create value in your career.

Stress Managment

For the past few weeks you have been reading and talking about the mechanics and manifestations of stress. Now it is time to practice putting a bit of what you have been learning into action. For this first Learning Activity (LA1) you will need your textbook, your workbook (found on the Navigate site), and 2 or 3 scholarly sources of  information (journals, professionally vetted internet material, or other scholarly publications).

What we are doing:
You are going to choose and use three (3) worksheets in your workbook to first, identify some of your personal stressors, and second, evaluate how well you think these worksheets work for you. Notice how this assignment ties into your PSMJ2? Consider how you might use this assignment to raise your personal awareness about the stressor you have picked to focus on for PSMJ2.

Why we are doing this activity:
As you may have read in your textbook, we are not always aware that we are stressed or how that stress is manifesting itself. Part of the purpose of this activity is for you to start learning more about yourself and what you can do to better care for you. The second purpose of the activity is for you to start practicing skills to critically assess resources for yourself.

You will be writing a short, formal paper (500 words or more) which will include the following:
1. Choose and complete three workbook exercises from chapters 1-8 in your workbook. Be sure to include all of the following information about the workbook exercises in your paper: the title, page number, purpose, and the (abbreviated) results for each exercise. Remember — the workbook is a source and so is your textbook! You will need to cite and reference in APA these appropriately.
Respond to the following prompts for each workbook exercise:

a) why did you choose to complete this exercise?

b) what you hoped to find out by completing this exercise?

c) Did the results provide you with information/insight/understanding you expected?

Describe what your feelings were as you worked through each of the exercises. Discuss your reactions to the results.

Combine your experience/reactions to the exercises and respond to the following prompts:

What were the benefits your gained from the exercises? If there were’t benefits — than talk about this.

will you or will not put the results into action? and why/why not?

How will you apply the results of these exercises to your personal stress management?

For the conclusion, I want you to look for 2-3 scholarly references which relate to the stressors you want to mange (for example — if you are looking at time-management — find articles related to this topic) and talk about how you can merge what you learned from the completing the worksheets with what you learn from the articles. Consider how intra-personal work — learning about self through these worksheets — can be supported by reading formal work and research done by others. How does putting these to sources of information together further your personal work to manage your stress more healthfully?

Stress Managment

1.    First mentally draw a 5 – 10-mile circle around you and think deeply about the people who are your neighbors and the community of which you are a part.
1.    Who are they?
My neighbors
2.    What are their common experiences?
3.    What is stressful and why about these common experiences?
2.    Click on the link below to read the journal article on spiritual needs Spirituality and stress relief: Make the connection (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)
3.    Then watch and listen to the Ted Talk video called “Connected but alone?” with Sherry Turkl ( – with your community in mind.
4. Now, with your particular community still in mind, can you identify any stressors related to technology, disconnection, and spirituality in your community? Describe how the information presented in the article and interview can AND cannot be applied to your community, and why. 
1.    How might you apply what you have learned about stress in this module to serve as a health resource for people in your community?
2.    If you could choose a worksheet from the workbook which would help raise awareness about the stress you’ve identified in your community, what worksheet would that be and why? (title, page, purpose) Why this one? Why or how would it help?
3.    Finally, is there a worksheet that would be offensive if it were presented to a person in your community. Why?

See attachment for worksheets



1.    Webinar Reflection

View either the ANA webinar How to Respond to Ethical Challenges and Moral Distress During the COVID-19 Pandemic (nursing students) or the University of Washington presentation Ethics in Public Health Emergencies: COVID-19 (non-nursing students)
Reflect on any new concepts, thoughts or ideas from the webinar/presentation.
Discuss how concepts from the webinar/presentation affect your current or future role in your your workplace, community or family
How has the webinar/presentation challenged or changed your perspectives or perceptions of ethics during pandemics?
2.    Ethical Theories: Deontology, Teleologic (Utilitarianism), Virtue

Discuss how ethical theories play a role during pandemics.  Consider how the ethical theory may change during different phases of a pandemic; how this change in ethical theory may affect your current or future role as a healthcare professional; how this change affects standards of practice and decision-making; conflicts that arise due to these changes; potential resolutions for conflicts etc.
3.    Poll choice pandemic topic.

Introduce the issue and discuss ethical principles either violated or upheld
Discuss which type of justice (compensatory, social, distributive) best applies and why.
What thoughts or emotions does your poll choice topic stir up?  Does it conflict with your personal morals?  Reflect on how this case might impact your current or future profession role in healthcare.

Include at least ONE reference/resource from your course materials and at least ONE ADDITIONAL source besides your texts and readings that is a peer reviewed scholarly article within the last 5 YEARS. Please remember to cite all sources using APA (7th ed.)

Doherty, R.F. & Purtilo, R.B. (2016). Ethical dimensions in the health professions (6th ed.). Elsevier.


Do The Right Thing

Black Lives Matter Movement Assignment:
Students will participate in an assignment related to the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement and social justice. Review a film/movie/documentary that relates to the contemporary issues faced by diverse families.  Provide summary of the movie.  Examine the family system with consideration of the Black Lives Matter movement. Detail the dynamic of the family systems, the diversity within the family and include topic from textbook : Family Ecological Theory, Social Media Depiction of families, and Intersectionality.

Breaches of Legislation

The student will:

    identify and discuss breaches of legislation and Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers Rights and identify Code of Ethics to guide care pertaining to health care delivery and health consumer, family/whanau care.

Please read the scenario below and follow the instructions for your assessment.
Jenny works as an Enrolled Nurse in an aged care facility.  It is a morning shift and the Registered Nurse has delegated Jenny to care for Mrs Williams who has dementia and poor mobility.
Jenny enters Mrs Williams room, says hello but doesnt introduce herself.  Jenny immediately proceeds to select clothing and toiletries in preparation for her shower. 
While Jenny is showering Mrs Williams, her mobile phone rings. She leaves the shower room to attend to the call and returns a few minutes later. Mrs Williams is clearly distressed. Without acknowledging Mrs Williams distress or fully completing her hygiene cares, Jenny hurries to get Mrs Williams dressed.  She takes a selfie of her and Mrs Williams and sends it to her friend Jess before taking Mrs Williams to the dining room for breakfast.
When they get to the dining room, Mrs Williams tells Jenny that she needs to go to the toilet. Jenny states, I dont have time to take you at the moment, but Ill come back soon. Jenny returns an hour later to discover Mrs Williams has become incontinent of urine.

Assessment Instructions

1.    Identify three rights from the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers Rights (1996) that have not been met.
2.    Describe how these three rights have not been met.
3.    Identify one breach of the Privacy Act (1993) and discuss how Jenny could have avoided this breach.
She couldve avoided taking her phone out and if she needed to she couldve taken out for emergency purposes
4.    Identify one ethical principle from the NZNO Code of Ethics (2010) and discuss how this ethical principle would have guided Jenny to meet Mrs. Williams rights.
5.    Identify how Jenny has breached Social Media Guidelines.

It is a requirement that you will provide a reference list with all reference material used in your assignment.  This is required to be in APA 7th Edition format. Here is an example of a reference:
    HDC Code of Health and Disability Consumers Services Regulations (1986).  Retrieved from–code/the-code-of-rights/the-code-(full)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Purpose: To show your ability to answer a client-specific report brief by researching
appropriate information from the library, organising content into a report
structure, writing coherent sentences and paragraphs using clear
vocabulary and grammar, and formatting your writing to tertiary-level
academic standards.
Choose one of the topics below for your report assignment. Include a
minimum of five (5) academic sources to support your statements. Format
your report using APA style publication standards.
Report briefs Topic 1: E-waste
With the demand for electronic products and the throw-away nature of
consumer behaviour, electronic waste or e-waste is increasing at an
alarming rate. What classifies as e-waste? What types of e-waste
contribute most to the problem? Does it cause pollution? Is this a serious
problem for New Zealand? What solutions can be provided? An
independent, environmental working group, EnviroNZ, has requested a
report to better understand the growing problem of electronic waste (or
ewaste) disposal. Tristan Johnston, Director of EnviroNZ, is interested in
understanding the severity of this problem and what actions should be in
place that could help individual homeowners, businesses, and public
institutions in New Zealand. The research group will send your findings in a
larger document to New Zealands Minister for the Environment; therefore,
your report should include feasible recommendations which will hopefully
begin to address this complex social and environmental issue.
Topic 2: Flu vaccinations
A debate exists regarding the need for yearly flu vaccinations to be made
mandatory for the general public. As migration, tourism and global trade
has significantly increased over the past few decades, there is a concern
amongst health professionals, politicians and policy advisers that a flu can
easily spread through community transmission. One view is that flu
vaccinations should be made compulsory; however, an opposing view
suggests that flu vaccinations are recommended but remain optional for all
citizens. A government subsidised organisation, HealthCare NZ, would like
you to investigate the reasons supporting each side of the controversy. In
your report, explain how the flu is transmitted and what health information
exists for New Zealanders. Include recommendations on whether flu
vaccinations should be made compulsory and how to educate the general
Word limit: Between 1700-2000 words (include a word count at the end)
(see the sample student reports from page 123)

Management Case

Read the attached discussion (Corporate Governance and Executive Misconduct at Wynn Resorts) and answer the following questions.

1.)  Did the board of directors of Wynn Resorts operate according to the principles of good corporate governance, as described in this chapter? Why or why not? (** Briefly describe the principles, see attached.**)

2.)  Do you think Wynn Resorts’ institutional and individual shareholders used the rights described in this chapter effectively to protect their interests? Why or why not? (** Briefly discuss the legal rights of shareholders, see attached. **)

Management Case

Read the attached discussion case (Volkswagen’s “Clean Diesel” Campaign) and answer the following questions.

1.)  In what ways were consumers (car owners) harmed by Volkswagen’s actions?

2.)  Did Volkswagen violate any U.S. consumer protection laws, and if so, which ones? (** Briefly describe the consumer protection laws.**)