Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Humans, technology and the future of tourism businesse

listen to:

You will write an essay in which you discuss the relevance of one of the following contextual issues for destination marketing in a specific place. The destination can be city, countryside or coast, and it can either be one you have researched for this course or one that you know well from experience.

Your essay should make a case for the relevance of this issue for destination marketing how does this contextual issue currently influence the nature of the destination and how it can/should be marketed. You do not need to conduct any primary research for this essay; however, you must use ideas and topics discussed during the course. Your essay will be assessed on the following criteria:Thesis  statement  (20%) is  the  point  that  the essay  wishes  to  make  clear  in  the introduction?Topic sentences (30%) does each paragraph make a clear point to support the thesis statement? Are the claims madein each paragraph valid?Content (30%) does the essay include relevant topics/ideas/evidence from the course?Is the argumentation well-reasoned and well-supported?Style (20%) is the essay referenced correctly (APA style)? Is it clearly and accurately written? Is the essaycoherent and cohesive?


What is the rough estimate cost for starting your company and how much business will you need to conduct monthly to earn a profit?

aspects if initial investment, possible scenarios for capacity and revenue generation (good, best and worst-case scenario)

the pricing model for customers

break even – when are you profitable (having earned the investment, paid back e.g. loan)

use a table to have good overview and calculation (expenses and incomes)

Female empowerment through tourism


You will write an essay in which you discuss the relevance of one of the following contextual issues for destination marketing in a specific place. The destination can be city, countryside or coast, and it can either be one you have researched for this course or one that you know well from experience.

Your essay should make a case for the relevance of this issue for destination marketing how does this contextual issue currently influence the nature of the destination and how it can/should be marketed. You do not need to conduct any primary research for this essay; however, you must use ideas and topics discussed during the course.

Your essay will be assessed on the following criteria:
Thesis  statement  (20%) is  the  point  that  the essay  wishes  to  make  clear  in  the introduction?
Topic sentences (30%) does each paragraph make a clear point to support the thesis statement? Are the claims madein each paragraph valid?
Content (30%) does the essay include relevant topics/ideas/evidence from the course?Is the argumentation well-reasoned and well-supported?
Style (20%) is the essay referenced correctly (APA style)? Is it clearly and accurately written? Is the essaycoherent and cohesive?

Lead contamination

This is a 5-page paper which explains the
Policy  problem & background lucidly, with good organization, logical connections between each part,
      correct terms, & grammar, in APA format, about your chosen policy problem.  The Policy halfway
      paper only goes as far in your template as the end of the Science section. 
      If you have chosen an illness topic, be sure to include the epidemiology of the problem, the
      pathophysiology of the illness, treatments for the illness, & why the illness has not easily been
      prevented &/or treated.

POLICY PAPER template (APA format. Ensure headings for sections & sub-sections.)
Cover page with your name, course name & number with section, & TITLE of Issue paper
I.  Introduction:                                                                                                                        half-1 page 
                          1. What is the issue
                          2. Why it is important
II.  Science section:                                                                                                                        4 pages   
                            1. Epidemiological scope of the problem: statistics
                                2.  Medical/scientific explanation of problem or pathology
                                3.  Insufficient current treatments or solutions to problem


Complete the following:
-Introduction: Introduce the focus of your institution and need for further study (higher education leadership needing african american males in leadership at predominately white institutions).
Emphasize transformation of self, organization, and/or community.
-Reference relevant literature.
-Provide a summative history of the organization, including growth and setbacks.
-Statement of the problem: Provide a clear statement of the problem to be studied, places it in context of transforming organizations and communities.
-Purpose of the study: Clarify the purpose of your study in relation to the problem, provide a rationale for further study.
-Research question: Specify the research question, including hypothesis (if applicable).
-Significance: Offer a solid rationale for the study, specifying its link to educational leadership and to issues of transformative leadership, social justice and equity.
-Definition of terms: Definitions or explanations of key terminology.
-Conclusion: Offer a transitional statement to the next chapter by summarizing key points

I have attached my abstract and research questions.

answer my questions Confucius and Western Leader

    What is your selected leaders contribution to leadership? (the one you chose from the text)
    From which concept of leadership in Part 1 have you gained the most? Why? Please note that the word is leadership, not leader.
    Citations: Please cite page numbers if you are using quotes (remember that I want to see your understanding of the quote, not just the quote use quotes minimally.  Marks will be deducted for lack of citations (at least one citation per page).
    References: You must use Kellerman as your primary reference for this assignment.

Economic Development of Hong Kong

This part just talked about the economic development related to population

A little bit of history about the country/regions population that explain the current population
makeup in terms of for example racial and ethnic groups.
Use World Bank data ( to describe the current trends in the
country/regions population (total, rural vs. urban, age and gender distribution using pyramids, etc.).
Describe the factors behind the population trends (births, deaths, migrations).
Describe the factors behind birth rates (fertility), death rates (diseases, nutrition, etc.), and
migrations (economics, conflicts, etc.). Besides data from the World Bank, various UN organizations maintain data on issues of their responsibility. For example, the World Health Organization has data on diseases and health.
Population projections, using data from the UN Economic and population division: (

You can use tables, graphs in the paper, but the number of pages excludes tables, graph, and references.

You need to use the resources which I uploaded, and you can need to add more if you need.

Structural Versus Strategic Family Therapies

Structural Versus Strategic Family Therapies
    Summarize the key points of both structural family therapy and strategic family therapy.
    Compare structural family therapy to strategic family therapy, noting the strengths and weaknesses of each.
    Provide an example of a family in your practicum using a structural family map. Note: Be sure to maintain HIPAA regulations.
    Recommend a specific therapy for the family, and justify your choice using the Learning Resources.
    3 page 5 resources


Homework Assignment

1.  Think of a time in your life when you faced high levels of stress and multiple demands.  What if another problem was added, such as finding out that your partner was having an affair.  At that point, the stress and demands might seem beyond your coping skills.  What would you do?  How would you go about your normal routines?  Would you act in ways that are not typical for you, such as withdrawing, losing you temper over small things, or being irritable with your friends?  What was this experience like for you??

2. Now, think of a time when you have felt hopeless because of something that happened.  What was that experience like for you?  What role do you believe that your sense of hopelessness played in you ability to solve or not solve the problem?  What if you had talked to someone who told you they have helped someone with a similar problem before and felt confident that they could help you?  How would that have affected you level of hope?

3. When you think about both of these situations, what parts of your personality came out the most in each scenario??

***Please remember to use APA (no first person, use in-text citations and a scholarly reference). ***



1. Giving feedback is a skill that might feel awkward at first because it is probably something you have not done before.  On two different occasions, think about what you might say if you were going to give feedback.  Write down your ideas about what you could say to give feedback and the other person not get offended or become defensive.

2.  Think about a time in your life when you were in a professional setting and the professional shared something very private with you.  I want you to think of how uncomfortable that made you feel and you probably thought “This is more than I want to know about this person” or maybe “Am I supposed to something to help him/her?”  Do you think the self-disclosure would change your relationship with the professional person?  Explain how self-disclosure could be so detrimental to your client.

***Please remember to use APA (no first person, use in-text citations and a scholarly reference). ***