Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

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Assignment: Legislation Comparison Grid and Testimony/Advocacy Statement
As a nurse, how often have you thought to yourself, If I had anything to do about it, things would work a little differently? Increasingly, nurses are beginning to realize that they do, in fact, have a role and a voice.

Many nurses encounter daily experiences that motivate them to take on an advocacy role in hopes of impacting policies, laws, or regulations that impact healthcare issues of interest. Of course, doing so means entering the less familiar world of policy and politics. While many nurses do not initially feel prepared to operate in this space effectively, the reward is the opportunity to shape and influence future health policy.

To Prepare:

Select a bill that has been proposed (not one that has been enacted) using the congressional websites provided in the Learning Resources.
The Assignment: (1- to 2-page Comparison Grid; 1-page Legislation Testimony/Advocacy Statement)

Part 1: Legislation Comparison Grid

Based on the health-related bill (proposed, not enacted) you selected, complete the Legislation Comparison Grid Template. Be sure to address the following:

Determine the legislative intent of the bill you have reviewed.
Identify the proponents/opponents of the bill.
Identify the target populations addressed by the bill.
Where in the process is the bill currently? Is it in hearings or committees?
Part 2: Legislation Testimony/Advocacy Statement

Based on the health-related bill you selected, develop a 1-page Legislation Testimony/Advocacy Statement that addresses the following:

Advocate a position for the bill you selected and write testimony in support of your position.
Describe how you would address the opponent to your position. Be specific and provide examples.

theories and framework to explain mental health seeking behaviors

I want you to contrast three theoretical/conceptual frameworks that can be used to explain mental health seeking behaviors among college students (esp. nursing students if possible). The theory that I want to use and support is Theory of Planned Behavior which I believe is a good theory to be applied to the behavior of help-seeking for mental health problems among college students (i.e. nursing students). The other theories that I want to contrast are Health Belief Model and Anderson Behavioral Model. I have to justify why Theory of Planned Behavior and all of its constructs are more applicable to college students (i.e. nursing students) than the other frameworks (i.e. Health Belief Model and Anderson Behavioral Model).

Testing Relationships Among Quantitative Variables

The data type requirement for linear regression analysis is that variables are measured at interval/ratio level. You will explore the relationship among a) one’s own education achievement, b) parents’ education achievement, and c) spouse education achievement. You can find these variables in the data file gss10sdss.sav. They are educ, maeduc, paeduc, and speduc.

1. Watch the “Correlation & Regression: A Model Comparison Approach” (Links to an external site.) video.

Create the correlation table and scatter plot for educ and one of the other three variables (maeduc, paeduc,or speduc) depending on the hypothesis you would like to test.

In your initial post, present your hypothesis with clearly identifiable variables. Report the value of Pearson’s r and the statistical significance. Conclude how well the two variables correlated.
2. To run linear regression, follow these steps:
a. Click the gss10sdss.sav located in Modules > Course Information > Data and Codebooks
b. Information > Data Sets forum and it will load into SPSS;
c. Click Analyze > Regression > Linear;
d. Select the variable educ (as the dependent variable) and one of the other three variables (as the independent/predictor
e. variable); and
f. Create a scatter plot containing a regression line using the graph feature in SPSS.
– Present your independent/predictor and dependent/outcome variable.
– Report how much your independent variable predicts variance in the outcome variable (adjusted R2 and significance).
– Plug the key information in the Coefficients table into the regression equation (Y = bX + a) and  present it to the class. Explain the meanings of the numbers and symbols in the equation.
3. Attach your SPSS output to your initial post.

Please let me know if you need additional information.

Managing Stakeholder Communication

Define tools, and techniques of manage stakeholder communication.

Use the assigned case study “Tylenol Poisonings” to answer the following questions:
How important is effective communication during a crisis?
How important is stakeholder relations management during a crisis?
Should a company immediately assume responsibility for a crisis?
How important is response time when a crisis occurs?
How important is it to show compassion for people that may have been injured?
How important is it to maintain a paperwork trail?
How important is it to capture lessons learned?

Project Communications Management: Best Practice in Practice

Research project information management systems. Name some of these systems and drawing upon your personal or professional experiences discuss your understanding of their use and effectiveness.

Read the case study, “Project Communications Management: Best Practice in Practice”  in the Mastering Project Human Resource Management textbook on page 181, and answer the following questions.

What project communications best practices did the project practice?
How was the project performance status communicated to the control agencies?
What role did the project director play in enhancing the project communications management?
What are the lessons learned from this case?
Write a 3-4 page paper in the form of an essay.

The paper must include an introduction, body and conclusion.
Include a title page and a reference page (these do not count toward the three page requirement).
Follow APA (current edition) format.
Use information from the text, other scholarly sources, and your personal experiences (if applicable) to support your answer.

Social Influence

Create a social psychology infographic on the topic of your choice. Instructions are attached. Be sure to  include a reference section in your submission.

Attached are the instructions: I choose Social Influence. Also, I attached some articles of the Asch and Stanleu Milgram Experiement, but you do not have to use them

1st page be the infographic that answer the 5 W’s and with very informative information and graphics
2nd page: Part 3 Reflection

Culture and Diversity

Introduction Section:

Statement of the Issue:

In simple terms, describe the issue. Give background information on the nature of the issue. Describe the various HRD implications in your chosen topic. Devise questions that can be used to solve the issue.


Briefly state your intended outcomes and how you will measure success.  Relate these to the concepts, policies, or laws that apply to the topic that should be reviewed and considered before rendering a decision

Significance of the Research:

Briefly identify the various stakeholders,  what are the implications of this research?

Review of Literature Section:

Review five strong, peer-reviewed journal articles that contain quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methodologies. You may use no more than two articles from the Reading Room, but keep in mind some of those sources may not meet this requirement. Write briefs for each article and state how the findings relate to the solution of the business issue.

Conclusion Section:

Sum all findings and give an overall conclusion for your review.

This paper should include:

Title page (Does not count toward paper length)
Review of the Literature
References (Does not count paper length)

Double-spaced, APA 7th Ed. format
An abstract is not required
The quality and content of this paper is more important than the form, but please make an effort to adhere to the APA style guide throughout the paper.
This is an academic research paper and should be largely free of grammatical, spelling, and syntax errors.
Direct quotes should be kept to a minimum except when absolutely necessary.
This literature review should include a minimum of 7 peer-reviewed, research-based articles

Motivation Case Study

Identify a company that struggles with employee motivation. Make your choice based on evidence from resources you find. Be sure to document these resources so you can include as citations and references in your paper. The company may be currently active or no longer operating.
Not sure how to start? Try googling Worst companies to work for or companies with poor motivation. Numerous sites list companies that are struggling in differing areas. Once you identify the company you want to research, google news articles or other sites that include information about the company and the situations affecting motivation/challenges.
Research the company and the associated motivational challenges.
As you research, consider this weeks activity about bias to try and rule out commentary that may not be credible. Seek professional sites, rather than just opinions. Check out the What is CRAAP? A Guide To Evaluating Web Sources (Links to an external site.) and this Four Moves & a Habit: A Guide for Web Literacy and Fact Checking (Links to an external site.) resources for support.
Include a short summary about the company.
Note that enough information should be included to inform the reader (your instructor) about the company and the noted challenges/issues.
Identify three to five motivational challenges within the company that you discovered through your research. Support this information with citations for the sources that provided you the information about the organization.
Discuss potential rationales for why the company is experiencing these issues. Support your assertions with credible sources.
Identify at least three content theories and/or process theories of motivation, discussed in this weeks text chapters that could be applicable to determining strategies/solutions. (You are to identify the theories that you think could be applied to improve the organizations situation.) Consider using headings in your paper to organize this information.
Note that extrinsic and intrinsic motivation are types of motivation and should not be presented as theories, but as variables within a theory.
Discuss Possible Solutions/Changes Needed
Identify at least two strategies that could be applied to improve motivation, based on your reading and research.

Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.

Must use at least one peer-reviewed source in addition to the course text. You are encouraged to use additional credible websites and articles that offer information about the company you have chosen.

Race Culture and Oppression

watch the video and answer the four questions:

Please answer each question in the order you see in the Rubric

1. What is one important concept/issue/topic……

2. Why is this important to RCO

3. What is a personal and/or work experience you have had that resonates with the topic

4. Pose a new question

Please be sure to separate out each of the 4 questions above. Numbering your responses, or giving a heading to each one would be very helpful.
Also, there needs to be a citation from:

Marsiglia, F & Kulis, S. (2015) Diversity, oppression, and Change: 2nd ed. Chicago: Lyceum Books Inc.
-I cannot seem to upload it for you but its specifically chapter 6 and 11 for reference with the book and movie. The only citations can be from the book (required) and the video.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Use the Instructions for Case Analyses which is attached  to craft a response to this case, articulating the main issues and ethical dilemma.  Review the assessment criteria below before you begin writing.

Case: The Good Credit Reference

Topic: Insider Information/Trading

People Involved:

Kathy Ryan, Trade Credit Officer, Diversified Consolidated Corporation
Scott Bradley, Treasurer, North Manufacturing
Mike Walman, Credit Managers, Basic Products
Kathy Ryan, a credit officer at Diversified Consolidated Corporation (DCC), had heard rumors that North Manufacturing was in deep trouble. She is responsible for credits to North of approximately $1 million. North always pays on time and is current on outstanding payables to DCC. North, in fact, uses DCC as a credit reference with other suppliers. Nevertheless, Kathy decided a visit to North was in order.

Kathy Ryan and Scott Bradley, Norths treasurer, had developed a good working relationship and went to lunch during Kathys visit. After several drinks, Scott Bradley said: Kathy, were fried. I have to tell you, our financial statements arent fraudulent, but they dont paint the full picture. Not only are we not doing well, but weve been talking to bankruptcy attorneys. If things dont turn around soon, we may file before the end of next quarter. We plan to continue paying DCC promptly because we need all the trade credit we can get. In fact, supplier credit is giving us a chance to come back. Without it, wed be under right now; with it, we might just squeak by. Frankly, if there is any way you can encourage your competition to supply us–do it. Ive told Purchasing to place a large order with Basic Products instead of DCC. If Basic gives us credit, we can pay DCC in full before we file. If we make it through this, DCC will get our business back, but I dont want your career to suffer because of our problems now.

Kathy was shaken by Scotts comments. She knew that if Norths credit went bad she would lose her annual bonus–25 percent of her compensation–and probably any chance for promotion. At worst, she could be fired. Shortly after her visit with Scott Bradley, she received a call from her friend in the Credit Department at Basic Products, Mike Walnnan. Suppliers often share credit information on common customers, so it was not surprising that Mike called. DCCs policy is to provide what they refer to as the prompt payment history for the customer. This includes recent high credit balances, any past-due balance, and how promptly customer payments had been received.

After Kathy provided Norths prompt payment history–which in fact had been good–Mike was enthusiastic. I’m glad to hear that, he said. We just got a huge order to supply them through the end of the year. There are a lot of rumors floating around, but if youre getting paid promptly on that much, I guess it’s OK. Kathy broke in at that moment. “Can you hold the line, Mike? Theres someone at my door. She put Mike on hold, her mind racing. She could suggest that Mike look into other public information sources or contact other suppliers about credit histories with North. That would be within acceptable company practice and almost certainly would send up a red flag for Mike. But who else could supply enough credit to North for DCC to get its money out?

She couldnt keep Mike on hold forever, she pressed the flashing button on her telephone– Mike? What should Kathy say?

Written Assignment Requirements
Submit a written paper which is 3 pages in length exclusive of reference page and that is double-spaced. The paper should cite sources to support your ideas. Be sure to review the assessment criteria below before beginning your paper. Cite at least 5 reference(s) you use in the preparation of your essay using proper APA format..