Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Unlawful Requirement Recruitment Practices Paper

Examine the EEOC website: (Links to an external site.).
After examining the EEOC website mention above, do the following:
    Provide three to four examples of where following these laws can affect a recruitment process.
    Provide three to four strategies on how organizations should modify their recruitment processes to ensure that they still hire the best and brightest employees in the marketplace.
Submission Requirements:
    Write a three- to five-page paper, (900-1200 words), not including the title and reference pages, which are required.
    Your paper must be properly cited and formatted according to APA7 standards
    Include a formal references page. This is an individual paper; however, you should reflect on our discussion forums and incorporate ideas from there, as appropriate.
    You must support your analysis with at least four references (at least two scholarly/peer reviewed), and can include resources from this course.


This modules discussion board has one thread with several tasks/questions. To complete this weeks discussion board assignment, do the following:

Take the Leadership Style Survey which is Exhibit 10-2 in Chapter 10 of the Borkowski textbook.
Present your scores for Authoritarian Style, Participative Style, and Delegative Style
Present your self-assessment/ reflection regarding  your scores.
Were you surprised at your scores?
Do you think your score is a valid representation of your true style?
Would you, or would you not like to change your style (score); why or why not?

Middle East

Textbook: Chapter 14, 15
Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook) I have uploaded the book

Option 1: Middle East
Examine the origins of the Arab-Israeli conflict from its beginnings some 4000 years ago and how it has evolved/devolved over the centuries to the current time? Analyze the role of the Balfour Declaration on Israel’s rebirth in 1948 and its effectiveness in helping Jewish people in their quest to reclaim their ancient homeland.

Scholarly Paper: Identify an existing policy from your Policy and Procedure manual in your workplace then search the literature for credible and reliable (Cochrane, AHQA, CINAHL or PubMed) information to support and/or refute the policy. Please have at le

1. Identify an existing policy from your Policy and Procedure manual in your workplace then search the literature for credible and reliable (Cochrane, AHQA, CINAHL or PubMed) information to support and/or refute the policy.

– Give an introduction indicating the policy and procedure that you will be writing about and why you chose that particular one (information on how it is executed in the workplace) 2-3 paragraphs.

– Discuss the information that you have gathered from the literature to support and/or refute this policy and procedure (while we expect information from the literature, we want to hear your voice echoing in this paper). Please use first or third person to write this paper). Please also use examples to support your claims. 4-6 paragraphs.

– Discuss revisions that you, as the nurse, would suggest should be made to this policy and procedure and include why you think these revisions should be made or why you think that no revisions need to be made, based on the evidence in the literature. 2-3 paragraphs.

2. Please adhere to the APA guidelines:

– Please have at least seven (7) citations/references. Further, at least five (5) of the citations/ references must be research based. Please note that any online articles used must be from .gov, .edu or .org only (no Wikipedia). Please include the relevant chapter(s) of your textbook. You should also have a reference page and your references should be listed in the hanger indent format. Please be reminded that you cannot have references that are not matching with citations in your paper.

– You should have a Title page with running head that starts as page 1, this page must also have the title of the paper, your name and Florida Gateway College (nothing elsesee page 51 in your APA manual 7th edition for an example)

– Your paper should be clearly written with subheading (based on APAplease refer to your APA manual for levels of heading).

– You should have an introduction, body (several paragraphs), and a conclusion.

– Your paper should be 12 font, double spaced and no less than eight (8) and more than twelve (12) paragraphs. Has the title page and the reference page.

Sexual Assault in the Military

Task:  Write a research paper using evidence to support a thesis that addresses your research question examining a current issue or event in the news from the perspective of your field of study. The audience is people who are generally educated but do not have extensive knowledge of your field or topic.

Length:  At least 2000 words

Sources: Minimum of 6. At least 3 of these must be from scholarly journals, and all sources should be selected based on reliability, currency, and level of information/analysis.

Research Question: Why are service members afraid to make a sexual assault report?
Thesis restated: Despite changes made to decrease sexual assault incidents, military members remain overwhelmed by the issue.

Topic sentence 1 restated: Military culture creates a breeding ground for predatory behavior.

Topic sentence 2 restated: Sexual assault cases are often influenced more by chains of command than the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

Topic sentence 3 restated: In order to promote positive change, periodical evaluations should be performed to ensure service members are implementing sexual assault training.

Reflection 5

Select two of the questions and provide your response.

1) What was your overall reaction to the reading Of Mixed Descent III?

2) Do you feel that the father’s reaction was the type of reaction to his child’s birth that you would expect to see in our society; yes or no and why?

3) What do you feel the role of another person or health care provider is in this birth event?


Case study #4

Noninvasive Prenatal Tests (NIPT) are available for a number of genetic conditions. A woman is pregnant with her first child. The woman and her husband come from a culture where the male child is highly respected. They decide to undergo testing to determine the sex of the baby. They learn through the NIPT that the baby is a girl. The husband decides that he would like to terminate the pregnancy and try for a boy.
Issues to Consider: Autonomy, Beneficence, Nonmaleficence, Justice

Instructions for Assignment 1: Annotated Bibliography on Genetic
Testing and Genomics Ethics
After viewing all tabs for this week, including the introduction, resources with link to template,
and rubric, complete Assignment 1 addressing each of the following required elements. Submit
paper in drop box. Three articles for annotated bibliography should be submitted to articles drop
box. Assignment due Sunday 2359, EST.
1. Annotated Bibliography
a. Include three (3) scholarly peer-reviewed articles with the last five (5) years.
b. Include three (3) summaries or annotations, focusing on the questions about the
case study ethical issue as instructed below.
c. Annotation should be written in your own words, not copy and pasted from
d. Each annotation should be 150-175 words. Each article should be cited within
the body of the paper for element 2 Case Study and Ethics, using information
from the annotation.
e. Do not refer to the author, article, journal, or other similar info within the
bibliography, but rather summarize the points that either support your discussion
or give a different view of the case study ethics in the body of your paper.
2. Case Study and Ethics
a. Introduce case study and explain the type of genetic testing being done.
b. Discuss at least two (2) of the ethical issues that need to be considered with this
case. There are issues to consider below each case study description on the choice
poll page. This section should cite each of the three articles in the annotated
3. Genetic Testing
a. Discuss risks and benefits of genetic testing and how they apply to the case study.
You may include psychological, financial, medical, familial and social
(Please see your course resources).
4. Genetic Counseling
a. Describe the roles and training for those providing genetic counseling.
b. Analyze how a genetic professional may assist in decision-making with your case
5. Direct to Consumer Genetic Testing
a. Explain the risks and benefits of direct to consumer genetics tests such as
6. Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) of 2008
a. Explain the GINA Act of 2008 and how it protects individuals seeking genetic
b. Identify one aspect of GINA that applies to your case study and give rationale.
(Please see your course resources).

Health disparity at the state or national level

Instructions: Search of the literature, the media (newspapers, web, TV, radio discussions with stakeholders such as legislators, consumers, and other health care professionals) to identify a current health legislative issue related to corona (covid-19) virus. Answer the following questions:

What is the current legislative or regulatory issue, and why is it being debated?
Who is most affected by the legislation?
What are the current socioeconomic, political, cultural, and ethical issues surrounding this topic?
Who are the stakeholders?
What are the implications of the policy issue for nursing?

***no plagiarism please
***please include at least 3 references

How can philosophy relate to your life

How can philosophy relate to your life?

There is no right or wrong answer to this question. You can even say, “it doesn’t” if you like. However, there are a few certain things you need to do while giving your answer. These include:

– Provide a clear explanation and exposition of what you take the question to mean. In other words, what does it mean for anything, at all, to relate to one’s life? Please explain to me the question as if I had not idea what you were writing the essay about.

– Clearly state your “Thesis” in a sentence or two. You should be able to summarize your answer in an understandable way. The rest of your paper will elaborate and support your thesis.

Part of elaborating on your thesis will be giving a brief clarification of what “philosophy” means to you. (Maybe a good second paragraph in your paper . . . )

– Show evidence that you have familiarized yourself with the course material, and/or some otherwise philosophically relevant material. By the time this essay is due, we will have only covered Ancient and Medieval Philosophy, as well as Logic, and the introductory readings from Russell and Lao Tzu. You are welcome to draw examples of Philosophy’s relevance to your life from this material; however, you are also welcome to provide your own examples. For instance, perhaps Ghandi or some other thinker, or some school of thought, like Existentialism has already left a large impression upon you. If so, use this essay to elaborate. If you are confused or have questions about this aspect of the assignment, or want to check something (Like can I use Bob Marley? – yes, you can) you are always welcome to shoot me an email.

In doing the above, you will be required to cite sources backing up your interpretation of the views you present. Want to talk about Yoda? Then you’d better do so accurately and cite a source. Sartre? Better reference something he wrote.

african american music

Identify Geographical Location by IP Address
Geo IP solution to identify country, region, city, latitude & longitude, ZIP code, time zone, connection speed, ISP, domain name, IDD country code, area code, weather station data, mobile network codes (MNC), mobile country codes (MCC), mobile carrier, elevation and usage type.