Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

comparison and contrast between two famous strikes

The topics for this paper will be to comparison and contrast between two famous strikes that have taken place in the United States. There will be specific things that must be contrasted and the implications of the outcomes will also be analyzed. Must include annotated bibilography and outline separate. Title page, reference, bibliography, and reference page are not part of page count.

Strikes to compare are; The Pullman Strike – 1894 and the Air traffic controllers’ strike/Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization -1981

Paper must answer these questions:

1.          What is the difference between the two strikes that you chose?

2.      How does the management treatment of employees or labor in one strike different from the other?

3.        What are the commonalities of the two strikes that you chose?

4.        What are the significant differences that set the two apart?

5.        What was the cause of the strikes?

6.        What could management have done differently to avoid the strikes if possible?

7.        What was the outcome of the strikes?

8.        Whom would you consider to be the winner; management, labor, or both?

Pathophysiology/Public Health

A. What are the similarities and differences between emphysema and chronic bronchitis?

B1. Demonstrate application of principles of epidemiology, including use of data tracking systems

B2. Provide one example from your current or past nursing practice and consider how the principles of epidemiology were applied to enhance care

Consumer Health

You have now read a bit about the inside view of dental consumer health, science-based health care, mental health and behavioral help, the CAM movement, chiropractic consumer health, and the basic building blocks of nutrition. For this activity, an essay, you are to consider how the knowledge you have gained in this module has or is changing how you view, think about, and consider consumer health based on dentistry or nutrition.

Pick one of the following prompts to write about. Remember to use your formal writing skills (formatting APA, double spaced, New Times Roman or Arial 12 point and include specific references to both your experience and content from the textbook and module links.

Before reading the chapter about dental consumer health you had perceptions about dentistry. Some of those perceptions about dentistry were misconceptions-explain what those misconceptions were? Talk about how you identified that they were misconceptions. Specifically explain what information prompted your change in perception. Describe what you have learned and how you will use what you have learned about dentistry as a consumer.
Nutrition is a large part of our lives because we all have to eat to survive. You learned about the basics building blocks of nutrition in Module 2. Identify what was the most shocking information that you learned about basic nutrition and explain why it made such a large impact on your learning. Explain if and how that information that you learned will change your daily nutritional habits? Describe the rationale for not making or making the change in your daily nutritional habits. Based on your perception and personal experience do you believe a majority of the public understand and know the information you learned? Explain how the public would benefit from learning the information you learned from the nutrition chapter.
Write a 3-5 page APA formatted, double-spaced, New Times Roman or Arial, 12 font essay with in-text references where needed to credit your sources. For a quick APA reference in citing sources see  (Links to an external site.)

Please include a cover page that includes your name.

Consumer Health

Part One: References do not count in the word count

Researchers are continually bringing to light new, supporting, or changed information which shape the practices and beliefs within the health world. You are going to use the information from your textbook about the CAM movement to see if and how the information presented by the author of your textbook has changed or not in the past three-years.

Choose a practice and application of that practice from the CAM movement described in your textbook. For example: The practice of yoga as applied to reducing anxiety and stress
Next, find one quality research/scholarly reports from within the last 3-years that either supports or refutes what your textbook says about the CAM practice and application you chose. (You may wish to use the link to the TWU Health Studies Subject Guide)
Citing specific references from your text, the supplementary videos, as well as, the resources from the additional articles and websites I provided in addition to just the textbook, describe why the materials you found/chose to use are quality materials, and come from valid and reliable sources.
Described what you learned about the CAM practice in regards to the application you chose to focus on. Did you find what you expected to find? Why or why not?
Did the information presented in your text about the CAM practice and application you chose prove to be still relevant, reliable, and accurate? Why or why not? Were there changes or updates?
What are the two most important skills health educators need to teach consumers in order for consumers to be more discerning about choosing CAM-related health products and services? Be sure to support your belief and opinion with evidence.
After you have given your answers in this Discussion Board (minimum of 350 words), read at least two classmates’ discussions and offer your thoughts on their ideas (minimum of 150 words)

Part Two: Provide one response listed below.                                                                                                                             

Response One: Toni O.
he textbook defines CAM as practices most of which are unsubstantiated and lack a scientifically plausible rationale (Barrett, London, Kroger, Hall, & Baratz, 2007). The phrase Complementary and alternative medicine encompasses much more than just medicine. In most cases it doesnt include  The textbook breaks out CAM practices into 5 groups; medicine, medical systems, natural substances, body manipulation and energy medicine (Barrett, London, Kroger, Hall, & Baratz, 2007). The textbook classifies chiropractic care as a CAM practice. While not entirely surprised by this classification, I was surprised to learn that chiropractors think the spine controls everything in the body and therefore, if the spine is manipulated in certain ways, it should reduce or eliminate pain in the affected areas.

In a study of 33,000 adults, the National Health Interview Survey found that of the adults studied, 55% of them had 1 or more chronic conditions (Falci, Shi, & Greenlee, 2016). The article states adults were concerned about managing and coordinating their care throughout many medical professionals along with the cost of the medicines and doctor visits when managing chronic conditions. An additional learning from the study showed that these consumers with 2 or more chronic conditions were more likely to choose CAM practice to manage their conditions.  Chiropractic care probably shouldnt be used to lose weight or manage allergies but there does seem to be some directionally positive results regarding the utilization of chiropractic care to reduce lower back pain. In addition to the textbook, I found an article written by an MD that suggests there might be some benefits of chiropractic care for lower back pain. Dr. Robert Shmerling, MD wrote about a study published in JAMA Network Open where 750 active duty military participants who complained of back pain. After 6 weeks, the participants who received the chiropractic care reported less pain, more mobility and needed less pain medicine (Shmerling, 2019). This suggests to me that the info in the text is accurate. The textbook

I believe both articles I referenced are credible sources because the first report is from a credible health source, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the second article was from a medical doctor. Dr. Shmerling didnt conduct the research but it was published in a credit medical news source and Dr. Shmerling presented reasons why additional research is needed to scientifically say without a doubt that chiropractic care is an effective treatment method for lower back pain.

The two most important skills health educators can teach consumers in my opinion are how to be an informed consumer and to maintain a healthy level of skepticism when approaching healthcare; research products, practices, medicines and physicians and find reliable sources for information. Start research with .gov websites. The textbook has a great list of good websites in Chapter 2 (Barrett, London, Kroger, Hall, & Baratz, 2007). Then use the good old scientific method to question what you find.

HRD – Peer Response

Analyze peer posts and provide a response with a new academic peer reviewed article. This is the feedback instructor provided so please adhere to their feedback as well:
  The discussion board should be a “conversation” between you and your colleagues.  I know you are sticking to third-person voice, but for the discussion board only, its OK to create a friendlier tone for this class.  For example, instead try:

“Hi Lois,

I see how you reflected upon certain aspects of….”

Instead of

“In the post, Jackson reflects…..”

Post 1 – Author: James
ocial Learning Theory Benefits and Best Practices

Learning begins at birth and continues throughout life. Individuals can learn through their personal experiences as well by observation of others and knowledge of their experiences. One prominent theory related to adult learning that includes learning through observation and modeled behavior is social learning theory (Gibson, 2004).  The purpose of this paper is to explore social learning theory with an emphasis on the benefits and best practices of learning through observation/modeling.

Social Learning Theory
Social learning theory has emerged as a significant framework for the study and application of adult learning and therefore has value for human resource development (HRD) professionals.  The concept that individuals learn by observing others as existed since the time of the ancient Greek philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle, but the scientific study of the impact of observation and modeling on learning began to develop in the mid-20th century. The theory evolved and grew over time, with one of the more comprehensive versions of the social learning theory coming from Albert Bandura (1977, 1986, 1991). His version, which he later re-termed social cognitive theory, focused on the cognitive processes involved in learning. His major contribution was that individuals could learn through observation, not necessarily requiring direct imitation of a role model. This latter method could also occur, with individuals being able to learn either directly or vicariously (Gibson, 2005).

A clear benefit of observational learning occurs when there is some type of penalty getting the behavior wrong. This learning through the modeling of others allows an individual to avoid experiencing those penalties that might be associated with the undesirable behavior. For example, if an individual observes an older relative suffering the ill-effects of a lifetime of cigarette smoking, it is possible for them to avoid cigarette smoking, without the need to experience that painful lesson themselves (Ali, 2012).

Best Practices   
Hanna et al (2013) note the importance of positive role models to leverage the elements of social learning theory. Specifically, individuals who have authority and visibility as leaders should model positive behaviors. The authors’ study focused on ethical behavior in business by analysis of the training presented in business school, as well as the example set for students by their professors. The authors also note that presenting pure capitalistic concepts without the importance of modeling and teaching the importance of ethical behavior and the pursuit of capitalistic goals could produce negative results. In the course of teaching business skills, the authors noted the critical importance of carefully selecting ethical role models associated with profitable businesses.

The exploration of social learning theory demonstrated the benefit of learning through observation and the modeling of others. Learning vicariously by observing others presents the benefit of avoiding penalties for negative behavior without experiencing those penalties personally. Modeling of positive and ethical behaviors by leaders in persons of influence provides an effective way to disseminate those behaviors throughout an organization. HRD professionals can also benefit through an understanding of various adult learning theories, including social (cognitive) learning theory. By understanding how individuals learn by observing others can help them incorporate best practices into their training and communication systems that will help to instill employee behaviors that maintain ethical standards and accomplish the goals of the organization.

Post 2 – Author: Lois
Social learning theory encompasses four different areas: differential association and reinforcement, modeling, and terminology (Brauer & Tittle, 2012), which involve how an employee identifies with the organizational expectations and rules.  People will associate with their organizations when they understand expectations and the terminology the organization uses to perform duties; likewise, they will reinforce and model when executing duties (Brauer & Tittle, 2012).  Another explanation for some of the factors includes personal adjustment or regulation of behavior and personal evaluation of their skillsets to meet the organizations requirements (Gibson, 2004).  Organizations can aid in social learning theory by ensuring training is offered to all employees through the curriculum the organization offers and on the job shadowing and mentoring opportunities.  When employees are able to witness others performing their duties, they are able to model and mirror the same behaviors as has been a way of doing things or performing job duties since ancient history (Gibson, 2004).  When organizations have on the job training and mentoring programs, they aid in enhancing employee understanding of duties, culture, and organizational strategic expectations. Organizational leaders should be a model of the ethics, morals, and values the organization expects of employees, so the traits are copied by the workforce.  When organizations have rules, yet leaders do not follow them, then the employee may take on the poor examples as standard operating procedures instead of the correct processes.  This may result in workplace safety and poor performance issues. This is why it is critical for human resource development personnel to work with leaders to ensure they understand processes so they may be the example others will model after through mentoring and training practices.  By encouraging leaders to practice what the organization preaches, they may aid in employees social learning adaptations.

Ethical Dilemmas

Instructions  are attached

here is the link to the med-surg book  the file is too big to upload on here. The other book is attached.


Yoder-Wise  Chapter 2, Safety
Chapter 8 on National Patient Safety Goals
Chapter 1: Professional Nursing Practice
Chapter 68 Emergency Nursing
QSEN Competencies-Table 1-3
National Safety Goals Table 1-8

What suggestions would you have for improving media relations at Coors?

The following headers must include the following:

Write out the Case Study name and question which you have chosen to answer. (The question is the topic listed and the Case Study is Adolph Coors Company…attached below)

you will use the 3 articles (attached) by 3 different authors to answer the question chosen. An answer to the question must be based upon a full analysis of the research and must be fully grounded in the research. Compare and contrast the 3 articles you researched, all of which must be utilized in your answer.
This section of the posting should be 350450 words…NOT TO EXCEED 450 words.

Biblical integration:
Provide integration of a biblical concept that supports the answer to the Case Study question.

Using current APA format, list all references used in the response.  In addition to the articles, the textbook for reference for the case study is Argenti, P. A. (2016). Corporate communication (7th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 9780073403274.

Demonstrate an understanding of the assumptions of the trait approach by critiquing Martin, Oades, and Caputis (2012) arguments about coaching to achieve personality change. Your answer should discuss whether personality is amenable to change.

Main assignment instructions found in: “PSY259e Assignment 1.pdf”.

Please read the article first before answering the questions.
There were writers who did not refer back to the article and the questions.

Notes on the topic found in “PSY259_StudyGuide-pages-93-123.pdf”.

Textbook used for this: Personality by Jerry M Burger.
Word limit: 1500.

Leadership Theories in Practice

Discussion 1: Leadership Theories in Practice
A walk through the Business section of any bookstore or a quick Internet search on the topic will reveal a seemingly endless supply of writings on leadership. The formal research literature is also teeming with volumes on the subject.

However, your own observation and experiences may suggest these theories are not always so easily found in practice. Not that the potential isnt there; current evidence suggests that leadership factors such as emotional intelligence and transformational leadership behaviors, for example, can be highly effective for leading nurses and organizations.

Yet, how well are these theories put to practice? In this Discussion, you will examine formal leadership theories. You will compare these theories to behaviors you have observed firsthand and discuss their effectiveness in impacting your organization.

To Prepare:

Review the Resources and examine the leadership theories and behaviors introduced.
Identify two to three scholarly resources, in addition to this Modules readings, that evaluate the impact of leadership behaviors in creating healthy work environments.
Reflect on the leadership behaviors presented in the three resources that you selected for review.

Post four key insights you had from the scholarly resources you selected. Describe a leader whom you have seen use such behaviors and skills, or a situation where you have seen these behaviors and skills used in practice. Be specific and provide examples. Then, explain to what extent these skills were effective and how their practice impacted the workplace.

Amazon Case Study

Assignment Questions:

1.Share your experiences with Amazon. What works well, doesnt work the way you would like it to, etc.?

2.What do you think are some of the challenges and barriers Amazon faces as it expands into India?

3.Develop a SWOT analysis for Amazon in India (each SWOT element should be thoroughly explained in separate paragraphs). Make sure to refer to your textbook for an explanation on SWOT analyses and remember, strengths and weaknesses are internal to the organization, whereas opportunities and threats are external to the organization (external environment).

4.What are the major issues and risks for Amazon?