Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Discussion Board 1

In 500+ words in APA 7th edition format (use the Writing Style Guide in the left hand menu, no title page nor abstract needed though) and in paragraph form (one paragraph per bullet point item below), write in the textbox (no attachments, make sure to have 2+ references in APA format at the end of your post, highlight your whole post and choose Remove Formatting in the upper right of the textbox) with at least one scholarly (our textbook, other textbooks, peer-reviewed academic journal articles from the Liberty library) reference (industry reports from the Liberty library databases, practitioner journals such as HBR, and authored recent popular sources from industry associations are good too but not a substitute for textbooks and peer-reviewed articles) about the following four topics (therefore, four paragraphs):

Briefly, describe the industry (use and the top two current markets that your company serves. In a narrative format (using third person pronouns only), describe the strengths, skills, and resources of the company that may be leveraged to enter new markets and serve new customer target markets or niches. Instead of the organization you work for/with, you may choose an organization you worked for/with in the past or one you aspire to work for/with. Be clear about your choice (you work there now, you worked there, or you aspire to work there). 

Research Porters 5 Forces in the four of the presentations and in one additional scholarly (another textbook, a peer-reviewed academic journal article from the Liberty library) and comprehensively address each element (new, adjacent, vertical) concerning your consideration of moving into new, adjacent, and vertical markets with the company you mentioned in the first bullet point above.

Define (from the Introduction in the textbook) and describe (from chapter 3 in the textbook) corporate entrepreneurship. Explain how your company could enter a new, emerging market to generate profitable growth with a mission of consequence. 

Relate the Scripture below to the consideration of entering a new market.
Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.  Prov. 19:21 (ESV)

Effective Recruiting & Retention

PROBLEM: You have been directed by your corporate president to research- Creation and implementation of an effective recruiting and retention program to enhance the quality of employees and management within the organization – and prepare a formalized research paper.
This paper should be addressed to the president & board of directors. For this research, you should conduct a review of literature based on the current practices being used in today’s organizations (in terms of the selected research problem/situation).
As you conduct your secondary and/or primary research, you should also develop a well-developed strategy as to how to implement your strategy into this organization. Please write this paper as if you were employed with a Fortune 500 company or an organization currently in the news

Please write your research paper as if your organizational or corporate president and/or board of directors would review and consider its findings and recommendations.

– Paper should be written in third person – not first person.
– All sources must be properly cited, according to APA style. In essence, you need to use in-text citations (no footnotes or endnotes in this paper whatsoever). Full citations of all works should be included in the References section, formatted in APA Style.

The paper must contain the following elements:
Title Page (or letter of transmittal if a memorandum format is used)
Table of Contents (unless a memorandum format is used).
– Introduction
– Problem Statement (5-8 sentence paragraph that clearly defines the problem and why it needs to be researched).
– Review of current practices (background of literature) in the area
– Strategic plan for change or creation of the anticipated change (use examples of where this approach has been successful in other organizations if pertinent).
– Strategic approach for implementation of the change(s)
– Final recommendations and possible outcomes (best and worst case scenarios)
– Summary/Conclusions
– References section
– Appendix (if tables or charts or necessary)

Develops a focused and sophisticated research question or thesis that enhances the scholarly discussion of questions and ideas that are important to scholars in the discipline.

The writing provides an exceptional roadmap for the essay. In addition, the introduction includes meets all of the following criteria:
    The introduction contextualizes the thesis statement by referring to larger issues in the discipline.
    The introduction provides rationale for pursuing the thesis by demonstrating a research need or question.
    The introduction articulates how the paper will address the key question or issue being studied.
    The introduction refers to relevant, appropriate scholarly literature.

Argument and Synthesis
The argument builds logically upon the thesis with research-based, discipline-appropriate supporting facts, evidence, and/or data.

The writing clearly describes major methodologies and practices of the field and implements them in creative and innovative ways.

The writing demonstrates the ability to interpret, analyze, and synthesize information to advance the argument.

Sources and Support
The writing communicates, organizes and synthesizes complex and contradictory information from multiple sources to advance knowledge in the discipline at a professional level.

The writing accurately quotes, paraphrases, and cites information in ways that are true to the original context with no errors.

The writing flows smoothly and logically from a well-defined thesis. There is a coherence in each sentence and paragraph that relates clearly to the controlling idea using appropriate examples. The flow of information demonstrates logical reasoning without jumps or shifts. The writing contains a through introduction, body sections, conclusion, and smooth transitions.

The writing engages the reader through an original prose style appropriate to the subject. Language is precise and uses terminology appropriate to the discipline. All sentences are solid and reflect mature writing. Variety in sentence structure contributes to the logical flow and enhances readability.  Active voice and passive voice are used appropriately for the subject matter.

Mechanics and Grammar
The writing is free of spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, grammatical errors and proofreading errors.

Provides a high-caliber, correctly formatted assignment in the assigned citation style. All citations in the text and in the references are accurately cited in the appropriate style.

Effective Recruiting & Retention

PROBLEM: You have been directed by your corporate president to present your research- Creation and implementation of an effective recruiting and retention program to enhance the quality of employees and management within the organization – and prepare a formalized powerpoint presentation. This presentation should be addressed to the president & board of directors.

Prepare a powerpoint presentation based on the attached research in the attached outline paper.
This presentation should have an introduction page as well as a reference page at the end. 

There should be 10 slides that cover content. For a brief of this level to senior management, you should have no more than 25 words on each slide. Use bullet points or short phrases. Take full advantage of the notes section and remember to cite your sources.

– Presentation presents information in logical, interesting sequence which audience can follow.
– Content reflects a high level of critical thinking; data is accurate and strongly supports the analysis/conclusion. Content was obtained from a variety of relevant resources and was properly cited. All issues are fully addressed. Presentation contained excellent examples which were linked to objective.
– Presentation has no misspellings or grammatical errors.
– PowerPoint presentation is professional and enhances the presentation.

The Rise of Artificial Intelligence: Is It Helping or Hurting Our Jobs?

This Final Paper, an argumentative essay, will present research relating the critical thinker to the modern, globalized world.
In your paper,

    Identify the global societal problem within the introductory paragraph.
        Conclude with a thesis statement that states your proposed solutions to the problem.
    Describe background information on how that problem developed or came into existence.
        Show why this is a societal problem.
        Provide perspectives from multiple disciplines or populations so that you fully represent what different parts of society have to say about this issue.
    Construct an argument supporting your proposed solutions, considering multiple disciplines or populations so that your solution shows that multiple parts of society will benefit from this solution.
        Provide evidence from multiple scholarly sources as evidence that your proposed solution is viable.
    Interpret statistical data from at least three peer-reviewed scholarly sources within your argument.
        Discuss the validity, reliability, and any biases.
        Identify the strengths and weaknesses of these sources, pointing out limitations of current research and attempting to indicate areas for future research. (You may even use visual representations such as graphs or charts to explain statistics from sources.)
    Evaluate the ethical outcomes that result from your solution.
        Provide at least one positive ethical outcome as well as at least one negative ethical outcome that could result from your solution.
        Explain at least two ethical issues related to each of those outcomes. (It is important to consider all of society.)

    Develop a conclusion for the last paragraphs of the essay, starting with rephrasing your thesis statement and then presenting the major points of the topic and how they support your argument.


Answer the following questions regarding Amazon’s Alexa product/service. See referenced Final Exam Document, Amazon Annual Report, and Amazon Alexa documents.

1.    Understanding Marketplace
            1)    How did the Amazon become the dominant competitor in online-retailing industry?
            2)    What sources of competitive advantage were Amazon able to develop to support their growth?
            3)    Where were/are they vulnerable?
            4)    How can Amazon avoid competitive myopia?

2.    Promotions
          1)    What audience(s) should Alexa target in its integrated marketing communications plan?
          2)    What image should Amazon seek to create for its first Alexa product?
          3)    What objectives are appropriate for Alexas initial communications campaign?
          4)    What message design and communication channels are likely to be most effective for the target audience?
          5)    Which promotional tools would be most effective in Alexas promotional mix? Why?
          6)    How should Alexa decide the amount to allocate to its marketing communications budget?

Policy Identification

Policy Identification

Social workers understand that human rights and social justice, as well as social welfare and services, are mediated by policy and its implementation at the federal, state, and local levels. Social workers understand the history and current structures of social policies and services, the role of policy in service delivery, and the role of practice in policy development. Social workers understand their role in policy development and implementation within their practice settings at the micro, mezzo, and macro levels and they actively engage in policy practice to effect change within those settings. Social workers recognize and understand the historical, social, cultural, economic, organizational, environmental, and global influences that affect social policy. They are also knowledgeable about policy formulation, analysis, implementation, and evaluation. Social workers:

Identify social policy at the local (Jacksonville, Fl), state (Florida), and federal level that impacts well-being, service delivery, and access to social services;
Assess how social welfare and economic policies impact the delivery of and access to social services;
Apply critical thinking to analyze, formulate, and advocate for policies that advance human rights and social, economic, and environmental justice.
This assignment is intended to help students demonstrate the behavioral components of this competency in their field education.

To prepare: Working with your field instructor, identify, evaluate, and discuss policies established by the local (Jacksonville, Fl), state (Florida), and federal government (within the last five years) that affect the day to day operations of the field placement agency.

The Assignment (1-2 pages):

Describe the policies and their impact on the field agency (Northwest Behavioral Health).
Propose specific recommendations regarding how you, as a social work intern, and the agency can advocate for policies pertaining to advancing social justice for the agency and the clients it serves

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Create a five-paragraph self-reflection research essay of 500-750-words that includes: an introduction with a mapped thesis statement, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

The following sub-topics should be the basis of your thesis statement and three body paragraphs:

Explain how you can apply the knowledge learned in this course towards effective communication within your field of study.
Explain areas of strengths in communication you feel you will bring to your field of study.
Explain areas of opportunity that you can work on in regards to communication within your field of study and why developing these communication skills will be important to you personally.
You may use First Person point of view in the writing, as it is a personal reflection.

You are required to use at least one source for supporting your essay; the textbook for this course may be used as a source. Dont forget in-text citations and a References list in APA format.


Write a short APA paper on Seclusion & Restraints & Patient Safety & Legal & Ethical
implications.( in facililty it can be hospital) who, when, why, how
Essay include up-to-date information and paper length appropriate. 
Introduction and conclusion are clear and concise
Grammar, proper word use, punctuation, sentence composition, paragraph development, sentence clarity, and spelling. 
The essay below did not meet the objective requirement. please review the objectives specific to patient safety
First paragraph when you say defined there would be a direct quote following- it needs a resource with a page#
second paragraph is very informative
third paragraph where it says this means that they are unable to affect the treatment process please clarify what this means

Letters to New Testament Church

Letters to Churches
The NT letters to churches were written to encourage, correct and generally teach the early church what it meant to be the church.
For two of the NT letters assigned (Galatians, Ephesians, James, 1 John), carefully reread the biblical text and the Introductory article in the New Oxford Annotated Bible.  Then, based on those readings and your own observations, answer the questions below for each of the two letters you chose.

1.    Name the letter and the recipient(s) and author of the letter (answer as list or bullet points is fine)
2.    Identify the main themes of the letter (answer as list or bullet points is fine)
3.    What does it mean to be the church* in this letter? Describe in detail and at length the characteristics, actions, attitudes, task(s) and role of the church in this letter. (answer in essay format)
4.    What issues or problems addressed in this letter are relevant today? (answer in essay format)
5.    What are the parallel situations in our world today? (answer in essay format)
6.    How is the world today like or different than the historical world of your letter? (answer in essay format)

assessment in special education with a focus on the discrepancy

Please see the attached assessment research paper rubric for instructions. You are to discuss the topic and to include all of the information in the rubric. Be sure to have headings such as the introduction, significance of the information, questions, implications, and so on. Make sure to answer each topic proposal question in a paragraph with the headings as well. I need the headings that belong in the research paper from the research rubric to be included and bold in the paper.