Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Week 5 assgn 6051

Dalmage (2013) writes, “Parents and teachers should be aware of the unique forms of discrimination faced by multiracial children and the White supremacist system in which discrimination flourishes” (p. 101). As social workers, we should be aware of our own understanding of what it means to be multiracial in society. This awareness includes a review of our own potential biases that might exist. We need to challenge our own personal ideas about how we categorize individuals and those assumptions that follow along with those categories. Rather, we must respect our client’s experience as a multiracial person in the world, beginning with asking him or her how they would define themselves when completing an intake or assessment form. Further, a social worker must be aware of the many forms of racism and prejudice a person with a multiracial background might experience. As Dalmage discusses, judgment comes from many sides with different intentions and expectations. Being aware of the particular forms of racism that a person who is multiracial will experience will give you the ability to do your best to understand their experience and empathize

Submit a 2 page paper. Describe the impact of discrimination on individuals of multiracial backgrounds. Describe the impact of biracial/multiracial or multiethnic distinction on our society. Justify your response. How do these distinctions relate to social work practice with individuals, families, groups, and communities? Be sure to use APA formatting and references from the Learning Resources and two additional peer-reviewed resources from the Walden library about the discrimination against biracial and multiracial individuals..


The Impact of Standardized Nursing Terminology

Among the Resources in this module is the Rutherford (2008) article Standardized Nursing Language: What Does It Mean for Nursing Practice? In this article, the author recounts a visit to a local hospital to view the recent implementation of a new coding system.
During the visit, one of the nurses commented to her, We document our care using standardized nursing languages but we dont fully understand why we do (Rutherford, 2008, para. 1).
How would you respond to a comment such as this one?
To Prepare:
    Review the concepts of informatics as presented in the Resources, particularly Rutherford, M. (2008) Standardized Nursing Language: What Does It Mean for Nursing Practice?
    Reflect on the role of a nurse leader as a knowledge worker.
    Consider how knowledge may be informed by data that is collected/accessed.
The Assignment:
In a 1 page paper, address the following:
    Explain how you would inform this nurse (and others) of the importance of standardized nursing terminologies.
    Describe the benefits and challenges of implementing standardized nursing terminologies in nursing practice. Be specific and provide examples.
    Be sure to support your paper with peer-reviewed research on standardized nursing terminologies that you consulted from the Walden Library.

Spina bifida

Please review the video on Spina Bifida.  Write a 300-500 word essay on this disorder and answer the questions below within your essay.

What is the pathology

What causes it?

Are there different types of the pathogy

What are the symptoms

How is it diagnosed?

How is it treated?

HR Analytics

Assignment Instructions
Columbus Custom Carpentry is a small but growing Midwest company that manufactures residential interior doors. Its competitive advantage is its ability to produce a custom-styled product at a low price. In the industry, this is known as mass customization. Columbus Custom Carpentry has achieved this by producing custom assembly jigs that reduce the time and therefore the labor cost required to produce their doors.

Columbus Custom Carpentry employees 134 employees and just hired you as their HR director.  You can learn more about the company by reading the included employee handbook. Recently, there has been a claim of unfair pay practices among employees. The President, Mary Thonn, would like to investigate this claim in hopes of maximizing morale and minimizing voluntary turnover.

HR professionals can use both metrics and analytics to address issues such as this. For this assignment, write a proposal to the President of Columbus Custom Carpentry addressing how analytics can help address this complaint. Address the following in your proposal:

Discuss the importance of analytics
What are metrics, analytics, and data?
Compare and contrast metrics, analytics, and data.
Why are analytics important to her organization?
Address the case study
Define the problem.
Make a recommendation for collecting data (what, why, how, etc.).
Provide a rationale with examples on why your recommendation would be effective.
Incorporate mindfulness, dialogue, and collaboration and how they can be used for change in this case study.
Mechanics: This assignment is to be submitted as an academic essay. You are required to reference the readings and articles ( at least 10 appropriate APA references and in-text citations) that provide evidence of effectiveness for your proposed plan. Give your paper a title, a brief introduction, and a conclusion. Adhere to the American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines for citation and references. Limit it to 1000-1500 words (3-5 pages) typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 point font, 1″ margins.

Information on the American Psychological Association (APA) style guide (Links to an external site.) can be found in the APA style guide located in the CLU library or on the APA Style website. Additional tools are available through the student resources module.

Executive Summary (Case Study)

Please read the case study cite at least two reference. What is the greatest communication challenge for leaders; and, how can you as a leader measure the effectiveness of your communication skill?

Support findings through the lens of current doctrine. Use the provided case study.

Me as a collaborative partner in making a change

HR professionals have the opportunity to serve as successful change agents in many parts of life, especially when they recognize that sustainable change requires collaboration among a variety of stakeholders.  In this paper, you will identify your strengths and areas for improvement as a collaborative partner in making a change and discuss how those strengths and concerns might impact your success as a change agent.

Select a change effort with which you are currently involved.
Describe the situation.
Describe an appropriate OD theory or model that applies to this situation.
Identify the stakeholders and challenges.
How do your personal biases and self-concept affect your role and ability to influence successful change in this community (i.e., work, volunteer setting, etc)?
Using Wilders Collaboration Factors Inventory, (Links to an external site.) complete the personal inventory with your change effort in mind.  Address the following questions:

How collaborative are you in this particular situation?
Can you predict your current likelihood of success?
Which areas of the inventory were identified as strengths?
Which areas were identified as concerns?
What can you do to increase your likelihood of success? How might you incorporate mindfulness, dialogue, and collaboration?
Describe how you can overcome the challenges identified in the Wilder Inventory.
Mechanics: This assignment is to be submitted as an academic essay of 5- 7 pages with appropriate APA references and in-text citations. Add a title page, an introduction, a conclusion, and a reference page. Be sure to clearly cite your sources in APA style from course readings and additional research, and answer all questions.


My slides are already done. I need more speaker notes.  This is feedback to go off of. Please review the presentation from Mrs. Flynn and myself about the PowerPoint presentation. This includes the formatting for your in-text citations and reference pages. I noticed there are a large number of references, but there are not as many in-text citations. Every reference should have at least 1 in-text citation. If some of them are for the pictures and artwork, please refer to last nights team meeting. We covered how to cite/reference these. If you have a direct quoteplease be sure you are formatting your in-text citation correctly.
The second thing is in regard to the number of words on a slide. Again, please refer back to our presentation from last night and the one put forward by Mrs. Flynn a couple of weeks ago. As we said in that meeting, you will only have up to 6 bullet points, and each of them will have no more than 6 words each. These should not be sentences or paragraphsonly the key points you want to talk about . Each of those bullet points need to have a few sentences about them (describing them) in the notes/presentation. Your presentation notes should be what you would say to your audience if you were really speaking these notes. It should be more than just 1 sentence for each bullet pointtell me why it is important (why should I care?); what difference will it make to our hospital; what does the research say about it?
The notes should be describing what is on the slide. There is one slide where the presentation notes are talking about something from the BELT framework, but the words on the slide do not have anything about the BELT framework. I am not sure if this was a copy and you meant to change the presentation notes, but it was confusing.

If I do not need a reference please take it off.  It is speaker notes so it should reflect as if you were talking.

Developer/New Product Packaging

Instructions: Assume you are given the task of developing retail packaging for a new product. The product and package will be produced in a small town in China and then shipped and sold in the United States.

The product will be small runs at first and the package will be a folding carton with a three-color print. What print methods might you consider for the first smaller runs? Would you change to a different method if the product does well and goes into larger production runs? Justify your reasoning and considerations. 

Your assignment will be in APA format and must include a properly formatted reference list must be in alphabetically order.  Your paper must be 1000-1200 words, excluding the title page and reference page.

Retention: Deciding to Act

Wallys Wonder Wash (WWW) is a full-service, high-tech, high-touch car wash company owned solely by Wally Wheelspoke. Located in a midwestern city of 200,000 people (with another 100,000 in suburbs and more rural towns throughout the county), WWW currently has four facilities within the city. Wally plans to add four more facilities within the city in the next two years, and later on he plans to begin placing facilities in suburban locations and rural towns. Major competitors in the city include two other full-service car washes (different owners), plus three touchless automatic facilities (same owner).
Wallys critical strategy is to provide the very best to customers who want and relish extremely clean and spiffy vehicles and to ensure they have a positive experience each time they come to WWW. To do this, WWW seeks to provide high-quality car washes and car detailing and to generate considerable repeat business through competitive prices combined with attention to customers. To make itself accessible to customers, WWW is open seven days a week, 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Peak periods, volume-wise, are after 1:00 p.m. on weekdays and from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on weekends. In addition, Wally uses his workforce to drive his strategy. Though untrained in HR, Wally knows that he must recruit and retain a stable, high-quality workforce if his current facilities, let alone his ambitious expansion plans, are to succeed.
WWW has a strong preference for full-time employees, who work either 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. or 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Part-timers are used occasionally during peak demand times and during the summer when full-timers are on vacation. There are two major jobs at WWW: attendant (washer) and custom service specialist (detailer). Practicing promotion from within, WWW promotes all specialists from the attendant ranks. There are currently 70 attendants and 20 custom service specialists at WWW. In addition, each facility has a manager. Wally has filled the manager jobs by promotion from within (from either the attendant or custom service specialist ranks), but he is unsure if he will be able to continue doing this as he expands.
The job of attendant is a demanding one. Attendants vacuum vehicles from front to rear (and trunk if requested by the customer), wash and dry windows and mirrors, dry vehicles with hand towels, apply special cleaning compounds to tires, wipe down the vehicles interior, and wash or vacuum floor mats. In addition, attendants wash and fold towels, lift heavy barrels of cleaning compounds and waxes, and perform light maintenance and repair work on the machinery. Finally, and very important, attendants consistently provide customer service by asking customers if they have special requests and by making small talk with them. A unique feature of customer service at WWW is that the attendant must ask the customer to personally inspect the vehicle before leaving to ensure that the vehicle has been satisfactorily cleaned (attendants also correct any mistakes pointed out by the customer). The attendants work as a team, with each attendant expected to be able to perform all of the above tasks.
Attendants start at a base wage of $8.00/hour, with automatic $.50 raises at six months and one year. They receive brief training from the manager before starting work. Custom service specialists start at $9.00/hour, with $.50 raises after six months and one year. Neither attendants nor custom service specialists receive performance reviews. Managers receive a salary of $27,000, plus an annual merit raise based on a very casual performance review conducted by Wally (whenever he gets around to it). All attendants share equally in a customer tip pool; custom service specialists receive individual tips. The benefits package is composed of the following: (1) major medical health insurance with a 20% employee co-pay on the premium, (2) paid holidays for Christmas, Easter, July 4, and Martin Luther King Jr.s birthday, and (3) a generous paid sick-pay plan of two days per month (in recognition of high illness rates due to extreme working conditions).
In terms of turnover, Wally has spotty and general data only. In the past year WWW experienced an overall turnover rate of 65% for attendants and 20% for custom service specialists; no managers left the company. Though lacking data further back, Wally thinks the turnover rate for attendants has been increasing. WWWs managers constantly complain to Wally about the high level of turnover among attendants and the problems it creates, especially in fulfilling the strong customer service orientation for WWW. Though the managers have not conducted exit interviews, the major complaints they hear from attendants are (1) the pay is not competitive relative to the other full-service car washes and many other entry-level jobs in the area, (2) the training is hit-or-miss at best, (3) promotion opportunities are limited, (4) managers provide no feedback or coaching, and (5) customer complaints and mistreatment of attendants by customers are on the rise.
Wally is frustrated by attendant turnover and its threat to his customer service and expansion strategies. He calls on you for assistance in figuring out what to do about the problem. Use the decision process shown in Exhibit 14.11 to help develop a retention initiative for WWW. Address each of the questions in the process:”

Exhibit 14.11 (attached) provides a suggested decision process that can help organizations navigate the complex trade-offs inherent in developing retention initiatives.
The first questionDo we think turnover is a problem?requires the consideration and analysis of several types of data. The organization must judge whether turnover rates are increasing and/or high relative to internal and external benchmarks such as industry or direct competitor data. Managers complaining about retention problems, high-value employees leaving, and demographic disparities among those who leave are important signals that actions to reduce turnover are needed. The final analysis should involve the type of cost/benefit analysis described earlier. Even though turnover may be high, it is only a problem if its costs are judged to exceed its benefits in the final analysis.

Question 1. Do we think turnover is a problem?

Question 2. How might we attack the problem?

Question 3. What do we need to decide?

Question 4. How should we evaluate the initiatives?

Retention: Deciding to Act

Wallys Wonder Wash (WWW) is a full-service, high-tech, high-touch car wash company owned solely by Wally Wheelspoke. Located in a midwestern city of 200,000 people (with another 100,000 in suburbs and more rural towns throughout the county), WWW currently has four facilities within the city. Wally plans to add four more facilities within the city in the next two years, and later on he plans to begin placing facilities in suburban locations and rural towns. Major competitors in the city include two other full-service car washes (different owners), plus three touchless automatic facilities (same owner).
Wallys critical strategy is to provide the very best to customers who want and relish extremely clean and spiffy vehicles and to ensure they have a positive experience each time they come to WWW. To do this, WWW seeks to provide high-quality car washes and car detailing and to generate considerable repeat business through competitive prices combined with attention to customers. To make itself accessible to customers, WWW is open seven days a week, 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Peak periods, volume-wise, are after 1:00 p.m. on weekdays and from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on weekends. In addition, Wally uses his workforce to drive his strategy. Though untrained in HR, Wally knows that he must recruit and retain a stable, high-quality workforce if his current facilities, let alone his ambitious expansion plans, are to succeed.
WWW has a strong preference for full-time employees, who work either 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. or 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Part-timers are used occasionally during page 736peak demand times and during the summer when full-timers are on vacation. There are two major jobs at WWW: attendant (washer) and custom service specialist (detailer). Practicing promotion from within, WWW promotes all specialists from the attendant ranks. There are currently 70 attendants and 20 custom service specialists at WWW. In addition, each facility has a manager. Wally has filled the manager jobs by promotion from within (from either the attendant or custom service specialist ranks), but he is unsure if he will be able to continue doing this as he expands.
The job of attendant is a demanding one. Attendants vacuum vehicles from front to rear (and trunk if requested by the customer), wash and dry windows and mirrors, dry vehicles with hand towels, apply special cleaning compounds to tires, wipe down the vehicles interior, and wash or vacuum floor mats. In addition, attendants wash and fold towels, lift heavy barrels of cleaning compounds and waxes, and perform light maintenance and repair work on the machinery. Finally, and very important, attendants consistently provide customer service by asking customers if they have special requests and by making small talk with them. A unique feature of customer service at WWW is that the attendant must ask the customer to personally inspect the vehicle before leaving to ensure that the vehicle has been satisfactorily cleaned (attendants also correct any mistakes pointed out by the customer). The attendants work as a team, with each attendant expected to be able to perform all of the above tasks.
Attendants start at a base wage of $8.00/hour, with automatic $.50 raises at six months and one year. They receive brief training from the manager before starting work. Custom service specialists start at $9.00/hour, with $.50 raises after six months and one year. Neither attendants nor custom service specialists receive performance reviews. Managers receive a salary of $27,000, plus an annual merit raise based on a very casual performance review conducted by Wally (whenever he gets around to it). All attendants share equally in a customer tip pool; custom service specialists receive individual tips. The benefits package is composed of the following: (1) major medical health insurance with a 20% employee co-pay on the premium, (2) paid holidays for Christmas, Easter, July 4, and Martin Luther King Jr.s birthday, and (3) a generous paid sick-pay plan of two days per month (in recognition of high illness rates due to extreme working conditions).
In terms of turnover, Wally has spotty and general data only. In the past year WWW experienced an overall turnover rate of 65% for attendants and 20% for custom service specialists; no managers left the company. Though lacking data further back, Wally thinks the turnover rate for attendants has been increasing. WWWs managers constantly complain to Wally about the high level of turnover among attendants and the problems it creates, especially in fulfilling the strong customer service orientation for WWW. Though the managers have not conducted exit interviews, the major complaints they hear from attendants are (1) the pay is not competitive relative to the other full-service car washes and many other entry-level jobs in the area, (2) the training is hit-or-miss at best, (3) promotion page 737opportunities are limited, (4) managers provide no feedback or coaching, and (5) customer complaints and mistreatment of attendants by customers are on the rise.
Wally is frustrated by attendant turnover and its threat to his customer service and expansion strategies. He calls on you for assistance in figuring out what to do about the problem. Use the decision process shown in Exhibit 14.11 to help develop a retention initiative for WWW. Address each of the questions in the process:”

Do we think turnover is a problem?

How might we attack the problem?

What do we need to decide?

How should we evaluate the initiatives?