Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

One Year Action Plan

One Year Action Plan Assignment Description
The title page should include the following information (centered, double spaced, & bold): Title of the Paper (School Name One-Year Action Plan), Your Name, and Carson Newman University (3 separate lines).
Introduction Section: Start this section with Introduction at the top of the page (Centered in bold print). The introduction section should start with a definition of school, family, and community partnerships (involvement). This section should be at least a paragraph (3 to 5 sentences) and could include citations. You could then have a sub-heading (left side, bold, nothing else on the line) Community Description followed by the community description and then a sub-heading School Demographics followed by a description of your school.
The following discussion posts will be useful in the development of the introduction of the One-Year Action Plan final paper:
Discussion Post #2: School Demographics
Discussion Post #9: Community Description
Literature Review Section: The main heading should be Review of Literature (centered, bold). The next line will start the literature review; you have already defined the conceptual framework for school, family, and community partnerships in Discussion Post #3 and this should serve as the foundation for your literature review. You can use the individual articles as sources (included in the References), the textbook (included in the References), and you will need to find 3 additional scholarly articles in the development of the literature review. Remember, all references, both in-text citations and reference citations must be in APA format.  You may use the APA Manual (7th Edition ) and  the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL (Links to an external site.)
(Links to an external site.)
) as resources when making APA citations.
One-Year Action Plan Section: The main heading should be One-Year Action Plan (centered, bold). After the main heading, you should develop an introductory paragraph that states the behavior and/or learning goals you have identified for the school (this should be at least one paragraph but could be more). You may use the same goals throughout each of the Six Types of Involvement; however, you could have a goal that is specific to any one of the type of involvement (identify the specific goals in the specific section).
There should then be six (6) sub-sections that reflect each of the Six Types of Involvement using the Schedule of Activities worksheet to provide an outline for each of the sections. In Discussion Post #8, you identified one goal and an activity (with a description) in each of the six types of involvement; you can use each of these activities as the first activity of each of the Six Types of Involvement. You will need to include a description of the activity, proposed time of year to conduct the activity, grade levels affected by the activity, the results expected (should connect to your previously stated goals), and the resources needed for each of the activities. If the activity is a pre-existing activity, then you should state it is a pre-existing activity and/or you could include the name of the school in parenthesis as the citation for that specific activity. If you use an activity identified in the discussion posts, then you should cite that activity as a blog citation. Additionally, part of this assignment is to identify 4 activities (4 total) online that you could conduct in your school (cite the source appropriately) that are connected to your goals and the types of involvement. 
Summary Section: The main heading should be Summary (centered and bold). Summarize the most important components of your paper in the summary (approximately 1 page in length 2 to 3 paragraphs in length).
References: The main heading for this section should be References (bold and centered). You will need to use the appropriate APA formatting for each of your sources; please see Quick Reference sheet, APA 7th Edition, and/or PurdueOwl online for assistance.
Hopefully, this information will assist you in the development of this paper. Three examples are included under this module to provide some direction for the completion of your paper; please do not use them as a guide for APA formatting as these are merely examples to demonstrate the correct organization of your paper and some of the APA rules have changed with the publishing of the 7th edition of the APA Manual (October, 2019).

Work injuries for the profession of sign language interpreter

Work injuries for the profession of sign language interpreter

The goal of research is to publish it in scientific journal, so it must follow the correct scientific research procedures; such as intro, literature, methodology, results and discussion.

Must covering:
– Time set for Interpreting ( no more than 30 minutes)
– Physical Risks for Interpreters Working Between Signed Languages and Spoken Languages
– Motion Injury
– Mental Risks for Interpreters Working Between Signed and Spoken Languages
– Continuous Interpreting for more than 30 minutes
– Some specific preventative measures interpreters may take are
– Self-care in the field of interpreting

All used references must be provided to me.
I might provide some references to help in.

Note: This project needs a researcher or a professor who works in University.


For the initial post, address the following:

Have you ever been on an interview?
What were some of the questions asked?
What questions did you ask the interviewer?
What was the nonverbal used?
What did you wear?
If you have not been on an interview, look up three questions an interviewer might ask, and answer them. What do you think you would wear?

Bluebird Care

Read Case 12.1 in Ch. 12, Followership, of Leadership: Theory and Practice.


Provide a detailed response to questions 3, 4, 5, and 6 presented at the end of the case.

Format your answers according to APA guidelines

Include APA-formatted in-text citations, a title page, and a reference page.

Deweys Three Main Examples

In support of this conclusion, I discovered that the pole was lower than the pilot house, so that the steersman could easily see it. Moreover, the tip was enough higher than the base, so that, from the pilot’s position, it must appear to project far out in front of the boat. Morevoer, the pilot being near the front of the boat, he would need some such guide as to its direction. Tugboats would also need poles for such a purpose. This hypothesis was so much more probable than the others that I accepted it. I formed the conclusion that the pole was set up for the purpose of showing the pilot the direction in which the boat pointed, to enable him to steer correctly.

Peace, Conflict & Security Studies

Welcoming different methodological and theoretical approaches, this wide-ranging programme offers exciting, timely and prize-winning books that are invaluable for researchers and students alike. Series such as New Security Challenges, Rethinking Peace and Conflict Studies, and Critical Security Studies in the Global South demonstrate the programmes variety, prestige and innovation, and further bolster our reputation as the go-to publisher for the most exciting and significant security and peace research.

Domestic and International Terrorist groups

The student will analyze a domestic terrorist group and an international terrorist organization. The paper will include group origins, ideologies, goals, motivation, and tactics. The student will also asses the role of homeland security specialists and the effectiveness of federal and state laws in combating these terrorist groups.

6 sources


Should decision management and decision control be separated? As part of your discussion, provide a real-world example (or provide a fictitious example) of a firm where the control (correctly) resides with the same individual as well as an example of a firm where the control is (correctly) separated.


Identify an incentive conflict in your firm, or one you have read about, that reduced firm value. As part of your answer, discuss whether or not one or more of the legs of the organizational stool was unbalanced, and if so, how that contributed to the conflict.

Sulton v. Weirton Steel Division

If an employer is reorganizing and the liability on its severance benefits plan will result as soon as the transfer of interest is made, can the corporation modify its benefits program to avoid that liability? Sulton v. Weirton Steel Division, 724 F.2d 406 (4th Cir. 1983)

Use whatever resources you would like.