Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

diversity award presentation

Evaluate the challenges and benefits of employing a diverse workforce.
Design a plan for conducting business and managing employees in a global society.
Critique the actions of organizations as they integrate diverse perspectives into their cultures.
Evaluate the role of identity, diverse segments, and cultural backgrounds within organizations.
Attribute different cultural perspectives to current social-cultural dimensions.
Analyze the importance of managing a diverse workforce.
Scenario Information
Your company has been nominated for a national diversity award associated with your efforts and dedication to diversity initiatives in the workplace and their impact on the organization and community. You have been asked to summarize your efforts for the year in a slide presentation for the diversity committee who selects the winner. Be sure to include details of the changes you made in your organization and the impact the changes made.

As part of your nomination, you have been asked to create a slide presentation.  Remember your audience when giving your presentation and include the following slides:

Title slide
Highlighting the importance of workplace diversity
Discussing the points that were included in your diversity plan
Describing how culture and inclusion impact your organization
Providing examples of how diverse workgroups work together in the workplace
Gives examples of strategies used to incorporate Hofstede’s cultural dimensions in a global workforce
Provides best practices for managers associated with managing a diverse, global workforce
Conclusion slide that includes a summary of why you should win this award
Any additional, relevant information

Highlighted the importance of diversity in the workplace using clear examples and a well-defined synopsis of the presentation.
Discussed the main points that were part of the diversity plan for the company using clear examples and well-defined reasons.
Discussed how culture and inclusion impact the organization using clear examples and well-defined reasons.
Provided strategies using Hofstede’s cultural dimensions in a global workforce and how these different workgroups worked together using clear examples and well-defined reasons.
Provided an overview of best practices for managers using clear examples and well-defined reasons.
Presentation included all appropriate slides, references if needed,

Executive Compensation

Develop an 8 – 10page paper (exclusive of title page, abstract or references).  Develop three main sections:  Introduction, thematic literature review (labeled with appropriate topic headings), and Conclusion.  For the literature review section, you should develop thoroughly enough to merit at least three sub-heading levels. A minimum of 7 peer-reviewed sources should be used.

The literature review should address the following question:

Is it possible to develop executive compensation plans that effectively link the interests of the executive with the firm’s bottom line ?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Introduction and summary included, please

You will write about a client you observed or counseled and explain whether cognitive behavioral therapy would be effective with this client. You also will submit your Practicum Journal Entries from Weeks 1,2 and 4. Submit your Week Week 1, 2, and 4 Practicum Journal Entries by Day 7 of Week 4.


Any topic (writer’s choice)

Research the concept, Pertinent Negative as it relates to our personal behaviors and perceptions. Then answer the following questions in essay format:

What are the benefits of Pertinent Negative in human interaction?

How can we use the broader view of things in improving our relationships with others?

If you were a manager, how would you use pertinent negative in understanding employee behaviors and actions? 

Reflect on your current situation to see how this concept can improve your own attitudes, perceptions, and behaviors.
The Portfolio Activity entry should be a minimum of 400 words and not more than 750 words. Use APA citations and 3 references.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

To Prepare for this Discussion:

Read the Learning Resources concerning treating childhood abuse.
Read the Child Abuse Case Study in the Learning Resources.

What strategies would you employ to assess the patient for abuse? Explain why you selected these strategies.

How might exposure to the media and/or social media affect the patient?

What type of mandatory reporting (if any) is required in this case? Why?

Must contain at least 2 references.


American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

Trauma- and Stressor-related Disorders

American Psychiatric Nurses Association. (2017). Childhood and adolescent trauma. Retrieved from

Pfefferbaum, B., & Shaw, J. A. (2013). Practice parameter on disaster preparedness. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 52(11), 12241238. Retrieved from

Stahl, S. M. (2014). Prescribers Guide: Stahls Essential Psychopharmacology (5th ed.). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.


Write an Executive Summary. Your task is to participate in lessons within the MLC, complete your required readings, and then analyze a required case study with a directed focus using one component of the NCO common core. You will then summarize the case study. You will focus on the historical case study but will be supported by other research you conduct to support your findings. Cite at least two references. The case studies will allow you to see how the actors represented or embodied these current competencies.

1. (Leadership) CHARGE OF LIGHT BRIGADE CASE STUDY (200 words) (need by Friday)
What in the provided case study can be applied to the NCO CCC of leadership? Support findings through the lens of current doctrine.

2. English Writing (NCO Communications) OPERATION OVERLORD CASE STUDY (200) word
As the Operations NCO you are to write an Executive Summary and poses this question: What is the greatest communication challenge for leaders; and, how can you as a leader measure the effectiveness of your communication skill? Support findings through the lens of current doctrine. Use the provided case study.

3. Mission Command (NCO CCC: Leadership) THE LEADERSHIP IMPERATIVE CASE STUDY (210)
executive Summary: What is the units’ proficiency in the warfighting function, mission command. Support findings through the lens of current doctrine. Use the provided case study.

based on this question: How well was the performance in three of the warfighting functions.” Support findings through the lens of current doctrine. Use the provided case study.

Course Research Question


More than 5,000 words.
More than 10 references to international relations journal articles (see journal list on Canvas) or books by university presses over and above class reading.
A coherent answer to the question that you select from the choices below.
A consistent style for references, headings, subheadings, etc.
Clear writing with appropriate grammar.

How do the approaches to International Relations (Realism, liberalism, constructivism, etc) inform scholarship on terrorism, guerrillas, international law, ethno-nationalism? How do they lay the groundwork and marshal the field of international relations and allow for this more practical, perhaps substantive, content?
One of the birth stories of international relations claims that it was intended to provide the United States with a cadre of civilian experts on conflict and war to balance the expertise of the military and allow for civilian oversight of the armed forces. To what extent do international relations as a discipline, and the readings in this course specifically, lay the foundation for achieving that intent.
What is missing from this course? Choose some other perspectives and readings from international relations literature and show how they would compliment and/or supplement what we have read here.

The main project for this course is the course research question. Choose a focus from the options above. You should choose one only and get to work on it straight away. This will be your main deliverable in this course and all other assignments are set up to support it directly or indirectly.

This project will be a single 5,000-word paper that you should work on throughout the course. The research question assignment should help you with this project. There are 11 research question assignments and so if you answer each of those, your own, questions in about 500 words, and if they are related to each other in such a way as to allow a coherent answer to the course research question, and if you write every week, this should be a very manageable project. If you try to write 5,000 words in two hours before the deadline, you will find that very challenging.

Aside from the length requirement, you are required to cite readings both from our course readings and from other sources. While there is not a specific number of sources from outside the class that you should include, it should be a number larger than 10. Also, the sources should be from peer-reviewed journal articles and books published by university presses and should be predominantly from the international relations field. See the list of IR Journals on Canvas for help with this requirement. I would be happy to help you if you have any questions about specific books or articles.

Choose any format for footnotes/inline citations and make sure your writing is clear and answers the question as written.

I will read your draft twice throughout the semester and give you feedback at set times but you may request feedback at any time throughout the class period.


Refer to the attached documents, “Amazon_Alexa” and “Amazon_2019 Annual Report”.

For the assignment, address the following:

1.    Segmentation
2.    Develop Segment Profiles
3.    Targeting Strategy
4.    Positioning Statement
5.    Analyze the 3 levels of the product/service.
6.    Which step is the most critical for Amazon?
7.    Which marketing efforts are essential to move forward from there?
8.    When setting prices, the company must consider its external pricing environment. Describe three components of the pricing environment and how they affect Amazons Alexa.
9.    Companies bringing out a new product can choose between three broad strategies: a skimming price, penetration pricing, and trial pricing. Distinguish among the three.
10.    Compare and contrast the three distribution strategies (Intensive/Selective/Exclusive distribution) of Amazons Alexa, give examples.
11.    How can Amazon benefit from participating in a VMS (vertical marketing system) and horizontal marketing system respectively?

*** Note: I have attached samples from previous orders/assignments for reference.

Making it mine

    Light Bulb Moments:  Quote a sentence or sentences from God with Us: An Introduction to the Old Testament text that impressed you this week.  Write one paragraph to explain why this caught your attention.  Then record a verse or verses from the Bible reading for this week and write one full paragraph explaining the significance of this quote to you.
    Hall of Fame: In two full paragraphs, choose a famous Bible person you studied in this workshop.  Describe what you learned about this person that you could apply to your own life, character, or leadership.  What do you see in this persons life that you would like to emulate?
    Talking to God: Write a short one-paragraph prayer, in the form of a letter or perhaps a short poem, that reflects what you want to express to God this week.  You may model your prayer after one of the Psalms.  Remember that the Psalms always praised some characteristic of God, were honest and open, and displayed creativity of expression.  Try to incorporate those three elements in your short prayer.

Failure with the 737 Max

s part of the course, you will analyze an aviation or aerospace industrial management issue related to production/operations management, write a research paper, and create a presentation.

Considering the 10 OM decisions, your paper will be a review of issues that were caused by a failure in the production/operations management process. You will compare and contrast the current research findings with the principles and concepts presented in your Heizer, et al. textbook.

All reference sources should be from academic journals, professional trade publications, and respected business or industry magazines. Limit the use of books as sources. Do NOT use articles or sources from Wikipedia! Use references published within the past six years.

The basic rules for your research paper include:

Follow the current APA rules for manuscripts closely.
Paper should be 10 pages at a minimum.
Use one-inch margins on all sides.
Left justify all narrative.
Use Times New Roman font, 12-point.
Indent the first line of each paragraph one-half inch.
Double space everything in the paper. Do not add extra lines or spacing between paragraphs or sections of the paper.
Insert the running header at the top left and the page number at the top right of each page of the paper.