Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Making it mine

Using the following guide, prepare a personal reflection paper:

    Light Bulb Moments:  Quote a sentence or sentences from the God with Us: An Introduction to the Old Testament text that impressed you this week.  Write one paragraph to explain why this caught your attention.  Then record a verse or verses from the Bible reading for this week and write one full paragraph explaining the significance of this quote to you.
    Hall of Fame:  In two full paragraphs, choose a famous Bible person you studied in this workshop.  Describe what you learned about this person that you could apply to your own life, character, or leadership.  What do you see in the person’s life that you would like to emulate?
    Talking to God:  Write a short one-paragraph prayer, in the form of a letter or perhaps a short poem, that reflects what you want to express to God this week.  You may model your prayer after one of the Psalms you read during this week.  Remember that the Psalms always praised some characteristic of God, were honest and open, and displayed creativity of expression.  Try to incorporate those three elements in your short prayer.

Should Physician Assisted Suicide Be Legalized in Michigan?

I need an annotated bibliography done on my topic of “Should Physician Assisted Suicide Be Legalized in Michigan?” I have provided the rubric for the assignment. Three articles need to be on the pro side and three need to be on the con side. Out of the 6 articles used 4 of them need to be peer reviewed journals. Thank you. Text or email me with any questions.

Mediation and Arbitration

Write a paper that compares mediation and arbitration by explaining the function, role, and effectiveness of each in resolving conflicts.  Further compare the two conflict resolution methods by discussing the types of disputes that can be utilized by mediation and arbitration, and include examples. Finally, explain the drawbacks to using each conflict resolution method. 

As part of this assignment, you must also visit the American Arbitration Association (Links to an external site.) website and explain what this organization does. Examine how the AAA could be used either in your current career, or in a career that you seek to pursue.
The paper must be three to five pages in length (excluding the title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style. You must use at least two scholarly resources other than the textbook to support your claims and sub claims. Cite your resources in text and on the reference page.

The Rise of Artificial Intelligence: Is it helping or hurting our jobs?

Write: For this assignment, review the Annotated Bibliography Formatting Guidelines and address the following prompts:

    Introductory paragraph to topic (refer to the Final Paper guidelines for your topic selection).
        Write an introductory paragraph with at least 150 words that clearly explains the topic, the importance of further research, and ethical implications.
    Thesis statement.
        Write a direct and concise thesis statement, which will become the solution to the problem that you will argue or prove in the Week 5. (A thesis statement should be a concise, declarative statement. The thesis statement must appear at the end of the introductory paragraph.)
    Annotated bibliography.
        Develop an annotated bibliography to indicate the quality of the sources you have read.
        Summarize in your own words how the source contributes to the solution of the global societal issue for each annotation.
        Address fully the purpose, content, evidence, and relation to other sources you found on this topic (your annotation should be one to two paragraphs long150 words or more.
        Include no less than five scholarly sources in the annotated bibliography that will be used to support the major points of the Final Paper.
        Demonstrate critical thinking skills by accurately interpreting evidence used to support various positions of the topic.

The Introduction, Thesis Statement, and Annotated Bibliography

    Must be 1,000 to 1,250 words in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style, as outlined.
    Must include a separate title page with the following:
        Title of paper
        Students name
        Course name and number
        Instructors name
        Date submitted
    Must use at least five scholarly sources.
        The Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for an assignment. The Integrating
    Must document in APA style any information used from sources, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Centers Citing Within Your Paper.

    Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style. See the Formatting Your References List (attached)


Create a multi-lingual flyer/pamphlet relating to COVID-19 that will assist immigrants who does not have access or unable to access the information related to COVID-19 available.

I would like to focus on the services offered, see below

Contra COVID is offering services to help Latinx and Immigrant families access food, housing, financial, employment and health resources as we emerge from this COVID-19 Pandemic. We are reaching out to offer our services to you/ the population you serve.

About the Organization:

Contra COVID is a national organization which provides culturally sensitive and relevant health and social information to Latinx and immigrant populations in cities across the US. Contra COVID is comprised of volunteer public health professionals from around the country.

About Our Programs:

The Social Service Navigator Program:
Our SSNP provides translator support services to individuals for online resources. Participants are matched with 1:1 navigators that can help navigate virtual resources including, but not limited to: unemployment assistance, housing, WIC, SNAP, and health insurance online applications.

Referral Services:
We can help identify and connect you or your community members to relevant services in your area. We follow through to ensure that people are given the access they need.

We are holding a series of workshops on mental health, insurance and social services (food, housing ect.). Workshops are adaptable to the needs of you or your community.

Focus Groups:
Volunteer to participate in our focus groups and act as a key informant of the struggles of the Latinx population. We use our focus groups to better understand how we can serve you.

If you have any questions, please email [email protected] or call (917) 4098720

The symptoms
Free testing locations in New York, here’s the link to include

This is a difficult time for our families, our friends, our neighborhoods and our communities. As a City, now is the time to come together, and look out for one another. I want to explain what the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic means for you and your family, and how you help stop the spread of the virus in New York. Were urging people to exercise caution and take care of themselves. There are simple things everyone can do that will make a big difference:
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
Avoid shaking hands.
Cover your coughs and sneezes into your elbow or with a tissue.
Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
Please remember what social distancing involves: avoid crowds of any kind, and keep a distance
of at least 6 feet from other people when youre out.

What I want people to remember is that its not just about keeping yourself healthy. By taking these precautions, youre also helping to keep our entire city healthy. And most importantly, youre helping to keep the most vulnerable people in our community safe: especially the elderly, and people with underlying medical issues.

The Health Care System of Canada.

Use a standard essay format for responses to all questions (i.e., an introduction, middle
paragraphs and conclusion).

The Canadian system for health care delivery can be described as a mixed system because it is possible to have completely private health care with the patient paying the provider. However, most Canadian health care is provided through the single-payer model. Each province in Canada has the constitutional option to opt out of this system, although none have to date. All physician, hospital, pharmaceutical, and clinic fees are set and paid for by the government. A health care provider cannot charge more than the government fee, even if the patient is not covered by the public system or is from another country, unless the provider opts out of the system altogether. Other health care expenses such as dentistry and optometry are wholly private-sector operations. Each person who enrolls in the program is given a health care card, much like the Medicare card in the United States. All people have the same plan (

In recent years, American citizens have increasingly gone to Canada to purchase prescription drugs and be treated for certain illnesses. U.S. citizens take advantage of the high quality and lower cost of Canadian health care. Canadians also come to the United States for elective surgeries such as hip and heart. Canadians travel to the United States for health care for specialized procedures not available in Canada and in some cases to avoid long waiting times.

The early French settlers founded Catholic hospitals in the 1800s. Health care in Canada was private until 1946. At that time, the province of Saskatchewan introduced universal health care coverage. Over the next 10 years, the remaining nine provinces introduced similar coverage. In 1957, the Hospital and Diagnostic Services Act was passed through which the federal government paid 50 percent of costs of the health care programs in all 10 provinces. In 1966, the Medical Care Act was passed that instituted the universal coverage countrywide. The Canada Health Act was passed in 1984 that prohibited extra user fees and extra physician billing fees. The Canadian system, which blends universal health coverage with private-sector fee-for-service, is often seen as a model for U.S. health care reform in current and future discussions.

The majority of health care in Canada (75%) is funded publicly and delivered privately. The private-sector spending is about 30 percent of the total, primarily for services not covered by Canadian Medicare such as dentistry, optometry, some prescription drugs, cosmetic surgery, and for, in some provinces, priority access to health care services. Canadians may also purchase supplementary private health insurance for these services; about 65 percent of the population has this coverage.

The actual delivery of services is the responsibility of the provinces and territories. Although privately funded, most of the services are provided by private enterprises. Most physicians do not receive a salary, but are paid on a fee-for-service basis. They in turn pay their staff, much like private practice physicians in the United States. The role of the federal government is to:

Provide the funds to deliver the services to the provinces

Set and administer the principles of the national health care system

Deliver services to specific special groupsveterans, First Nation Peoples, and the Inuit people

Provide public health, health protection programs, and health care research

Both Canadian citizens and health care providers report high approval ratings for this system (Health Canada

In 2012, Canada spent 9.8 percent of GDP on health care, or U.S. $4,045 per capita. Of that, approximately 70 percent was government expenditure, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) (Canada

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please select two out of the six questions. In your responses, please define, explain, and provide examples as specified. Your responses should be in complete sentences. The midterm essays are to be done at test time. Paper will be provided at this time. The essay component will be added to your multiple choice scores for your total grade. For example, if you make a 50 on the multiple choice component and have a total of 35 points for the essay component, your final grade for the midterm would be: 50 + 35= 85.
EQ1.  What is meant by the term tabula rasa and its relationship to critical learning periods, especially as it relates to the cognitive and physical development among feral children? Describe how the following influential thinkers understood the process of socialization. Provide a short summary of the key ideas you gain from reading and class lectures and discussion of the following theorist: Sigmund Freud, Jean Piaget, Lawrence Kohlberg, George Herbert Mead, and Erik H. Erikson. *Use two of the feral children cases discussed in class [30 pts.]

EQ2.  What were some of the similarities between Danielle and Genies cases?  Discuss the three levels of socialization as they relate to their respective cases. Provide specific examples in your discussion. [15 pts.]

EQ3. How, according to Erving Goffman, do we create reality as we engage in the presentation of self?What is the Thomas Theorem and does it compare/contrast that of the dramaturgical perspective? * Utilize the article, The Presentation of Self in Every Day Life by Erving Goffman in your discussion. It located in your exercise for the chapter 4 [15 pts.]

EQ4. What constitutes sexual deviance? Why is it important to examine cultural variations regarding sex and sexuality?*Use the video clips and articles located in D2L, along with your textbook to assist you in your responses. [20 pts.]

EQ5. Discuss the role of social media and its impact, beginning in the 20th century, until now, on the changing attitude on the following: (1) cultural and social norms (2) sexual identity , and (3) sexual orientation. Select an individual (s) (e.g. Miley Cyrus, Janelle Monae) who have declared themselves to be non-binary, bi-sexual, pan-sexual, trans, etc.). Use the links provided in D2L to assist you. Per the videos you watched, select one of them to discuss how cultural norms impact attitudes involving sexuality and gender from one society to another? * Support you responses with specific examples from the text and select a person , readings and associated videos [20 pts.]

EQ6.    Discuss the concepts of role conflict and role strain . Provide specific examples, from the ‘real world’ (e.g., a political figure, someone from pop culture or sports, or yourself, etc.). Do NOT use examples from the text[10 pts.].

ContraCOVID Communication Strategy

ContraCOVID is an international graduate health student run organization that aims at helping Latinx and Immigrant populations in regards to COVID-19. Contra COVID was started by 5 Harvard medical students and has grown to encompass multiple cities across the US by mobilizing medical students and future health workers in various schools.

Please ensure that these projects directly relate to the committees and work to increase their access to our target population.  Write a summary of exactly how you plan to support the committees you met through these communication strategies. This document can serve as a list of goals/ competencies for your strategy. Please refer to the committee goals listed below to create a communication strategy summary.


Resource Usage Committee – This committee is dedicated to creating creative ways to measure the impact of our outreach work. This committee collects demographic information from the participants reached through the Referral, Workshop and Focus Group committees to ensure that, as a team, we are reaching our target population. The committee creates data summary reports and releases those reports to the other ContraCOVID NYC committees. The committee is also responsible for analysing the impact that COVID-19 has had on the incarcerated and formerly incarcerated population in NYC and developing an infographic campaign to help this population.

Referral Committee- The referral committee generates creative ways to reach out to the target population ( through NYC organizations, grassroots campaigns, ect) and provide the link to relevant resources identified by Contra COVID. Contra COVID has a resource qualtrics tool that keeps track of resources identified in NYC. This committee locates groups of our target population to provide resource referrals to using the resources identified by our team. The aim of this committee is to link our target population to resources existing in NYC and to promote horizontal communications between organizations which serve our demographic in NYC. This committee will be developing a mock healthcare system by mapping out the services provided by existing NGOs and CBOs in NYC as they relate to the services provided by the H+H system of care. They will then work to distribute the map and refer the target population to this mock system.

Focus Group Committee- This committee develops surveys to understand the needs of our target population and locates cohorts of our population to distribute the surveys to. The committee then develops summaries of their findings and makes recommendations based on the findings. The Focus Group committee will be conducting an outreach assessment to analyse the most effective ways to reach and help Latinx and Immigrant populations.

Social Service Navigator Program- The SSNP gives 1:1 guidance and translation of online web pages to participants over the phone. Contra COVID members across the country sign up to schedule phone calls with non-english speakers that need help navigating english only sites.

Capstone Paper, Part I: Introduction, Analysis of Existing Evidence, and Quality Improvement Process

The Assignment you will submit this week will combine the work you completed in Week 1 (Introduction) and Week 2 (Analysis of Existing Evidence) and this weeks assignment, the Quality Improvement Process. These three sections, when combined, will complete Part I of your Capstone Paper.

To prepare for this Assignment:

Review the Capstone Paper Assignment Guide
Locate the most current version of your Week 1 and Week 2 Assignment. You will add this section to that document.
Review the Academic Writing Expectations Checklist Capstone Level
Note the new expectations for Use of evidence and Credit to Source
Use a Scholarly Voice
Review the Walden University Writing Center webpage: Using Evidence: Synthesis
Review the Week 3 Assignment Rubric
Remember: Each section of the Capstone Paper must meet the Academic Writing Expectations for the Capstone Level.

For this Assignment

Describe the quality improvement process and the Quality model that will be used as a basis for the practice problem. Include a description of a quality improvement tool(s) that you will use in your quality improvement plan. See Spath, (2018) chapter 6 for examples.
Explain why the specific process was selected and document your explanation with references.
For the Week 3 Assignment, you will combine your Week 1, 2 and 3 assignments and submit a 3-4-page paper that addresses the following:

Practice Problem (Completed in Week 1)
State the practice problem in measurable terms.
State the data that suggests a practice problem exists
Include a purpose statement.
Analysis of the Existing Evidence (Completed in Week 2)
Summarize the findings from the evidence analysis that support your practice problem. Include minimum of at least 5 evidence-based practice sources that support your practice problem. Identify research, clinical guidelines, expert opinions, and other relevant information. You must include two-three research studies in your analysis. Using your own words synthesize the evidence that supports your identified practice problem. There should be no quotes or personal opinions included in this section.
Quality Improvement Process (Completed this Week) (Approximately 2-3 paragraphs)
Describe the quality improvement process and the quality model that will be used as a basis for the practice problem. This is not your entire quality improvement plan, only a description of the quality improvement process and the quality model you chose. You will develop your specific quality improvement plan in week 4. Include a description of a quality improvement tool(s) that you will use in your quality improvement plan. See Spath, (2018) chapter 6 for examples.
Explain why the specific process was selected and document your explanation with references.

Writing Assignment 2: Qualitative Study Critique

Use the rubric provided to analyze the research article. Write a paper in narrative form that discusses the article. Follow the headings found in the template for the assignment. Do not write the questions. Your sentences should reflect the part of the analysis you are discussing. In the provided 7th edition APA template, the writing prompts are there to help you. As you write, answer the questions in the table.
The paper should be narrative meaning it is to be written in paragraph form. Grammar and spelling are important. The instructor will provide an article for you to critique.
Your paper should be written in APA style, using headings for each Section. Headings are leveled in APA format and must be correct. The provided template already has the headings for you. Write in complete sentences and support your thoughts with resources. Paragraphs are 3-5 sentences in length. A new paragraph is used for each new thought. A good paragraph contains an introduction sentence and a conclusion sentence. Use appropriate flow of words, grammar and punctuation.
A cover page and reference list in APA format should be used. The template has the newest way to write different types of references, so follow the 7th edition guidelines.
Excellent grammar, spelling and APA format are required.
Independent stand alone quotes are not permitted.
The paper will be checked for plagiarism. Please review the plagiarism report before turning in the paper. Your plagiarism check should be 10% or less similarity index.