Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Quiz 5: Price

Answer the following questions. Refer to the attached documents if needed.

1. When setting prices, the company must consider its external pricing environment. Describe three components of the pricing environment and how they affect businesses of your choice [Target Corporation].

2. Companies bringing out a new product can choose between three broad strategies: a skimming price, penetration pricing, and trial pricing. Distinguish among the three.

Short Answer

*** Answer the following questions in 4 or more sentences *** (Human Rights Handbook attached for reference.

1.    As an expert on the writings of political scientist Robert Jervis, you have been invited to the White House to discuss his recommended safeguards from the dangers of biases and expectations with President Trump. You are required to provide a four-sentence executive summary to the White House Chief-of-Staff Mark Meadows. Provide those sentences here.

2.    Explain the dialect inherent in the idea of Intergovernmental Organizations operating in todays international system.

3.    Explain the greatest challenge to limiting the impact of transnational terrorism in todays international system.

4.    As a member of UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres personal staff, you have been asked to deliver a briefing to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on the origin of human rights. You will need to provide a four-sentence executive summary to his staff before delivering your briefing. Provide these four sentences here.

Process Improvement Paper

Select a company with which you are familiar, preferably one where you have been employed, and consider a process within that company that could be improved. This could be a business process, a manufacturing process, a distribution process, or a service process that you have observed or been involved with during your career.

Your paper should:
*Describe the company and how the selected process fits into the overall framework of the company.
*Create a step-by-step description of the current process incorporating a process flow chart.
*Analyze the current process for inefficiencies.
*Develop a process improvement recommendation including a detailed plan incorporating business process engineering theory and including benchmarking the reengineered process to a close business competitor. The process should be designed to be more efficient, using appropriate tools and methods learned throughout the course, including capacity utilization improvements and statistical quality control models.
*Explain possible challenges in implementing the process changes.
*Assess the expected benefits of the improved process and the potential benefits.

Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.

Must use at least five scholarly sources in addition to the course text.
The Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources

Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style.

Diabetes Case Study

Textbook Link

please read
Read Chapter  47 & 48 pg 1108-1155

Patient Profile

Tony Chadwick is a 16-year-old African American male admitted to ICU from the urgent care with newly diagnosed type 1 DM with DKA. His mother took him to the local urgent care with a 2-day history of vomiting and abdominal pain. Tony also complained of thirst, blurry vision, and fatigue. His mother smelled a fruity odor on his breath this morning. The nurse at the urgent care clinic found that Tony had a blood glucose level of 520 mg/dL and urine positive for ketones. Tony was immediately transferred to the local hospital, where he was admitted to ICU. He is in the 11th grade and was doing well in school until about 2 weeks ago, when he started to become easily fatigued and irritable. His mother thought that he was just staying up too late and not getting enough sleep. Tony has been well except for an upper respiratory viral infection about 2 months ago that kept him home from school for 3 days.

On arrival in the ICU, Tony is drowsy but wakes to verbal stimuli. He complains of nausea and is vomiting green-colored bile in small amounts. He complains of abdominal pain and a need to urinate.

His mother accompanies him and expresses fear that he will not survive this acute episode. She was told at the urgent care clinic that Tony has diabetes, but she does not believe it. She says no one in her family or her husband has diabetes.

Lab Results:

AIC 12%
Anion gap 20
ABGs pH 7.22
pCO2 21
Bicarb 18
Electrolytes are pending.
Chest x-ray is negative.

Physical Assessment:

Vital signs: T 99.5F orally; P 120 bpm, thready; R 28/min, deep and labored; BP 90/60 mmHg
Neuro: As above
Resp: Lungs clear to auscultation
CVS: All pulses palpable with radial pulses thready. HS are S1, S2.
Skin: Cool and clammy but skin turgor poor
GI: Diminished bowel sounds in all quadrants
GU: Has not voided
An IV is started and 0.9% NaCl is infusing. An insulin drip is started per protocol. Tony is connected to a cardiac monitor and exhibits sinus tachycardia. A Foley catheter is inserted and connected to an hourly drainage chamber (for hourly urine output measurement).
Please answer the following questions regarding the Case Study.

Question 1

Tony is a 16-year-old male who is involved in sports. What are some of the fears and anxieties that he may have as he resumes his normal life? How can the nurse help Tony deal with these issues?

Question 2

At the urgent care clinic, Tonys mother said this couldnt be diabetes because no one in the family has ever had it. What could the nurse tell Tonys mother to help her understand the disease and its etiology?

Question 3

Discuss the electrolyte imbalance and blood gas results that occurred on the first day of Tonys admission. How do his vital signs reflect the pathophysiology of DKA?

Question 4

Tony is concerned about being embarrassed when he has to check his blood sugar and take his insulin at school. What interventions could the nurse suggest helping him with privacy?

Question 5

Tony admits to drinking alcohol occasionally. What should the nurse teach Tony about alcohol use and diabetes?

Question 6

List and explain at least four nursing diagnoses for Tony.

Personality Theories

For this discipline-based literature review, you will research peer-reviewed articles that were published within the last 10 years in the Ashford University Library on the following major perspectives of personality.
You will utilize your researched article to create your literature review. The review should be formatted with the headings and content designated below.
Assess the types of personality measurements and research designs used in in the peer-reviewed articles you researched. Briefly describe the main theoretical models represented within each of the perspectives of personality and explain the commonalities found across all five.
Examine the major theoretical approaches, research methods, and assessment instruments used in the five perspectives of personality. Evaluate and describe the current research in these perspectives using a minimum of one peer-reviewed article for each of the five required perspectives. Present a detailed critique of each of the perspectives by evaluating the standardization, reliability and validity, and cultural considerations present in the most common personality assessments used within each. Support your opinions about each model by substantiating them with scholarly research.  Be sure to include the following:
The theoretical framework(s) for the selected models
The major contributors to those fields
The methods of inquiry and assessment usually associated with those models
An overview of the characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses of the models
Provide a summary of your evaluation addressing the current use and relevance of these perspectives in explaining personality citing research as appropriate.
Writing the Discipline Based Literature Review
The paper:
Must be seven to ten double-spaced pages in length and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Must include a title page with the following:
Title of paper
Your name
Course name and number
Your instructors name
Date submitted
Must begin with an introduction that describes and the main theoretical models represented within each of the perspectives of personality.
Must address the topics of the paper with critical thought.
Must end with a conclusion that summarizes your evaluation addressing the current use and relevance of these perspectives in explaining personality.
Must use at least five peer-reviewed sources from the Ashford University Library.
Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Must include a separate reference page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Presenting the Plan

This final assignment is designed to provide an opportunity to integrate the skills addressed in this course.  You are expected to work individually and  focus on analyzing a problem and develop a plan to address that problem according to the techniques you have honed in this class.

Each team will identify one of the problems of an organization posed by a team member. The assignment will include a Power Point which will present a plan on ways to solve the problem.

The following elements should be included.

Introduction as to why this problem was selected ,
Each team members assignment for the project (to be included in the Appendix of paper)
Process(es) used to analyze the problem, and
Presentation of the plan to include Power Point slides.
The PowerPoint and paper for the plan will be the graded project. The paper (including the plan) must be between 5-7 pages in length, not including the title, reference pages and appendix. This assignment requires a minimum of 5-7 scholarly references. There are no minimum requirement for the number of PowerPoint slides. 

My problem will be Technology and Strategic Planning.

Mintzberg, H.,Lampel, J., Ghoshal, S., &Quinn, J. B.
(2014). Strategy Process: Concepts, Contexts, Cases
(5th ed.). Philadelphia, PA:Trans-Atlantic Publication

Need additional references

It will say as a team in the narrative ,but we can work individually. I elected to work alone

leadership and management

    Write a short APA paper on Seclusion & Restraints & Patient Safety & Legal & Ethical
implications.( in facililty it can be hospital) who, when, why, how
Essay include up-to-date information and paper length appropriate.   
Introduction and conclusion are clear and concise
Grammar, proper word use, punctuation, sentence composition, paragraph development, sentence clarity, and spelling.   
APA style as appropriate for referencing and APA format with reference page. At least 3 references within 5 years.   
Logical and clear essay development: easily readable (use subheadings-if applicable).   

Discussion and Conclusion Theis chapters

I need someone to write the discussion and conclusion part of my thesis for a class., which is about mapping extensional/normal faults in the southern Puna plateau. I have uploaded the class syllabus, and all the research I have done so far.
The methods section should be uploaded in a week.

From time to time I will upload revised, better images of profile graphs and fault maps. My intial upload is NOT the final version. I will also message what my supervisor says during meetings if it pertains to order.

I will be uploading additional documents based on the syllabus timeline.
Please let me know if you would like the shp file. Or any additional files.

Medication Errors in Nursing

This paper is on the topic of Medication Errors in Nursing (narrowed down from the broad topic of Medical Errors). The additional materials I have uploaded have a lot of instructions and guidance, READ FULLY, as those are the full guidance. There is a rubric posted so you know the requirements in the grading. The paper expectations and guidance include small writings that had to be done, about legal/ethical aspect, historical aspect, the broad topic. I also included the sources used for those writings and the citations because you may use those sources as part of this research paper and its thesis statement. Be sure to fulfill all requirements. I will be testing the paper for plagiarism using multiple resources, including Turnitin.

    The paper must be a minimum of 7 pages and a maximum of 8 pages, in addition to a title page and a reference list.
    The paper must follow APA format including:
o    Double-spaced throughout
o    1-inch margins on all sides
o    1/2 inch indents for all new paragraphs
o    12 point font size, serif type fonts such as Times or Courier
o    Headings should be used to demonstrate the paper’s organization
    You do not need to create an abstract for this paper.
    You should have at least 5 professional references (STUDIES, JOURNAL ARTICLES, ETC.)included in the paper. At a minimum, 1 reference should reflect a recent research study specific to the issue.

Action Plan

The organization where you work or aspire to work is asking you to present an action plan to ensure compliance with ethical standards. Considering this request, develop an action plan (5-8 pages) based on a target ethical area related to the organization.

The plan needs to include the following:

Identify the current ethical standards or code of ethics of your organization. Provide a brief synopsis about the main points stated in the ethical code. Use it as a the tool for creating the action plan.
Propose  the goals for your plan. Indicate the various ways and methods you would  use to disseminate ethical standards in your organization.  Include one example of a resource, tool  (flyer, message, poster, etc.) you would use to promote ethics in your  targeted organization.
Describe how ethical behaviors and practices will be measured in meaningful  and practical ways (What will evidence adherence to ethical standards?). Clearly state how a leader in an organization might use those measures.
Provide a list of suggested references and materials (at least five) a leader  would use to support ongoing knowledge on ethics.

****My organization is an insurance company where i work as a claims adjuster.*****