Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

TCP/IP, IPv4 and IPv6 Addressing, and Basic IP Packet Structures

Examines the TCP and OSI models.

[Explains the corresponding layers of the OSI and TCP models and the various functions at each layer.]

Examines the IPv4 address and subnet mask.

[Describes the IPv4 address and maximum amount of IPs available with this addressing scheme. Identifies the subnet mask and its purpose in the IPv4 address.]

Examines the IPv6 address and prefix.

[Describes the IPv6 address and the maximum amount of IPs available with this addressing scheme. Identifies the prefix for the IPv6 address its purpose]

Identifies IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and their cohabitation.

[Identifies at least two methods to allow IPv4 addresses to coexist.]

Examines the IPv4 and IPv6 headers.

[Compares and contrasts the various fields in the IPv4 and IPv6 headers.]

Finanacial Analysis for Starbucks Pt 1

) Accounting Component
a) Obtain the most recent ten years of annual total sales (total revenue) data from the firms financial history. In addition, use just the last three years for the firms financial statement data: I recommend, you use abbreviated financial statements. They can be found in, Yahoo Finance, MSN Money. DO NOT GET BOGGED DOWN IN THE DETAILED OF THE AGGREGATE FINANCIALS
i) Income Statement
ii) BalanceSheet
iii) Statement of Cash Flow
b) Derive common size statements for the income statement and the 7
balance sheet NOT the cash flow
i) Looking at trends in the data
ii) Looking at variations in the same data as well as variations in the trends
1) General Component
a) No more than one paragraph describing the history and industry of the company.
2) Economic Component
a) How does the above relate to the industry that the company is in, i.e. need to perform competitive economic analysis about the company:
i) Macroeconomic analysis—-is the companys sales cyclical or counter cyclical for example?
ii) Industry analysis—market share.Are the companys sales growing, declining, or staying the same? How is the company performing relative to its competition?
4) Trends and Deviations in the companys historical data

*Please note the example is the entire analysis and i’m just asking for a part of it right now

VA healthcare vs Private Healthcare

Edit paper to change research methods from quantitative to qualitative or mixed method. You will remove all sections of quantitative methods and rewrite the paper to reflect qualitative methods to be used. Make certain the reference pages are updated as well to reflect new changes.

VA healthcare vs Private Healthcare

Edit paper to change research methods from quantitative to qualitative or mixed method. You will remove all sections of quantitative methods and rewrite the paper to reflect qualitative methods to be used. Make certain the reference pages are updated as well to reflect new changes.

Week 4 skills lab project

The topic is: Child Welfare


For this cumulative assignment, you will create a presentation addressing a social problem from a generalist social work perspective. During the presentation, you are expected to demonstrate foundation-level practice skills.

    Identification of the social problem with research supporting the background presented.
o    You must demonstrate that this social problem exists by communicating the number of those impacted and the impact on disenfranchised groups.
o    Include considerations of diversity and cultural awareness.
o    It is expected that research and supported data will be presented from appropriate sources (e.g., peer-reviewed studies or government websites).

website proposal

I need a website proposal for a website that is designed to collect materials for charity and then direct it to a right place. the donations can be monetary or anything. it should have 5-6(the website) pages and we need to describe each page along with the features of the website. the question is as follows
Your group is to submit by next class a proposal for Web site development project.
Your proposal will be for the development of a Web site for a company, either fictitious or real, but cannot be based on an existing Web site. Yours should be a totally new site. Your site, should include a number of pages containing the information of interest by customers of the business, and of course pages through which to conduct business transactions (or the equivalent in a non-commercial site). Some of the types of pages that your site will contain for example might be..history, mission statement, directors (yourselves?), products, catalogue, sale items etc, order form, membership form entry, password access to membership details… etc..
The proposal should be approximately 2 pages, indicating the name of the business, the types of products it sells, a proposed structure of the site, and a database connectivity plan (ie… where a database will be utilized within the Web site), and any other details you deem relevent. Later in the subject we will be adding database interactivity into your web-site, so you should keep this in mind when developing your proposal, as you can include on-line catalogues, on-line purchasing forms and other such eBusiness type activities.
I like to leave the type of project up to you… so as to make it interesting for you…. but while you choose your project.. bear the following in mind.
After the proposal you get to me by the end of the first week…. there are 4 other stages that are assessed.

Wellbeing of Children and Young Adults

1) Ensure that all of your assertions and statements are grounded in the literature and that you cite relevant academic or policy papers throughout. For Masters Level writing (level 11) you need to ensure that there is a strong grounding in the literature throughout.

2) Try and write your essay in three distinct parts, according to the criteria. It will make your writing easier to mark and you will also be able to check that you have covered everything.

3) Critically define your terms – wellbeing is a broad concept and you need to show  that you understanding the implications that has for your essay.

My topic is how has social media affected child sex trafficking in our society today.

To give a little background of my hypothesis, independent variable, and the dependent variable is. Identifying social media and child sex trafficking. My focus on how has social media affected child sex trafficking in our society, the state that I will be focusing on in California.

This assignment is 5 parts. This is assignment #2. I have already submitted assignment #1 and have already started working on assignment #2 as the continuation of assignment #1. What I’m going to be uploading is assignment #1 and the work I’ve done so far on assignment #2.

Independent variable – My independent variable is social media and under that social media umbrella is “Children engaging with strangers on social media.”

Treatment group: 30 minutes on Facebook
Control group: 30 minutes on Yahoo Answers (given its not a social media platform)

Dependent variable – My dependent variable is child sex trafficking and under that umbrella is “Numbers of messages from strangers requesting to meet up”

Hypothesis – “California minors who engage on social media with strangers are more likely to be solicited to child sex trafficking.

This is the information that was given on the syllabus:
Identifying your final research question and your variables. Provide a brief (2-3 page) overview of your finalized research question, hypothesis(es), and the variables that you will be studying. This assignment should include the information provided in your first assignment, but expand in more detail on the hypothesis(es) developed based on your research question and what variables you will be using to address the research question. Your hypothesis(es) should make clear the main independent and dependent variables in your proposal and the relationships between these variables that you are examining. In addition to identifying your variables, describe them using characteristics that have been presented in class (e.g., unit of analysis, operational definitions). This assignment should be typed, double-spaced, with 12-point Times New Roman, Calibri, or Arial font, with one-inch margins.  This assignment will be graded using the rubric posted in Canvas.

see instructions

Objectives of Family Planning
To avoid unwanted births
To offer pregnancy testing and counseling
To provide contraceptives info to help plan births.
To control the time at which births occur in relation to the ages of parent
To determine the number of the children in the family
To provide STD testing and information of treatment

Case Scenario
Bob is high school senior with plans to attend college in another state. Mary is a high school junior with very protective parents. Each is trying to clarify values related to becoming sexually active should the opportunity arise.
They both come into your office for counseling on becoming sexually active and family planning. Based upon the objectives above please develop an outline of how you will counsel them.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

write i about the history of pepppa pig my 1st grade teacher is asking us to write a paragraph or porn I think my favourite bok is Peppa pig I’m not sure my brothers writing this by the way btw hes not 18 so im not sure if hes aloud to do this but hes been 8 and ten so that’s good right