Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Behavioral Analytic Assessment Tools


For this assignment, choose one of the following behavior-analytic assessment tools to review: ABLS, VBMAPP, Skills Curriculum, and PDC.

In narrative form, please research the selected assessment tool and complete the following:

Describe the overall areas that are assessed using this tool and explain the type of conditions under which the use of this tool may be warranted.
Analyze the strengths of the assessment tool.
Analyze the weaknesses of the assessment tool.
Be sure to support your conclusions with scholarly or professional resources

Behavioral Analytic Assessment Tools


For this assignment, choose one of the following behavior-analytic assessment tools to review: ABLS, VBMAPP, Skills Curriculum, and PDC.

In narrative form, please research the selected assessment tool and complete the following:

Describe the overall areas that are assessed using this tool and explain the type of conditions under which the use of this tool may be warranted.
Analyze the strengths of the assessment tool.
Analyze the weaknesses of the assessment tool.
Be sure to support your conclusions with scholarly or professional resources.

Assignment Requirements
Your assignment should meet the following requirements:

Written communication: Should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: References and citations are formatted according to current APA style guidelines.
Resources: 24 scholarly or professional resources.
Length: 34 double-spaced pages, excluding title page and list of references.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.
SafeAssign: You are required to use SafeAssign before submitting the completed assignment to your instructor. Submit your work to SafeAssign as a draft, review the results, and make any needed changes. When you are ready, submit your assignment to the assignment area for grading.
Refer to the Behavior-Analytic Assessment Tools Scoring Guide to ensure you understand the grading criteria for this assignment.

Behavioral Analytic Tools

For this assignment, choose one of the following behavior-analytic assessment tools to review: ABLS, VBMAPP, Skills Curriculum, and PDC.

In narrative form, please research the selected assessment tool and complete the following:

Describe the overall areas that are assessed using this tool and explain the type of conditions under which the use of this tool may be warranted.
Analyze the strengths of the assessment tool.
Analyze the weaknesses of the assessment tool.
Be sure to support your conclusions with scholarly or professional resources.

Assignment Requirements
Your assignment should meet the following requirements:

Written communication: Should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: References and citations are formatted according to current APA style guidelines.
Resources: 24 scholarly or professional resources.
Length: 34 double-spaced pages, excluding title page and list of references.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.
SafeAssign: You are required to use SafeAssign before submitting the completed assignment to your instructor. Submit your work to SafeAssign as a draft, review the results, and make any needed changes. When you are ready, submit your assignment to the assignment area for grading.


Choose a population from the following:
o    Children
o    Women who are pregnant
o    Geriatric individuals
o    Individuals with cognitive disabilities
o    Adolescents

Based on the population you selected, post an explanation of the role of ethics in developmental psychology research with attention to the characteristics of this vulnerable population. Be specific in your post and use the Learning Resources to support your post. Use proper APA format and citations to support your explanation.

Look at the links and documents I provided!


IDS 400 Milestone Three Guidelines and Rubric
Diversity, You, and Society
Overview: In Final Project Part Two, you will develop a multimedia presentation in which you will have a chance to reflect on what you have learned about your
issue or event, yourself, and diversity through analyzing its impact on society. You will also be able to apply your communication skills and integrate multimedia
elements to communicate your message to an audience. This milestone is due in Module Five.
In developing this presentation, you will be able to use your analyses from the first part of this project as a starting point. The reflective nature of this activity
prompts you to dig deeper and consider the implications posed by the critical analysis of your issue or event in diversity. How does studying diversity affect how
you understand yourself, as well as the world around you? Youll also be challenged to incorporate a dash of creativity to enhance your message.
Multimedia Presentation: For the second part of the project, you will create a multimedia presentation that incorporates audio narration and visuals to
articulate how critically analyzing your issue/event in diversity impacts your own framework of perception and ability to constructively engage in society.
PowerPoint: You are required to include a combination of text and visuals in order to support your PowerPoint presentation. Use the Check File Compatibility
With Earlier Versions and Are You Having Video or Audio Playback Issues? resources to help you check compatibility between versions of Office. Also, follow the
instructions on the Microsoft Support page to compress your presentation as a zipped file. You may upload a zipped file when submitting this assignment.
Reducing the size of the PowerPoint presentation file by compressing it makes it easier for your instructor to download and grade.
Microphone: While it is not necessary to purchase a microphone for this project, you will need to have access to a microphone to record the narration of the
presentation. This could be the external microphone of your device, a set of earbuds, or equipment borrowed from a friend. This assignment is graded on the
content of the narration, not the quality of the recording.
Prompt: First, review the module resources you have encountered so far and create a presentation draft (PowerPoint with speaker notes) that analyzes the
issue/event under study (the one you selected in Module Two).
Specifically, the following critical elements (which align to the critical elements required of the presentation in Final Project Part Two) must be addressed:
I. Issue/Event: For this section of your presentation, you will introduce the issue/event and how it relates to issues of diversity and any of the topics that
have been discussed in the course.
A. Using appropriate research strategies, describe a social or global issue/event that is related to issues of diversity.
i. What is the origin of the issue?
ii. What is the issue about?
B. Using appropriate research strategies, describe the impact of the issue/event on society.
i. Who is impacted by the issue?
ii. What is important to know about them?
C. Using relevant research or diverse perspectives, assess how society impacts the chosen issue.
II. Yourself: This section of your presentation explores how studying diversity influences your individual framework of perception with respect to your
discipline of study or profession.
A. How has critically analyzing your issue/event in diversity informed your individual framework of perception? Consider how it has altered the way
you perceive the world.
B. How can critically analyzing diversity influence your field of study or profession? How can studying diversity inform your understanding of the
next big topic of study in your field or profession in the next five to ten years?
III. Society: This section of your presentation explores how studying diversity enhances your ability to engage constructively in society.
A. How does critically analyzing diversity add value to how you interact with people and understand social or global issues/events? Supplement
your reasoning with examples.
B. Recommend strategies for using this kind of critical analysis for meeting your personal and professional goals. What might this look like in your
everyday life? Consider how diversity can be used to address the day-to-day responsibilities or questions faced by practitioners in your field or
IV. Conclusion:
A. Using relevant research or diverse perspectives, assess the benefits and challenges of addressing issues in diversity.
B. Explain how critically analyzing diversity adds value to interactions with people in personal and professional contexts.
V. Presentation: Throughout your presentation, you will be assessed on your ability to use effective communication skills to deliver your message to your
A. Construct your presentation in a way that ensures the audio and visual elements are logically organized in order to convey your message to your
B. Provide supporting evidence in your presentation that supports the importance of the chosen issue/event and its impact within diversity.
C. Develop the audio narration to logically flow with the presentation to articulate the importance of critically analyzing the chosen issue/event
and its impact within diversity.
Guidelines for Submission: Milestone Three should be approximately 10 to 12 slides. You are required to include a combination of text and visuals in order to
support your work. Support your presentation with relevant resources cited in APA format and noted on a separate slide. If you require alternative
accommodations for completing this assignment, reach out to your instructor directly for more information.
Note: Turnitin, the originality report feature used in the course, is not able to check PowerPoint submissions for plagiarism. Thus, you should submit your speaker
notes in a separate Word document. Both files (PowerPoint and Word) can be submitted through the Milestone Three submission item.
Please note that the grading rubric for this milestone submission is not identical to that of the final project. The Final Project Part Two Rubric will include an
additional Exemplary category that provides guidance as to how you can go above and beyond Proficient in your final submission.
Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Issue/Event: Social or
Global Issue/Event
Describes a social or global issue/event
and how it relates to problems in
diversity, using appropriate research
Describes a social or global issue/event
and how it relates to problems in
diversity, but description is cursory or
research strategies are inappropriate
Does not describe a social or global
issue/event and how it relates to
problems in diversity
Issue/Event: Impact on
Describes impact of the issue/event on
society using appropriate research
Describes the impact of the issue/event
on society, but the description is
cursory or research strategies are
Does not describe the impact of the
issue/event on society
Issue/Event: Society
Assesses how society impacts the
chosen issue, using relevant research or
diverse perspectives
Assesses how society impacts the
chosen issue, but explanation is cursory
or utilization of relevant research or
diverse perspectives is inappropriate
Does not assess how society impacts
the chosen issue
Yourself: Individual
Framework of Perception
Explains how critically analyzing an
issue/event in diversity has informed
individual framework of perception
Explains how critically analyzing an
issue/event in diversity has informed
individual framework of perception, but
explanation is cursory
Does not explain how critically
analyzing an issue/event in diversity has
informed individual framework of
Yourself: Individual Field of
Study or Profession
Explains how critically analyzing
diversity can influence discipline of
study or profession
Explains how critically analyzing
diversity can influence discipline of
study or profession, but explanation is
Does not explain how critically
analyzing diversity can influence
discipline of study or profession
Society: Interact Explains how critically analyzing
diversity adds value to interactions with
people and to understanding social or
global issues/events
Explains how critically analyzing
diversity adds value to interactions with
people and to understanding social or
global issues/events, but explanation is
Does not explain how critically analyzing
diversity adds value to interactions with
people and to understanding social or
global issues/events
Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Society: Strategies Recommends strategies for using
critical analysis for meeting personal
and professional goals
Recommends strategies for using
critical analysis for meeting personal
and professional goals, but
recommendations are inappropriate
Does not recommend strategies for
using critical analysis for meeting
personal and professional goals
Conclusion: Benefits and
Assesses the benefits and challenges of
addressing issues in diversity, using
relevant research or diverse
Assesses the benefits and challenges of
addressing issues in diversity, but
analysis is cursory or utilization of
relevant research or diverse
perspectives is inappropriate
Does not assess the benefits and
challenges of addressing issues in
Conclusion: Adds Value Explains how critically analyzing
diversity adds value to interactions with
people in personal and professional
Explains how critically analyzing
diversity adds value to interactions with
people in personal and professional
contexts, but explanation is cursory
Does not explain how critically
analyzing diversity adds value to
interactions with people in personal and
professional contexts
Presentation: Organized Constructs the presentation in such a
way that it ensures the audio and visual
elements are logically organized
Presentation is constructed with audio
and visual elements, but the
organization is somewhat illogical
Does not construct the presentation in
a way that ensures audio and visual
elements are logically organized
Presentation: Evidence Provides supporting evidence in the
presentation that supports the
importance of the chosen issue/event
and its impact within diversity
Provides supporting evidence, but
evidence does not sufficiently support
the importance of the chosen
issue/event and its impact within
Does not provide evidence that
supports the importance of the chosen
issue/event and its impact within
Presentation: Flow Develops the audio narration to
logically flow with the presentation to
articulate the importance of critically
analyzing the chosen issue/event and
its impact within diversity
Develops the audio narration, but it
does not logically flow with the
presentation to articulate the
importance of critically analyzing the
chosen issue/event and its impact
within diversity
Does not include audio narration to
articulate the importance of the chosen
issue/event and its impact within
Articulation of Response Submission has no major errors related
to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax,
or organization
Submission has major errors related to
citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or
organization that negatively impact
readability and articulation of main
Submission has critical errors related to
citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or
organization that prevent
understanding of ideas

CCM Plan assignments outline by Week 1

Week 1: In Week 1, you will complete a short essay related to group norms for effectively communicating and managing conflict within a group. This is an individual assignment and you will share the results of this assignment with your group later in Week 2. (individual assignment)

The essay will include communication and conflict management rules/guidelines that would be useful in guiding a team project and team communications over this semester or during the planning and execution of a project in an organization. These contributions will serve as the basis for your team in preparing a draft GCCM Plan in Week 2. The primary basis for grading is effort and thoughtfulness because we have not yet covered the elements of team communication, communication planning, and conflict management. Think about what would be useful to your team for working together effectively this semester, and draft some team expectations and rules for managing group communications, team assignments, and managing group conflict. An in-depth search of scholarly material is not needed to complete this assignment; however, you may conduct a quick search of scholarly materials in the online library of academic/professional journals to support your position, but you will also cite assigned readings from Week 1.

This individual contribution is to be no more than 2 pages in length, formatted in APA (title page and References page not included in the page length), and uploaded as an individual assignment in your Assignment Folder for grading.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Reference website:

Explore what kinds of audiences and purposes each of these documents might work best for, and what benefits, limitations, and ethical concerns come with each of these approaches to data visualization and presentation.

In particular, think about what kinds of conclusions could be made from each of these documents individually, as well as what kinds of conclusions might be reached by using them together. How does using only one or two change the perspective the reader/consumer of the research has? At the same time, why might it sometimes make sense to use only one or two types?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Complete the following Case Studies :

Mexican case study #2
Puerto Rican case study #2

Write a APA essay addressing the questions in the above case studies. Use clearly labeled headings for each question. Be sure to use two scholarly sources. Case studies are attached.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Complete the following Case Studies :

Mexican case study #2
Puerto Rican case study #2

Write a APA essay addressing the questions in the above case studies. Use clearly labeled headings for each question. Be sure to use two scholarly sources. Case studies are attached.

Describe how does health disparities affect (THIS IS MY TOPIC THAT THE PAPER IS REGARDING.Increase the percentage of children aged 19 to 35 months who receive the recommended doses of DTaP, polio, MMR, Hib, hepatitis B, varicella and pneumococcal conjugat

Using the concepts of health literacy and health disparities, you will develop a 2-3 page (not including title and reference page) APA style paper using the following criteria:

A title page in APA format including a running head, title, your name, institution and date.
An introductory paragraph describing the topic and issue to include a thesis statement at the end.
Describe how does health disparities affect (THIS IS MY TOPIC THAT THE PAPER IS REGARDING.Increase the percentage of children aged 19 to 35 months who receive the recommended doses of DTaP, polio, MMR, Hib, hepatitis B, varicella and pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV)t .
Discuss three nursing and interdisciplinary health care strategies to minimize the impact of the disparities you identified in criteria three.
Determine three education strategies as a patient educator that will improve your patients health literacy.  These strategies can be utilized to effectively communicate to patients and families to enhance comprehension of information received.
A closing paragraph that summarizes your paper.
A reference page formatted in APA.  Ensure to use at least two scholarly sources dated within the past five years.  You must use the course textbook and the HP2020 website.

Issues Analysis Paper: Health Literacy and Disparities Grading Rubric-6-19-2019
Issues Analysis Paper: Health Literacy and Disparities Grading Rubric-6-19-2019
Criteria    Ratings    Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTitle Page and Reference Page
a. Include running header
b. Include name
c. Include dates
d. Include institution
e. APA format
5.0 pts
Less than two APA errors
3.0 pts
Two-four APA errors
0.0 pts
Greater than four APA errors.
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction and Closing
a. Introduction paragraph describing healthy topic objective and issue
b. Thesis statement at end of introductory paragraph
c. Closing paragraph summarizing key points of paper
5.0 pts
Met all criteria.
3.0 pts
Missing one criteria.
0.0 pts
Missing two or greater criteria.
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRole of Health Disparities
Describe in 1-2 paragraphs the role health disparities affect the Healthy People 2020 topic choice and objective
5.0 pts
Met all criteria.
3.0 pts
Description minimal in nature.
0.0 pts
Failed to address criteria.
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDisparity Minimization
Describe a minimum of three efforts to minimize the effects of the disparities provided in the Role of Health Disparities.
5.0 pts
Met all criteria.
3.0 pts
Provided less than three efforts.
0.0 pts
Does not meet criteria.
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEffective Communication
Describe three efforts that can be utilized to effectively communicate to patients and families to ensure comprehension of information provided.
5.0 pts
Met all criteria.
3.0 pts
Provided less than three efforts.
0.0 pts
Does not meet criteria.
5.0 pts
Total Points: 25.0