Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Complete the following Case Studies :

Mexican case study #2
Puerto Rican case study #2

Write a 3-4 page APA essay addressing the questions in the above case studies. Use clearly labeled headings for each question. Be sure to use two scholarly sources in addition to the textbook.

I have attached the case studies as a word document


Analyze the company you are studying in the Home Improvement industry (Menards). Who is the buyer/consumer for this company? Create a buyer persona and be very specific. Explain ONE or TWO people who fit the buyer persona. You are welcome to Google what a buyer persona is. You will find templates for a buyer persona. You will need to know demographic and psychographic information about the consumer. If you can identify one or two buyers, you will also target those who are like consumers.

For example…if you were to create a buyer persona for me as a consumer it would look something like this:


Female, 36 years old

Married, 2 children (ages 10 and 11)

Highest level of education – Master’s and ABD

Income Level – $$$

Has 2 siblings who live in Seattle, WA and Connecticut. Both parents are living and live in Florida on the beach.

Lives in Boone, NC, but originally from a small town in Ohio

Close with family

Hobbies include working out (running, lifting weights, crossfit), hanging out with friends, going to kids sporting events, Watching sports

Mostly shops for convenience, does not like making returns when shopping online, but enjoys the convenience of shopping online.

Not a crafty person at all, but has a vision, good ideas for crafts and projects.

This would be an example, you can add more information if you would like. Make sure you are focused on who the customer is for the Home Improvement Industry and be specific!


Objectives of Family Planning
To avoid unwanted births
To offer pregnancy testing and counseling
To provide contraceptives info to help plan births.
To control the time at which births occur in relation to the ages of parent
To determine the number of the children in the family
To provide STD testing and information of treatment

Case Scenario
Bob is high school senior with plans to attend college in another state. Mary is a high school junior with very protective parents. Each is trying to clarify values related to becoming sexually active should the opportunity arise.
They both come into your office for counseling on becoming sexually active and family planning. Based upon the objectives above please develop an outline of how you will counsel them.

Discussion week 9 post 2 (6051)

To prepare: View this week’s media, Parker (Episode 30). (I have uploaded the video to the attachments)

Think of the many names and labels you may have heard to describe persons with disabilities and those that are currently socially acceptable. The changing monikers given to those with disabilities are evidence of the continual negotiation of the society who labels and those who are so labeled to define what disability is and who is disabled. What do these shifting labels suggest about the social construction of disability?

Society is inconsistent in its treatment and protection of the rights of individuals with disabilities, creating a situation that contributes to marginalization that can complicate other forms of marginalization and oppression. Consider that being labeled with a disability can be simultaneously something to be fought against because of the stigma it entails and fought for because of the access that it grants to social services that meet basic medical needs, aid economic survival, and improve access to education that society can otherwise deny.

Post an analysis of the implications of the social construction of disability. Describe how disability can be defined as a social construct. Explain how that relates to the perception of disability. Be specific and draw on examples from the Parker case to illustrate your thoughts. Also, describe the intersection of Stephanie’s mental illness with other characteristics of her identity. Explain how those intersections could serve to further marginalize Stephanie’s place and experiences in society. Finally, explain how such marginalization impacts her ability to make choices, use self-determination, and be an active agent with equitable status in her interactions with other professionals.

Then, you will respond to 2 colleagues when I upload their posts.

Book reference:

Adams, M., Blumenfeld, W. J., Castaneda, C., Catalano, D. C. J., DeJong, K., Hackman, H. W,… Zuniga, X. (Eds.). (2018). Readings for diversity and social justice (4th ed.). New York, NY: Routledge Press.

Discussion Week 9 (6051)

Consider the notion that an individual with a disability may feel primarily defined by his or her ability status. Also, consider the historical treatment of people with disabilities and the number of individuals who were euthanized and sterilized in the U.S. and across the globe due to having a disability.

For decades, individuals with disabilities were left in institutions, hidden away from the rest of society. Parents were told if their child was born with a disability, they should have them locked away. Consider in today’s society how people with disabilities are still “hidden.” Think about how many people you see each day that have a visible disability. While there are many hidden disabilities that should not be ignored, it is significant to recognize the limited number of people you see each day with disabilities. Also, consider how others react toward a person with a disability in public. Do they stare? Do they move away? Do they invade the person’s space and ask inappropriate questions? What experiences have you seen in public with a person with a disability? Why do you think society has marginalized this group for so long? Why are those with disabilities limited or eliminated from full participation in society today? Who has the right to decide what makes a “good life” and how is that decision made?

To prepare: Read the case “Working With Individuals With Disabilities: Valerie.”

Post an explanation of why our society has marginalized those with varying abilities historically. Then, explain the role of social workers in supporting clients with varying abilities (not limited to physical and mental) while recognizing and honoring those clients’ other identity characteristics. Use specific examples from the case study in your explanation.

Then, you will respond to 2 colleagues once I upload the post

Book Reference that includes the chapters I have attached

Adams, M., Blumenfeld, W. J., Castaneda, C., Catalano, D. C. J., DeJong, K., Hackman, H. W,… Zuniga, X. (Eds.). (2018). Readings for diversity and social justice (4th ed.). New York, NY: Routledge Press.

Discussion Week 9 (6051)

Consider the notion that an individual with a disability may feel primarily defined by his or her ability status. Also, consider the historical treatment of people with disabilities and the number of individuals who were euthanized and sterilized in the U.S. and across the globe due to having a disability.

For decades, individuals with disabilities were left in institutions, hidden away from the rest of society. Parents were told if their child was born with a disability, they should have them locked away. Consider in today’s society how people with disabilities are still “hidden.” Think about how many people you see each day that have a visible disability. While there are many hidden disabilities that should not be ignored, it is significant to recognize the limited number of people you see each day with disabilities. Also, consider how others react toward a person with a disability in public. Do they stare? Do they move away? Do they invade the person’s space and ask inappropriate questions? What experiences have you seen in public with a person with a disability? Why do you think society has marginalized this group for so long? Why are those with disabilities limited or eliminated from full participation in society today? Who has the right to decide what makes a “good life” and how is that decision made?

To prepare: Read the case “Working With Individuals With Disabilities: Valerie.”

Post an explanation of why our society has marginalized those with varying abilities historically. Then, explain the role of social workers in supporting clients with varying abilities (not limited to physical and mental) while recognizing and honoring those clients’ other identity characteristics. Use specific examples from the case study in your explanation.

Then, you will respond to 2 colleagues once I upload the post

Book Reference that includes the chapters I have attached

Adams, M., Blumenfeld, W. J., Castaneda, C., Catalano, D. C. J., DeJong, K., Hackman, H. W,… Zuniga, X. (Eds.). (2018). Readings for diversity and social justice (4th ed.). New York, NY: Routledge Press.

Competencies for Nurse Practitioners

– Review the Consensus Model for APRN Regulation and the National Organization for Nurse Practitioner Faculties Core Competencies and population foci competencies.
– Consider the following nine competencies
Write a brief description of the LEADERSHIP competency. With your competency in mind, explain how you would implement it in a clinical setting. Support your rationale with evidence from current research.

Fast Fashion (Global Studies)

The course is Global Studies. Assignment is The Global Issue and Our Sustainability Strategies. The topic is Fast Fashion (in general.)

Provide at least 3 out of 4 perspectives on sustainability lectured or will be lectured in the course i.e. Law, Sociology, Urban Planning and Engineering.

(a)Introduction This section should give an overview about the global issue of your choice and the objectives/purpose of the report.

(b)Main Body This section should be about 70-80% of the entire report. Use this section to address and discuss the writing task (3). You may divide them into sub-sections.

(c)Summary and Conclusions Summarise your report and answer the objectives of the report.

(d)References No limit. This is NOT included in the maximum number pages of the assignment. This will be a list of the references you have cited. Ensure you use good references Wikipedia and newspapers are not good sources. You may use any referencing style, but be consistent. Use only one referencing style for the report.

These are some main issues and ideas to be focused on:

The idea of planned obsolescence and the repercussions in regards to Fast Fashion Industry.
Define the concept with a proper definition and explanation.
An ideology of the west, specifically America and its capitalism / efforts to monetize current societal trends. More sustainable methods were decently followed in countries until the economics didnt make sense anymore. Just unaffordable to support local businesses as Fast Fashion is much more convenient and cheaper. (Their bottom line is a lot higher. They can outplay smaller labels or buy them out right.) Major FF brands have around 52 seasons every year. New clothes come into stores every Monday in stores.

The tie in of Social Media + Incredibly Efficient Brand Ambassadors + Use of Internet.
i.e. How Fashion Nova rose to the top by basically using power of Social Media. No traditional advertising techniques required. Can talk about the social aspects of consumers blindly following FF to fit in or follow the current culture / what celebrities endorse. What we can follow as consumers while still not adding to the problem.
Rise of companies like Daniel Wellington, MVMT, due to marketing techniques and social media influencers; Very rapid business growth. 217 million USD in a year.

Waste Management / Reusability
The lifespan of a single article of FF clothing / How many wears. Some ideas and techniques to better the industry. How much waste and how much damage it is causing. The idea of Greenwashing in Fast Fashion. Companies provide 15% discounts to customers bringing in clothes to recycle. Yet again profiting and adding to the problem.

Need in text references if possible.

Week 8 Assignment (6051)

When pieces of cloth are sewn together, you might have trouble discerning the individual pieces of cloth that make the final garment, but by looking carefully, you can find the seams. You may have experienced similar difficulty in the first week of this course when asked to explore the individual aspects of culture that combine to create your unique self-identity. Forms of oppression can come together often in almost imperceptible ways to form the complex environment in which you and your clients live and interact. As a social worker, you must examine carefully the intersections between religious discrimination, sexism, classism, and racism so you can respond accordingly.

To prepare: Consider this week’s resources that describe how religion intersects with other forms of oppression.


Submit your response to those resources and analyze what you think is the role of religion in reinforcing sexism, classism, and racism. Provide at least one specific example for each -ism (sexism, classism, and racism). As a social worker, how can you address these issues on a micro and macro level?

Additional helpful resources:

Week 8 Assignment (6051)

When pieces of cloth are sewn together, you might have trouble discerning the individual pieces of cloth that make the final garment, but by looking carefully, you can find the seams. You may have experienced similar difficulty in the first week of this course when asked to explore the individual aspects of culture that combine to create your unique self-identity. Forms of oppression can come together often in almost imperceptible ways to form the complex environment in which you and your clients live and interact. As a social worker, you must examine carefully the intersections between religious discrimination, sexism, classism, and racism so you can respond accordingly.

To prepare: Consider this week’s resources that describe how religion intersects with other forms of oppression.


Submit your response to those resources and analyze what you think is the role of religion in reinforcing sexism, classism, and racism. Provide at least one specific example for each -ism (sexism, classism, and racism). As a social worker, how can you address these issues on a micro and macro level?

Additional helpful resources: