Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

see instructions

Given topics related to cognitive development (you may use your previously selected topic, however, be sure to adjust proper wording to aligned with a mixed method research study) you will design a mixed method research project that includes the following elements:

Quantitative and qualitative research questions
Quantitative and qualitative data collection strategies
Quantitative and qualitative data analysis and interpretation strategies
This should be a 2 to 3 page essay in proper APA style and format. Include two to three (2 – 3) citations from peer-reviewed articles and course readings.

Paper Requirements

Length: 2 to 3 page essay
Double-spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins
APA Format


1) Through online research identify 3 organizations actively working for the positive discrimination Of minority or disadvantaged groups. Identify the cause and key policy advocated. Provide the websites for these organizations. Organizations can be international organizations.

2) Through online research identify projects and initiatives that aim at reducing intergroup conflicts by means of influencing attitudes. Identify purpose and mission. Provide the website for the organizations, can be international organizations

Choose One

Parents have numerous decisions to make when raising a child. As an early childhood educator, you may encounter families who have views that are different from your own. Select a topic of choice for parents and discuss the positives and negatives of that choice.

Suggestions for topics include, but are not limited to:

nursing leadership

What does leadership mean to you?
What are essential clinical leadership qualities of nurses and characteristics gleaned from your readings?
What are your current leadership strengths and weaknesses as a leader? What strategies do you see yourself using to foster strengths and transform weaknesses?

cite using apa format use only scholary articles

Marshall, E. S. & Broome, M. E. (2021). Transformational leadership in nursing. New York: Springer. (Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 6)
Truglio-Londrigan, M. & Lewenson, S. B.  (2015). Decision-making for nurses: Thoughtful approaches to leadership, 2nd ed. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett, LLC. (Chapter 1)
Schon, D.A. (1983). The Reflective Practitioner: How professionals think in action (pp. 287-354) United States: Basic Books. Schon_Chapter 10.pdf

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Global Organizations: The IMF & World Bank

The assignment for this week has you look at a project that has been or is currently being undertaken by either the World Bank or the IMF.

Course Objectives: Students will learn how to associate theories and approaches to international business management.


    Go to either the IMF or World Bank website and look at what they are doing. You will select one initiative from ONE of the two organizations as the subject of your written paper this week.
        At the World Bank site: World Bank, click on the Projects and Operations tab. You may then select a project based on Sector, Theme or Country.
        At the IMF site: IMF, go to the Home Page and then select Our Work which will give you access to information about initiatives being undertaken by the IMF.
    Select ONE project or initiative of interest from either (not both) the IMF or World Bank and answer the below questions.


Your paper should include the following information:

    A brief overview of the project or initiative. This should be an overview of the type of project, the partners involved in the project and the goals/outcomes of the project.
    How does this project/initiative reflect the role of the organization in the global business environment?
    What is the long-term benefit of the project/initiative to the global business environment?

fianl individial essay

Final Individual Essay (40 points, 20% of grade)
The final essay is your opportunity to summarize your stand on leadership within a group or
team setting. Your essay should encompass two thrust. The first is about you: What is your
leadership philosophy? Who are you, how do you want to act and move in the world, what are
your strengths and weaknesses, what is your commitment to improve, etc.? On this last point,
you will be required to submit a personal development plan that would take effect following the
course. To facilitate this last piece, you will engage in two peer coaching sessions with one of
your classmates during the course.
The second portion of this assignment is to comment on leadership in specific sectors or areas
that are of interest to you. The key requirement in this second area, though, must include a call
or proposal for change. What needs to be different in the world of team leadership from what
we see today and how are you or we going to about changing that or contributing to the change.
This essay should draw upon course concepts, but, more importantly, be a thoughtful, rigorous
assessment of whatever situation you chose.
In addition to the peer coaching session, you will engage in self-reflection and journaling twice
each week during class. This reflective exercise should provide significant fodder for the final

Effects of Adoption of Children Under 5

Write a conclusion with a catchy hook to summarize the overall effects adoption could have on children under the age of 5, will provide most references, will need to add additional one. No need to create a title page, just one full page of summary and a reference of the last source

Critical Review of Evidence

i have put all the requirements in details in one file and i also put two files for assignments that were done by other student for the same class and requirements but different topics to make easy for the writer to understand.

please contact me if you have question.

A recent cyber attack occurred where a botnet type attack targeted a major US defense firm. No physical damage occurred to the firms network, but significant technological secrets about a new surveillance and targeting system from the firm, Defense Appl

A recent cyber attack occurred where a botnet type attack targeted a major US defense firm.  No physical damage occurred to the firms network, but significant technological secrets about a new surveillance and targeting system from the firm, Defense Applications International (DAI), appear to have been compromised. Incidental, but nonetheless as a result of the attack, the virus also infected a software program that DAI was testing at electrical plant in Pennsylvania. The plant had to be shut down for 12 hours while repairs were made. The NSA believes it has credible evidence that the attack had a direct connection to the elite cyber unit Department 2112, of the country of Redistan, an adversary of the United States, although the attack itself appears to include private citizens of Redistan. The attack however, was routed through several third countries including Bluelandia, an ally of the United States.

You are a new cyber desk officer working for the National Security Council. The Deputy National Security Advisor has asked you to write an eight page memorandum addressing key issues of cyber policy. In the memorandum you have been asked to address the following issues:

1) Based off of the facts we know, should the attack be considered a crime, espionage or act of war? What should the US response be? How can the US best defend itself from future attacks such as the one that just occurred?

2) Should the United States assign US Cyber Command with the responsibility of protecting certain private companies and if so, what should the general standard be for determining what companies the government should be responsible for defending?

3) Should the United States lead the effort at an international cyber agreement? Why or why not? What challenges would the President face in trying to get an agreement? Are there any alternatives?

4) Are there any substantive changes that should be made to the current US cyber policy?

Note: In crafting your memorandum you may allocate the content according to the importance of the issue. For example, you can allocate several pages to one issue if you believe it deserves more attention than the others; however, ensure that each question specified by the Deputy National Security Advisor is addressed. If you have read and understood the course material this will be a challenging, yet straight forward assignment.

Technical Requirements:

double spaced, 1″ margins, 12 pitch type in Times New Roman font left justified format.

Citations/References:  You must use Turabian parenthetical style for this assignment.

Discussion post 2 Week 1 (6051)

Who are you? At first glance, this may seem like a rather simple question. You may identify yourself, as we often do, at the micro level by citing easily identifiable characteristics such as gender, race, or family relationships. While these characteristics describe you, they are only a small part of who you are as a cultural being. The mezzo and macro levels define your multiple identities from a community and global context. Understanding your identity at the mezzo level provides a deeper understanding of the social construction of culture. The mezzo level defines your identity through the interpersonal exchanges in the workplace, your school, and in other everyday activities. Your perceived identity is incorporated into group standards and expectations. Navigating between the micro and mezzo levels can often affirm your own personally constructed identity or it can highlight contradictions between who you believe you are and how others define you. As you work through the Discussion, reflect on your identity from both the micro and mezzo levels. Are there any contradictions between the two levels? Consider how your identity as a cultural being may impact your work as a social worker. For this Discussion, you will explain how the social construction of race, ethnicity, gender, and other multicultural characteristics contribute to your essence as a cultural being.

Post an analysis of what you posted for your video introduction and explain the root of what you described as your culture. Then explain how the social construction of race, ethnicity, gender, and other multicultural characteristics impact your identity as a cultural being. Explain how your own definition as a cultural being is or is not consistent with the norms, categories, and constructs prescribed to your culture by social institutions. Finally, explain how an understanding of the social construction of culture is applicable to the work you will do in social work practice.

Then once I upload 2 colleagues post, you will:
Respond to at least two colleagues by critiquing your colleagues’ posts and providing an example of how social institutions define, challenge, or restrict cultural beings based on cultural bias, stereotypes, and prejudice. In addition, share an insight you learned from your colleagues’ posts that deepened your understanding of his or her video introduction.
