Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

family stress

This is your first writing assignment and is designed to allow you to demonstrate your writing skills. This assignment requires you to critically reflect on the content you have learned in module 1, including the application of the Double ABC-X Model. You must complete all the required readings for module one in order to complete this assignment. For this paper you will use the case study described in lecture 1 and one of the two stressors presented in that case study to complete the following task:

Using the Double ABC-X Model, please explain the process by which family X might respond to one of the two stressors provided. Be sure to explain, Athe stressor/stress event, Bthe familys resources to respond to the event, Cthe familys perception of the event, and Xthe crisis the family experiences as a result of the original stress event.

This short paper assignment should be 2 to 3 pages double spaced (app. 600 to 900 words) not including an APA formatted title page.  Please review the APA Formatting PowerPoint in BeachBoard under content for APA formatting instructions.

Fire Science

This week,  you will write a paper, after conducting your research, that answers the following:

Discuss the history of the Incident Command System and the National Incident Management System and then explain why they are so important to the professional firefighter?

Assignment Requirements

Your paper must be a minimum of 3 full APA formatted pages not counting the title page or the reference page.

Please see the APA Guides in the Course Materials announcement or in the Course Materials section of the Lessons Course Overview for further information on the proper APA formatting of your paper.

Please create your response in a Word document and upload it as an attachment for submission.

All writing assignments must be submitted in APA format and shall include the following:

    1. Title Page
    2. Main Body – (Introduction, main body, and conclusion) You must also include headings in the paper so that the reader can distinguish between your key points. Also, correctly cite your sources.
    3. Reference Page (Be sure to pay attention to the indentions for each source).

    Be sure to include a correct page number in the right margin of the header on each page of the paper.

All writing assignments must meet the following page setup:

    1. Times New Roman font throughout the paper
    2. 12 Point font size throughout the paper
    3. Double Spaced
    4. 1 inch Page Margins: Top, Bottom, Left and Right (Not 1.25 inches)

These instructions must be followed or points will be deducted.

It is your responsibility to ensure your paper is formatted according to APA guidelines.

Investing in a New Company – Managerial Economics

You are working in a health food business for last ten years and planning to open a restaurant that will serve food made of organic fruits, vegetables and meat. The bar area will serve organic wine. Your current customers indicated that there is no other restaurant in that area that serves organic food and drink and they will be happy to pay $50 for a meal and a glass of wine. You have done the market survey and you have forecasted that your new restaurant will be profitable. However, when you share this idea with your economists friends they discourage you and indicate that with increased competition in the future your economic profit will go down to zero. 
Based on the above situation answer the following questions:
1. Do you still want to open this new restaurant that will cater organic food and wine? Explain.
2. Do you agree that in the future your economic profit will go down to zero? Explain.
3. What will be your strategies to keep your business profitable with increased competition in the future. Explain.

Investing in a New Company – Managerial Economics

You are working in a health food business for last ten years and planning to open a restaurant that will serve food made of organic fruits, vegetables and meat. The bar area will serve organic wine. Your current customers indicated that there is no other restaurant in that area that serves organic food and drink and they will be happy to pay $50 for a meal and a glass of wine. You have done the market survey and you have forecasted that your new restaurant will be profitable. However, when you share this idea with your economists friends they discourage you and indicate that with increased competition in the future your economic profit will go down to zero. 
Based on the above situation answer the following questions:
1. Do you still want to open this new restaurant that will cater organic food and wine? Explain.
2. Do you agree that in the future your economic profit will go down to zero? Explain.
3. What will be your strategies to keep your business profitable with increased competition in the future. Explain.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Students much review the case study and answer all questions with a scholarly response using APA and include 2 scholarly references. Answer both case studies on the same document and upload 1 document to Moodle.

Case Study 1 & 2 Lyme Disease and Peripheral Vascular Disease

The answers must be in your own words with reference to journal or book where you found the evidence to your answer. Do not copy paste or use a past students work as all files submited in this course are registered and saved in turn it in program.

Turn it in Score must be less than 50% or will not be accepted for credit, must be your own work and in your own words. You can resubmit, Final submission will be accepted if less than 50%. Copy paste from websites or textbooks will not be accepted or tolerated. Please see College Handbook with reference to Academic Misconduct Statement.

All answers to case studies must have reference cited in text for each answer and minimum of 2 Scholarly References (Journals, books) (No websites)  per case Study

Case Study on aquatic issues.

Assignment Instructions:  Case Study on aquatic issues. Choose sea level rise, fisheries management, or marine protected areas and prepare a case study of the economic benefits and costs of your chosen topic, using real-world examples. Remember to use the provided EVSP201 Case Study Template.

Your case study must show depth, detail, and reference to the text materials (use citations). You should also cite real-world examples. The case study should be at least 5 pages in length (including references), double-spaced using 12 point font. Include citations and references in accordance with APA guidelines.

following format
EVSP201 CASE STUDY Instructions (100 Points; 5 Pages/Approx. 1200 Words)

1. Immediate Issue or Problem.  Share the topic you chose for this case study. Describe the issue or problem and the challenges related to implementing or pursuing implementation of solutions. (5 Points, 100 words)

2. Interrelated or Associated Issues. Nothing is simple – explain other related issues or considerations when implementing or pursuing implementation of solutions to this problem. (10 Points, 200 words)

3. Issue Analysis. Summarize the most important pieces of information you learned about this issue. Identify which are facts, opinions, and assumptions. Analyze any financial information presented by the issue – this is an essential part of this assignment! State any long-term issues that might result from addressing this issue. (20 Points, 300 words)

4. Solutions or Options. This is the most important part! List the various options available to resolve the problem. Discuss each option and list the advantages (pros) and disadvantages (cons) of each option.  (30 Points, 300 words)

This is the major part of your case study and demonstrates that you clearly understand the issue(s) and various possible outcomes. There are usually at least 3 good options in a case and often many more. Identify each option clearly and always show the pros and cons of each.

5. Recommendation and Implementation. Based on the analysis of the options, state what you would do to correct the problem (recommendation) and how you would do this (implementation). Your recommendation is usually a restatement of the best option. This is not the time to analyze new options. The implementation plan should list the steps and estimate a time frame for implementation (how long it will take to implement the recommended solution). (20 Points, 200 words)

6. Assessment. Identify the indicators you will use to determine if the implemented solution is effective. Some examples are what type of data will be collected, analysis of the budget (including Return on Investment/ROI), regularly scheduled reviews, etc. The approach you use will depend on the nature of the recommended solution. (10 Points, 100 words)

7. References. List all references used, including weblinks, in this section using APA format. (5 Points)

reference material:

Loeung, K., Schmidt-vogt, D., & Shivakoti, G. P. (2015). Economic value of wild aquatic resources in the ang trapeang thmor sarus crane reserve, north-western cambodia. Wetlands Ecology and Management, 23(3), 467-480. doi:

Market-based instruments in practice. In Keohane, N. O., & Olmstead, S. M. (2016). Markets and the environment (2nd ed.). Washington, D.C.: Island Press.

Preservation of wildlife and genetic diversity. In Tisdell, C. A. (2005). Economics of environmental conservation (2nd ed.). Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.

at least

External influences of juvenile Delinquency while attending school

In this course examined some external influences that might cause a juvenile to participate in delinquent activity. One of these external influences was associated with the interactions a juvenile engages in while attending school.

Compose an essay of 500  words that identifies at least three (3) influences or factors that occur in the school setting that might cause a juvenile to participate in delinquent behavior. As part of your response discuss why some juveniles choose to avoid delinquent behavior while others decide to participate in delinquent behavior despite the fact that the majority of students are exposed to these same influences or factors within a school setting.

Directly quoted material may be used, but will not count towards the minimum word count. Be sure to support your response with cited scholarly resources as required by APA. A minimum of three (3) peer-reviewed scholarly sources must be used when composing your response.

Using neuro-marketing insights to explain the success of a company

The underlying assumption of this assignment:
A company or organization cannot be successful if it completely ignores how the consumer’s brain works. Therefore, any company or organization that is successful must do something right in terms of neuromarketing (with or without realizing it).

1. Choose a company or organization that is widely considered to be successful. It could be successful because it is growing fast (in revenue, the number of customers, etc.), because it is revolutionizing the sector or industry it is in, because it is highly profitable, because it is hyped on social media, or any other reason or combination of reasons, etc.
Typically the company will get a lot of attention in the business news (e.g. WSJ, The Economist, Forbes, etc.).
Think of companies such as Apple, Google, Airbnb, Uber, Netflix,, Tesla, Amazon, etc. You are completely free to choose any company that is considered to be successful.

2. Make a presentation in PowerPoint in which you explain the success (or part of the success) of that company in terms of insights from this neuro-marketing course.
In other words, find crucial elements of the marketing mix (the product/service, the branding, the price setting, the promotions, the communication strategy, the way the product/service is offered or sold, etc.) of the chosen company that are so well in line with how the consumer’s brain works that it has made the company successful.
You are free to consider any element of the marketing mix and link it to any insight you gained from the course (insight might come from any chapter or any reading).
The goal is to convince the audience (the other students) that the success of the company can be explained through neuromarketing. So, the more neuromarketing insights you can link to the marketing mix of the chosen company, the more convincing your argument will be.

North Korean Economy

Develop an outline for the paper. Use the outline below to organize the paper, providing notes under each section to indicate what you plan to research.

-Includes a clear thesis statement


-Arguments (that support your thesis)
-Counterarguments (that oppose your thesis)




gerontology assignment

Directions: Read this scenario and completely answer the 4 questions.
Answers are typed and presented in a scholarly fashion complete sentences and proper grammar.  Provide your references for supporting rationale and include an APA style Reference page.  Maximum number of pages = 4 pages for answers and does not include title and reference pages.
Points will be deducted, if paper is not scholarly or exceeds page limit. You will need to refer to your text for this course.