Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Internet/Cyber Crimes

Outline for Speech 1: Informational

Choose a topic that you are interested in and that your audience might be interested in.

    This outline must be at least 3 pages long and use 12-point font.
    Use appropriate coordination and subordination. Use full sentences, including subjects and verbs for the main ideas or main points and the 1st order of subordinate ideas or sub-points. Consistently use either full-sentence or list form for 2nd -order sub-points supporting the same 1st order sub-point. Usually use list form for 3rd order, 4th order, and 5th order sub-points.
    Enhance the readability of the outline. Use only one idea per point, only one sentence per point, single-space each point, and double-space vertically between points. Leave a line of white space between each point at every level.
    Transitions between major sections and the main points should be provided in the outline (enclosed in parentheses). Use transitions to move the audiences attention from one section to another or from one main point to another.
    Use a consistent pattern of indentation. Type main points flush with the left margin. Indent 5 spaces for 1st-order sub-points, 10 spaces for 2nd-order sub-points, 15 spaces for 3rd-order sub-points, 20 spaces for 4th-order sub-points.
    Use the following system to label the points in the body:
        Main Points: upper case Roman numerals [I, II, III, IV, V]
        1st -order sub-points: upper case letters [A, B, C, D, E]
        2nd -order sub-points: Arabic numerals [1, 2.3, 4, 5]
        3rd -order sub-points: lower-case letters {a, b, c, d, e],
        4th -order sub-points: Arabic numerals in parentheses [(1), (2), (3)]


Specific Purpose: Formulated into one sentence, the specific purpose identifies the precise response the speaker desires from the audience (understand). Do not use infinitive phrases, i.e., to inform or to persuade. Place the label for the specific purpose sentence flush with the left margin.

Thesis Sentence: The thesis sentence (addressed to the audience, not the instructor) summarizes everything the speaker intends to say during the speech. Place the label for the thesis sentence flush with the left margin.

The introduction should gain attention, orient the audience by stating the topic, offer a reason for listening, and preview the body of the speech. The introduction (which may be outlined or written word-for-word) is designed to

    gain the attention of the audience;
    establish the speaker’s credibility; and
    orient the audience to the body of the speech.

Do not say I will tell the story of ____, or I will do X, Y, or Z. Actually outline or write the story here in the Introduction, such as Have you ever found yourself repeating mistakes you have made before? Actually outline or write the question here.

Enclose transitions within parentheses ( ) on a line or lines separate from the rest of the outline. Transitions may link major sections OR main ideas OR subordinate ideas within the body of the speech.

The body must contain 2-5 main points using patterns of organization covered in the textbook; other patterns of organization must have prior approval by the instructor. Each main point must be well supported by 2-5 1st-order sub-points designed to illustrate the main points (examples, illustrations, facts, quotations, etc.) Don’t overload the audience with information. Move from simple to complex ideas. Move from familiar to unfamiliar ideas. Define your terms.

The body develops your ideas, condenses your thinking and research, ensuring that you have done an adequate job of preparation. The entire outline should contain more material than you have time to use in your speech and must be at least 3 pages in length [2 full + 1 partial). You must use two-five (2-5) main ideas and two-five (2-5) subordinate (sub-points) points for each main point or higher-level sub-point.

The conclusion should restate or summarize the main points and communicate a sense of finality (verbally or nonverbally indicate that you have finished talking). You may end with a story or quotation.

The conclusion (which may be outline or written word-for-word) is designed to

    provide the audience with a sense of finality,
    leave the audience in the proper mood, and
    focus the audience’s thinking on your topic.


The bibliography reports where you found the information for your speech. There are two general sources of information: your own personal experience and what you have learned from outside sources (reading or interviewing). You must indicate where you obtained your information. You are expected to provide at least six sources for this speech.

If some of your information came from your own experience, specify that personal experience in the bibliography. For example, I based this speech on water safety totally upon my personal experience as a lifeguard at Norms’ Resort, Cottage Lake, for the seven summers from 1959 until 1965.” Your personal experience will count as only one of six or more sources of information required.

You must include and cite properly (in APA format) at least one source from the Columbia College library database. Do not use Wikipedia as a source of information. However, if you cite electronic sources, provide enough information so that I could duplicate your search. Include at least the author or editor, title, date, publication medium, publisher, and the Universal Resource Locator (URL), which includes protocol, site, path, and file.

Social Science Summative Assessment

Instructions are noted in the attachment below.

**Be detailed and comprehensive in your approach**

A rubric and an outline will be attached to help you develop the paper, as well as ensure if all of the criteria are met and exceeds a level A+. Please, on a separate document or the text editor, complete THE PROPOSAL (Appendix A) and APPENDIX B before you start the FINAL DRAFT. APPENDIX A and APPENDIX B are considered to be the rough draft of the work so I have an idea of what the paper will discuss/highlight.

This paper should be taken very seriously as it is a summative worth 30% of my overall mark. Please adhere to university or post-grad readability and writing devoid of grammar and punctuation mistakes.

If you do have any questions or concerns regarding the order, feel free to let me know and I will respond back as soon as possible.

Social Science Summative Assessment

Instructions are noted in the attachment below.

**Be detailed and comprehensive in your approach**

A rubric and an outline will be attached to help you develop the paper, as well as ensure if all of the criteria are met and exceeds a level A+. Please, on a separate document or the text editor, complete THE PROPOSAL (Appendix A) and APPENDIX B before you start the FINAL DRAFT. APPENDIX A and APPENDIX B are considered to be the rough draft of the work so I have an idea of what the paper will discuss/highlight.

This paper should be taken very seriously as it is a summative worth 30% of my overall mark. Please adhere to university or post-grad readability and writing devoid of grammar and punctuation mistakes.

If you do have any questions or concerns regarding the order, feel free to let me know and I will respond back as soon as possible.

25-40pg Research Paper (Cannabis should be federally legalized in America)

– Post-award, I will provide 10 researched sources (file server is currently down on this site) and 6-page research approach already submitted and approved and other additional detailed instructions.
– I require a full-sentence outline (standard 3 points +1 counterpoint essay format) with narrative required NLT 29 May 1500 EDT as part of the progress check.
– Writing must be new work (no recycled papers from past clients) and 100% plagiarism free (Report required).
– Require proof of progress (every 2weeks); this can be drafts or a collaborative site

Must be written in 3rd person. Must be written in American English.

Academic Research Paper
The paper should be between 25-40 double-spaced pages in APA format. Your final submission must include the following:

Title Page
Table of Contents
List of Tables and Figures (if applicable)
Research Strategies
A Review of the Literature
Discussions and Conclusions
Annotated Bibliography (All sources referenced in the paper should be listed and annotated in the bibliography.)
Appendices (if applicable)

Draft Thesis:
While Cannabis is considered a gateway drug by many, there are many benefits legalizing cannabis in America; Cannabis has many uses in the medical industry, legalization will it greatly reduce the over-stressed legal system, and increased tax revenue from sales of Cannabis can be used to relieve other tax burdens.

Draft Introduction:
Cannabis has been used in medicinal religious practices for over 5,000 years across the globe. However, only in the last 100 years did it become demonized by governments. Specifically, in the United States of America in the early 1900s a campaign began to make cannabis illegal. This campaign was fueled by racism, bad science, and emotional biases. Marijuana (as the indigenous Mexican population referred to cannabis) was widely used as a relaxant and in religious ceremonies. The growing disdain by Americans in the southwestern states (circa the 1910s) for the Mexican population began to target cannabis as a cause for a crime.
    Mexican immigrants referred to this plant as marihuana. While Americans were very familiar with cannabis because it was present in almost all tinctures and medicines available at the time, the word marihuana was a foreign term. So, when the media began to play on the fears that the public had about these new citizens by falsely spreading claims about the disruptive Mexicans with their dangerous native behaviors including marihuana use, the rest of the nation did not know that this marihuana was a plant they already had in their medicine cabinets. (Burnett, 2014)
In the 1930s the smear campaign against campaign grew and began to target other minorities, specifically black Americans. During this time, the movie Refer Madness came out and claimed that marijuana caused white women to have sex with black men, at the time a very taboo concept. Later in 1972, the Schafer Commission submitted their report to President Nixon that negated the claims of the 1937 Marijuana Tax Act (declared unconstitutional in 1969) that was replaced in 1970 with the Controlled Substance Act. The Schafer Commission recommended that Cannabis be decriminalized. However, Nixon threw out the report and ignored the evidence, and shortly after what is now known as the War on Drugs (coined under the Regan Administration) began. Propaganda has been used by the pharmaceutical, tobacco, alcohol, and paper industry over the last 100 years to program the American citizen to only see the negatives of cannabis. Currently, 11 States fully legalized cannabis, 33 States allow medical cannabis use, 16 States have decriminalized cannabis, and the Hemp Farming Act of 2018 removed this form of cannabis from the schedule 1 list legalizing it as an ordinary agricultural commodity. Even with all this movement at the state and local level, possession of cannabis is still a federal crime even in states that have legalized it.

Theories and Models

1. For this assignment, choose from the theories/models presented in the weekly lesson.
Health Belief Model
Transtheoretical Model of Behavioral Change
Social Cognitive Theory
Family Systems Theory
Family Assessment and Intervention Model
Praxis Theory of Suffering

2. Search the library for literature. Locate 5 (five) articles related to the selected theories. You may use no more than two articles related to each theory/model.
Sources should be related to nursing practice using the selected theory/model.
Sources should be scholarly, relevant to the theory/model and to nursing, and published within the past 5 years. If source is older than 5 years, instructor permission should be obtained and the historical significance of the article should be explained.

3. Prepare an annotated entry for each source. Begin with the full APA citation of the source, followed by 2-3 paragraphs:

4. Summarize the article.
5. Describe how the article relates to the chosen theory/model.
6. Reflect on how the article could (or could not) be relevant to future Nurse Practitioner practice.

Criteria for Format and Special Instructions:
The paper should include a separate title page using APA format. No reference page is necessary as the references will be incorporated into the body of the bibliography.
Entries should be alphabetized by author.References are current – within a 5-year time frame unless a valid rationale is provided and the instructor has approved them.
In-text citations are not required in the annotated bibliography.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Assignment Content

Locate an article on the Internet that addresses a current budgeting issue for an area of criminal justice administration in your state. (Pennsylvania)

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper on the following:

The main idea of the article and reasons for your choice
The author’s conclusions and recommendations
Your own conclusions and recommendations
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Two references required.

social work in organisation

You are required to write short answer responses to 3 questions chosen from the list below.

Each question has equal weighting.

For each response you must include at least two peer-reviewed references that are drawn from Module 3 readings and your own independent research.

Include a title page at the beginning of the paper.

There is no need to provide an introduction or conclusion for this paper. Simply insert the question you are addressing and your response underneath, with one reference list at the end of the paper.

You may use first person voice, where relevant.

For all other formatting and presentation requirements, refer to the assessment format template on your subject site.

1. Describe and critically analyse the characteristics that distinguish Human Service Organisations (HSOs) from other organisations.  What are some of the related tensions for human service practice?

2.  Briefly describe a Human Service Organisation with which you are familiar (with anonymity). Identify and discuss how your chosen organisation is adapting, or not, to prevailing socio-environmental changes such as community and worker expectations, competitive tendering and changing technologies.

3.  You chair the board of your local Family Violence Service. The workers have presented a complaint that the CEO has adopted a managerialist approach that ignores the workers knowledge and skills, the nature of the work and the clients you serve. Propose and justify a different structure and leadership approach that you think would be more aligned with the service.

4.  You work in a multi-disciplinary mental health team that includes social workers, nurses and occupational therapists. The team is also diverse in age, gender, class and sexual orientation. You note that you are not getting along well as a team and the tensions are affecting performance and morale. Critically analyse some of the key issues that need to be looked into to understand the source of the conflict.

5.  Some Human Service Organisations have very defined organisational cultures.  How would you define organisational culture and the impact it has on the worker, service delivery and the client?

8 literary commentaries on various WW1 literature

While reading each novel make notes on your ideas and responses and when finished
reading use these notes to inspire you to phrase a thesis statement for you to discuss in 
short critical 300-word commentary.
Mind: each commentary must be a discussion of a single thesis statement!

SET 9A: World War One in Fiction A
1. Ernest Hemingway. (1929). A Farewell to Arms.
2. Jennifer Johnston. (1974). How many Miles to Babylon.
3. David Malouf. (1982). Fly Away Peter.
4. Sebastian Barry. (2011). On Canaans Side.

SET 9B: World War One in Fiction B
1. Dalton Trumbo. (1939). Johnny Got his Gun.
2. Susan Hill. (1971). Strange Meeting.
3. Pat Barker. (1991). Regeneration.
4. Sebastian Faulks. (1993). Birdsong.

ability to write eight 300-word commentaries on the novels read; understanding of the novels in question and the ability to discuss these texts in their literary context as well as their historical and socio-cultural context;
the ability and practice to base argumentation on solid textual evidence. the ability to use literary concepts and devices in the discussion of literary texts; the ability to reconcile meaning and critical perspectives in the discussion of a literary text

Ethical Decisions

Please read Chapter 7,9 and10 in the book: Ethics: Theory and Practice.
Watch 3 videos and read the case description in the instructions and follow the instructions to write a 2-3 page APA formatted paper. The paper should at the academic level of graduate students. Thank you!

parent child attachment

essay question “To what extent is it appropriate, in terms of both theory and practical intervention, to view human parent-child attachment as founded in biological processes that promote species survival?”
references provided by the lecturer are Ainsworth MDS, Blehar MC, Waters E & Wall S (2009) Patterns of attachment: A psychological study of the Strange Situation. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Beckett C, Maughan B, Rutter M, Castle J, Colvert E, Groothues C, Kreppner J, OConnor T, Stevens S & Sonuga-Barke JS (2006).  Do the effects of early severe deprivation on cognition persist into early adolescence?  Findings from the English and Romanian Adoptees Study.  Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 47, 696-711.
Bretherton I & Waters E (1985) Growing Points of attachment theory and research.  Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 50 (1-2). Serial No. 209.
Vorria et al. (2006).  The development of adopted children after institutional care: a follow-up study.  Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 47, 1246-1253.
and there is more attached here but please add some updated practical interventions and theories if there is any
you can use these references (PDF attached) or you can change and use others