Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Marketing in Action

**Deliverable: 2-page written case analysis paper; 12-point font; double spaced; at least 3 (US data) properly cited references**

Give a brief summary of the case and then answer the following questions:
1) What is the decision facing the company?
2) What factors are important in understanding this decision situation?
3) What are the alternatives?
4) What decision(s) do you recommend?
5) What are some ways to implement your recommendations?

Marketing in Action

**Deliverable: 2-page written case analysis paper; 12-point font; double spaced; at least 3 (US data) properly cited references**

Give a brief summary of the case and then answer the following questions:
1) What is the decision facing the company?
2) What factors are important in understanding this decision situation?
3) What are the alternatives?
4) What decision(s) do you recommend?
5) What are some ways to implement your recommendations?

Marketing in Action

**Deliverable: 2-page written case analysis paper; 12-point font; double spaced; at least 3 (US data) properly cited references**

Give a brief summary of the case and then answer the following questions:
1) What is the decision facing the company?
2) What factors are important in understanding this decision situation?
3) What are the alternatives?
4) What decision(s) do you recommend?
5) What are some ways to implement your recommendations?

Video Analysis/ Reflection

Review the Intelligent Hospital Pavilion ICU videos. Write a paper in which you identify and describe elements that you feel are of benefit or risk to both patients and nurses. Explain the benefits/risks and why you do or do not support this type of available technology. Your paper should be a minimum of three pages and written in APA format with at least two outside credible references.

I will attach the rubric as well, please follow the rubric and all of the steps it requires.

The video links are below:

Marketing In Action

**Deliverable: 2-page written case analysis paper; 12-point font; double spaced; at least 3 (US data) properly cited references**

Give a brief summary of the case and then answer the following questions:
1) What is the decision facing the company?
2) What factors are important in understanding this decision situation?
3) What are the alternatives?
4) What decision(s) do you recommend?
5) What are some ways to implement your recommendations?

Marketing in Action

**Deliverable: 2-page written case analysis paper; 12-point font; double spaced; at least 3 (US data) properly cited references**

Give a brief summary of the case and then answer the following questions:
1) What is the decision facing the company?
2) What factors are important in understanding this decision situation?
3) What are the alternatives?
4) What decision(s) do you recommend?
5) What are some ways to implement your recommendations?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Product features: high nutrients, fruity flavor, imported ingredients
Packaging: plastic bottle – can drink and stop and drink again, the material can be recycled (environmentally friendly), get payback for recycling the bottles.
Pricing strategy:  penetration pricing to gain a customer base, this is how we price our new product.
Channel Strategy: Online (Tmall market) and Offline (Retailers: Supermarket/Convenience Stores)
Advertising/Promotions: Promotion-some discounts for wholesalers and retailers (build relationships) and slightly discounts for end-consumers (build customer base/brand awareness) for a limited time; Advertising -Social media campaign (Weibo-Celebrity, KOLs-key opinion leaders), Banner ads in Tmall market, In store promotions;

Jorgina’s Story

1) Watch the video about Jorgina’s experience in the link below.
2) Answer the following questions:
a) What barriers and obstacles did Jorgina face in her life?
b) How do you think her ethnicity impacted how she was treated in the criminal justice system?

Link to Video:

Be comprehensive and detailed in your approach.

Ensure the work is devoid of grammar and punctual mistakes and adheres to university or post-grad readability. Your tone of language should be sophisticated. If you do have any questions or concerns regarding the order, feel free to let me know, and I will respond to you as soon as possible.


You have a lot of flexibility in terms of exactly how you want to word your question. The most practical approach is to let the literature tell you how to address the topic.  If you would like to approach your question in such a way as to look for limitations in the existing literature, you may do so. This is the approach I took with my literature review, which is one of your readings.  However, unless you notice large gaps in the literature or methodological limitations, you do not need to address anything like that in your paper.

This document contains a brief overview of the format that I would like you to follow (loosely) for the Literature Review Project in PSYC-421. Unless otherwise specified, you should use formatting standards from the 7th ed. of the APA Manual (I have provided some information on this in Blackboard)
In addition to the body of your paper, you will need a title page, abstract, and references. These do not count toward your page minimum.
Introduction to your paper: In the first couple of paragraphs of your paper, say what your question is. Why is it important to ask this question? What are the ramifications to society of answering or not answering this question?
    This is where you would also give background information. For instance, if your topic were Autism, this is where you would say how its diagnosed. 
    Statistical information also goes here. For instance, how many people are diagnosed with autism.
    If your question were How does raising a child with a disability impact families? this is where you would talk about how many families are raising disabled children. You would talk about the various disabilities (stick with the most common ones in the literature). You might also say if you are talking about physical disabilities, intellectual disabilities, or both.
Once youve introduced your question and provided the background, you move to the body of your paper. This is where you present subtopics that are guided by the existing research. Each subtopic must relate to answering your question.
    You will need a minimum of 4 subtopics
    Introduce each subtopic with a level 2 heading
    You dont need to describe the studies the way you did in 311 (e.g., number of participants, materials used, etc.). You do need to present the findings that are relevant to your question and be clear about how these studies relate to one another and to your question
    At the end of each subtopic you pull together all of the studies youve cited in that subtopic to make a statement about your question.
o    For instance, if I were writing about the impacts of raising a disabled child, I would first talk about multiple studies. Then I would conclude that subtopic by saying something like, Based on the studies presented here, the impacts of having a brother or sister with a disability depend on the severity of the disability and the childs age.  Siblings are more impacted when their brother or sisters disability is more significant (cite).  As children get older they are less impacted by their siblings disability, except when the non-disabled sibling is girl (cite).  In this situation, older girls exhibit greater stress related to their siblings disability.
    You will do something like this for each subtopic
o    Make sure that you arrange your subtopics in a logical order (it thats relevant)
o    Make sure its clear how each subtopic relates to your question
o    You can have subtopics within subtopics (use Level 3 headings)
    If you have a subtopic on how raising a child with a disability affects families, in your subtopic on impacts to parents you might have sub-subtopics on (1) impacts on marital relationship (2) impacts on parents mental health (3) impacts on parents ability to deal with their other children
After you present all of your subtopics, youll begin your conclusion
    Conclusion is usually 2 or 3 paragraphs.
    You recap the findings from your subtopics and use the information to answer your questions
    For your conclusion, I would like you to use a level 2 heading that actually says conclusion This is not APA format, but it helps the TAs with grading.

Discussion Board Post 820

Answer the question to this discussion board post.  Each thread must be 400-500 words and demonstrate course-related knowledge.  Course books are also attached but one of the books will require you to use your university library or whatever you use to access free ebooks. I also uploaded two papers to provide more information on the topic.
Topic: Disaster mental health response to an active shooter incident

Thread: You are activated to respond to an active shooter incident at a local high school. You have been informed that there are more than 24 individuals who have been shot with 7 confirmed fatalities. You are assigned to provide disaster mental health support to students, faculty, & staff who survived the incident. You are meeting the survivors in the school gymnasium. As a disaster mental health counselor, respond to the following questions:

What specific strategies identified in this module/week’s reading/presentations will equip you to provide beneficial disaster mental heath care?
What scholarly, evidence-informed strategies would you consider?
What strategies have you used or observed?