Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

The Effects of Stigma and Self-Care on the Likelihood of Seeking Out Mental Health Services

Writing the Discussion
The discussion section of this paper must be a minimum of four pages with at least 3 pages devoted to a critical discussion of the results from this present study with the findings from past research. These findings can be the same or different than the findings presented in the introduction. 
Results are related to initial predictions and to previous research 
Both positive and negative findings are clearly explained 
The discussion section must include critical analyses between the results of this present study and related past research. This involves a great deal more than merely citing past research.
Address whether the findings from past research aligns or supports the findings from this present study.
Utilize comparison and contrast terms, such as in contrast to and similar to.
Present alternative explanations
Limitations are described 
Present future study ideas
Broader implications and applications are suggested

Any topic (writer’s choice)

1. Research how to plan project human resource management.

2. Write a 5-7 page paper following APA formatting (latest edition), including a cover page, introduction, body headings, conclusion and reference page.

3. The paper should be written in Times New Roman, 12-point font, and should be double-spaced.

4. A minimum of 6 peer-reviewed sources must be used.


    Critically appraise two studies using the Critical Appraisal Tool (CAT) for a Quantitative Study. The tools are located below. Use appropriate research and statistical terms and concepts.
    Carefully review the study’s purpose, methodology, and results and complete the appropriate form for each article.
    At the end of the form, write a synthesis paragraph addressing implications for practice based on the evidence the study generated.  USE YOUR OWN WORDS, NOT THE WORDS OF THE AUTHOR(S)

Hi. I have the form attached here as a Microsoft word. You just need to answer the guideline/questions. Then at the end of it, it requires a synthesis paragraph.  I will attach 2 articles that need an appraisal.

I think it will be three pages for each article.

Location Analytics

Leveraging what you learned in the course about descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive
analytics, write an essay answering the following questions:

1. Questions
a. What are the potential benefits of using geospatial data in analytics?
b. What types of new applications can emerge from knowing the locations of users in real-time?
c. What are some of the major privacy concerns in employing location analytics?

2. References
a. Incorporate into your essay ALL FOUR of the articles attached:

b.Include this book into the references ” Business Intelligence, Analytics, and Data Science: A Managerial Perspective (4th Edition) by Ramesh Sharda, Dursun Delen, Efraim Turban”

c. IMPORTANT*** All referenced material must be paraphrased, not quoted***

Economic Implications

Given environmental degradation concerns, the costs associated with deforestation (from health to income to even education), would chocolate be a good candidate for further GMO study?  Why or why not?  Again, as before, focus on the economic implications.  You now have the ability to answer this question from the standpoint of ANY viewpoint/topic that we covered in the course.  I give you free reign to discuss this question.

*Please feel free to utilize the three uploaded references. They have most of the information to answer this question*

Analysis of Popular Culture Topic from Signs of Life,

Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to write a 5-7 page essay (standard 10 or 12 point
font) that examines a topic related to one of the readings from Chpt. 3, 4, or 5 in Signs of Life.
1) Choose a selection that interested you, from the readings that have been assigned so far. I will choose this for you which is Commodity Your Dissent by Thomas Frank

2) Your essay topic is: Write an essay in which you agree, disagree, or modify Frank’s contention that marketing no longer promotes conformity but, rather, promotes “never-ending self-fulfillment” and “constantly updated individualism”.

3) Locate and use 5-7 sources for your essay:
at least TWO sources should be from peer-reviewed academic journals
at least THREE sources should be other types listed on pp. 67-69 of SOL //
Note: You dont have to use the exact sources listed on these pages, but you
. should choose those KINDS of sources to quote and cite in your paper.)
Using evidence, support your argument in a rational and thoughtful manner. Make sure that your
essay is typed and double-spaced, and follows proper MLA format.
Your essay should contain the following elements:
A creative title that tells your reader about your essay
An introductory paragraph that introduces your topic, at least two sources, and concludes
with your thesis statement.
Body paragraphs that include support from sources for the claims you have argued/ EACH
Body paragraph should quote and cite a source at least once.
Textual evidence: At least 5 Sources which are quoted and cited in your paper
Body paragraphs that offer main points related to your thesis
Topic and concluding sentences that express YOUR main points and relate back to your
thesis statement (avoid quotations in topic and concluding sentences)
Clear transitions between main points
An articulate conclusion that offers a new reflection on the thesis
Clear MLA parenthetical citation and a works cited page

Any topic (writer’s choice)

1.) Conduct an assessment of the health care environment where you work (i.e. health department, long-term care facility, specialty clinic, inpatient hospital, etc). (I work inpatient hospital)
2.) Specifically, examine potential barriers that may exist for a member of a minority group that has a significant presence in your community (i.e. Native American, Cubans, Hmong) (I live in florida, so we normally have a majority of Cubans and African Americans and some Middle Eastern)
3.) Using the criteria below (and explained in greater detail on pages 39 and 40), assess the potential organizational barriers to care in your work environment.
Explore ways to decrease barriers to health care for this minority group so that your organization can strive for cultural competency.

Write a 3-4 page APA essay, using two scholarly sources in addition to the textbook.
    Alternative practices and practitioners
    Additional services
Here is pages 39-40 that discusses more in detail the criteria. Just in case the link doesnt work.

Barriers to Health Care

For people to receive adequate health care, a number
of considerations must be addressed. Several studies
in the United States have identified that a lack of fluency
in language is the primary barrier to receiving
adequate health care in the United States (Institute of
Medicine, 2001; Joint Commission, 2010a; 2010b; The
Disparities Solutions Center, 2010). One can only deduce
that this is true for other countries as well. Other
barriers include the following:

Availability: Is the service available and at a time
when needed? For example, no services exist after
6 p.m. for someone who needs suturing of a minor
laceration. Clinic hours coincide with patients
work hours, making it difficult to schedule
appointments for fear of work reprisals.
Accessibility: Transportation services may not be
available, or rivers and mountains may make it difficult
for people to obtain needed health-care services
when no health-care provider is available in their immediate region.
It can be difficult for a single
parent with four children to make three bus
transfers to get one child immunized.
Affordability: The service is available, but the
patient does not have financial resources.
Appropriateness: Maternal and child services are
available, but what might be needed are geriatric
and psychiatric services.
Accountability: Are health-care providers accountable
for their own education and do they learn
about the cultures of the people they serve? Are
they culturally aware, sensitive, and competent?
Adaptability: A mother brings her child to the
clinic for an immunization. Can she get a mammogram
at the same time or must she make another
Acceptability: Are services and patient education
offered in a language preferred by the patient?
Awareness: Is the patient aware that needed services
exist in the community? The service may be
available, but if patients are not aware of it, the
service will not be used.
Attitudes: Adverse subjective beliefs and attitudes
from caregivers mean that the patient will not
return for needed services until the condition is
more compromised. Do health-care providers
have negative attitudes about patients home-based
traditional practices?
Approachability: Do patients feel welcomed?
Do health-care providers and receptionists greet
patients in the manner in which they prefer? This includes
greeting patients with their preferred names.
Alternative practices and practitioners: Do biomedical
providers incorporate patients alternative or
complementary practices into treatment plans?
Additional services: Are child- and adult-care services
available if a parent must bring children or an
aging parent to the appointment with them?
Literacy: Language has been identified as the biggest
barrier to health care, and not just for those for
whom English is a second language. See Chapter 3 to
identify patients with health literacy needs.

Health-care providers can help reduce some of
these barriers by calling an area ethnic agency or
church for assistance, establishing an advocacy
role, involving professionals and laypeople from the
same ethnic group as the patient, using cultural
brokers, and organizationally providing culturally
congruent and linguistically appropriate services. If
all of these elements are in place and used appropriately,
they have the potential of generating culturally
responsive care.

Health Promotion in Action

Assignment CriteriaFor this assignment, develop a scholarly paper that includes the following criteria:

1.  Describe the differences between health education and health promotion.
2.  Explore a community-based health promotion program available a.  For example: YMCA, YWCA, AA, Silver Sneakers, cardiac rehabilitation, diabetes support groups
3.  Determine a health promotion model or theory that could be applied to the selected community-based health promotion program.
4.  The scholarly paper should be in narrative format, 3 to 4 pages excluding the title and reference page.
5.  Includean introductory paragraph, purpose statement, and a conclusion.
6.  Include level 1 headings to organize the paper.
7.  Write the paper in third person, not first person (meaning do not use we or I) and in a scholarly manner. To clarify: I, we, you, me, our may not be used. In addition, describing yourself as the researcher or the author should not be used. 8.  Include a minimum of three professional peer-reviewed scholarly journal references to support the paper (review in Ulrich Periodical Directory) and be less than five (5) years old.
9.  APA format is required (attention to spelling/grammar, a title page, a reference page, and in-text citations).

Economic Implications

The current administration floated an idea that would “alleviate” homelessness in the US: to transport the homeless out of town. In theory, can this policy work and why/why not? Consider this method as a “reverse” Lewis model

*This was the idea:

*Please use la times link and uploaded article as references*

Hindenberg Disaster


Modern day airship travel would have been completely different if the Hindenburg disaster had not taken place and halted progression. Airship travel was quickly gaining popularity especially throughout the aviation community. After the accident, airship travel dwindled due to public opinion. Modern day airship travel is not as appealing as it was before the Hindenburg disaster.

Include this source somehow:

Morrison, H. (Director). (1937, May 6). Live Broadcast on the Hindenburg Disaster [Radio broadcast]. WLS Radio (Chicago).


even if it’s just a tiny mention, it must include the source above.