Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Economic Implications

Question: Based on the article uploaded and the PBS video link below, what type of policy would be most effective in combatting the HIV/AIDs epidemic in Africa, and now Russia? Consider the concerns pertaining to deadweight loss, current versus future consumption and general productivity.

*Check out PBS’s NewsHour video for a brief introduction to HIV/AIDS in Russia:

*Please only use the article uploaded and the video link as references*

Quantiative Research Study Design

In 1-2 paragraphs, describe a research problem (the topic is minorities in higher education) to explore with quantitative research methods.

Share two or more quantitative research questions you might use to organize your research. Which quantitative research designs discussed in the Creswell text Explain how they would fit and lay out some of the limitations of using these designs.


Discover ten terms which help define the subject of Game-Based Learning. For each term, find a minimum of two sources which define and contextualize that term, then write appropriate annotations for each. Follow the example found on the Purdue Owl Website. Use EBSCO Host for sources.

In preparing to summarize these research sources for the annotated bibliography, ask yourself the following questions:

What is/are the core idea(s) proposed by the source? How is the core idea introduced? Why?
What topics are presented? Why?
If you had to briefly explain this source to someone, what would you say?
How will this source material influence the production of your final project for this class?

I have five of the terms, each with 2 citations, but I have nothing written for them. So those five terms need to be written, plus 5 more from scratch.

Supply chain resilience and threats

NO JIBBERISH PLEASE! Must includ at least 10 peer reviewed resources.

For the progress assignment, develop a specific research question and hypothesis involving resilience and the threats to the supply chain. Develop a short Research Paper. 

Paper Format:

Cover Page: APA format

Abstract: 150-200 words

Introduction: 1 page (introduce specific research question (singular) and hypothesis

Literature Review: 2 pages

Methodology, Discussion and Findings:  1-2 Pages

Note: Your methodology MUST go beyond simply…I am using qualitative methods…that is not a graduate level methodology. Content Analysis may be the best approach using your references.

Conclusion: 1 Page

References: 1 Page NOTE: This section will contain all references, cited in APA format and alphabetically arranged.

Technical Requirements:

Length: 5-6 pages, double spaced, 1″ margins, 12 pitch type in Times New Roman font, left

Citations/References:  You must use the APA style for this assignment. Your paper must contain a minimum of 10 reference sources with at least 6 of them being peer-reviewed journals or products of Think Tanks such as RAND, Brookings, or Heritage.

Runway Incursions

Explain the issues of runway incursions, and address some of the safety management challenges in mitigating these incursions, facilities, and infrastructure. What are the best solutions for runway incursions? Is it a human training issue, is it technology, is it a blend of both, or can it even be solved?

Remember, you must have a title page, 300-word body written in the third person, and at least two references.

picot question

my picot question is:
Using different effective teaching methods for discharge and follow up  teaching  to decrease congestive heart failure (CHF)  readmissions? 

Using the attached PICO(T) template and resources provided, you will develop your PICO(T) research question. 
This question will guide your work throughout this course.
  PICOT Template Assignment.docx PICOT Template Assignment.docx – Alternative Formats 

Post your proposed PICO(T) question (identifying all of the component parts)

population ; chf patients
intervention  different interdisplinary approaches
comparison  : different  educational ways for in patient  and out patient  chf teaching
outcome; identify and utilize educational ways to help decrease chf readmissions
question ;  which  teaching strategy or strategies  is best to decrease chf readmissions

and  two paragraphs identifying and summarizing the clinical problem in the context of epidemiology (that is, what is  the public health significance of the issue you chose? Show me some statistics.).

Ensure that only one type of PICO(T) question is used (see PICO(T) template). References are required in APA format

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Instructions: Select one scenario from the 3 choices below, answer the assigned questions and post an initial response on the discussion board. You must cite at least 2 resources (one can be your textbook and the other must be an Internet site or article).

When posting your initial post in Canvas, the heading should look like this:

Initial Post Scenario Selection #

Your initial posting is due by the initial post deadline (see calendar)

Scenario #1:

What is the organizational structure for your hospital facility? How does the role of a nurse manager fit into this organizational structure? What are the barriers, positive and negative within this organizational structure?

Scenario #2:

Compare and contrast the role of manager and leader. Give examples of both a manager and leader in your student nursing career. Please cite resources used to formulate your thoughts and opinions on this topic.

Scenario #3:

A nurse working on a busy PCU goes into a patients room to complete a quick focused patient assessment. The patient refuses care from this nurse and the nurse reports to the charge nurse that the patient stated “I don’t want you to care for me!” You don’t understand my lifestyle or my culture!” This nurse asks you, the charge nurse, what to do. As the charge nurse what leadership principles would best be utilized to deal with this patient situation?

interpersonal communication

Use the template please
Prove for yourself that communication is both frequent and important by observing your interactions for a one-day period. Record every occasion in which you are involved in some sort of human communication.

Based on your findings, answer the following questions:

What percentage of your working day is involved in communication?
What percentage of time do you spend communicating in the following contexts: intrapersonal, dyadic, small group, and public?
What percentage of your communication is devoted to satisfying each of the following types of needs: physical, identity, social, and practical? (Note: you might try to satisfy more than one type at a time.)
Based on your analysis, describe at least 5 ways you would like to communicate more effectively. For each item on your list, describe the following:
Who is involved (e.g., my boss, my co-workers, my friends, etc.)?
How you would like to communicate differently (e.g., act less defensive, speak up more, etc.)?
Writing Requirements (APA format)

Length: 1.5-2 pages
1-inch margins
Double spaced
12-point Times New Roman font

interpersonal communication

Take some time to think about challenges you have communicating with other people. These difficulties may involve strangers and acquaintances, friends, family members, or people at school or work. You may identify situations that involve specific individuals or general circumstances. Some examples include having trouble starting a conversation with someone you have never met, saying “no” when your sister asks to borrow money, or avoiding participation in meetings even when you have a question or contribution to the discussion.

Complete the steps in the following framework to identify a goal. Using the template for this week, detail each of the steps to explain how you chose this one communication problem area you intend to change.

1A. “I Can’t” List
What are your “I can’t” communication behaviors? Address verbal, nonverbal, listening, group communication aspects, and cultural differences. Click on and read the sample responses for this section first:

Link: Sample List
Link: Sample Description
Then, write and submit the following for this part:

Make a list of 4-8 challenges relating to your interpersonal communication that you feel require attention because you “can’t” seem to do these well.
Describe each “I can’t” behavior in detail. Provide examples to illustrate why you included each behavior in this list.
Write a 1-2 paragraph description/example for each behavior.
1B. “I Won’t” List
What are your “I won’t” communication behaviors? Now read your list of “I can’t” communication behaviors aloud and consider each one carefully. Go back and read each behavior aloud again, but this time, substitute the word “won’t” for “can’t.” (“I won’t ask my friends for favors when I need their help.”)

Be honest with yourself – were there behaviors on your list for which the word “won’t” seemed more accurate than the word “can’t?” Probably so, because there are very few communication behaviors that people are physically unable to do. “Won’t” suggests that an element of choice is involved.

Write and submit the following for this part:

A list of any statements that you revised to say, “I won’t”
Explanation for each why it is more accurate than the original “I can’t” statement
A narrative describing why you feel each statement belong there instead of the original
Eliminate any “I won’t” statements from consideration for this project.

1C. “Don’t Know” List
Now go back to your remaining “I can’t” communication behaviors and try substituting, “I don’t know how to” for the words “I can’t.” Instead of saying, “I can’t keep my staff focused on the discussion at hand during meetings,” try saying “I don’t know how to keep my staff focused on the discussion at hand during meetings.”

It is important that you do not take the phrase “I don’t know how to” too literally. You may find that you do know how to do some of the things on your list, but you don’t know how to change from your existing poor habit to an improved communication behavior.

Link: Sample Response
Make a list of any statements you revised to say, “I don’t know how to,” and describe for each why this is more accurate than the original “I can’t” statement. If there are any issues that you still feel belong on your “I can’t” list, include a narrative to describe why.

The “I don’t know how to” items on your list are the ones to consider for this project. These are the ones you can expect to change by taking this course. Select one of these problem areas to work on for the remainder of the course and for the purpose of this report. Describe your process for eliminating additional “I don’t know how to” items to narrow your list to the one issue that you finally selected for the project.

Write and submit the following for this part:

Your list of issues that more accurately fit the “I don’t know how to” category
A narrative describing why you feel they belong there instead
Describe why you left certain issues in the “I can’t” category.
1D. Issue Selection
Write and submit the following for this part:

A narrative describing how you eliminated those that remained in the “I don’t know how to” category to decide on the one issue you selected for your project
1E. Project Statement
Write and submit the following for this part:

A clear project statement of the communication behavior you will address with this project and the person or people with whom you will be communicating for this project
Link: Sample Project Statement
“I don’t know how to say no when my brother asks to borrow money.” It is critical that you will have interaction with this person or these people identified in 1E over the next 8 weeks.

Writing Requirements (APA format)

Length: 2-2.5 pages (not including title page or references page)
1-inch margins
Double spaced
12-point Times New Roman font
Title page
References page

childhood obesity

1) Select an current issue in healthcare. For example: childhood obesity, opioid epidemic, etc. Then go to: (Links to an external site.). Select a bill of interest as it relates to your selected topic of interest. For example: Bill HB2201 is on appropriating money to the department of health services for opioid antagonists: (Links to an external site.). You can search through the bills. Once you select one, to find out more information on the bill go to the documents tab.

2) Another resource:

Paper Should Include the following:

1)One paragraph introducing your topic issue.
2)Find one article supporting a change to the selected topic. Why is it important to address this topic in healthcare policy? One paragraph.
3)One paragraph to discuss the selected bill and how this bill will help address your selected topic issue.
4)One paragraph on how you will implement this change. What groups/individuals will you reach out to (i.e Arizona Nurses Association, legislators, etc). How will reaching out to these selected groups/individuals help you influence a change in policy?
5)One paragraph conclusion.

Included a reference page. You also must include in-text citations to avoid plagiarism. Owl purdue is a great resource for APA.