Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Module 2 SLP: Cost analysis of VA medical care vs. Private care

Using your work from the previous weeks, prepare and submit Chapter Three. You must insert your material into the DSP template (found in MyTLC). Work will not be accepted if it is not in the template.


The methods are the procedures used to acquire empirical evidence and analyze it for purposes of answering research questions, testing hypotheses, and examining foreshadowed problems, following up on conjectures, and going forward from exploratory questions. The choice of methodology should be made in light of the literature review and with careful deliberation. Small oversights can sometimes undermine a long and difficult study. Your committee will help you think through the appropriateness of proposed methods and will probably suggest some refinements.

Your approved proposal is considered a blueprint for research. You are expected to do everything indicated in that blueprint. In experimental research, it is usually expected that no changes will be made unless you encounter unanticipated problems that require modifications. In other quantitative research, such as quasi-experimental, longitudinal and secondary data analysis, additions over and beyond the blueprint may be appropriate to deal with unanticipated opportunities. In qualitative research, the proposal outlines the broad parameters of the study, but usually several details are expected to be decided during the actual data collection and analysis. Changes in the planned research should be made only after consultation with your full dissertation committee. Changes in the collection and handling of data from humans will generally require re-submission for IRB approval.

A few important aspects of the methods cannot be known until after the study has been conducted, such as the response rates from samples, errors or accidents in carrying out the planned methods, and whether the collected data meets the assumptions of the planned statistical analyses. Consequently, whatever is written in the research proposal about methodology may have to be updated some when preparing Chapter 3 of the dissertation.

The subsections indicated below are the components of the methodology and not necessarily subheadings of Chapter 3. Mixed-methods studies may benefit from the guidelines below for both quantitative research and qualitative research.

3-A. Methodology:

Briefly re-introduce the problem and provide an overview of the methodological approach.

3-B. Conjectures, or Exploratory Questions:

State the conjectures, or exploratory questions that guided the inquiry. The conjectures or exploratory questions can be descriptive, associational, and causal. Qualitative research answers questions in a holistic manner based on all or most of the available information, cross-verifying among several sources of information. The process often involves continual drawing of tentative inferences throughout the ongoing data collection and verifying those inferences with the subsequently-collected data.

3-C. Research Procedures:

Describe in detail how the inquiry was undertaken.

Generally, the description should be thorough enough that other skilled researchers could approximately replicate your study from the description.

    Introduce the epistemology that will guide the inquiry.
    Explain the theoretical perspective that will drive the research, and why it was selected.
    Indicate the methodology used and why it was selected.
    Indicate the specific methods used and the justification for them. How were sites, cases, and informants selected? Why? What access did you unsuccessfully seek? Which people perhaps tried to minimize contact with you and which repeatedly sought it out? How did you collect your data? Why?
    What verification procedures were used in the field? How did you protect against imposing your biases on the data? Describe and append any interview guides, protocols, rubrics used to assist in the data collection.
    Indicate how you managed your qualitative data. Did you take notes or make audio/video recordings? Was any data not analyzed? Why?
    Indicate how you analyzed and interpreted your data, making sure the analysis was consistent with the selected methodology. If you inferred themes, explain how. If you coded the transcripts, explain the coding system and checks for coding reliability and validity. How did you analyze the data from the coding? How did you triangulate or otherwise verify findings? How did you interpret the full set of data?

3-D. Human Participants and Ethics Precautions:

Summarize potential risks to humans from whom data is collected in your research, and summarize precautions taken to ensure informed consent (when needed) and to minimize the risks to participants in your research. This information can be drawn from the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs – Institutional Review Board (IRB) Submission Form that must accompany your proposal when it is submitted for review and approval. (Reminder: You must have approval from the Institutional Review Board before beginning data collection from or about humans!) Also address other ethical issues, such as your possible conflicts of interest and personal biases that could have influenced the research, and how you minimized their effects. After receiving IRB approval, participant recruitment and data collection will begin.

Interpersonal Conflict

Elements of Conflict-  This short paper is designed to (1) further your understanding of Wilmot and Hockers definition of conflict, (2) help you analyze these concepts in a real-life conflict, and (3) improve your competency in managing a conflict.
First, identify a conflict that you have personally experienced recently or in the past.
Analyze your perception of the conflict using the definition provided in Chapter 1.
Expressed struggle: How was the conflict expressed? How often? Verbally? Nonverbally? Overtly? Covertly?
Interdependent parties: What binds you and the other person in the conflict together? In what ways do you need the other person? In what ways does he or she need you?
Perceived incompatible goals: What are you not getting from the other person in the conflict? What is the other person not getting from you?
Perceived scarce resources: Examples for these resources are time, money, affection, inclusion, etc.
Perceived interference from others in achieving those goals: In what ways are you interfering with the other persons goals? How is the other person interfering with your goals?
Analyze the other persons view using the five elements of a conflict. You can do this by (a) directly asking the other person in the conflict or by (b) making your best guess about how he or she views the conflict.
Write a three- to four-page paper (typed, double-spaced) in which you address the points given below.
Summarize both your view and the other persons view of the conflict.
Identify areas in which you and the other person could improve on to manage the conflict better.
Discuss the role of ones perception in the conflict.
Reflect on what you have learned by completing this process.
Reflect on what you have learned about this specific relationship and relationship enhancement in general.

Proposing a Counselor or Psychotherapy Group

Imagine you are working in a community agency and would like to offer a counseling or psychotherapy group. A survey of clients revealed that there is a community needs to address the following group topics:

Traumatic loss and bereavement.
Management of anger and impulse issues.
At-risk behaviors for youth.
Intimate partner violence.
Eating disorders.
Select one topic and focus on a specific population impacted. For example, you may identify age, gender, sexual orientation, or ethnicity that group members may have in common in addition to the focus of the group. As a first step to propose the group to your supervisor, you will analyze the current group literature to provide a rationale for offering either a counseling or psychotherapy group. Please note that a psychoeducational group does not meet the requirements for the assignments in this course.

We will assume that your supervisor is looking for you to carefully study what has already been written about similar groups before you develop any specific plans for the proposed group. Utilize the Unit 3 Assignment Paper Template for this assignment and review the scoring guide.

Locate peer-reviewed articles published within the past seven years from professional journals that present a range of group counseling approaches for your topic. Compare the sources based on the strength of the group leadership approach and specific counseling theories presented. Present a clear analysis of how specific ethical and diversity issues will be relevant to the proposed group citing the relevant ethical standards.

Submission Requirements
Your paper should meet the following requirements:

Written communication: Written communication must be grammatically correct and free of errors that detract from the overall message. Writing should be consistent with graduate-level scholarship.
APA formatting: Title page, main body, and references should be formatted according to current APA style and formatting.
The number of resources: Minimum of six scholarly resources. Distinguished submissions typically exceed this minimum.
Length of paper: 57 typed, double-spaced pages. Abstract and Table of Contents are not necessary.
Font: Times New Roman, 12 points.

Veteran’s Affairs medical care vs. Private care

Module 2: 400 Words

Discuss the following points regarding your expected research method:
    State your expected research method (qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods) and explain your rationale for choosing this method for your DSP.
    Discuss how this method will allow you to collect data that addresses your business research problem.
    How will you ensure integrity and credibility of your data using this research method?
    Discuss how you have employed your expected research method either in your educational pursuits or on the job.

Module 3: 400 Words (Will Upload Template)

Utilizing the DSP Dissertation Template in the Resources section of MyTLC, complete the following:
    Identify at least 3 of the mandatory sections in Chapter 1 of a dissertation, focusing on the sections you have not yet addressed, or addressed the least, since beginning the program or crystalizing your research topic.
    Which of the 3 do you feel will be the most difficult for you? Why? What steps must you take to effectively complete the sections that you perceive to be challenging?

Module 4: 400 Words

Respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
Quality assurance is a holistic approach covering all the processes in academic research, in order to serve the students and other stakeholders in expected quality standards. The success of a quality assurance system depends on the support of academicians and the supporting academic institution.
Keeping this in mind, using at least two scholarly citations from peer-reviewed journal articles, make an argument for the peer-review manuscript process as a form of quality assurance in academia. Also point out within the position statement why garnering supporting and differing viewpoints of ones scholarly writing helps aid in the overall research and discovery process of writing.

writers choice

The research report consists of four parts:

Part 1 Research topic, research questions, and research design
Part 2 Literature review
Part 3 Research methodology
Part 4 Discussion and conclusion

part 1A: First, you will need to identify a criminal justice related topic that you want to explore throughout all of the assignments associated with the final research report. Second, provide a brief discussion about why you chose your topic and why researching that topic is important to the field of criminal justice. Third, to assist you in determining the type of research that has already been done on your topic and to give you a head start on Part 2 of your research report, you will need to include a list of five scholarly sources related to your topic.

part 1b: Developing a research question is one of the most important parts of the research study. Your research question is what dictates the type of methodology that will be used in the study. There are certain research questions that lend themselves to pure (basic) versus applied research. There are certain research questions that lend themselves to qualitative versus quantitative research. Therefore, it is imperative that you establish the research question prior to conducting a study. This is important as you are formulating your steps to solve the problem in your empirical research. It should also be noted here that if one is asking qualitative type research questions, answers might not result. Instead, additional questions or sub-questions may result, which is an acceptable result.

For this part of the assignment, you are tasked with developing a research question. Based on your research question, you will need to generate at least one hypothesis or at least one sub-question that is associated with your research question.

Keep in mind that the research question needs to be connected to the topic that you identified in Part 1A of the assignment, and it needs to be a question that you want to explore throughout the other parts of this assignment and subsequent assignments related to the final research report.

Part 1C: Research design

You will need to decide whether your research will use an experimental design, a quasi-experimental design, or a pre experimental design. Provide a discussion that explains how your research falls into the experimental design that you chose. While you do not need to go into specifics about the methodology that you will utilize for your research study, you do need to be able to discuss to what extent your design will or will not incorporate equivalents, observation, treatment, and time.

Part 2: Begin your literature review with a very brief discussion of your research topic and related questions and/or hypothesis.
Briefly summarize a) research focus, b) research methodology, and c) key findings of the scholarly sources that you identified for use in your literature review.
Critically evaluate the findings of each study in relation to your research topic, questions, and/or hypothesis. This can include comparing and contrasting each studys findings, a discussion of the weaknesses of the studys methodologies, and identification of the needs for future study as a result of the studys findings. The critical evaluation of the studies in relation to your research topic, questions, and/or hypothesis can either come at the end of each summary of the scholarly sources or it can come at the end of the literature review after all of the summaries of the scholarly sources have been provided. Note: The main purpose of the literature review is to:
discuss the available research related to your topic and
identify how that research relates to your topic and informs the methodology that you will use to conduct your study. Both of these elements must be present in the literature review. Thus, while you are not required to provide your research methodology in this assignment, the literature review should allow for an easy transition into your research methodology that you will present in Part 3 of the research report.

part 3:To prepare your research methodology, complete the following tasks:

Begin your research methodology with a very brief discussion of your research focus and a list of your related questions and/or hypothesis.
Discuss the main variables that will be explored in your study. Be sure to specify how those variables will be measured.
For example, if you were interested in studying the relationship between sex and illegal drug use, you would need to make sure to specify what information you want to collect for each variable. For sex, you could choose to measure it as having the attributes of a male or female. For illegal drug use, you could choose to measure it by looking at the number of times someone was arrested for possession of illegal drugs. You could further distinguish that by only looking at the amount of drugs that someone was arrested with and determining based on the weight, whether it was considered possession for personal consumption or distribution. This is just a brief example of how the variables could be measured. There are a variety of other ways in which these two variables could be measured. Thus, you can see why it is important to not only identify the variables but to also specify how the variables will be measured.
Present your research methodology. You need to ensure that the specific steps you will follow to explore your research questions and/or hypotheses are clear to the reader. Avoid the use of general statements and direct quotes from the textbook about what should be included in the research methodology. Your task is to discuss in your own words what you would specifically do to study your research topic. What steps would you engage in to ensure that your proposed study properly explores the research questions and/or hypotheses that you developed? In your methodology, you need to discuss the following concepts:
Research design
Note: Remember to refer back to Unit II Assignment, Part 1C where you discussed your research design.
Include a discussion of the methodological approach (i.e., qualitative, quantitative, or mixed method).
Include a discussion of how threats to internal and external validity are addressed.
Participant selection process
Include a discussion of the participant characteristics and related ethical considerations.
Data collection process
Include a discussion or an example of the data collection techniques (e.g., surveys, case studies, participant observation, unobtrusive measures, and secondary data).
Include a discussion of the step-by-step procedures you will follow to collect the data from your study participants using your data collection technique.
You will be formulating your data collection techniques but not actually collecting the data.
Protection of human subjects
Include a brief discussion about how your research studys methodology will ensure human subject(s) protections (e.g., minimal harm to participants, consent, and confidentiality). Such statements may address the submission of your study protocol to an institutional review board (IRB), or a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) review, or compliance with National Institute of Justice (NIJ) human subject requirements.
Study timeline
Include a brief sketch of the anticipated timeline associated with conducting your study from the IRB review to the completion of data collection.

part 4:To prepare your discussion and conclusion, complete the following tasks:

Provide an in-depth discussion of the findings that could have resulted if you actually conducted your proposed study.
Remember to return to your research questions and/or hypotheses as well as findings from the studies you discussed in your literature review to assist you in developing this section of the research report.
Provide a discussion about any conclusions that can be drawn from the anticipated findings.
You are in essence being asked to discuss whether or not you think that you would have found support for your hypotheses, answers to your research questions, or additional research questions.
Provide a discussion about any study limitations that are associated with your proposed studys research methodology.
Remember that your studys limitations would have been considered during the development of your research methodology.

Provide a discussion about the potential impact of the results of your study on the field of criminal justice (e.g., practices and policies).
Include a discussion about how managers in criminal justice agencies would be able to use your studys findings as managerial tools for working with criminal justice personnel.
Provide a discussion about future research possibilities that are related to your proposed study.

Note: This part of the assignment requires that you use your knowledge of the existing research in the field, the understanding of your proposed study design, and your intellectual creativity to discuss some potential findings that could result if you had actually conducted the study. Based on that discussion, you are able to provide a conclusion that identifies areas in need of additional research and discusses the significance of your proposed study to the field of criminal justice. This is the part of the research project where your empirically inspired opinions should be discussed. There should be very few direct quotes that appear in this portion of the research report. If possible, no direct quotes should appear in this section of the research report. Thus, this portion of the research report should be dominated by your voice.

Title Page
Literature Review
Discussion and Conclusion

Nursing Charting

Attached is a few questions that need to be answered based off of the patient chart. Please try and answer them using APA style and educational resources/citations. Use in text citations as needed. Please fell free to message me with any questions. The patient information given is a made up scenario and is not a real patient.

Unit 1 Assignment

Unit I Assignment


For this Assignment, you will complete the Unit I Assignment worksheet. This Assignment will allow you to demonstrate what you have learned in this unit.

Click here to access the template for this Assignment. Save all of your work directly to the template, and submit it in Blackboard for grading.

To assist you with the math required in this assignment, the CSU Math Center has created an example problem using the necessary formulas. Click here to access this example.

Social Studies Action Plan

ACTION PLAN SUMMARY  (Writers based in the United States only…PLEASE)

As classroom teachers, we realize every student will not fit perfectly into the same mold.  As a result, sometimes you will have to take steps to better understand a students strengths and areas for improvement.
As a result, for this assignment, you will write a paper designing an action plan you would implement for a 4th grade student struggling in one strand of Social Studies (History, Geography, Civics/Government or Economics).  Without implementing the Action Plan, your paper should provide a picture of the student you have chosen, including a clear depiction of the students strengths, weaknesses, and/or areas of concern.  You will use current (research-based) literature (at least four different sources to support your decisions regarding the ways to best serve this student; thus, impacting his/her ability to become successful in the Social Studies classroom.
This assignment should be at least four (4) complete, double-spaced pages in length, not including the Reference Page or Title Page.  Please type your paper in Times New Roman, 12 pt. font.  You must use proper APA style citations and format in your paper.  Also, type your last name in the header of every page (right-justified).
Please note: It is perfectly fine if you would like to construct your paper using subheadings.  It will make it easier for grading purposes.  The recommended subheadings would be as suggested below:
Profile Caricature or drawing and precise description of student, strengths, weaknesses.
Please include the students caricature here. A stick caricature or special drawing is fine here.
Areas of Improvement
Effectively describe areas of concern
Researched based literature from peer-reviewed sources.
(APA format, all references must come from a reputable source and must be properly cited)

    Use proper APA format
    Use proper in-text citations
    Review the checklist to receive the best grade
    Include every requirement listed in the checklist
    Underlined and bold printed words effectively describe what I will be looking for in the Action Plan


PROFILE    The teacher richly and creatively described the student but clearly eliminated any identifiable information.  A pseudonym is used with an in-depth evaluation of the student including general information (i.e. age, gender, grade, classroom behavior, attitude, etc.).    12 points       

AREAS OF IMPROVEMENT     Complete and detailed descriptions of the students strength(s), weakness, and/or areas of improvement are scholarly written (including how the teacher was able to identify the students weaknesses, strengths, etc.).    20 pts

DECISIONS / STRATEGIES    A thorough description of the researched based protocols, strategies, materials, and activities that were relevant and meaningful for the student were included.    30 pts

RESEARCH/APA    A minimum of 4 sources (including the book) were referenced in the paper (in-text citations) and listed on the reference page. All in-text citations and references are in proper APA format.    10 pts   

CONVENTIONS    The action plan summary is free of grammatical and spelling errors with a minimum of 4 complete typed pages (not including the title and reference pages).  All pages have the name clearly typed in the header (right justified).    8 pt

moral point behind the protests

First, watch this clip outlining the protests:

then read the short article on colorization in Articles for Discussions. Turner stopped colorizing old films.

In this discussion this week, lets talk about this process, and talk about the moral point behind the protests the directors are aghast (as are some of the stars, such as Jimmy Stewart). Even though color was present after 1939, some directors & producers chose to film in black and white. Was Turner wrong to colorize the classic MGM films? Did colorizing these make them more appealing to younger audiences? What is your reaction to coloring a film classic such as The Maltese Falcon? Many of these old fllms are archetypes for filmmakers since they were made, and I hope some/all of you are curious about these masters.

Counseling Theory

Topics to be addressed include:

Theory Application and Implications

          Theorists who have influenced personal theoretical orientation

          Views of human nature

          Describing the Tenets

Nature, beliefs, and role of the counselor

          Counseling Nature of the counseling relationship and process

          Beliefs about the process of change and facilitating change

          Role of the counselor and role of the client

Counseling goals, procedures, techniques of counseling

          Goals/purposes of counseling and indications of successful counseling

          Procedures and techniques of counseling processes

Culture and Spirituality

          Responses/sensitivity to diverse cultural and gender issues presented by clients

          Implementation of faith and spirituality