Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Eating Disorders in Adolescent Girls

Explain how developmental issues, cultural experiences, and societal attitudes have affected this issue.

Use 4-6 relevant scholarly articles regarding this developmental issue as references.

The paper should be approximately 4-5 pages in length (no longer than 5 pages), APA format, 12-point font, double-spaced.

Incarceration of women

Students will write a 4 page paper (12-point Times New Roman, double-spaced, not including title or reference pages) regarding one of several prison-related issues we have covered in the course.  Students should: 1) define the problem(s); 2) state the prevalence of the issue(s); 3) identify the importance of the issue(s); 4) discuss current resolutions for the issue(s); and 5)provide future implications.  Students should be sure that papers have an introduction (ending with a thesis statement), body paragraphs, and a conclusion.  Papers should be properly cited in APA format. .

article critique

I want article critique using the CASP checklist 
check my PICO question if correct or no if not choose for me  another
Australian English pls
pls follow instructions
my pico question is
in an older patient with depression is the physical activity more effective than usual treatment to reduce depression

Social Media: Risks and Opportunities

In 750-1,000 words, do the following:
Discuss the risks and opportunities of social media use on the psychosocial development of adolescents.
Describe the motivations behind the disclosure processes of adolescents on social media, including its influence on identity development and relationships with parents and peers.
Support your paper with three to five peer reviewed journal articles.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

writers choice

For this assignment, consider the role, responsibility, and perspective of the criminal justice administrator (i.e., police chief or sheriff) in your municipality. You are tasked with identifying the plan and budget for the agency that accounts for threats of domestic terrorism.

To accomplish this, you will need to research your local (i.e., city, county, or state) law enforcement agency and the applicable fusion center to determine the connection that exists between budget allocation and the threat of terrorism. Use this information to analyze the threats that your agency plans and prepares for, and determine how training and response to these threats are budgeted. Most law enforcement agency budgets and fusion center budgets are public record and are easily obtained online; however, you may need to do some deeper research to obtain all of the information needed for this assignment.

Your case study should address the items below.

Identify your location and the law enforcement agency that you selected.
Discuss the terrorist or homeland security threats that apply to your area and how they are specifically addressed through department policy, procedures, and training.
Examine the role of the law enforcement administrator or leader (e.g., sheriff, police chief) in protecting the community from a terrorist incident. Address his or her potential concerns regarding the safety of the community and his or her officers in a terrorist incident.
Identify the external resources (fusion center resources and others) that could be tapped by law enforcement leadership in the event of a terrorist incident.
Determine how terrorist incident response, preparation, and training are budgeted. Are these items specifically allocated, or do they fall under the general category line items such as overtime and training? What other factors must an administrator consider when creating the fiscal budget that could possibly interfere with terrorism budget allocation?
Finally, take into consideration everything you have learned in this course about the role and responsibilities of a criminal justice administrator, the value of community policing, and the importance of the agency leadership having a positive influence on personnel and policy. With this in mind, propose two changes to the current way in which the threat of terrorism is handled and budgeted for in your local agency. Support your recommendations with a strong argument and evidence.
Your case study must be a minimum of three pages in length, not counting the title page and references page. A minimum of three sources will be used and must be properly cited. The case study, including all references, should be formatted in APA Style.

writers choice

For this assignment, you will utilize the CSU Online Library to locate an article that discusses a specific incident of ethical violations on the part of a police or corrections officer. The article must include a real case relating to an officer who did not adhere to his or her agencys code of ethics.

The article should be no more than 5 years old, and the article should have been published via a reputable source (e.g., peer-reviewed journal, law enforcement organization, or industry source). Once you identify the article, you may need to do further research as you complete the following two parts for your case study.

First, provide an analysis of the case, to include a summary of the circumstances, suspected ethical violations, and the final outcome of the case. Your analysis should include how non-law-enforcement personnel or organizations in this case influenced the ethics of the officer.
Second, assume that you are a criminal justice administrator, and a similar incident happened under your command. Discuss any changes or actions that you would take regarding implementing and enforcing the code of ethics as well as the communication you would have with your subordinates to ensure this does not happen again in your agency. Discuss how to prevent non-law-enforcement personnel or organizations from influencing the ethics of your criminal justice professionals.
Your case study should present an insightful and thorough analysis with strong arguments and evidence that incorporate concepts learned in this unit. The case study must be a minimum of three pages in length, not counting the title page and references page. A minimum of three sources will be used, one of which must come from the CSU Online Library. All sources used should be properly cited. The case study, including all references, should be formatted in APA Style.

writers choice

For this assignment, you will analyze a well-known and widely debated incident where policing style played a factor. You will need to do basic research on the Branch Davidian Standoff, which took place in Waco, Texas, in 1993. Then, analyze the case according to the instructions below.

Provide a historical overview of the facts of the Branch Davidian Standoff.
Analyze the factor of police negotiation during the siege.
Explain how non-law-enforcement personnel (e.g., compound residents, media) impacted the efforts of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) to end the siege.
Discuss how, in retrospect, the siege could have been handled differently by the FBI and ATF agencies to produce a different result.
Imagine if a similar incident took place today. Discuss how changing police styles enables law enforcement to adapt to changes in society.
You must use at least three credible sources to support your case study, two of which must be from the CSU Online Library. All sources used must be properly cited. Your case study should present an insightful and thorough analysis, contain a strong argument and evidence, and show correlation to concepts learned in this unit.

Your case study must be a minimum of three pages in length, not counting the title page and references page. Your case study, including all references, should be formatted in APA Style.

wrriters choice

Maslows hierarchy of needs is just one of several motivational theories discussed in this unit. It is a foundational concept in the role of a criminal justice administrator, whether in law enforcement, corrections, or courts.

For this assignment, you will examine Maslows hierarchy of needs. Each of the levels in the hierarchy of needs must be examined in detail as it relates to administration and personnel. Make certain that your essay meets the criteria below.

First, include an introduction. Then, explain how a criminal justice administrator could apply Maslows model in each of the leadership theories (trait, style, and situational leadership) discussed in Chapter 2 on pp. 3640 of the textbook. Give an example from each of the three criminal justice sectors (law enforcement, corrections, and courts) to support your explanation.
Second, briefly identify one other motivational theory from the textbook (pp. 4146) that can also be applied in all three criminal justice sectors. Give an example of how it could be used in each.
Third, discuss how the application of Maslows hierarchy of needs contributes to effective communication in a criminal justice organization. Give an example from each of the three criminal justice sectors (law enforcement, corrections, and courts) to support your discussion.
Finally, analyze the connection between Maslows beliefs and how they relate to an administrators requirement to be aware of and respect the rights of employees. Give an example from each of the three criminal justice sectors (law enforcement, corrections, and courts) to support your analysis.
Your essay must be a minimum of three pages in length, not counting the title page and references page. You are required to use at least two sources to support your essay, one of which may be the textbook. All sources used must be properly cited. Your essay, including all references, will be formatted in APA Style.

writers choice

Criminal Justice Managers Research and Policy Analysis

Research is conducted in the field of criminal justice on a daily basis. The expectation is that the findings from research studies will be helpful in developing related policies, practices, and programs in the field of criminal justice. However, it is not always clear whether research findings are actually used in the criminal justice field to impact policies, practices, and programs. To further explore this phenomenon, you are required to complete this scholarly activity that focuses on the evaluation research process and the use of research findings by criminal justice managers as managerial tools. To meet the objectives of the scholarly activity, complete the following tasks:

Section 1: Evaluation Research

Provide a brief summary of the steps in evaluation research used in the field of criminal justice.
Provide a brief discussion about the distinctions between the types of evaluation research.
Briefly discuss the type of evaluation research that would be most appropriate for evaluating a criminal justice program in your community.
Section 2: Managerial Tools

Visit the website of a criminal justice agency in your community (e.g., local police department, county sheriffs office) and review the agencys organizational structure. Familiarize yourself with the managerial positions at the agency, and read any related job descriptions, if available.
Imagine that you are preparing to conduct an informational interview with an employee that holds a managerial position in the criminal justice agency you selected. In your informational interview, you are going to ask questions about his or her awareness and use of evaluation research by criminal justice personnel serving in management positions in the agency.
Using your knowledge of the evaluation research process and the types of evaluation research, develop a list of at least five questions you would ask at the informational interview.
Be sure to write at least one question that addresses whether the manager uses evaluation research as a managerial tool; if so, in what capacity are those evaluation research managerial tools utilized, and if not, why.
Be sure to ask at least one question that addresses the extent to which the manager uses statistical analyses (which could be used to generate the findings related to evaluate the research) as a managerial tool.
Using information on the agencys website, record how you think the employee in a managerial position at the criminal justice agency would respond to your questions.
Note: You are not required to conduct an actual informational interview, but you are required to generate questions that could be asked during an informational interview and to think critically about how an interviewee might respond to the questions you developed.
Section 3: Application and Implications

Discuss the extent to which what you learned from the textbook supports and/or refutes what you learned from developing and responding to your informational interview questions about the use of evaluation research by criminal justice managers in the agency.
Based with your research on the agency website and your responses to your informational interview questions, discuss whether you think any changes should be made regarding how the managers of the criminal justice agency use evaluation research.
Discuss what your findings suggest about the usefulness and future need of evaluation research in the field of criminal justice.
Each section of the scholarly activity must be clearly labeled using the following section headings:

Evaluation Research
Managerial Tools
Application and Implications
Each section of the scholarly activity listed above should be a minimum of 200 words. Your entire scholarly activity should be at least three pages.

Be sure to cite, in APA format, any source used to influence your response. You are required to apply the concepts discussed in the textbook to the tasks in the scholarly activity. Therefore, your reference list should at least include a citation of the textbook.


1. Watch the TED talks on technology and identity

Write a response about an aspect of the discussion that engages you. You may talk about multiple texts or just focus on one, but you must integrate a relevant quote and discuss its significance (to engage in analysis).

250-300 words using APA in-text citation style