Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

writers choice

Research Topic, Question/Hypothesis, and Design

In the field of criminal justice, there is always the need for the development of evidence-based strategies, programs, and policies. The evidence that is used to influence changes in the field of criminal justice is extracted from the findings of criminal justice research studies that are conducted by social science researchers, such as yourself. Therefore, there is a continual need to conduct criminal justice research that examines current issues in the field. You are tasked with developing a research study that explores a current issue in the field of criminal justice. You will detail your study in a research report covering the major steps outlined below, and the final report will be submitted at the end of the course.

The research report consists of four parts:

Part 1 Research topic, research questions, and research design
Part 2 Literature review
Part 3 Research methodology
Part 4 Discussion and conclusion
You then have the opportunity to tie all four parts together in a rough draft and make final revisions before presenting your research report for the courses final project.

Part 1A: Research Topic

First, you will need to identify a criminal justice related topic that you want to explore throughout all of the assignments associated with the final research report. Second, provide a brief discussion about why you chose your topic and why researching that topic is important to the field of criminal justice. Third, to assist you in determining the type of research that has already been done on your topic and to give you a head start on Part 2 of your research report, you will need to include a list of five scholarly sources related to your topic.

Note: You are not required to summarize the sources here, but the references must be cited in APA format.

Part 1B: Research Question

Developing a research question is one of the most important parts of the research study. Your research question is what dictates the type of methodology that will be used in the study. There are certain research questions that lend themselves to pure (basic) versus applied research. There are certain research questions that lend themselves to qualitative versus quantitative research. Therefore, it is imperative that you establish the research question prior to conducting a study. This is important as you are formulating your steps to solve the problem in your empirical research. It should also be noted here that if one is asking qualitative type research questions, answers might not result. Instead, additional questions or sub-questions may result, which is an acceptable result.

Note: You are not discouraged from using either type of question. Instead, you are reminded as discussed in the textbook that various types of questions exist and that the type of question you use will impact your methodology. This is why it is imperative that you identify the type of research question you want to ask at the beginning of your study.

For this part of the assignment, you are tasked with developing a research question. Based on your research question, you will need to generate at least one hypothesis or at least one sub-question that is associated with your research question.

Keep in mind that the research question needs to be connected to the topic that you identified in Part 1A of the assignment, and it needs to be a question that you want to explore throughout the other parts of this assignment and subsequent assignments related to the final research report.

Ethnical Research

Ethical Research in Criminal Justice

Much of what is done in the field of criminal justice, whether knowingly or unknowingly, is impacted by some form of research. Conducting research in the field of criminal justice is important because it can help to inform best practices and serve as a form of checks and balances across various aspects of the criminal justice system. While research can be beneficial to the field of criminal justice, if the proper research methodologies and guidelines are not followed research can be harmful to participants and to the operational components in the field of criminal justice. In order to ensure the production of the least amount of harm associated with a research study, ethical guidelines have been established by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). Many agencies, including criminal justice related agencies such as the U.S. Department of Justice, use the DHHS model policy on human research subjects to create their own human subjects policies.

For this assignment, complete the following:

explore empirical research in the field of criminal justice,
evaluate the importance of empirical research to the field justice, and
identify ethical considerations associated with conducting empirical research in the field of criminal justice.
To accomplish this task, imagine yourself as one of the following:

superior court judge
commander of the patrol division of a police department
chief juvenile probation officer, or
deputy warden of treatment in a prison.
Also, imagine that you live and work in Normal City. This city has all the amenities that one could desire in a large city and all of the peace and quiet that one could desire in a small town. The beach, countryside, and local attractions are all within a reasonable driving distance. All the schools range in various levels of specialization, accreditation, and extracurricular activities. Housing and property values fall within the average range of any city anywhere else. Crime rates are comparable to those found in any other city that would have similar amenities, attractions, and opportunities.

Using the role that you have chosen and the background information about Normal City, complete the following tasks in each section:

Section 1: Conducting Empirical Research in Criminal Justice

Identify the role you have chosen.
Identify a topic that empirical research could be used to explore in your chosen role.
Based on the topic you selected, develop a research question and/or hypothesis you want to empirically explore.
Identify whether your research focus will be pure research or applied research.
Identify whether your research design will be qualitative research or quantitative research.
Section 2: Importance of Empirical Research in Criminal Justice

Discuss why conducting empirical research on the research question you developed is important to the field of criminal justice.
Section 3: Ethics& Empirical Research

For the topic that you selected, explore the related ethical issues by addressing the following questions:
What procedures need to be avoided to reduce the amount of harm (i.e., conducting unethical research) experienced by respondents during this research? How would you honor the commitments made to respondents and respect reciprocity?
What steps would you need to take to ensure that you were objective and professional in conducting the research and reporting research results?
What measures would you need to take to ensure that the respondents confidentiality and privacy were protected?
Further explore ethical considerations related to conducting empirical research in the field of criminal justice by responding to the following tasks:
Discuss how a research study related to your chosen topic could involve the collaboration of a local college or university and/or a local community organization.
Discuss the role of the institutional review board regarding evaluating whether or not your study protects human subjects.
Section 4: Conclusion

Based on your discussions about empirical research in the field of criminal justice, the importance of empirical research to the field of criminal justice, and ethical considerations related to conducting empirical research in the field of criminal justice, what guidance would you give your agency to ensure that the research study was ethically conducted from start to finish?
The assignment will need to be a minimum of three double-spaced typed pages, not counting the title page. Be sure to use the first three subject headings identified above and to address each bullet point under the subject headings, and then your conclusion. Under each subject heading, your responses may be in paragraph form or provided as bullet points. Ensure you have a title page.

Be sure to cite, in APA format, any source used to influence your response. Therefore, your reference list should at least include a citation from the textbook as you are required to apply the concepts discussed in the textbook to the assignment.

Read Instructions

Read the document labeled “Final Paper Assignment” for all of the requirements!!

You are welcome to use the other two documents as references since we need a total of FOUR OTHER ACADEMIC RESOURCES

Argumentive-Thesis Driven essay, NOT A RESEARCH PAPER!

Social Movement picked from THE LAST 10 YEARS: Black Lives Matter

– The final paper must include references to at least TWO of the theories discussed in this class, as well as four other academic sources

          Quick Note: I’ll inform you of two theories to use in the paper

– This is an argumentative, thesis-driven essay. It is NOT A RESEARCH PAPER. That means you will need to MAKE AN ARGUMENT about how the subculture/social movement is performing resistance, and each paragraph in your essay should be an argument that connects back to that original thesis

Main Focuses of the paper include:

This is an analysis of HOW forms of oppression have been challenged through the resistance of collective movements and/or subcultures:

    1) An understanding of how the resistance confronts the systemic and institutional nature of oppression and resistance;

    2) An understanding of social identities/social locations of the dominant and subordinate groups that are involved in resistance;

    3) An analysis (use semiotics) of how the social movement/subculture participants understood/stand the forms of resistance they performed

Coronavirus and Courts

Coronavirus and Courts Paper

Write about how this virus is affecting the judicial/court process. It is not as simple as saying courts are closed. You need to talk about specific parts of the system, how different courts are handling the crisis. Use resources like or whatever other resources for Massachusetts. Also, look at the federal level. Remember to talk about the correlation with the virus and the “players” within the judicial process – defendants, lawyers, judges, jurors, victims, etc.

Information Search and the Consumer Decision-making Process

How has the Internet changed the nature of the information search as a step in the consumer decision-making process? And think about a recent purchase, whether you were looking for a hotel or seeking a vacation destination, or even buying a new car, to what extent did both internal and external search play a role in your decision-making?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

A nurse on the research and practice committee is preparing for an update on evidence-based practice (EBP). There is a need to address the potential changes with several EBP policies. This assignment will examine the EBP policies as well as reasoning and rationale as to why changes may be needed.

1. Choose an EBP topic (The topic I chosen is Prevention of Central Line associated
    bloodstream infections CLASBI) and TWO scholarly peer-reviewed journal articles
      a.) Compare the difference between theory, research, and practice in nursing
      b.) Choose a theory that best correlates with the EBP practice change that you would
            like to make
      c.) Compare and contrast the quantitative and qualitative research article that you
            choose for the EBP topic
      d.) What technology did you use to locate the articles? Databases? Search terms?
      e.) What are the philosophical, theoretical, and methodological perspectives in the
            research articles that were chosen?
      f.) What are the ethical and scientific integrity issues related to the research?
      g.)How did your nursing knowledge advance through the utilization of research?


APA formatted document, No Wikipedia. Use at least FOUR scholarly sources plus the required TWO scholarly peer-reviewed journal articles

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Using the definitions of Aware, Semi-Aware, Hidden, provide a description of the type of activities that would employ particular persons who would be involved with these terminology as they relate to military, intelligence activities and terrorism. Explain why you think they would be using these specific skills. Why you associate the type of individual to what activity and also what you do to counter any potential threat stemming from this activity.

African American single mother households and their impact on the AA community

It’s a group project and all I have to focus on my part is the “treatment” section and finalizing the paper. I will finalize it on my own. When considering treatments for single African American mothers, we have to consider their daily duties and roles. In addition, I would like for you to discuss types of coping strategies rather than focusing on treatments. You can choose a scholarly article or book of your choice. As long as its in APA 7 format.

Nurse leader

Select and research a historical nurse leader who interests you. You may use a nurse presented in this lesson or from another source. In your paper, address the following objectives:
Identify and describe the nurse leader you chose
Provide a brief description of the historical time period
Discuss the achievements of the nurse leader
Provide a description of how this nurse affected the nursing profession
Explain why this nurse leader was chosen for this project

Movie – A Few Good Men

Movie: A Few Good Men

Write a narrative about the movie (about 1 page), explain what amendment(s) applies to the movie, what part of that amendment, and how it played out in the movie.

Give your analysis and understanding of that amendment and whether you feel the movie did a good job portraying the law that surrounds that part of criminal procedure.

The intention of the assignment is to see how Hollywood depicts the criminal process and our rights under the amendments (Specifically the 5th and 6th Amendments.