Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Movie: Fort Apache the Bronx

Movie: Fort Apache the Bronx

Type a four-five-page paper on the human and physical disorders in the movie, identify the three styles of policing portrayed in the movie, and summarize the Constitutional Issues illustrated in the movie.

Explain whether Officer Murphy is a Legalistic, Service oriented or Watchman Style Police Officer.

Lastly, explain why you can or cannot be a police officer in the 41st precinct.

Movie: Prince of the City

Movie: Prince of the City.

In general, type a four-five page on Stress, Ethics, Constitutional Issues and Police Snitches.

    Identify and explain the stressors illustrated in the movie.

    Explain the importance of Ethics in the Criminal Justice System, especially with U.U.
        Constitutional Issues.

    Explain why Daniel Ciello decided to become a police Snitch.

Individual Assignment

This is an individual assignment. You are expected to search and read materials like newspapers, relevant magazines, journal papers, and relevant websites to complete this assignment.

Choose a foreign culture of your choice. Choose a product of INDIA. Your company plans to launch your product in the foreign culture. You are asked to write a report on cultural acceptability of the product by the given culture. An example would be introducing in Thailand. Write a detailed report on the foreign countrys


Core values of the culture

Non-verbal communications in that culture

Explain how these cultural values would make your product successful or a failure in the new market and what modifications could be done to the product to make it more appealing to the foreign market in a cultural context. Your report should contain:

Introduction to the culture, company/product, target market

Analysis: Include culture, core cultural values and non-verbal communication tools used in that culture that are relevant to your product. How this helps or hinders the marketability of your product.

Conclusion: Final recommendation about your companys intended product launch. How should the company modify its 4Ps so that the product becomes successful in the foreign country?

Use relevant topics, include relevant literature, customer interviews, newspaper, and magazine articles literature and make meaningful recommendations on the 4 Ps. Your final paper should show that you have an in-depth understanding of the consumer behavior for this opportunity/problem and your recommendations are grounded in course topics and appropriate consumer behavior.

APA style citation should be used throughout the report. Writing style including usage of formal language, proper usage of headlines, sub-headings, paragraphs and citation will be used to evaluate the report. Minimum page length is seven and suggested page limit is seven to ten pages in length (double-spaced), but keep in mind these assignments will be evaluated based on quality.

Recommended format:

Title page with student name (Does not count towards page limit). The Title should be a brief, clear description of the subject of the report.

Page 1: Executive summary: 100 words

Page 1-2: Introduction: Briefly describe the product, country and company history. List only relevant facts and avoid unnecessary information about the country and company. Choose the target market for your product in the given country. Then explain the characteristics of the target market (demographic, lifestyle factors etc.)

Pages 3-7: Cultural values: Explain the cultural values of the country and target market that are relevant to the product here. Give subheadings for each cultural value and explain how your product is a fit/misfit to the given cultural value

Pages 8-10: How would you modify the 4Ps to make your product successful in the given country? Here the recommendations need to be practical and realistic. (For example, you cannot say that you plan to give a free sample to the entire population)

Page 11: References, figures, charts (if any) (does not count towards page limit)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Submit a 4 page written paper following the APA format, exclusive of the title and reference pages. The Abstract is not required or needed. Papers should be double spaced in Times New Roman font and 12 point size. The paper must cite at least 4 references.

In this paper, please discuss the following case study. For you to complete this assignment you must:

Explain your approach to the problem.
Support your approach with references, and execute your approach.
Provide an answer to the case studys questions with a recommendation.
This case continues following the new project of the WePROMOTE Company, that you and your partner own. WePROMOTE is in the promotional materials business. The project being considered is to manufacture a very unique case for smartphones. The case is very durable, attractive and fits virtually all models of smartphone. It will also have the logo of your client, a prominent, local company and is planned to be given away at public relations events by your client.

As we know from the prior case involving this company, more details of the project become apparent and with more precision and certainty.

The following are the final values to the data:

The cost of the equipment will be $70,000 and this cost is incurred prior to any cash is received by the project.
The expected annual cash revenue of the project will be $30,000.
The expected annual cash outflows (expenses/costs) are estimated at being $11,000, excluding depreciation.
Your tax rate is 30% and you plan to depreciate the equipment on a straight-line basis for the life of the equipment. The discount rate you are assuming is 6%.
After 5 years the equipment will stop working and there will be no salvage value.
Requirements of the paper:

Perform the final NPV calculations and provide a narrative on how you calculated the computations and why (justification of answer).
Present your calculated answers in schedule format (a table) along with your narrative. Microsoft Excel is also recommended for calculating and creating a table (your schedule).
Then provide a summary conclusion on whether you should continue to pursue this business opportunity.
Research, using at least 2 other sources that support your calculations and conclusions.
Papers will be assessed on the following criteria:

Provide the final, accurate NPV calculations.
A narrative on how the NPVs were calculated. The narrative should include how the data relating to depreciation and its tax consequences affect the cash flow of the project. Include a table with your analysis to present your work.
Provide a conclusion on whether this business opportunity should be pursued.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Refer to the Heisinger & Hoyle (2012) resource, The Effect of Income Taxes on Capital Budgeting Decisions which is attached.

Describe and explain capital budgeting items that may or may not be taxed as part of a capital budget project.
Please provide at least 3 cited references.

The Role of Strategic Leadership in the Sustainability and Growth of Protestant Churches

I have completed  Section 1 up to the Conceptual Framework.  I can’t seem to get that together.  I will need conceptual framework, literature review, and references all in apa 7th formatting. The lit review has to be between 25-40 pages.  If that can not be done by the time then completing the conceptual framework will be fine.Feedback regarding the conceptual framework I have written is:
“You keep jumping between strategic leadership theory and transformational and servant leadership theories. Are they the same thing, i.e., does strategic leadership theory include both?

You must state who developed the theory and when rubric requirements.

You need to explain the primary principles of the theories you select and tie those specifically to your study rubric requirements”

I will attach the rubric. 

Methods to Improve Safety and Quality in Health Care LEARNING PLAN

–there is guideline based on there plz double check and let me know if there is some thing need to be clear.
–It is group work and my section is the journal article number 3 which( 3-Two Decades Since To Err is Human) only that mind and use the issues identified only.
–you need to focus for the objective.

Discussion GD3 12.9

This is a discussion response to the attached document.

-Offer at least 1 strength and 1 weakness to the following post.

-Accurately applied 2 or more scholarly (peer-reviewed) sources to each question.

-Apply 1 Biblical Scripture

– Write in FIRST PERSON. As an example. ( I agree with you on the…, I think you made a valid point when…, I differ with you on…) DO NOT USE PHRASE SUCH AS. ” This writer had a valid point on…”

Faith Integration in Finance

Please write on how biblical and faith can be integrated into a specific aspect of business finance. The business subject needs to be around The Weighted-Average Cost of Capital and Company Valuation with how it relates to the biblical application.

This needs to include the following
– A CLEAR integration of the Bible
– One Bible verse
– One peer-reviewed source

Advanced Pharmacology

*** Please write 1- 1.5 pages for the case study below with 2-3 references from reputable sources. References have to be the lastest and up-to-date, nothing older than 5 years.***

Judy is a 45-year-old woman who complains of pain in her epigastric area, frequent burping and food intolerances. She is diagnosed with GERD. I have ordered over the counter (OTC) and prescription (Rx) medications for Judy.

OTC Pepcid, Zantac, (Tums, Maalox, Mylanta)

Rx omeprazole, pantoprazole

Please explain the indication and contraindications of the drug(s). Please also list the prices of both OTC and Rx drugs to treat the problem from two different pharmacies.