Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Criminal behavior through the eyes of a social thinker.

(1) Watch the movie Dead Man Walking (1995); It is available to watch for free on:

Amazon Prime ( )

MovieHDZ (

Or you can rent on demand via Redbox (

(2) Which of the 3 social contract thinkers would best explain Matthew Poncelet’s criminal behavior? Explain why/how. Use examples from the film to support your argument. Your essay should be 250-300 words.

Increased risk for victimization during the COVID-19 pandemic

(1) Read the following news story:

(2) Choose one type of domestic violence mentioned in Chapter 9. Define this type of violence.

(3) From a lifestyle/routine activities perspective, explain why victims of your chosen type of domestic violence are at increased risk for victimization during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Support reading files and complete instructions attached.

Mainstream sociological theory of crime

1.- Read the following article on the working poor in America:

2.- Pick a mainstream sociological theory of crime and examine the relationship between poverty and crime. What does the theory say is the cause of crime specifically? How is poverty related? What would the theory say about individuals categorized as working poor (i.e., Are they at an increased risk of committing crime? Why? What types of crime might they commit? Etc.). What types of programs are needed to improve the plight of the working poor? Would such programs reduce crime and delinquency? Why or why not?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

I have an essay question every week that I have to answer, with APA format to support it. here the Essay question:

Frank is considering running for public office so he can eliminate the Medicare program. He claims this will reduce income taxes by 10% and alleges the youth of the country should not have to provide free medical care for the elderly. Evaluate the accuracy of Franks claims, including appropriate citations for supporting data. Defend your answer using information from the assigned readings and drawing upon outside resources if necessary. I am using the book Intro to Health Care by Dakota Mitchell and Lee Haroun. Fourth Edition.

A prosecutors vision for a better justice system

(1) Watch Adam Foss’s TedTalk: A prosecutors vision for a better justice system.

(2) Write a 250-300 word essay that compares and contrasts Christopher to a “typical criminal” as described in the text (Introduction to Criminology, Tenth Edition) by Frank E. Hagan and Leah Elizabeth Daigle. Use academic references to support your arguments.

(3) Times New Roman font size 12, single space All references must be in APA format.

Adult Primary Care

*** Please write 1.5 pages for the each prompt below with 2-3 references from reputable sources. Total 3 pages. References have to be the lastest and up-to-date, nothing older than 5 years.***

Answer as if you are a Family Nurse Practitioner:

1. Discuss evidence-based approach to the diagnosis of the following: uveitis, blepharitis, and dry eyes syndrome.

2. Discuss importance of hearing loss screening in older adults.

structure of indifference by by Adele Perry and Mary Jane Logan McCallum

Using three academic sources and an article that was written/produced by a media outlet in addition to Structures of Indifference, answer the following questions:
How is Sinclair represented?  Does systemic oppression affect Brian Sinclair?  Do you think his experience was unique? Why or why not?  Do you think people who are perceived to be living in poverty experience social services differently than the rest of the population?  Is this consistent with what scholars say about the issues? If so, how?  If not, how was Sinclairs situation unique? 

Also, identify at least one Calgary agency you think could help someone facing similar challenges.

Provide a 4 6 page (double spaced) paper that addresses the questions, making use of Structures of Indifference, three scholarly sources and a media piece within the paper.
Only focus on the last slide of the additional materials

critical reflection paper

Over the course of the semester, students will submit 3-4 page, double-spaced, critical reflections of all prior weeksreadings. (See schedule for due dates) The purpose of this assignment is to assist students with actively engaging with the readings, by providing thoughtful, concise, and critical written responses.
In this paper, students will stake a claim or take a specific perspective and then use all of the prior weeks readings to support that claim. Disagreeing or agreeing with the authorsclaims is fine, but all of the readings from the weeks leading up to the due date mustbe included. Within each reflection pape rstudents will identify:

(1) major points and theories throughout each reading; (2) the common and/or divergent themes that cut-across the readings; as well as (3) how your professional experiences and perspectives support and/or contradict the author’s insights.Your

Final Essay

Respond to the questions below in a well-developed essay. Each response must consist of AT LEAST ONE FULL PAGE.

1. Children tend to be socialized into strict gender roles. Gender expectations tend to be difficult for children who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, intersex, or otherwise genderqueer. Describe TWO specific difficulties that queer kids may face growing up as well as a potential response to help ease each issue, explaining how the response would directly impact the issue.

2 Define gendered violence, and discuss the ways in which society normalizes gendered violence. As part of your essay, identify three specific social foundations or institutions that allow or encourage both women and men to regard certain kinds of gendered violence as normal or acceptable. You may include a discussion of the myths of rape culture. Include concrete examples.

social media’s impact on restaurant industry

Task:      Write a research paper using evidence to support a thesis that addresses your research question examining a current issue or event in the news from the perspective of your field of study. The audience is people who are generally educated but do not have extensive knowledge of your field or topic.