Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The collaborative group presentation will require you to: 1) share your interpretive approach; i.e., explain how you accessed the text to make it mean.  For example, was your interpretation influenced by one of the formal features of the novel (plot, point of view, etc.), by the presence of certain ideas or beliefs you related to, or a critical approach that helped you dis-entangle the complexities of the narrative? 2) identify, for discussion, the important issues and questions raised by the text; 3) contextualize the reading by relating it to another work by the same author, another contemporary text that invites comparison in terms of shared ideas, themes and “horizons” that respond in some way to the major concerns of the core text, or by locating it in some literary or paraliterary movement; 4) summarize a scholarly response to the work and try to identify the authors critical approach.

Orient your readers

This essay should demonstrate that you can identify the
audience, ethos, and purpose of a written text (Chapter
1). You should also demonstrate the ability to apply the
concepts from Chapter 2visual and verbal
explanations, organization, point of view, focus and
frame, and interest in texts. Your essay should explain
the purpose of the news article,
the ways in which the visual interacts with the verbal to
accomplish this purpose,
how the language of the article contributes to this
purpose and communicates with the audience
how the context of this article (it appeared in a student
newspaper at a university) affected the way it was
written, the selection of the topic, and the framing of the

U.S Constitution

On the internet find a copy of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. In an MLA formatted 2-3 page double spaced essay, list each
of the five parts of the First Amendment. Under each part provide at least one example where it has been challenged or changed in the past
several years. You may use your own knowledge and/or any reliable source (not Wikipedia) to help you find examples. After each
example you provide, discuss whether you agree or disagree with the challenge (or change) and explain why. Cite your sources using MLA
format. (Help with MLA format is located in the Syllabus and Quick Links section of this course.)
Type your essay in a word processing program and save it as an .rtf file (or if using Microsoft Word, save it as a .doc or .docx file). If it is
not saved as one of these file types, I cannot open it and you would receive a zero for the assignment.
When finished typing your essay, upload your saved file at this link.
Grading Criteria
There is a rubric with this assignment. You may look at it below or in Moodlerooms Grader to know what grading criteria I will use to
grade your essay. The average of all essays is 30% of your total course grade. The lowest essay grade will be dropped.
Need help saving your document?
Refer to the tutorial Save file as rtf file located under the Assignment heading at the Student Tutorials link located at the bottom of your
Moodle screen.

Accountability Matrix

Using your current organization (or an organization you are familiar with), design a RACI Accountability Matrix of the various roles and tasks that are associated with the organization.  Be sure to include as much research as possible and thoroughly consider all roles/tasks that could be used to organize the work assigned to employees/members.

Violence in Media

Hi I need for another page added to the current document titled Paper 2-Holder. If you could read the attached paper and add a page to the current paper. Please make sure it is flowing with the current document. The paper not counting the abstract should be a total of at least 8 pages and it is currently only 7 pages. If needed you can add academic journal if needed to support ideas and content. This teacher is a a hard grader. I will attach all documentation and support information so that you can see if there is anything that can help.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Identify and discuss the historical events recognized by Davis and Gurr as contributing to violence in the United States. How do these events contribute to the culture and subculture of violence in the United States today? In your answer include a discussion of the definition of culture and subculture of violence
Compare and contrast the criminal careers of occasional and conventional offenders. Should the criminal justice response to these types of offenders vary? Explain how differential association theory helps one to understand property crime. Then apply them to a scenario from the book BUCK: A Memoir by AK Asante

Any topic (writer’s choice)

As education researchers try to find ways to help adult students learn, there is a debate on whether examinations are useful for todays adult learning. What are your views on the usefulness of examinations for adult learning? Write an essay of 500-600 words, arguing for your position

with references

Corporate Social Responsibility in the HR Perspective

This Individual Essay requires you to do individual research and write an essay on corporate social responsibility
using material from the course and from your own research.
A. During the semester, we will be doing a classroom exercise where we will generate ideas about current
issues that are relevant to CSR.
B. A selection of the top issues will be provided to you to use and launch your research questions. These
issues will be your broad research topic.
1. Develop a research question based on one of the topics developed in class; support your argument with
research, provide recommendations and provide a conclusion.
2. You need to show the use of Course-related content and materials which will be evidenced by appropriate
in-text citations and references.
3. You also need to use the lens of your specific major (Human Resources) (this will be evidenced by using the first person in the essay and discussing
how your major field of study influences or is influenced by the theme of your paper). You need to
identify what your major area of study is, as I will not be able to determine that just from your essay.
Note that you need a title page, an abstract, a table of contents, introduction, the body of the paper, a conclusion,
page numbers, reference list, appendices if applicable and comply with APA requirements for in-text citations,
referencing, font size (12 Times New Roman), double-space, page numbers, figures and tables (if applicable).
Please use headings to help separate your sections and make it easier for us to grade. You should have a range of
2250-2750 words excluding title page, references or appendices. Graders will not grade anything that is beyond
2750 words. Make sure that you write your word count in your title page. You need a minimum of 5 academic
references outside of the course textbooks ideally, they are peer-reviewed journal articles or academic textbooks
(do not use undergraduate or graduate thesis documents); and any number of non-academic references (do not use
Wikipedia, Investopedia, or Slideshare documents as part of your references). Note that formatting errors
including excessive spelling errors, grammar errors or other formatting issues will be penalized as part of the
Format part of the rubric.
Note that every factual claim or conceptual claim that you make or refer in your paper needs to be supported by an
in-text citation in proper APA formatting (this includes proper paraphrasing, use of quotation marks, etc.). Failure
to do so means that the point is not valid and in the case of improper formatting, you may be penalized up to an
Academic Misconduct based on the severity of the infraction. The Turnitin tool is made available for you to use
(submit your paper before the due date and review its content to ensure that proper citing, quoting and
paraphrasing has been done). Note that if there is an indication that the essay has been sourced from a course or
note-sharing website, which will be obvious by looking at your Turnitin report, then the grade on the assignment
will be 0.
As this is a research-based essay, you should make sure that you support all of your claims and that you
structure the essay according to the format shown in the rubric.

Annotated bibliography

The purpose of this assignment is to be able to actively search for relevant research related to PICOT topic and present it in a formal annotated bibliography.

As search the library for scholarly research, limit search to identify empirical articles. May use the “Empirical Research Checklist” to help with this determination. On finding an empirical study, assess the validity of the conclusion by determining if the conclusion answers your proposed research question and if the methodology is appropriate.
Using the “Empirical Research Checklist” and knowledge of finding empirical research articles, locate six articles directly related to proposed PICOT question. Write an annotation for each of the six articles that includes a concise summary in own words and the correct APA citation for each article.
Required to use APA-7 style for assignment.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. Assignment will be submitted to TurnItIn.
Marcus, P., HAutala, K., Allaudeen, N. (2018). An Initiative to Change Inpatient Practice: Leveraging the Patient Medical Home for Postdischarge Follow-Up. The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety 44(2), 101-106.

PDF attached
Gao, W., , Keleti, D. Donia, T.P., Jim Jones, J., Michael, K.E., Gelzer, A.D. (2018). Post discharge Engagement Decreased Hospital Readmissions in Medicaid Populations.
The American Journal of Managed Care

PDF attached
Takahashi et al. (2016). Short-term and long-term effectiveness of a post-hospital care transitions program in an older, medically complex population. Healthcare 4(1), 30-35 

PDF attached
Panozzo, G. L. , Rossetti, J. & Hess, K. (2017). The Home Healthcare Universal Best Practice Protocol. Home Healthcare Now, 35(7), 378385. doi: 10.1097/NHH.0000000000000561.

PDF attached
Ruggiri, J. C., Milner, K. A., & Buonocore, D. (2019). Implementing post-discharge 48-hour scripted call for patients with heart failure: An evidence-based practice quality improvement project. Medsurg Nursing, 28(3), 183-187.

PDF attached
Briscoe, G. T., Heerschap, A., Kane, C. F., & Quatrara, B. D. (2018). Using post-discharge telephone follow-up by nephrology nurses to reduce 30-day readmissions and post-discharge complications for adult patients on hemodialysis. Nephrology Nursing Journal, 45(3), 243-248,267.

PDF Attached
Henriksen, B. & Stuckey, N. (2018). Effects of Transitional Care Management Services From an Interprofessional Team on 30-Day Readmission Rates Among Medicare Beneficiaries. Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation, 34(3), 182184. doi: 10.1097/TGR.0000000000000192.

Evidence-Based PICOT Question

P Adults with 2 or more chronic conditions who are eligible for Health Home and Chronic Condition Management
I Provide telephonic follow up post-discharge with education on chronic conditions and ensure that anticipated patients needs will be met
C Decrease in rates of hospitalization/re-hospitalization 30 days post-discharge
O Patients will not be re-hospitalized within 30 days post-discharge
T 6 weeks

Any topic (writer’s choice)

This week we discussed and reviewed network planning.  Describe how you would design a logistics network consisting of only one warehouse.  In the discussion, include the steps you need to take in order to design the optimal network.  What information and data is needed to make this determination?  What strategy will be employed in this network?

        750 1,000 words (3 4 pages) written essay
        APA format required (including title page, reference page no abstract required)
        5 7 academic resources for 300/400 level courses
        Content of paper should address the concepts covered this week utilizing personal experience as well as research