Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)


Write a literature review similar to the literature review in the file attached, Separate the studies in paragraphs as the file. Mention the following: [Researcher(s) name(s) and date, What the researcher(s) investigated/examined, data collection method, sample of the study, and the results/findings of the study].
These are the 8 studies I want you to discuss in order:
1.    Alhaisoni, E., & Alhaysony, M. (2017). An Investigation of Saudi EFL University Students Attitudes towards the Use of Google Translate. International Journal of English Language Education, 5(1).
2.    Karnal, A. R., & Pereira, V. V. (2015). Reading Strategies in a L2: A Study on Machine Translation. The Reading Matrix: An International Online Journal, 15(2), 69-79.
3.    Kumnoed, P. (2018). An Analysis of English Reading Comprehension and Reading Strategies through Google Translator of Loei Rajabhat University Students. The Asian Conference on Language Learning 2018 Official Conference Proceedings. iafor.
4.    Maulidiyah, F. (2018). To Use or Not To Use Google Translate in English Language Learning. Jurnal Linguistik Terapan (Applied Linguistics Journal), 8(2).
5.    Alsalem, R. (2019). The Effects of the Use of Google Translate on Translation Students Learning Outcomes. AWEJ for Translation & Literary Studies, 3(2).
6.    Cakir, S. (2013). A study on the efficiency of Google Translate translation program. Krknc Yl Yazlar (Fortieth Year Writings Book), 75-83.
7.    Gestanti, R. A., Mufanti, R., & Nimasari, E. P. (2019). Re-overviewing Google Translate Results and Its Implication in Language Learning. Asian EFL Journal, 5-15.
8.    Giannetti, T. R. (2016). Google Translate as a Resource for Writing. Retrieved from St. John Fisher College:
If you are confused, please ask.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

In the style of an argumentative essay, respond to the question: How do ethics shape value trade-offs in the pursuit of security?


Weighting 30%
Word Limit: 2000 words (+/- 10%)
Minimum of 15 references to support your argument
Minimum half from academic texts (Not Wikipedia!)
Essay = a written argument stating a position
(not a report, not a personal reflection, not an encyclopaedia entry)
Use the marking guide as a checklist
Overview of key concepts must be read carefully.

Applied Behavior analysis single-subject design

Find a research article using single-subject design, and analyze the controls that the authors used to make sure that the control and experimental conditions only varied by the independent variable. What steps were taken to make sure that the experimental context was the same across conditions?  This paper should be about 500 words.

Gender and the perception of Mental illness

The text of your essay must be approximately 1100-1500words in length (not including references), written in clear and grammatical English. You must have a minimum of 4 Psychology references, not including the textbook, websites etc. Use APA format for citations and quotations. The references should be listed in APA style on a “References”

page at the end of your essay. You do not need an Abstract. Your Psychology references should be psychology journal articles (ejournals are fine) or serious psychology books, not newspapers, magazines, general dictionaries, pop books or Wikipedia (You can use these but they wonu2019t count towards the 4 major references!). You might wish to cite some non-Psychology sources (eg. biographies), depending on the topic you choose. Please include a word count at the end (you will not be penalized for going over the word count as long as this adds helpfully to your work).


hi, I need you to write summary 4-5 sentence long and another short paragraph 5-6 sentences long for 2 questions.

Questions:1.    Choose one of the readings from the last module (Fiction). Write a short summary of the text (4-5 sentences long). Do not forget to start your paragraph with a topic sentence. Start by introducing the author and the title of the work including a general statement of what it is about. Then summarize the text. Do not use long quotes. Use only short quotes, if necessary, and include them in quotation marks.

2.    In another short paragraph (5-6 sentences long), respond to any part or aspect of the text (e.g., a theme or a message of the author, the main character, the use of literary techniques and their effectiveness, the main conflict, the relevance of this work to a topic we have discussed, what you find the most interesting/surprising about the work, etc. ). Do not forget to start with a topic sentence. Do not use long quotes. Use only short quotes, if necessary, and include them in quotation marks.

Policy Analysis

In this assignment, students will examine the selected bill from Assignment 2 and critically analyze and evaluate the context in which the area of concern or issue relates to the policy making process.

1.  State the selected bill BELOW including the bill number and title.


2.  Identity the area of concern or issue clarifying the underlying and related concerns.

3.  Describe the background of the area of concern or issue – assess economic, legal, and regulatory processes that prompted the writing of the bill

4.  Identify all direct and/or indirect stakeholders and stakeholder position on the area of concern.

5.  Identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) to the bill.

6.  Evaluate how issues in the bill will affect stakeholders at an institutional, local, state, and/or federal level.

7.  Using the Essentials of Masters Education, propose two ways the masters prepared nurse leader can act as a change agent, contribute to the policy-making process, and advocate for quality, cost-effective care.

8.  The scholarly paper should be in narrative format, 5 to 6 pages excluding the title and reference page.

9.  Include an introductory paragraph, purpose statement, and a conclusion.

10. Include level 1 and 2 headings to organize the paper.

11. Write the paper in third person, not first person (meaning do not use we or I) and in a scholarly manner. To clarify: I, we, you, me, our may not be used. In addition, describing yourself as the researcher or the author should not be used.

12. Include a minimum of five (5) professional peer-reviewed scholarly journal references to support the paper (review in Ulrichs Periodical Directory) and be less than five (5) years old.  Instructor can revise these guidelines to include websites.

13. APA format is required (attention to spelling/grammar, a title page, a reference page, and in-text citations).

14. Submit the assignment to Turnitin prior to the final submission, review the Originality Report, and make any needed changes.

15. Submit to the Assignment Thread by the posted due date. 

Research Paper – Cerebral Palsy


The total length of the paper should be four pages. This does not count the title page, abstract, table of contents, or references.
Use only a third-person perspective.

Instructions will be attached

Thank you

Any topic (writer’s choice)

You will choose a research topic related to Juvenile Justice. Your research paper must include the following sections: Abstract, Introduction, Literature Review, Discussion, and Conclusion. The required page length for this activity is 5 7 pages (of content). ALL writing assignments require APA formatting. Please reference your textbook and at least 4 additional sources for this activity.