Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

As a practice scholar, the interdisciplinary team you are leading develops the below two practice questions in PICOT format to drive practice change.
Practice Question 1: Does motivational interviewing during a regularly scheduled well-child visit for children between 5-19 years with a BMI of 30 and above as compared to practice as usual, influence BMI, BP, quality of life, and daily physical activity over 8-10 weeks?
    Identify the PICOT elements.
    What are key search terms identified in the practice question?
Conduct a library search using these search terms to locate a research study addressing this practice problem and consider the following.
    What is the research-evidence based intervention addressed in the study?
    What is the quantifiable outcome(s)? How will the outcome(s) be measured? What potential reliable and valid measurements/tools may be used to measure this quantifiable data?
    Is this practice question answerable within 8-10 weeks? Why or why not?
Practice Question 2: In the adult critical care population, does a research-based skin care integrity bundle, compared to standard care, influence the incidence of hospital-acquired pressure injuries over an 8-10 week time period?
    Identify the PICOT elements.
    What are key search terms identified in the practice question?
Conduct a library search using these search terms to locate a research study addressing this practice problem and consider the following.
    What is the research-evidence based intervention in the study?
    What is the quantifiable outcome(s)? How will the outcome(s) be measured? What potential reliable and valid measurements/tools may be used to measure this quantifiable data?
    Is this practice question answerable within 8-10 weeks? Why or why not?
Please use 2 references

Analysis of Market Structures/Pricing Strategies

Pricing strategy varies significantly across different market structures. The pricing guidelines in a monopoly market are relatively straightforward. Since the company is the only producer offering the product, it can mark-up the price as far as the customer can bear. The pricing strategies for a producer operating in a perfect competition structure are also fairly intuitive. They are price takers, and hence the price is set at the marginal cost of the product. This is due to the fact that there are many firms offering nearly identical products. However, there is optimal pricing for the market structures offering differentiated products with many competitors (oligopoly) or a few producers (monopolistic competition). These are much more complex and involved. It has been stated that differentiation in products that creates differences in customer valuation is the most prevalent type of competition. In such markets pricing strategies may include the three C’s of cost, competition, and customer.

Develop a paper detailing an analysis of market structures and relating pricing strategies that are suitable for each of these structures. Furthermore, include a real-world example of pricing strategy for a specific company by identifying its market structure.

Your paper should be around 10 double spaced pages, in APA Format and structured as follows:

Cover page with a running head
1. Perfect Competition
1.1. Description
1.2. Pricing Strategies
2. Monopolistic competition
2.1. Description
2.2. Pricing Strategies
3. Oligopoly
3.1. Description
3.2. Pricing Strategies
4. Monopoly
4.1. Description
4.2. Pricing Strategies
5. Case Study
6. Conclusion

Your paper needs to include at least three scholarly sources, i.e. peer-reviewed articles.

Demand Estimation

Why is knowing (or estimating) the product demand so crucial for a firm?

In your response, include an example of a business that has suffered from poorly estimating the demand of its products. Evaluate how or why the business made such a mistake.

Careers in Human Services

I choose  community and service networker, community planner, consultant, mobilizer, and outreach worker.
Instructions for work.
This week you’ll read chapter 2 in the Introduction to Human Services book, and have a chance to research a human services career of interest to you as part of your discussion this week. Make sure you use a human services based career and use at least one, ideally two, sources of information with citations and references. Those are always required

Select a career in human services that interest you.  Visit the Occupational Outlook Handbook and answer the following questions: 1) What are the primary tasks associated with this career (in other words, describe the career)?  2) What are the educational requirements, salary and projected growth of this career? 3) What motivated you to choose this career path?  What values or characteristics would be reflected in this work?

Attached has the rubric and reading material.

Cognitivism – Learning Theory

Students will write a 2 – 3 page paper on a topic that interests them and aids their professional growth in classroom management.

TOPIC: You may select any topic we have explored thus far in our studies.

TOPIC DISCUSSION: Schedule a topic conversation with me on or before Monday, February 8. You must initiate the scheduling using Calendly in Start Here. If none of the offered times suit you, contact me.

Schedule after you select a topic or if you are stuck on two. Include the topic(s) when scheduling
You might want to think about how you can dig deeper into a topic that interest you. For instance, if during our review of learning theories and your reflection on beliefs about education, you decide you are leaning toward Constructivism. You might want to read an article about one or two models of discipline that are Constructivist.

You must use the Reflection Format found in Start Here.

You must use APA 7 writing style for your in text citation and your references.

You MUST take great care to pay attention to detail in these areas.
Have a separate Reference page. (Not a part of the page total)

When writing your references, you use hanging indents. Check the How To section on how to do this.

In addition to the article you are reflecting on, you must provide scholarly quotes from two (2) additional sources. These may be direct or paraphrased. However they must:

Support a point you are making
Acknowledge the author or organization within the body of the text as well as have a place in the reference

The original article that you read must be scholarly. Not every article you come across will fall into the scholarly category. Here are some places where there is a very high probability of the articles being scholarly.

The back of each Chapter of your text has relevant books and articles. All articles will not be available or free
The textbooks of previous courses
Do a Google Scholar search
Find articles on University (.edu) sites or professional sites such as NAEYC, Zero to Three

Cognitivism – Learning Theory

Students will write a 2 – 3 page paper on a topic that interests them and aids their professional growth in classroom management.

TOPIC: You may select any topic we have explored thus far in our studies.

TOPIC DISCUSSION: Schedule a topic conversation with me on or before Monday, February 8. You must initiate the scheduling using Calendly in Start Here. If none of the offered times suit you, contact me.

Schedule after you select a topic or if you are stuck on two. Include the topic(s) when scheduling
You might want to think about how you can dig deeper into a topic that interest you. For instance, if during our review of learning theories and your reflection on beliefs about education, you decide you are leaning toward Constructivism. You might want to read an article about one or two models of discipline that are Constructivist.

You must use the Reflection Format found in Start Here.

You must use APA 7 writing style for your in text citation and your references.

You MUST take great care to pay attention to detail in these areas.
Have a separate Reference page. (Not a part of the page total)

When writing your references, you use hanging indents. Check the How To section on how to do this.

In addition to the article you are reflecting on, you must provide scholarly quotes from two (2) additional sources. These may be direct or paraphrased. However they must:

Support a point you are making
Acknowledge the author or organization within the body of the text as well as have a place in the reference

The original article that you read must be scholarly. Not every article you come across will fall into the scholarly category. Here are some places where there is a very high probability of the articles being scholarly.

The back of each Chapter of your text has relevant books and articles. All articles will not be available or free
The textbooks of previous courses
Do a Google Scholar search
Find articles on University (.edu) sites or professional sites such as NAEYC, Zero to Three
EBSCOhost  – Go to (username/password: Bermuda/pawpaw2!)
If you need assistance trying to find articles on specific topics here, contact the resource librarian at Bermuda College for assistance. Her name is Miss Kelsey Burgess. [email protected]

Read instructions

This is a discussion :

As in Module 1, we will begin by acknowledging some key observations about our patient’s case. We will start by establishing our own understanding of several conditions that affect our patient. Remember, cardiovascular and respiratory disorders are two of the most prevalent disorders you will encounter in the medical field, so you probably already have a good understanding of these conditions. For this assignment, answer these questions based on your own current understanding. You do not need to do any research prior to completing this assignment.

You should spend approximately 2 hours on this assignment.


In a post that is a minimum of 150 words, respond to the following:

1. What are your initial reactions related to the case?

2. What is a heart attack?

3. Considering Mrs. Johnsons case, why does she have an increased risk of having a heart attack?

4. What is tissue perfusion? Which of the patients conditions can alter tissue perfusion? How?

5. What is hypertension? How does hypertension alter tissue perfusion?

6. Describe pneumonia. What risk factors does the patient have for pneumonia?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The purpose of an annotated bibliography is to help you evaluate an article to determine whether the work cited is relevant to a specific research topic or line of inquiry. An annotated bibliography should be concise and well-written.

Choose one article that you will be using for your population health paper. This article should be from a peer-reviewed nursing journal, with the first author a nurse. The article needs to have been published within the past 5 years (2016 to present). Using the annotated bibliography form, complete an evaluation of that article using the RADAR guidelines. You must also upload the article you have chosen for this assignment, along with the annotated bib form.

Job analysis

Assignment #1

The purpose of this assignment is to give you a brief introduction to the job analysis process. You will derive your job analytic information from one employee in a job of your choice using the interview method. The main purpose of your interview will be to get information about what KSAs are needed for a person to be a successful performer on the job. 

After interviewing (and observing, if possible) the job, you will create a job analysis report on that job.

Your job analysis report should include the following FIVE sections.  Label sections 2, 3, 4, and 5 with a section heading.  For example, you should have a section heading for the second part, labeled “Interviewee/Organization Information.”

1.    Cover sheet:  Include a title (e.g., Job Analysis), your name, the date, and the course number.

2.    Interviewee/Organization information:  Include your subject’s name (can make up or use real name), level of education, tenure, and rating of job satisfaction (1 = I hate my job to 7 = I love my job).  Also include the individual’s job title and what the organization does that the individual works for.  Include information about how big or small the organization is, and how the individual’s job fits in with other jobs in the organization. 

3.    O*NET Job Description:  Go to the O*NET web site ( and look up the person’s job title, and job description.  You may have to experiment with different job titles to find a close match. Please attach your findings to the report.

4.    Knowledge, skill, and ability statements:  Develop a list of knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) needed to perform on the job (include 15-20 KSA statements).  Do not just copy the information from the O*NET. Select the ones you believe are most relevant for the job. Write your KSAs clearly, be to the point, and do not be redundant.  Sample KSA statements for the job of “medical technologist” have been included at the end of this assignment.  After you have written your KSAs, you will need to meet with your subject one more time.  First, have your subject review your KSA list for accuracy (have you stated anything that is not correct?) and comprehensiveness (are all KSAs represented?).  Then have your subject rate each KSA on “How often is this KSA used on the job?” (1 = rarely used, 2 = sometimes used, 3 = often used, 4 = very frequently used).  This section of your report, when finished, should include your final list of KSAs and the rating your subject gave each KSA.

5.    What I learned from this project:  Write at least three paragraphs about what you learned from this project.  Include information about what you learned from meeting with your subject a second time (e.g., were some of your KSAs stated incorrectly?).  Include overall information about whether you found this project to be useful or difficult.  Then include at least one paragraph explaining why job analysis is important to Industrial Psychology and how the information you collected could be used. 

Example KSA Statements for the Job of Medical Technologist 

Following is a partial list of the KSAs used in the job of medical technologist to give you an idea of how KSAs are written.  Note that each KSA statement starts with the word “Knowledge,” “Skill,” or “Ability.”  To the left of each of your KSA statements you can include your subject’s rating (1 = rarely used, 2 = sometimes used, 3 = often used, 4 = very frequently used) of how often the KSA is used on the job.  Be sure to provide the rating scale in your report to tell the reader what the ratings are referring to.

1.    Knowledge of immunohematology, transfusion therapy, and phlebotomy.
2.    Ability to conduct blood supply inventory and make judgments of present and predicted blood supply demands.
3.    Ability to evaluate donor acceptability through an assessment of current health status and an interview concerning disease history.
4.    Skill in blood collection process, including arm preparation, phlebotomy, and preparation of collection bags. 
5.    Skill to use standard laboratory instruments (microscope, centrifuge, platelet machine, and cell washer).

Forum 6 SEM

Here is the link to the movie

For this forum our focus is on the film Paradise Now.  Begin your post with analyzing the relationship of Said and Khaled in regard to doubt and free will, and secondly explicate how the character of Suha serves as a lever of intervention to these characters and within the film itself.  In this regard, what is the film suggesting about gender dynamics? Further, fully explore the dichotomies of victim/oppressor, collaborator/martyr, and sacrifice/revenge and explain how this film questions the meaning of these terms/ideas and disempowers them.  In this manner, what is this film trying to humanize in its treatment of these themes and how is this suggestive of non-violence?  Lastly, briefly ruminate on how this film allows us to reconsider Grossman’s reflections on language and meaning in regard to individual/group dynamics.   
My guidelines/questions here are meant to spur your thinking in your writing of an original and thought-provoking post.  There are certainly many points of entry in your reading and interpretation of this film.