Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

course work 5

Stakeholder support is necessary for a successful change proposal project implementation. Consider your internal stakeholders, such physicians, administrators and board members facility where the change process is situated, and your external stakeholders, like an individual or group outside the health care setting for example patients and public  health care officials. Why is their support necessary to the success of your project, and how you will go about securing that support?

Please include 1 intext citation and 1 reference.


Create a 6-8 page report that analyzes financial ratios for a selected company, uses the data to tell the financial story of that company, and concludes with a recommendation on whether the company would be a viable partner based on its financial condition.

It is essential for financial advisors and upper management to know the financial condition of a company for a variety of reasons, including to improve its condition, to make decisions to increase shareholder value, and to know the true value of the entity. Such an analysis is important for any business, small, medium, or large.

This portfolio work project gives you a chance to apply the skills expected of an MBA graduate; from the financial management perspective, you should be able to:

Tell the financial story based on financial statements.
Conduct a financial analysis and identify focus areas for enhancing shareholder value.
Interpret ratio computations that are meaningful and inform business decisions and strategies.
Maria Gomez is founder and president of PacificCoast Technology, a small technology company. She is considering being bought out by a larger publicly traded company so she can be rewarded financially for all of her entrepreneurial efforts. She calls you into her office and says:

Thank you for meeting with me today. I’d like to talk to you about the future of the PacificCoast Technology. I’ve been running this company for a long time now, and I think it’s time for me to consider the next five to ten years. I want to find a buyer for this company who can take it to its full potential but with me still leading it. I still want to be a part of the journey, to see this company’s growth, which means this potential buyer needs to be a high quality company with solid financial health. That’s the only way we’ll be sure there’s going to be necessary funds and stability for the firm to grow.

You are ready to take on this project to assist Maria with her vision to find a buyer to take the company into the next phase. At your desk, you review these additional meeting notes:

The acquiring company does not need to be in the same industry, as Maria values financial strength over any synergistic benefits.
Maria wants you to select a company and then examine its financial condition by analyzing its financial statements and using financial ratio analysis. She indicated that using both trend analysisgoing back at least three yearsand industry average analysis would be helpful information for her.
From this analysis, Maria wants you to tell the financial story of the potential buyer/company by listing its financial strengths and weaknesses.
She expects you to provide a list of actionable decisions so she can understand if the company would be a potentially viable corporate partner. 
Your Role
You are one of Maria’s high-performing managers at PacificCoast Technology, and she trusts your work and leadership.

After a few days of thinking about Maria’s project request, you call a meeting with her in which you lay out the requirements below. You tell her that by meeting these requirements, you believe she will have the information she needs. Maria approves your plan and asks that you get started right away.

Here is what your report should provide for Maria on the selected company:

Provide a brief background and summary of the potential corporate partner in terms of its history, product lines, and geographic reach. (Remember that Maria is looking for a partner that is a publicly traded firm.)
Analyze the financial statements of the firm, which can be typically be found in the annual report in the investors’ area of the corporate website, including the income statement, balance sheet, and statement of cash flows:
Do a comprehensive financial ratio analysis, including multiple financial ratios in each of the following categoriesshort-term solvency or liquidity, long-term solvency, asset management or turnover, profitability, and market value ratios.
Use the following tools to analyze these ratios: trend analysis (going back at least three years) and industry average ratio analysis. If industry average ratios are not available for the company, use an average of two of its nearest competitors.
Evaluate the financial statements and ratios of the firm to find its true condition and valuation.
From the ratio analysis, identify and strengths and weaknesses of the company.
Make conclusions on the current status of the firm based on its history and comparison to its competitors.
Make actionable items and conclusions, based on the data analysis, about the status of the company.
Based on the analysis of the firm, identify any general actions that need to be made to improve the financial condition, and indicate the ease or difficulty of the firm doing so.
Tell the current financial story of the firm and indicate the overall health of the firm as it relates to current valuation and the future prospects of the company.
Provide a clear picture of the financial condition and valuation of the company to shareholders, debtholders, customers, and employees.
Present information graphically and in narrative form, conveying a compelling snapshot of the company.
Recommend whether the company would be a good match to enter into a buyout tender offer/agreement.
Remember that it is not enough to just simply summarize numbers or data for your audience. Put yourself in their shoes and make the connections for them, tell them why it is important, and tap into their concerns and motivations.
While you are free to use your creativity in formatting your submission, keep in mind that this is a document that will be for the eyes of the owner of the firm, so make sure it can be easily and quickly examined by a busy upper-management professional, with clear writing and understandable graphics and charts.

Deliverable Format
Create a report that tells the financial condition of a company. Your report should provide information on the following:

Analysis of the financial statements.
Evaluation of the true condition and valuation of the company.
Recommendation of actionable items for the company based on the financial analysis.
Report requirements:
Ensure written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message and quality.
Use at least three scholarly resources.
Your report should be between 6 and 8 pages.
Use 12 point, Times New Roman.
If you are experienced with preparing professional reports, you may use a format of your choice. However, if you are new to this type of writing and document style, you may wish to use these sections as a way to organize your report:

Title Page.
Executive Summary.
Company Background.
Financial Analysis.
Financial Ratio Analysis.
Trend Analysis.
Industry Average Analysis.
Appendix (if you have additional data, reports, charts, et cetera, to support your analysis).
Related company standards:
Remember that you are preparing a professional document meant for executive leadership with limited time. Your report should follow the corresponding MBA Academic and Professional Document Guidelines (available in the MBA Program Resources), including single-spaced paragraphs.
Use APA-formatted references.
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies through corresponding scoring guide criteria:

Competency 1: Apply the theories, models, and practices of finance to the financial management of an organization.
Analyze financial ratio analysis, trend analysis, and industry average analysis.
Competency 3: Apply financial analyses to business planning and decision making.
Evaluate the financial statements of the firm to find its true condition and valuation.
Competency 4: Use data to support evidence-based financial decisions.
Develop actionable items and conclusions, based on the analysis, about the status of the company.
Competency 5: Communicate financial information with multiple stakeholders
Tell the current financial story as to the overall health of the firm as it relates to current valuation and the future prospects of the company.
Faculty will use the scoring guide to review your deliverable from the perspective of Maria Gomez. Review the scoring guide prior to developing and submitting your assessment.


Go to (International Society for Infectious Diseases).This site posts real-time disease outbreak information from around the world.
You can visit the site to read the postings.
For the assignment, you will need to do the following:
Choose a posting dated January 1, 2021to present on a Human or Animal disease outbreak. Do not select articles on plant diseases.
Summarize the Pro-MED posting (also provide the title, archive #, and the URL in the reference list) AND
Add additional information on the specific disease from a different site(s) (you will include this source in the reference list with the exact URL) AND
Add additional information on environmental conditions (climate, socioeconomic, lack of oversight or regulations [for foodborne], political crisis, etc) that may have influenced disease transmission (you will include this source in the reference list with the exact URL). Environment is one of the components of the Epidemiology Triangle.
The reference list must be in APA format and you must also cite sources within the text (in APA format). You will have at least 3 sources in the reference list: 1) the ProMED article, 2) the source for disease information, and 3) the source for environment information. Each Pro-MED assignment must be at least 600 words. Points will be deducted if the summary is less than 600 words. This assignment must be in your own words. You may include important personal quotes (in quotation marks) from the ProMEDs or other sites, but only to add to your discussion. If a significant portion of your assignment (>12%) is quoted, points will be deducted accordingly.
Make sure to only use reputable sources such as .org .gov do not use any .com references or Wikipedia.

Nursing and advocacy barriers

Peer Responses: Respond to three of your peers that discussed a leadership concept different from yours. Remark on their suggested strategies and offer supportive, helpful feedback and additional idea. Support your responses with evidence-based (scholarly) information. Response posts should be written with the goal of furthering discussion and helping your fellow students consider additional viewpoints.



Advocacy requires a certain level of confidence to be effective. The powers of this professional world have formed a specific structure which has led to nurses having many challenges in addressing errors or alterations. There are distinct leadership roles that go all the way to the top, and these roles can limit a persons confidence in their place to address a particular situation. There are social, economic, physical, systemic, attitudinal, and many other barriers that can halt positive change, but also halt the individual. Two barriers to advocacy are communication and fear.

    Often in healthcare, messages can be misinterpreted based on a number of factors. Other than the obvious choice of words, factors such as tone, speed, facial expression can affect how a message is received. For example, if a patient is prescribed a medication in which they are allergic to, the nurse may communicate that to the provider. Depending on the communication factors, this information can be interpreted as helpful, critical, or a number of other ways. The communication may also be effected by the providers choice of interpretation. The reaction could be productive or defensive, which will alter how the nurse takes action in communication with that provider in the future. To combat this issue, building strong interpersonal relationships can improve communication errors. However, despite the ability to improve communication studies have shown that some relationships will not improve, which results in advocating for a patient as the responsibility of the nurse, regardless of interpretation of others. A technique for improving communication includes educating nurses in therapeutic communication for their interaction with patients and coworkers. Refining individual communication skills can greatly increase ones confidence to advocate for their patients and healthcare recommendations (Comfort et al., 2020).

    Another factor in advocacy is fear. Regardless of the intentions of a company or organization, there is a level of fear in employees in modern day civilization. Factors effecting fear include many people looking for jobs, families depending on a paycheck, a high level of competition, and so many potential penalties applicable to the individual or the organization.  There are processes and policies in effect to protect individuals, but not everyone is knowledgeable. Also, the information is not always easy to comprehend. One way to promote advocacy is to educate employees on their rights. Implementation of mandatory educational programs have been effective in promoting advocacy amongst nurses as nurses become more comfortable in their rights and boundaries. Another way of improving advocacy in the context of fear is to create safe spaces for nurses to voice their concerns. This can look like a private setting, an anonymous report option, or surveys. Overall, advocacy will continue to be an issue that can be improved. It relates to intrinsic and extrinsic factors, and education is one of the strongest methods of change (Papa & Venella, 2013).


Being the best nurse we can possibly be is a common goal amongst future and current nurses alike, yet to do so, it is only up to ourselves to make that happen, to attain the work ethic, to do the right thing, it is not up to our facility. Often there are regulations and healthcare delivery policies that can hinder and restrict nurses from carrying out their duties “by the book.”

A strategic leader’s role is to act as a conductor, taking the time to navigate the ward and strategize plans of action to develop techniques and solutions for areas that are in need of improvement (University City of Sharjah, 2017).

Patient advocacy is of utmost importance in the nursing field. As a nurse, we are always to have our patients’ best interest in mind as patient safety is the ultimate priority. (American Nurse, 2012). This means speaking up and out when something is wrong. A common trend in health care is the reluctance to advocate for patients due to the fear of retaliation and/or consequences from the physician or nurse manager (American Nurse, 2012). The nurse’s goal is to ensure the best care is given to the patient, not to challenge a peer employee’s knowledge.

As a strategic leader, reluctance to patient advocacy can be addressed by offering workshops/training and interprofessional mentorship on how and when to approach specific situations in which nurse’s authority must be implemented (Ford, 2017). As a leader, the nurse should reflect on their own instances in which they have been in a similar situation and offer support and act as advocates or a second voice for the nurses working under them when authority is challenged (Ford, 2017).

Another trend in healthcare that can be addressed as a strategic leader is overcoming the nursing shortage. The shortage of nurses has been a critical issue that has constantly been growing in the healthcare industry (Mehdaova, 2017). Shortages can occur due to being overworked, poor work environment, recruitment issues, and nurses retiring after years of practice, etc. (Haddad et al., 2020). A shortage in nursing paves the way for multiple problems in the healthcare setting, such as but not limited to nurse burnout, medical errors, and a heightened rate of morbidities and mortalities (Haddad et al., 2020). As a strategic leader, this issue can be addressed through means of communication programs, increasing the amount and level of employee engagement, making sure peer nurses feel heard and respected (Mehdaova, 2017). Other strategies include revising and implementing facility policies and regulations, instilling a positive work environment, and taking peer nurses’ mental health into account (Mehdaova, 2017).

Evidence has shown that by initiating the plans of action mentioned above, not only have hospitals been successful in recruiting new nurses, they have been successful in reducing the number of nurses who resign due to atmospheric issues (Mehdaova, 2017). In addition to keeping and recruiting nurses, the level of implemented patient care has been shown to improve as well, coinciding with reducing medical errors and death rates.

Analysis of APN Practice Regulations Paper

In this scholarly paper, you are assigned a U.S. State, (INDIANA) and will write relevant APN statute from the Nurse Practice Act and APN Rules and Regulations. You should compare and contrast practice environments between your assigned state and New Jersey.

Grading Rubric CRITERIA:
1)Introduction with thesis statement is clearly stated
2)Background information/comparison with New Jersey:

    How is the APN or APRN defined? What are the minimum educational and/or practice hour requirements for the APN in the state you chose compared to N.J.? Masters? Doctorate?

    Does the APN also need to maintain an R.N. license?  Does the APN have to be board certified by the state? A National certification? i.e., ANCC? AANP?

    What is needed to maintain your license? How many CEUS, CMEs? Clinical hours?

    Is the APN required to have a collaboration agreement or joint protocols between the APN and collaborating M.D.? What needs to be in the collaboration agreement or joint protocol? What needs to be in the joint protocol? Where is a copy of the collaboration agreement or joint protocol mandated to be located?

    Describe the prescriptive authority of the APN in the state versus N.J. Can the APN prescribe controlled substances? What classes? What certifications are needed? DEA? CDS? Where do you obtain this?

    What is needed for hospital privileges- describe?

    Any restrictions for the APN? Can the APN open his/ her own business?

    Can APN provide palliative end of life care? Prescribe home health care? Physical therapy?
    Other information can be included: Review what is a nursing compact does this apply to APN’s?   

3)Conclusions and summary of key points

The organization is logical, coherent, and written well
Grammar and use of APA Format (7th edition)

Write a story that has meaning for you. The story should describe a learning environment that was significant in your educational experience thus far. It can be from your secondary or higher education experience. This can be a most or least favorite teach

Write a story that has meaning for you. The story should describe a learning environment that was significant in your educational experience thus far. It can be from your secondary or higher education experience. This can be a most or least favorite teacher/professor or experience type of a story.

quality indicators

Data from the NDNQI is used to improve nursing practices and support the strategic outcomes of an organization. This data is also used to create the Dashboard. The Dashboard, then, is used to create an action plan. Correctly interpreting information presented on the Dashboard provides nurses with a better understanding of the goals of the action plan.

To prepare
For this Assignment, use the Dashboard located in this weeks Resources, to interpret the data and frame a nursing plan based on best practices.
    Review the Week 5 Assignment Rubric, provided in the Course Information area.
    Review the Week 4 Resources that pertain to the NDNQI and use of dashboards

link to resource #1

resource #2 use of dashboards article is an attachment below

    Choose a Nurse-Sensitive Quality Indicator that needs improvement based on the data presented in the Dashboard. Reflect on how you would develop a nursing plan with suggestions on how to improve performance in the chosen area.
    Develop a nursing plan that outlines suggestions on how to improve performance in the chosen area.
    Provide at least three best practices from evidenced-based literature to support your nursing plan.

    Draft a 3- to 4 page paper analyzing areas where there is good performance and areas of opportunity from the sample Dashboard (attached below).
    Analyze the data provided in the Dashboard and select an area of performance that needs improvement. Include information on why this area was chosen.
    Develop a nursing plan that includes suggestions on how to improve performance on the selected indicator. Be sure to provide at least three best practices from the evidenced-based literature to support your suggested nursing plan.

After review of the quarterly Dashboard (insert dashboard link here), select one Quality Indicator that needs improvement. Thoroughly review the statistical data provided in the Dashboard and develop a nursing action plan based on best practices.
To prepare
    Review the Week Assignment Rubric, provided in the Course Information area.
    Review the Week 4 Resources that pertain to the NDNQI and use of dashboards
    Choose a Nurse-Sensitive Quality Indicator that needs improvement based on the data presented in the Dashboard. Include information on why this area was chosen.
    Develop a nursing plan that outlines suggestions on how to improve performance in the chosen area.
    Provide at least three best practices from evidenced-based literature to support your nursing plan.
    Draft a 3- to 4 page paper analyzing areas where there is good performance and areas of opportunity from the sample Dashboard.
    Analyze the data provided in the Dashboard and select an area of performance that needs improvement.
    Develop a nursing plan that includes suggestions on how to improve performance on the selected indicator. Each suggestion should be based on at least three best practices.

    Excellent    Proficient    Basic    Needs Improvement
Provided a brief paragraph that included an overview of the assignment and its purpose.    Points Range:18 (7.20%) – 20 (8.00%)
Provided a fully developed overview of the assignment and its purpose with insightful analysis of concepts and related issues.    Points Range:16 (6.40%) – 17 (6.80%)
Provided a developed overview of the assignment and its purpose with reasonable analysis of concepts and related issues.    Points Range:14 (5.60%) – 15 (6.00%)
Provided a minimally-developed overview of the assignment and its purpose with limited analysis of concepts and related issues.    Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 13 (5.20%)
Provided a under-developed overview of the assignment and its purpose with little or no analysis of concepts and related issues.
Presented an analysis of the data from the Sample Dashboard. Provided a thorough description of the area of performance selected that needs improvement and discussed the statistical findings and why the area was selected.    Points Range:36 (14.40%) – 40 (16.00%)
Provided a fully developed analysis of the dashboard data focused on needs for improvement and statistical findings with insightful analysis of concepts and related issues.    Points Range:32 (12.80%) – 35 (14.00%)
Provided a developed analysis of the dashboard data focused on needs for improvement and statistical findings with reasonable analysis of concepts and related issues.    Points Range:28 (11.20%) – 31 (12.40%)
Provided a minimally-developed analysis of the dashboard data focused on needs for improvement and statistical findings with limited analysis of concepts and related issues.    Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 27 (10.80%)
Provided a under-developed analysis of the dashboard data focused on needs for improvement and statistical findings with little or no analysis of concepts and related issues.
Presented a nursing plan on three or more best practices that could be implemented to improve performance on the selected indicator. Included how each best practice could address the selected performance. Each best practice was supported by the professional literature.    Points Range:108 (43.20%) – 120 (48.00%)
Provided a fully developed nursing plan on three or more best practices to improve performance with insightful analysis of concepts and related issues    Points Range:96 (38.40%) – 107 (42.80%)
Provided a developed nursing plan on three or more best practices to improve performance with reasonable analysis of concepts and related issues.    Points Range:84 (33.60%) – 95 (38.00%)
Provided a minimally-developed nursing plan on three or more best practices to improve performance with limited analysis of concepts and related issues.    Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 83 (33.20%)
Provided a under-developed nursing plan on three or more best practices to improve performancewith little or no analysis of concepts and related issues.
Provided a summary of the main points in the paper.    Points Range:18 (7.20%) – 20 (8.00%)
Provided a fully developed summary of the main points with insightful analysis of concepts and related issues.    Points Range:16 (6.40%) – 17 (6.80%)
Provided a developed summary of the main points with reasonable analysis of concepts and related issues.    Points Range:14 (5.60%) – 15 (6.00%)
Provided a minimally-developed summary of the main points with limited analysis of concepts and related issues.    Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 13 (5.20%)
Provided a under-developed summary of the main points with little or no analysis of concepts and related issues.
Academic Writing Expectations (AWE 3) 4000 Level    Points Range:23 (9.20%) – 25 (10.00%)
Demonstrates fully developed sentence, paragraph, and essay level skills. Displays academic expression through fully developed use of evidence from multiple sources to support content. Meets the 4000 AWE level with no writing issues and exceeds the minimum reference requirement.    Points Range:20 (8.00%) – 22 (8.80%)
Demonstrates developed sentence, paragraph, and essay level skills. Displays academic expression through developed use of evidence from most sources to support content. Meets the 4000 AWE level with minimal writing issues and exceeds the minimum reference requirement.    Points Range:18 (7.20%) – 19 (7.60%)
Demonstrates minimally developed sentence, paragraph, and essay level skills. Beginning to display academic expression through minimally developed use of evidence from some sources to support content. Minimally meets the 4000 AWE level with several writing issues and meets the minimum reference requirement.    Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 17 (6.80%)
Demonstrates limited sentence, paragraph, and essay level skills. Does not display academic expression, has limited use of evidence with few or no sources to support the content. Does not meet the 4000 AWE level of writing and does not meet the mimium reference requirement.
APA Formatting: cover page, title of paper on second page, level headings, Times New Roman 12 font, 1″” margins, and page numbers. APA References: Uses in-text citations appropriately and format correctly. Paraphrases to avoid plagiarizing the source.
Reference list is in alphabetical order, hanging indent, double spaced in format. Each specific entry contains all information required by APA format including author, year of publication, title of publication, pages, DOI, website, as appropriate.    Points Range:23 (9.20%) – 25 (10.00%)
Demonstrates fully developed APA formatting and referencing requirements with no formatting errors.    Points Range:20 (8.00%) – 22 (8.80%)
Demonstrates developed APA formatting and referencing requirements with minimal formatting errors.    Points Range:18 (7.20%) – 19 (7.60%)
Demonstrates minimally developed APA formatting and referencing requirements with several formatting errors.    Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 17 (6.80%)
Demonstrates limited APA formatting and referencing requirements with multiple formatting errors.

Importance of Technological Advancement in Business – Business Capstone

APA Format, 7-10 pages, minimum 5 sources, and outline. 
Outline: Provide all appropriate headings, and 2-3 summary sentences per heading.  Include Title page, intro, body – 3 heading paragraphs, conclusion, and reference/citations page.
Paper: Include the importance of technology advancement, common challenges relatable to business administration processes, and how they can be avoided/overcome.
Intro-Overview of technology in business
              3)How businesses can overcome challenges of technological
                  changes, and adapt to technological changes.
Conclusion-The importance of technological change in business, and
                            why it is important for businesses to embrace, and
                            accepting of technological advancements, as well as
                            flexible and adaptable to new technologies.
Reference/Citations Page- A minimum of 5 creditable sources

Module Project 2

In Microsoft Word, complete essay questions 1-5. For each question, write a thorough and well-reasoned response.

1. Discuss the roles of federal and state governments in health policy.
2. Compare and contrast the operation of traditional economic markets with that of policy markets.
3. Who are demanders and suppliers of health policies? What motivates each in the policy marketplace?
4. Compare and contrast the pluralist and elitist perspectives on interest groups in policy markets.
5. Define power and influence. What are the sources of power in policy markets?

your choice in criminal justice

Submit a prospectus of the paper or work to be performed, including the following:
    the working title of the paper;
    a one-page abstract explaining the topic to be investigated;
    the research approach to be taken, including a list of the types of literary and/or other resources to be used;
    a date-specific schedule of activities and deadlines for tasks to be performed.
    Due in Drop box February 12th no later than noon.