Category: ASA

Erik Erickson 8 stages of Psychosocial Development

Literature review on topic, Erik Erickson 8 stages of Psychosocial Development- understanding how each stage relates to you, friends, family, patients, and the nursing field:

1.    Stage One – Trust vs Mistrust
2.    Stage Two – Autonomy vs. Shame
3.    Stage Three – Initiative vs. Guilt
4.    Stage Four – Industry vs. Inferiority
5.    Stage Five – Identity vs. Role Confusion
6.    Stage Six – Intimacy vs. Isolation
7.    Stage Seven – Generativity vs. Stagnation
8.    Stage Eight – Ego Integrity vs. Despair

    Minimum of 2 paragraphs for each main point
    Each point will need 2 resources (total of 16)
    Only scholarly articles
    EBSCO Periodical Databases
    Encyclopedia Britannica
    Ebrary Online Books
    Accredited Sources – .gov, .org and .edu

Newspaper Article Analysis Paper


***PLEASE Answer to ALL Questions below

(3 page total)

Include the title of the article, author, date published, newspaper, and html address of
    the article if accessed on-line.
b. Include a one-page summary of the article detailing:
a.    The question/issue that the author is addressing and/or investigating
b.    The method/evidence that the author employs (i.e. demographics, statistics, interviews).
c.    Respond to the authors argument and main points by linking AT LEAST one theoretical framework from the class (i.e. a theory of migration, straight-line assimilation, segmented assimilation, etc.) and one empirical class reading
(File ATTACHED_IMMIGRATION/ URBANIZATION) to the article (properly cite the theory and reading and include the citation at the end of your assignment). How do class theories/concepts relate to the article? If the author is making an argument, do you agree with him/her? Could the author have used class concepts and theories to make a stronger case or to help explain the outcome? You must define and link class concepts and readings correctly in order to receive full credit.

CITATION :ASA ( ASA Style guide is attatched)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Sociological Journal               

the Sociological Journal offers students the opportunity to write about connections between their own lives (including our larger social world) and sociological concepts interrogated in class. Students will write a total of THREE responses to the prompts below. Please address the entire prompt and make sure to thoroughly elaborate on the examples discussed. Your journal entries should be well organized, well-structured, and well-written. College-level writing is expected for this assignment.

Upload on Canvas as ONE document with the three journal entries clearly identifies (e.g., 1, 2, 3). The document will be reviewed by, so please, make sure to cite your sources.

Format: Please, type this assignment using Times New Roman, 12-point font, use double space, and have 1-inch margins all around. Each journal response should be between 1-2 pages. Please include a title page and use ASA (American Sociological Association) reference style if you use citations in your journals. ASA Style Guide
Journal Prompts:

Journal #1, Theory and Coronavirus: Drawing from any chapter you would like, discuss the major tenets of functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism. Discuss which theory you find the most helpful in understanding the spread of the Coronavirus and our societys response to the virus?                                                *Hint: Chapter 1 provides an overview of the three theories. Also, in most chapters, there are examples of how the theories are applied to various social issues.

Journal #2, Race-Ethnicity and Coronavirus: Drawing from Chapter 8 AND a newspaper article or news story of your choice (from a credible source like the Los Angeles Times, the New York Times, Fox, CNN, etc. please provide a citation of your source) discuss how racial-ethnic inequality is shaping the Coronavirus outbreak in the U.S. You may focus on a specific U.S. city or state or the entire United States.

Journal #3, Gender Inequality: Drawing from Ch. 9, the BBC video on infancy and gender socialization, the New York Times article on gender and economic inequality, AND the Tarana Turke Ted Talk  (available under Week 4 Module) identify and discuss the various manifestations of gender inequality discussed. Which aspects of gender/sexual inequality do you feel are the most harmful to girls and women, and why (e.g., sexual harassment and violence, income inequality, political representation, etc.)? MAKE SURE TO IDENTIFY THE SOURCES YOU DRAW FROM IN YOUR FIRST SENTENCE and TO PROVIDE SPECIFIC EXAMPLES FROM THE SOURCES ABOVE, (Points will be deducted if specific examples are not discussed and identified.)


The goal of this final exam is to create a report centered on the impact of the COVID19 pandemic on immigrant communities.

The report will include the following sections:

    An introductory section presenting the most recent data on the pandemic for New York City, such as for instance, an update on the number of confirmed and probable cases/deaths, hospitalizations, and how the pandemic has affected different demographic groups. ***

    A section discussing the economic impact of the pandemic on immigrant communities.

    A section discussing the contribution of immigrants as essential workers, including immigrant health-care workers. The section will also identify the main reasons why immigrant workers are disproportionately vulnerable to the COVID19 pandemic.

    A section explaining why the infection rate for Hispanic communities is particularly alarming, and what is the impact of anti-immigrant policies/sentiment on the public health of immigrant communities (including the probability of premature death due to discrimination based on legal status in this connection, see Gilmores definition of racism, reproduced below).

    A concluding section explaining the need and potential contribution of an intersectional analysis which considers issues of ethnicity/race, class, nationality, and legal status to better understand the workings of the COVID19 pandemic. To complete this section, review the notion of intersectionality, which explanation was included in the guidelines for TOPIC IV (see: Weekly Announcement | Intersecting Oppressions, published on October 15; the guidelines for the assignment are included in the announcement).

    The reports will use the following definition of racism, taken from Ruth Gilmore:

Racism is the state-sanctioned and/or extralegal production and exploitation of group-differentiated vulnerability to premature death. (Gilmore 2005:247)

    Bear in mind that, as shown in the study materials, immigrant communities in NYC are very diverse. Also, be mindful the category Hispanic/Caribbean immigrant includes a significant number of Black people. 

*** Notice that the chart Case, Hospitalizations and Death Rates from the source COVID19 Data (NYC Health), which shows data on cumulative confirmed case, hospitalization and death rates by demographic group, has tabs corresponding to: Age, Sex, Race/Ethnicity, Poverty and Borough.

Also, observe that the tab Race/Ethnicity includes three different graphs: cases, hospitalizations, and deaths. For instance, a comparison between the tabs Cases vis a vis Deaths shows that people who self-identify as Black/African American are dying at a higher rate (the number goes up), as opposed to people who self-identify as White (the number goes down).


    800-words (the required length does not include the quotes from the readings).
    In-text citations in the proper ASA format.
    An introduction, a main body (with the sections described above), and a conclusion.
    5 textual quotes, from 5 different sources.
    External sources are not allowed (including online dictionaries): answers will be based exclusively on materials listed in the Syllabus


    Essays that do not include in-text citations in the proper ASA format, will not be graded.
    In brief: when we use information that belongs to someone else, to acknowledge authorship is an ethical duty.
    Students who plagiarize or do not state the used sources will not get a passing grade.
    For an in-text citation to be considered a proper in-text citation, it must include the author’s last name, year of publication and page number.
    In-text citations that do not include a page number will be considered incomplete and invalid.
    For of online sources, the paragraph number may be used to replace the page number as in (Heyaca 2020: paragraph 7).
    Quick Tips for ASA Style:


    Students will demonstrate that time has been dedicated to reading, thinking, and analyzing the social reality that surrounds them.
    To get a passing grade, students will have to demonstrate that they have taken the sources seriously and have devoted enough time to analyzing the materials.
    The reports will demonstrate a deep level of engagement with the study materials and the ability to create ideas/arguments based on the study materials.
    In other words, students will not summarize from the study materials. Students will create their own ideas, based on the study materials.


Ideas must be backed up in the materials listed in the Syllabus not on personal opinion or personal experience.


The use of the expression illegal to refer to someone’s legal status is not allowed, for reasons all students should by now be aware of.


    Amandolare, Sarah (et al.): Under Threat & Left Out: NYCs Immigrants and the Coronavirus Crisis:
    Batalova, Jeanne: Immigrant Health-Care Workers in the United States:
    Gelatt, Julia: Immigrant Workers: Vital to the US COVID-19 Response, Disproportionately Vulnerable:
    Jordan, Miriam & Richard A. Oppel Jr.: For Latinos and Covid-19, Doctors Are Seeing an Alarming Disparity:
    Page, Kathleen (et al.): Undocumented US Immigrants and Covid-19:
    NYC Health: Covid-19: Data:


    Due date: Thursday, DEC 17, 11:59 pm.
    Exam will be posted in the Folder FINAL EXAMS (link: Forums | Discussion Board).
    Copy-paste your answers (do not attach the exam as a file copy pate the text in the message box as with the previous discussion forums).

Theoretical Essay on Conversion to Latin American Protestantism and the Case for Religious Motivation

This is to be done in question and answer format
This question relates to the article, Conversion to Latin American Protestantism and the Case for Religious Motivation.

Part A.  How did the authors define deprivation theory as applied to religious conversion?
Part B.  What sources of data did they use to test deprivation theory?
Part C.  Did the analysis of the data support or reject deprivation theory?
Part D.  How did the authors modify/change the theory?



Step 1: Choosing your current event

Step 1: Choosing a topic
A current event refers to something that is happening in the world at present and they are usually described on the news and in mass media. I would like you to choose a media-based report of some current event that took place within the past year in the US.
These past couple of years have been a wild ride for society, and weve seen some major, large-scale shifts occur. Whether its this global pandemic, the uprising against police brutality and the movement for Black lives, or an influx of laws and policies that push the boundaries of basic human rights, as sociologically-minded people weve got a lot of material to work with.

In order to write the paper, you will need to do some background research on the event itself so you can answer the basic who, what, where, when, why, and how of it. This background information will help you write a solid introduction to your paper and give the necessary context to understand your current event sociologically.

Step 2: Deciding why your event is sociological

Once you have chosen your current event, your next goal is to spend some time figuring out exactly what element you want to build out as the sociological focal point.
For instance, if my current event is COVID-19, I could take it in many, many different directions: I could write about the racial, class, or gender disparities associated with this public health issue; I could write about its impact on the social institutions like education, family, or religion; I could write about its interaction with mass incarceration; or I could even write about how its changing our relationship to labor and what that means for society.

As you can see, once you select a current event, there will be myriad ways to explore it sociologically. Whichever way you choose will depend greatly on your personal interests. 
Of course, I know some of you will end up taking one of my examples from above as your topic– and thats totally ok– but I also want you to know that anything can be (and everything is) sociological, and so I would really love to see you get creative with this assignment.

Remember, to look at something sociologically usually means you are exploring power dynamics, you are looking at the social meanings that are enforced and created, and you are connecting what seems like an individual situation to the larger social structure and placing it within the context of history. Although this is a multi-step paper, this step is the key to earning an A on this assignment, because its where you will be making critical connections and building out your analysis.

Step 3: Selecting your sources

Once you have come up with your current event and an idea of how you want to frame it sociologically, your next task is to find sources to contextualize your claims.
Ultimately, I would like you to pick three concepts from your text/ videos as well as three scholarly articles to substantiate your claims.
In order to get access to scholarly articles for this assignment, please visit the Colleges Library website

In the search box select the articles tab and enter your topic and/or key words related to your topic. (note: sometimes helps to actually include the word sociology so I might search for the term Covid-19 racism sociology etc.)
Check out my example below:

Once you see your search results, filter them using the following options on the left side of the screen: available online, peer-reviewed journals, journals, and articles.

You will then select the best 3 scholarly, sociological articles that speak to your topic.

Step 4: Writing the paper

The goal of this assignment is to show you can deploy sociological concepts and theory to interpret the world around you. Doing so means you will introduce your topic and then build out a systematic argument advocating for its sociological relevance.
Please review this general outline for an idea of how to structure this paper:
Paste a link to your report at the top of the page
Please include a direct link to the report discussing your current event. Please be sure to rename the link to the title of whatever the report is– I do not want to see potentially long URLs which will take up valuable space on the page. 

The introduction is used to establish the context of your current event. To establish the context, it is important to do the following in this opening paragraph:
Introduce your current event and provide any background information that helps your reader to understand it.
Explain the overall goal of your paper and explain how you will go about accomplishing it.
Explain why you chose this particular current event.
This section is all about going through your sources to make a case for why your current event needs to be understood sociologically. This is where you will introduce relevant theories, concepts, and/or empirical information that helps to prove your point. Remember, even though I said everything is sociological doesnt mean we just take that as truth, it must be proven– so this section of your paper is where you will do the work of convincing the reader that your current event is sociological because its either:
Dealing with power dynamics between social groups
Dealing with the social construction of social categories/ norms/ etc.
A product of some historical legacy
Explained by the characteristics of the larger social structure
If you can use your sources to make these points, you are on the right track.
This is the last paragraph of your paper. This is where you summarize your case in the strongest terms. By this point, you should have convinced your reader of your sociological framing and you may want to conclude your paper by posing further sociological questions about this topic, offering a sociological prediction of how the situation will play out and explaining why, or giving recommendations to address this topic.
This is the last page of your review. It serves as a listing of all references that you mentioned in your paper (including the citations from your text as well as the report of your current event). Please use ASA style when completing this list. If you need help creating this page, please check out this ASA citation generator.
Step 5: Go through the checklist

Before you submit this assignment on Canvas, please go through the following checklist to make sure you are meeting essential requirements:
Your chosen current event occurred within the past year in the US
Included a link to your current event report at the top of the first page
You renamed that link to the title of the report
The majority of your paper is about explaining your current event sociologically
You refer to 3 concepts/ theories from your text and/or videos
You refer to 3 scholarly articles
All writing is in your own words, no quotations
All ideas that are not 100% yours are cited
All In-text citations/ references are in ASA style
You included a references page (does not count towards the 3 page requirement)
You followed my formatting guidelines:
12 point Times New Roman font
1 margins
Do not list your name, my name, the class, the date, etc.
Numbered pages
No excessive spaces between paragraphs
Three *full* pages of your writing
You reached out to me if you have any questions

Sociological argument paper: Automation

Paper should be a substantive 4-6 page response to one of the following topics. For either topic, you will assess two distinct arguments and then draw your own conclusions based on the position that you hold. what will count in the grade for your final paper will be the clarity and organization of your writing, the clarity of the arguments that you are comparing and your providing of support for the arguments that you are exploring.

Topic B: automation
Q. is automation a good thing? or a bad thing? Inevitable? or preventable?
Discuss and assess these arguments


To prepare for this assignment, navigate the Drop the I-Word Campaign website, including the links (1) Three Reasons Why We Should Drop the I-Word;(Immigrant) (2) Journalist Reference Guide; and (3) I Am stories.

Watch the documentary Love, Life & The Virus, and thinking about the power of storytelling,  what is the contribution that firsthand immigrant stories make in the task of undoing the adverse effects of using the expression illegal immigrant such as dehumanization, cruelty, hate, fear, racism, and mass criminalization?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Derive themes from any chapter/s in the text. A 5 page, double-spaced will articulate a topic of inequality you find to be most important. For paper, select a City of your choosing (e.g Los Angeles or San Francisco or Phoenix) and employ one or a few key theories from the book to read its dynamics. (Community & Urban Sociology theories and key terms)

Additionally, your topic of choice could also be derived from a chapter topic in the text. The online text also contains hyperlinks to supplementary documentaries, lectures, and important websites, along with some unique case studies. You should use these to your advantage.

Text is free online at:
Username: Traffic (capitalize t in traffic)
Pass: onvalleyblvd

Family Relations

1. What are some of the problems associated with Single-parent families and discuss the various ways that the single-parent families cope with their problems?
2. What are some of the challenges that children of single-parents face?
3. Identify the difficulties the interracial families in America have and they ways in which they cope with their problems.

4. Human beings are often considered social creatures. As social creatures, we all need intimacy. Please discuss what is meant by the following terms:
Describe what do we mean by the term loneliness?
What is the meaning of loneliness?
Please describe the differences between social loneliness and emotional loneliness.
What are the sources of loneliness?
What are the consequences of loneliness?