Category: ASA


For this assignment, you are tasked with writing a 3-5 page literature review which builds upon your previous assignments (bibliography and literature maps).  You are required to cite 5-8 sources scholarly sources.  Sources should be documented with in-text citation and a bibliography in ASA format should be provided (note: this does not count towards your page limit).


A literature map is a visual tool for organizing a literature review into relevant themes/topics and demonstrating how your study will contribute to existing knowledge. Literature maps may be designed in different ways.

1.  Hierarchical Structure – uses a top-down presentation of the literature, ending with your proposed study
2. Flowchart model – literature unfolds from left to right, with the farthest right section advancing a proposed study
3. Venn Diagram – with each circle representing a body of literature and the intersection of circles indicating future research.

Choose one the following designs and create a literature map of your research topic. You may create and upload a digital or handwritten literature map.


A literature map is a visual tool for organizing a literature review into relevant themes/topics and demonstrating how your study will contribute to existing knowledge. Literature maps may be designed in different ways.

1.  Hierarchical Structure – uses a top-down presentation of the literature, ending with your proposed study
2. Flowchart model – literature unfolds from left to right, with the farthest right section advancing a proposed study
3. Venn Diagram – with each circle representing a body of literature and the intersection of circles indicating future research.

Choose one the following designs and create a literature map of your research topic. You may create and upload a digital or handwritten literature map.

Ted Talk 3

Ted Talk (TT) #2

Type the assignment in a word document with your name, date, and assignment title on
the top.
o Use 1 margins, 12 points, Times New Roman, and Cite your sources on a separate
reference page, following the ASA style guide.
o Watch the TT assigned in its entirety (range from 7 -20 minutes the YouTube video above).
o While watching, look for something that the presenter says that you feel is particularly
noteworthy and quote it in your essay. Use quotation marks, followed by a citation.
o Connect the quote of the presenter to something you learned in a chapter in Cohen. To
make this connection, provide a quote from the chapter. Use quotation marks. Cite Cohen
like this: (Cohen 13) in your writing.
o Finally, explain the connection you make in another 1-2 paragraphs (the quotes do not
count). Tell the reader why anyone should pay attention to this connection. If the
connection is relevant to your own life, it is okay to provide a personal example in your
o Double space your writing in the document.

Ted Talk 2

Ted Talk (TT) #2

Type the assignment in a word document with your name, date, and assignment title on
the top.
o Use 1 margins, 12 points, Times New Roman, and Cite your sources on a separate
reference page, following the ASA style guide.
o Watch the TT assigned in its entirety (range from 7 -20 minutes the YouTube video above).
o While watching, look for something that the presenter says that you feel is particularly
noteworthy and quote it in your essay. Use quotation marks, followed by a citation.
o Connect the quote of the presenter to something you learned in a chapter in Cohen. To
make this connection, provide a quote from the chapter. Use quotation marks. Cite Cohen
like this: (Cohen 13) in your writing.
o Finally, explain the connection you make in another 1-2 paragraphs (the quotes do not
count). Tell the reader why anyone should pay attention to this connection. If the
connection is relevant to your own life, it is okay to provide a personal example in your
o Double space your writing in the document.

Reflection on your learning how to implement the course learning objectives and your current ability to implement them (Sociology: Education For Liberation)

Write a 400-word reflection on your learning how to implement the following SOCI 144 course learning objectives and your current ability to implement them:
Describe and explain the varying histories, developments, and movements associated with change-oriented non-formal learning programs (such as adult education, popular education, community education, and transformative education)
Analyze sociologically the content, form, and practice of non-formal learning programs (including conventional and change-oriented approaches)

I’ve attached the prompt (please follow closely for it is very detailed. Also, please ignore the “facilitation guide” part), and I’ve also attached an example of this assignment completed by a fellow classmate, which you can use as a resource/rewrite, just please be sure ours is still original and doesn’t have any similarities, besides sources/data, that the professor may catch. Please add a title Page (“Final Exam”) and resource page. Format everything in ASA. Thank You!

Case Studies

My case selection: Hatian Revolution (protest) and
1997 Asian financial crisis (economic panic)
[unless you find something more interesting]

Each case study should cover information on:
a) Spectators/Participants 
b) Structural/Material Environmental Conditions
c) Communication Capacities and Information Dissemination
d) Extant Social Conditions/Dynamics

Format: ASA:
a. Introduction
b. Brief Desrption of the Event(s) and how it constitutes an instance of Collective Behavior
c. Summary of Collected Data: This can be accomplished either as an integrated essay format,
or by summarizing the information for each category separately.
d. Analysis of Event: This will involve utilizing the multiple theoretical perspectives explored in
the course [Contagion Theory, Emergent Norm Theory, Value-Added Theory, and
(potentially) the Socio-Cybernetic Model*]. The goal is to highlight what this perspective
tells us about the event, and not necessarily to evaluate a specific theory.

Reflection on your learning how to implement the course learning objectives and your current ability to implement them (Sociology: City Life)

The objective of this exam is for you to show how well you understand key concepts and topics in the course so far. Please:
Explain concepts and provide concise, comprehensive, and college-level quality answers to
the following analytical questions. Please type in complete sentences and coherent paragraphs.
Use Times Roman font, 12-point size, double-space with 1-1/4 left, right, top, and bottom margins.
Provide concrete and detailed examples from the assigned readings & other course materials.
Please practice academic honesty, cite properly, and do not plagiarize. To cite a source
from the course, simply state last name(s) of the author(s) and the page number as part
of your answer. Do not provide quotes. Use your own words.
Include the number of the questions you are answering.

Write a 400-word reflection on your learning how to implement the following SOCI 161 course learning objectives and your current ability to implement them:
Provide appropriate societal context to city life and urban problems in terms of historical changes, urban patterns, and societal changes among many interrelated places
Develop a nuance framework on how societal struggles make
and transform city life, economics, cultures, and communities
as well as to address many urban problems locally and internationally
Use analytical tools and skills to study various aspects of city life

I’ve attached the prompt (Please follow closely for it is very detailed. Also, please ignore the “group report”), and all resources needed. Cite as many resources as needed to reflect the requests in the prompt. Please add a Resource page. Format everything in ASA. Thank you!

Education For Liberation

Revise/adjust the previous group lesson plan and facilitator guide (attached) by on the following added requirements:

Revise and Adjust the Lesson Plan and Facilitator Guide by incorporating:
– Emphasize how the participants would engage in making systemic structural
transformation in society (as related to your problem or topic)

– Incorporate at least one of the following approaches:
    o Frieres critical pedagogy approach
    o Boals theater of the oppressed approach o Hortons Highlander School approach
    o Alinskys approach

– Select as one of the following target audiences for your workshop:
    o Racial-ethnic and/or migrant community members (from low-income,
        working-class, and/or middle-class)
    o Low-income and working-class women
    o Low-income and working-class youth

In addition to the guidance in HW#2, this facilitator guide should be more than eight pages double-space, not including list of references. Please proofread and practice academic/intellectual honesty.

I’ve attached the completed HW #2 (previous group lesson plan and facilitator guide), prompt/instructions (please follow closely for it is very detailed. Also, please ignore the “10-Minute Workshop Facilitation Rehearsal”), and also an example of this assignment completed by a fellow classmate as an example and to take some sources/data/approaches to add to ours (please make sure ours doesn’t have any similarities, besides sources/data/approaches, that the professor may catch). Please don’t forget to add reference page. All this must be in ASA format. Please read prompt/instructions I’ve attached for more detailed instructions. Thank you!

Resistance Project

The Resistance Project (2020) has been designed to move you from theory into action.  The goal of the project is to have you research a specific social problem, analyze its socio-cultural implications, investigate past and present social justice movements spawned from the problem, and create a plan of action appropriate for our current global landscape. 

CONTENTS:-The Final Paper will include these sections and components
-Please use sub-headings in your essay to clearly label each section

PT.1Introduction / Statement of the Problem(1-2) pages
Elements: (1) Scope of problem (global vs. local), (2) striking data points, (3) call to action/ why should the broader community care about this issue? (4) If this problem is outside of your community, acknowledgement, statement of your standpoint/privilege/ally-hood etc.

PT.2Socio-Historical Analysis(4-5) pages
-Please use sub-headings in your essay to clearly label each section
Elements: (1) how this problem has developed historically (2) current socio-political impact on specific population you are studying (infuse data) (3) develop an intersectional analysis of the five oppressions effects on the group being studied (ie. Race, indigeneity, gender, religion, political affiliation, social class, sexual orientation etc.) (4) address what social institutions are being affected by this social problem (5) Analysis of other social movements (past or present) related to the social problem to understand what others have tried to do in the past to give context to the feasibility of your proposed action plan (according to this, we should move in what direction? *This should serve as a strong transition point into PT.3)

PT.3Plan of Action(2-3) pages
Elements: (1) Clear plan of action, with specific strategies that have time sensitive steps that are realistic/relevant to the issue (2) Analysis of what change your course of action might produce
*I urge you to use this project as way to reiterate the importance of strategic, NON-VIOLENT, cross-community, cross-institutional, coordinated action
*do not just choose strategies from the 198 forms of non-violent resistance, be intentional with the strategies that you select to address historical hurdles and present day obstacles

PT. 4Conclusion(1-2) pages
Elements: (1) Reiteration of importance of social problem (2) Projection of what happens if no steps are taken

8-10 pages
Cover page optional *(not included in page count)
Times New Roman, 12, 1 margins, ASA format
Works Cited page *(not included in page count)