Category: ASA


Attached is an assignment called the Media Analysis Assignment. This is a class for Childhood Sociology.

The object of the assignment to pick a piece of media and follow the instructions. I already did one of these and I attached it as an example (Tyson Dias Media Assignment1) so you can see exactly how it needs to be formatted. I received a 22/25 on this so I was in the ball park as far as what the expectations were. You can retrieve the article I used for that one from my references so you can kinda see how I tackled the assignment based off of the Media I selected for the first assignment.

I would say follow the same format in the example. I asked why I didn’t get the A and she wanted a little more content in the analysis section. Feel free to write in first person if needed and how you feel where appropriate.

Here is the article we will be using.

The claims makers are the author and the Website.

Where appropriate please try to incorporate words like socialization, symbolic interactionalism, habitus, structuration. These are concepts we learned in class by reading the 2nd chapter of a book called Studies in Childhood and Youth  – Socialising Children by Allison James.  If you can access this book some how it would be great if you could incorporate some of these terms into the paper and use it as an extra reference.

BLOG on The Dispossession of the First Nations in the US

Link to video
OPEN “the dispossession of the First Nations” first , and follow this

After watching the documentary film and reading McDonnell carefully, discuss the centrality of land allotment in the policy of assimilation of Indigenous Nations into white culture and the propagation of capitalism, an economic system that is based on private individual property, as opposed to communal property (i.e. land owned by a group, instead of particular individuals, as is the case with Indigenous peoples).

In your answer, stay focused on the centrality of land in the preservation of Indigenous culture. In other words, Indigenous cultures, in particular, their economic systems and spirituality, are very much tied to the land: when Indigenous nations are dispossessed from their land, their cultural identity is jeopardized, due to the interruption of certain ancestral practices.

sociology of religion – judaism

You are required to conduct scholarly research on an approved topic , integrating your findings with course/textual concepts and personal experience, if applicable. Your written report will include and cite at least 5 sources (in addition to your textbook) within the body of your paper, which should be a minimum of 7 pages (single-spaced 2-lines between paragraphs) in length. Your sources must be scholarly and not include Wikopedia, encyclopedia or non-academic web-sites Also include a title page and bibliography (3 additional pages), making the total required page length 10+ pages. Use the mechanics of good writing (spelling, grammar, headings, etc.) and ASA format on white paper (12 point Times New Roman or Arial font, single-spaced, 1-inch margins on all sides, indenting five spaces for each new paragraph with 1 extra line spaces between paragraphs).

European Colonialism in the Americas

READ CAREFULY THE ATTATCHED FILED : European Colonialism. follow that guide .

Watch the interview to Howard Zinn, and carefully read Zinns chapter on European colonialism, and Montejos poem. Take notes while you read, capturing Zinns main line of thinking from beginning to end: what is he arguing? What is his main message? What evidence does he present? How does he argue his case?
Do not focus exclusively on the qualitative data on how Indigenous peoples were massacred: the goal of this assignment is not to talk about European brutality, but to reflect on the uses of history to justify a genocide.

VIDEO of conversations.

Reading reflection

To complete this assignment, prepare a 2 page reading reflection based on all of the readings assigned for the day of the original assignment.
1 page summarizing the readings for the day (must include all readings assigned for that day) and about 1 page describing your reflections on the readings.
You will need to use ASA style and include parenthetical citations. Since this is just a reflection paper on a limited set of readings assigned for the course you do not need to include a separate reference list.