Category: Chicago / Turabian

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Read the “Procedure for Historical (Situational) Reconstruction” (especially note the 5 elements which need to be addressed), read the “Sample Reconstruction,” the “Philemon” Handout (by Fee & Stuart) as well as the other “Philemon” Handout (Eerdman’s Handbook of the Bible).” Once these have been read, compose and submit a two-page Reconstruction essay on the book of Philemon.  Incorporate some scholarship into your work and use footnote citations.  Please be sure to include a title page as well as a Works Cited page. 

Any topic (writer’s choice)

You will choose two military conflicts (large or small, declared or undeclared) (from the list attached below as a PDF and should be mentioned in the attached readings as well)  in which the United States has been engaged and answer a series of questions about that conflict. You will make an argument about whether it was a constitutionally legitimate use of force.

1. Make an argument (in one paragraph) about what enables a constitutionally, legally, politically legitimate use of force in the American Constitutional System. (You may consider moral or ethical arguments, but they must be answered in addition to the legal/political/constitutional question).

2. Choose TWO incidents in which the federal government of the United States has used force against foreign citizens or nations. Find one case that exemplifies the way you think the system should work, and one case that exemplifies the way you think the system should not work. (The PDF below should be used to find the two incidents)

3. For each case, research the basic legal and political history of the incident. Your research must include (but should not be limited to)
a. at least two presidential primary source documents (public statements, messages to Congress) ( ),
b. two primary source congressional documents (authorizations, appropriations, hearing transcripts, votes, speeches) ( ). Court decisions are also acceptable if appropriate.
c. Analyze the politics of each case. In no more than one page per incident, explain why the constitutional processes work, while you argue each use of force was legitimate or illegitimate.

note: you don’t need to use all of the attached sources, only what is necessary.

please only use the primary sources attached. no secondary/outside sources allowed.

Drug Patent Protection Legal Mechanism in the EU

It’s just one part of my thesis and the contents of this part are as follows:

III. Drug Patent Protection Legal Mechanism in the EU
    A. Supplementary Protection Certificate
    B. Test Data Protection system
    C. Bolar Exemption
    D. Temporary Injunction

So, the above is just a general structure, when you writing this part, you should add some detailed items into the general contents.

American Imperialism Essay during Post Civil War America (1877 to 2016)

Assignment Topic:
American Imperialism Essay during Post Civil War America (1877 to 2016)

Assignment Directions:
Discuss the American Imperialism ideology after in Post Civil War America.
What affects did imperialism have on:
1. The United States politically and economically
2. American society as a whole
3. Other countries where the United States government intervened to maintain that
4. Nation’s peace and their national sovereignty.
Discuss any acts, laws, congressional measures, conflicts, and consequences that influenced, altered, and changed the United States views on imperialism in Post-Civil War America.

2 pages (Introduction, 2 body paragraphs, Conclusion)

– Introduction Paragraph
Here you want to write an introduction paragraph detailing what is going to be discussed in the essay.
No footnotes needed in this section.
The last sentence in this section must be your thesis statement.

– Body Paragraphs/Formatting
Historical terminology (names, dates, people, places, and events) is the main requirement for each essay.
Please keep your chosen discussion topic historical time-frame narrow.
Discuss only what is interesting to you and what apply to your essay.
Please try to maintain a historical time-line.
Each paragraph must have 5 or more sentences.
No quoting. All statements must be in your own words.
All statements must be in third person.
Avoid first person discussion. Please avoid opinion statements in this section (I, me, and my), outside of the conclusion paragraph.
Please avoid a book, article, or video review, (30-points deduction for such).
Yes, many examples are required.
Please, no summaries of any sources.
Please do not combine different types of citation formatting like MLA or APA. No parenthetical citations allowed. ONLY USE FOOTNOTES – CHICAGO STYLE FORMAT REFERENCES.
Each paragraph must have with 3 footnotes or  more to indicate your references, only use the assigned books and readings.
No comments on footnotes references.
Only place references in the footnotes.

– Conclusion Paragraph:

Use this area to summarize your findings and discuss your opinion.
What have you learned after reading and doing historical research on this topic?
Footnotes are optional in this section.

– Bibliography Page
Must be  a separate page.

American Perspectives: Readings in American History Vol. 2, 7th Edt
Must use at least 4 articles related to American Imperialism Essay during Post Civil War America.
No additional sources can be used. No outside sources.
Must only have footnotes
Chicago style
No first person essay ONLY third person format essay
Avoid summaries or reviews


the 16th amendment

Find the purpose of the amendment, why the amendment was put into place, important court cases involving the Amendment, any limitations to the right or policy, a current event article that relates to the amendment, why the amendment is still relevant to todays society

Any topic (writer’s choice)

7          Final Assignments-
A.    Prepare(write) an Expository Sermon
You must have the following:
  B. Write a two-page reflection on the following question:
Why should preachers be able to prepare sermons employing every type of homiletical structure?


Hoo Bee land

Please provide all the calculations needed for the essay.
1. Please paraphrase everything
2.Need referencing and in-text reference
3. There is no right or wrong answer to this to please make sure to specify all the answer 4. Please refer to the company annual report for more information, to be able to answer the calculation needed.
5. the company is hoo bee land in Singapore
6. You can use hoo bee land annual report to answer the essay
7. Do not use any sources or website that are not free
8. I have done some analysis for Hoo bee land, you can check it out on the attachment. it will help you to better understand the essay and what you should do and how you will answer the questions that I needed


Read the following chapters, (On the Preparation and Delivery of Sermons):
    Ch. 10, Classification of Homiletical Structure
    Ch. 11, Classification of Subject
    Ch. 12, Classification of Pattern

1)    Write a reflection paper, 2-3 pages, Ch.10, Classification of Homiletical Structure.  Focus on the following:  the textual sermon, the topical sermon, the textual-topical sermon, and the expository sermon.
2)    Write a reflection paper, 2-3 pages, Ch. 11, Classification by Subject.  Focus on the following:  the theological sermon, the ethical sermon, and the church program sermon.
Write a reflection paper, 3-5 pages, Ch. 12, Classification by Pattern. Focus on the following:  the diamond outline, the ladder outline, the contrast outline, the question and answer outline, the chase outline, the Hegelian outline, the analogy outline, the proof outline,  the rebuttal outline, the refrain outline, the series of statements outline, the dog fight outline, the interpretation-application outline,

Read the following chapters, (On the Preparation and Delivery of Sermons):
            Ch.5, The Text
            Ch.6, The Subject
            Ch. 7, The Title
            Ch.8, The Proposition
            Ch.9, The Objective

1)    Discussion Board:  After reading Ch.5, The Text, respond to the following question:  After reflecting on the rules for selection of a text, if you had to prioritize the rules, which three rules would you select, why? After writing your response on the Discussion Board, respond to five of your classmates.
2)    Discussion Board:  After reading Ch.6, The Subject, respond to the following question: Why is the statement of the subject so significant?
After writing your response on the Discussion Board, respond to five of your classmates.
3)    Discussion Board:  After reading Ch.7, The Title, respond to the following question:  What are the qualities of a good title? After writing your response on the Discussion Board, respond to five of your classmates.
4)    Write a Summary, 1 page, on Ch. 8, The Proposition. Post on Course Message Board.
5)    Write a Summary, 1 page, on Ch. 9., The Objective. Post on Course Message Board.
            All assignments, are due by
Sunday, 10/25, 11:55pm(EST).
Week of 10/26:     
1)    the subversive outline and the importance of variety of outline patterns.
    Upon completion of assignments, post on the Course Message Board by Sunday, 11/1, 11:55pm(EST).

Week of 11/2:    Read the following chapters, (Steps to the Sermon)
    Ch. 5, Maturing the Idea
    Ch.6, Formulating the Structure
    Ch.7, Finishing the Sermon

Read the following chapters, On the Preparation and Delivery of Sermons):
    Ch. 13, Importance of Arrangement
    Ch. 14, The Discussion
    Ch. 15, The Introduction
    Ch. 16, The Conclusion
    Ch. 17, Transition

    After reading the chapters above, reflect on all the information presented, then complete the assignments 1 & 2, below.
1)    Prepare(write) a  textual sermon. Make sure your sermon has the follow:  text, subject, title, proposition, and objective. You must follow the information you gained from reading chapters 13-17, along with the previous chapters. 

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Read the following chapters, (On Preparation and Delivery of Sermons) :
    Ch.1, Christian Preaching
    Ch.2, Homiletics
    Ch.3, The Preacher
    Ch.4, Gods Message

1)    Write a reflection paper, 1-3 pages, on Ch.1, Christian Preaching.  Focus on the following:  Nature of preaching, Central place of preaching, competition to preaching, and necessity for effective preaching.
2)    Write a reflection paper, 1-3 pages on Ch.2, Homiletics. Focus on the following:  Development of homiletics, Study of homiletics.
3)    Write a reflection paper, 1-3 pages on Ch. 3, The Preacher.  Focus on the following:  Sense of divine call, Vital Christian experience, continuation of learning, development of natural gifts, maintenance of physical health, and complete dependence upon the Holy Spirit

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Read the following chapters, (On Preparation and Delivery of Sermons) :
    Ch.1, Christian Preaching
    Ch.2, Homiletics
    Ch.3, The Preacher
    Ch.4, Gods Message

1)    Write a reflection paper, 1-3 pages, on Ch.1, Christian Preaching.  Focus on the following:  Nature of preaching, Central place of preaching, competition to preaching, and necessity for effective preaching.
2)    Write a reflection paper, 1-3 pages on Ch.2, Homiletics. Focus on the following:  Development of homiletics, Study of homiletics.
3)    Write a reflection paper, 1-3 pages on Ch. 3, The Preacher.  Focus on the following:  Sense of divine call, Vital Christian experience, continuation of learning, development of natural gifts, maintenance of physical health, and complete dependence upon the Holy Spirit