Category: Chicago / Turabian


Introduction: Begin your letter with a brief introduction in which you clearly and explicitly state your position on the issue, i.e. your thesis. What you want the official to do should be immediately clear

Arguments: You should then proceed to the main body of your argument. Carefully lay out the different arguments that you are using to support your overall argument/position. These arguments can be practical and/or moral arguments. That is, you can argue both that the selected policy is either ethical/unethical, moral/immoral, but you can also argue that the policy is either short-sighted/well- planned, effective/ineffective. These are just examples; feel free to make whatever arguments you feel make your case the strongest. Note! An effective paper will clearly articulate more than one argument on a number of different grounds.

Evidence: For each argument you make you must make sure to back it up with facts. It is not enough to state your position, you need to convince the reader that you are right, and the way you do this is by demonstrating the validity of your position with evidence. In other words, you need to prove your point. If you think a certain policy is the right policy, why do you think it is right? Show the evidence on which your arguments are based. Your paper does not need to be overly burdened with evidence, but without evidence, your opinion is just one opinion among many, and not necessarily any better than anyone elses.

Counter-arguments: At the end of your letter, you should briefly state, and refute, the strongest counter-arguments against your position. Do make sure to choose the strongest ones, and make sure to come up with effective refutations, as they will likely occur to your reader anyways, and this gives you a chance to argue against them. The bulk of your paper will be arguing your own position, but a small portion of it requires you to explain and argue against your opponents position.


Describe the outsourcing issue in contemporary HR Management. Describe why this is an important topic, include details surrounding the issue, and determine what the best solution is for both employers and employees. The paper will be informative but also persuasive. Take a side on the issue.
Must be an original paper!

Sexuality in The US

: Students will write five comparative source analysis essays (approximately 4-5 pages) one on each of the required texts and corresponding films for the course.  Each paper is worth 100 points.

Write a thesis that explains the issue(s) you will analyze.
Use the book to provide historical context for the film.
If relevant to your topic, what issues did the film not address about the era in which it was made that you believe are important. Provide information from the book in your discussion of those issues.
If relevant to your topic, what symbolism, metaphors, etc. do you see in the film?
If relevant to your topic, how did the values of the time shape the making of the film? You need to be able to support your arguments about the values of the time with information from the book, not just state what you believe the values of the time were.
Do not limit yourself to the suggestions I have provided here.

These papers are not book reports/film summaries.  Avoid lengthy summarization I have read the books and watched the films; I do not need to be told what they are about.  Use summarization only as necessary for evaluating the books and films.

You must cite the books properly.  History majors must use Chicago Manual Style.  Students majoring in other disciplines may use the citation style appropriate to that discipline.

Will submit movie link and pdf documents for books



For this discussion, you will explore a climate portal* and find, assess, and comment on a vulnerability assessment. Common climate portals are the Climate Adaptation Knowledge Exchange (, Pacific Climate Change Portal (, World Bank Climate Change Knowledge Portal (, and USAID Climate Links ( You are not limited to exploring these portals, as there are many for you to discover and choose from. Note that the Supplemental Readings contain a report on vulnerability assessments in several U.S. cities.

During your search, you will come across VAs that document impacts based on a combination of historic trends and future projections (e.g., historic sea level rise impacts on infrastructure and the future vulnerability to the areas infrastructure). Take note of the methodologies, scales, stakeholder groups, and other findings.

There are three objectives for this assignment:

      Learn to navigate a climate portal that contain many VAs;

      Evaluate and critique a VA considering the knowledge gained from materials, and;

      Comment on the value of the VA for the intended users.

Method of evaluation: This assignment is worth 50 points, and will be graded based in part on the Discussion Rubric 2.

The VA must have been used to assess a human system
The VA must have been conducted within the past 18 months
Your first post should be 500-600 words and include the following parts:
o  Description of the climate portal you are introducing

o  Intended audience of the VA (e.g., explicitly name who will use the VA)

o  Description of the VA, including actors, methods, and the system being assessed

o  Timeframe used in the assessment (the VA may refer to projection, horizon, timescale, etc.)

o  Costs of the adaptation options and recommended actions that result from the VA. If options and recommendations are not offered, comment on why they are absent and speculate on who would pay to reduce vulnerabilities.

Please answer all questions.  Must use footnotes.

which is more important for American society, more freedom or more security.

Students will research and write a term paper on which is more important for American society, more freedom or more security. Students will present arguments in support of one or the other. You will need to back up your argument with research and facts.  Please use Chicago style formatting for this paper. You will need a minimum of three sources for this paper.

Hidden meanings

This paper is a chance to explore the private communication within a community that is reflected in adornment and the way its members present themselves. Different groups often use jewelry and other forms of personal identifiers to signal their association or status within a specific group. This paper is your opportunity to investigate one of these examples. I am looking for an identifiable group of people who wear objects, specific types of clothing or various markers to signal specific information to others within their group. Please defined the group and decode the visual language in a five-page paper.

5 ads reviews

This paper focusing on FIVE different ads.  Each of your chosen ads should represent a different advertising philosophy.  Since these are not mutually exclusive, each ad may be representative of several philosophies.  You should, however, have one ad that primarily is representative of each of the following advertising philosophies

1. Unique Selling Proposition
2. Entertainment
3. Emotional
4. Reminder
5. Image

These ads may be from any source, but you must provide me with a copy, flash drive, file, photograph, link, or detailed description of the ads you choose to critique.  You should discuss each ad within the context of its primary philosophy and also comment on the efficacy of each ad.  You must also detail the source of the ad.  What this means, practically speaking, is that you cant just search for ads on youtube or google.  You need to first see/hear the ad in its natural contextthen you can try to find a copy onlineor a scan of the ad (if its a print advertisement).  Fake ads are not acceptable and you will not get credit for them if they are included in your paper.

Please provide me a copy of each ad that you analysis

Art historical analysis of modern architectures

The main aim of this research paper is to analyze modern architectural theories based on a book review of Antony Vidler’s “the Architectural Uncanny”. Please provide examples in the book and reveal their architectural methodologies by using academic scholarly sources ONLY! This research paper accounts more than half of my final grade. Please treat it seriously!!

Caribbean Womens History

-including notes and bibliography.
-he paper should: make a historical argument/claim about a topic of
your choice; support the claim with primary and secondary sources; be written in a way that sounds clear when read aloud; and be about twenty minutes long when read aloud.
-Topic and Annotated Bibliography (at least 5 secondary sources, which can include up to 3 from class).

Reading response

Characters should be 12 point or larger.  Double Space.

First, VERY Brief summary of the book. (250~300 words.  Write succinctly.) Then, you are expected to discuss what Le Corbusier was proposing in order to achieve a new type of architecture (Modernism). (400~500 words.)

What was he specifically looking at and what was he learning from them?  Only your original reaction to Corbus thoughts counts.  (Warning: online exegeses of Corbu’s writings, all of which I know about, are mostly superficial and often wrong.)

You have to have brief citations from the reading in order to corroborate your arguments.  Add footnotes, following the Chicago style.