Category: Chicago / Turabian

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The paper should be typed, double-spaced with margins similar to the course syllabus. Use Times New Roman 12 pt. for font and font size.

we have studied Confucian gender ideology, women and the family in premodern China, using a range of historical documents, secondary literature, and visual materials.  In this assignment, you have an opportunity to use the knowledge acquired to write a thoughtful paper to address the following questions:

Confucian gender ideology limited womens roles to the inner sphere and required them to adhere to the Three Followings. Despite the restrictions, however, some educated women found meaningful ways to play their part in the existing family system, rather than felt victimized by it. Why, in your view, might this be the case? What might be some of the factors that enabled them to play a positive role in the family? How did women exercise their influence and authority at home? How might have education and class affected the ways they played their roles?

Use of Evidence:
To write a thoughtful paper, it is essential that you cite concrete evidence to support your argument. Please following these instructions when citing sources:

1) Draw sources from as many different kinds of sources as possible that include primary documents, secondary sources, lectures, and visual materials.

2) Cite evidence from a range of texts. For example, when using primary documents to support your argument, cite different texts from both Under Confucian Eyes and the e-reserved documents. It is expected that a 6-page paper should use 6 to 7 texts from various kinds of sources, and each page should have a minimum of 2 to 3 citations.

3) It is not required that you cite sources from outside course readings. However, if you aim to write an excellent paper, you should cite external sources to broaden the basis of your evidence. (This does not mean, however, that citing external sources will guarantee an excellent grade). When you do cite external sources, please do not exceed of the total evidence cited for the entire paper. The majority of your sources should still be from the course materials.

4)  Citation: use parentheses to indicate the authors name and page number, and insert them in the paper (do not use footnotes or endnotes).
For example: (Wang 245; Mann and Cheng, 55). No need to provide citations for sources drawn from lectures. Provide a bibliography page that uses the Chicago style.
For samples, see Chicago style samples that Ive posted on Canvas, or visit

Organization: A good essay should be carefully organized. It should have a concise thesis at the beginning that summarizes your main points, logical development of your argument in clear paragraphs through the paper, and a short conclusion. Write in clear language: Proofread your paper before you turn it in.

The paper will be graded for both content and form. A good paper makes a clear, logical argument; is well-supported by evidence from the sources, carefully interpreted, and properly cited; is organized and edited for grammar; and shows deep understanding of Chinese gender and family practices in premodern times. 

Globalization technology advancement

Hello, you wrote a rough draft for me last and the final paper is due this week. I can send everything you wrote it just has to be extended.  I need 8 sources and 10 pages

This prompt is the last for the semester. This prompt is to remind you about the general structure for the final draft. The final draft of your study is to be between ten to fifteen pages, it is to have one-inch margins, the font is to be either Times Roman or Times New Roman, 12-point font, and is to be double-spaced.


At the very minimum your paper is to have eight references or more. There is to be a works cited page for all your sources used in your study. Refer to Purdue OWL on the proper styling and formatting for the works cited page (ASA, APA, or MLA). Depending on what style you select, be sure to be consistent! For example, if you use ASA as the in text citation, then use how ASA structures bibliographic references.

. Discuss the ways that the events and trends of the interwar years not only contributed to the second world war but also the postwar realignment, i.e., spread of communism, anti-colonialism movements, Cold War, etc. Consider why some countries such as Ch

Directions: Select and answer one (1) of the following questions in an essay of between 56 pages. Figure between 15001800 words using either Calibri 11pt or Times New Roman 12pt font, 1 margins, double spaced.

Discuss the ways that the events and trends of the interwar years not only contributed to the second world war but also the postwar realignment, i.e., spread of communism, anti-colonialism movements,Cold War, etc. Consider why some countries such as China and Vietnam turned to communism while others like Japan and Taiwan did not.

Hints for Success
Begin by laying out your argument (thesis). Be specific, dont repeat the question, formulate your own
Be specific: Give actual examples, not generalities. Use names, dates, events, etc.
Be prepared to discuss the variety of experiences, all the countries did not follow the same path.
You will not be able to discuss everything for every country.
Decide which countries you want to discuss (and which will make your life easier and your
argument stronger).
Decide which aspects of society you want to discuss, e.g., political, economic, social, cultural.
You wont be able to discuss all well in a 5-6 page paper.
Proofread! Check grammar and spelling.
Include citations! You must cite your sources and be accurate with quotes.

Philosophy Questions

Essay Questions (Choose one essays)
1.    How does the Logic of Aristotle undermine the kind of Relativism taught by the Sophists?

2.    Please explain Plato theory of the reality of intelligible Forms. Why or why not are the Forms helpful for understanding life and reality?

3.    What sort of defense could you mount against the attacks on Common Sense by Parmenides and Zeno? Can it be shown that the world of our sense experience is the real world? You will need to both explain Parmenides philosophy and ideas first and then agree/disagree and explain yourself. Or another a critique offered by another philosopher.

4.    Should Socrates have accepted Critos offer of escape? Focus on the pros and cons given in the Crito.  Explain Socrates reasons and why you believe he was either right or wrong in his views.

5.    Restate as clearly as possible an Atomists tries to defeat Parmenides and reconciles the one and the many.

6.    Explain the main issue surrounding Euthyphros claim that he knows piety and its demands on him.  Please make direct reference to Socrates questioning of Euthyphro.

7.    Please explain Aristotles Square of Opposition and how it relates to understanding statement and their validity.

8.    Please juxtapose Marx and Hegel. In what ways does Marx attempt to correct Hegel and why? Is it successful?

9.    Please explain some of the features of the Arabic Philosophical Tradition. Next, choose one of the major philosophers of that tradition (Al-Kindi, Al-Farabi, Avicenna and Al-Ghazali) and explain their philosophical contributions.

10.    Please explain the elements of Rene Descartes Method and whether it does indeed bring clear ideas. How is it supposed to work and what is it supposed to show?

11.    Please explain Immanuel Kants Critique of Pure reason and why it was supposed to save reason.


Use quotes and compare and contrast how they talk about slavery.

How are interpretations similar or different? How much coverage is devoted to a topic? What types of sources does the book employ? How are those sources interpreted? Finally, how might you account for the change in how events have been portrayed?


2)    Religion is an important aspect of culture. What is the ONE most important similarity in the ways of thinking (religion, philosophy, ritual, art, etc.), in East and South Asia?
Please make an argument to support your analysis, and use the thesis statement: this answer will prove that
Remember that the best answer will not just be a list of facts but will make an argument about how these facts connect.


1)    Compare social hierarchy in South Asia (based on the Hindu myth) and East Asia (based on Confucianism) AND show how hierarchy impacts women. Agree or disagree with the following statement: social hierarchy is different in South Asia and East Asia.
Please make an argument to support your analysis, and use the thesis statement: this answer will prove that
Remember that the best answer will not just be a list of facts but will make an argument about how these facts connect.

Mexican American War

What is an analytical paper?
    When you are required to write an analytical essay, it means in your essay you should present some argument, and then to analyze it thoroughly.
    The basic elements of academic essay writing are two: a thesis and evidence, divided into three parts: an introduction, the systematic development of an argument with EVIDENCE, and a conclusion. All scholarly writing, from the most concise paper to the longest book, follows these basic guidelines.

Paper Guidelines:
    Citation: Chicago Manual of Style
    Times New Roman, 12 point font, 1 inch margins, double-spaced
    You must cite at least THREE sources. They can be readings from class or outside academic articles that youve found.
    You should have at least TWO direct quotes from a reading. Additional evidence may be paraphrased and referenced.
Grading Rubric

Points    Criteria

22.5 – 25
points (A)        Well-developed thesis directly addressing the topic.
    Persuasive analysis of the topic, addressing all parts of the topic; analysis demonstrates thorough understanding of all sides of a question (as appropriate).
    Outstanding grasp of general historical issues raised by topic.
    Numerous specific examples demonstrate detailed knowledge of relevant history.
    Extremely well organized, with a clear introduction, argument, and conclusion.
    Well written in appropriate standard English; few grammatical errors or colloquialisms

The Church’s Response to “Black Lives Matter”

This paper is to respond to the following question: How should the Black Church respond to the Black Lives Matter Movement, a movement that is not grounded in religious or theological language?

Please use sources from “From Black Lives Matter to Black Liberation” by Keeanga-Yahmatta Taylor and “The Prophetic Imagination” by Walter Brueggmemann as at least 2 sources. Also please make certain that Turabian Style is used.

Spiritual Disciplines

Journal Reflections: Spiritual Disciplines Assignment with following 3 points:

1. Leadership and Delight in God: Shaw and Strobel have argued that our highest response to God is delight. Do you agree? If so how do you cultivate this in your own life and the life of those you lead? If you disagree, what is our highest response to God? Support your conclusions with a theological and scriptural basis.

2. Edwards, Leadership, and Resolutions: Jonathan Edwards wrote half of his 70 resolutions by the time he was 20 years old. I want you to start writing your own list of life-resolutions (or continue writing if you already have started life-resolutions). Use this weeks journal to begin your own list of leadership and life-resolutions and the steps you will take to meet those goals. Include resolutions about your spiritual life, your family life, and your ministry life. Make sure to take Strobels advice into account when you are creating your resolutions. Recognize that these resolutions need to be Spirit-led and not created from your own fleshly effort.

1. Learning Discipline from Leaders: How has reading about the spiritual disciplines of Bonhoeffer and Edwards influenced your own spiritual discipline? What practices or changes do you anticipate making in your own spiritual life based on what you have read so far in the course textbooks.