Category: Chicago / Turabian


Paper proposal should include a preliminary reference list 2-3 references. Comparing Poland to any other post-Communitst state in two or three public policy areas.

A good answer will include the following:

1. An introduction in which you state the question you are answering.

2. A clear, concise statement of your basic argument(s).

                State this in general terms, using concepts encompassed in the question. 

                Do Not use your examples to make your arguments for you.

3. Examples from actual countries or event(s) to support your argument.  These should be used to support or demonstrate your argument to the reader.  Be Specific.

4. A conclusion in which you summarize the main points that you discussed in the body of your paper.

You should focus on making a clear and concise argument.  Length is not the point, quality is more important.  Include only what is relevant to making and proving your argument; what you write should be guided by your argument.

Using the country your and any other post-communist state in Central or Eastern Europe, or from the former Soviet Union, analyze the politics surrounding two (2) or three (3) of the following issues:

economic reform;
political reform (this could include constitutions, legislatures, electoral laws, etc.)
immigration and refugees;
environmental policy (in general or focus upon one particular political problem);
religious conflict (including clerical/anti-clerical issues, Christianity vs. Islam, etc).
Corruption (including bribery, embezzlement, undue influence, etc.)
Ethnic conflict
Gender equality or issues.
You should lay out what you are going to compare in both countries and why you chose those public policy areasthe research question and answer should appear in the first paragraph of your paper.  If I cannot figure out what your basic question and answer are, it is not a good research paper.

You should develop the theoretical basis for your argumentwhy is this a plausible answer to your question?
Be sure to define any important concepts you are using (e.g. political transition encompasses)
Provide as much empirical evidence as possible to support your argument. Remember that the credibility of your sources can affect the persuasiveness of your argument.
The strongest arguments will also consider evidence against their position and either refute it or explain why it is not relevant.
You must have at least 10 sources. Your bibliography must include at least 1 sources from each of the following categories: books, professional/scholarly journals, media reports (includes newspapers, news magazines), and websites pertaining to your country, the region or the issue area.
For specific guidelines for different types of sources (books, journals, etc.) see: (Links to an external site.) (be sure to follow the links for the author-date system).
Grades will be calculated on the basis of five criteria:
Focus: does the paper clearly and consistently address the research question.
Development: is the argument clearly developed and supported using empirical evidence throughout the paper?
Coherence: is the paper well-organized and presented clearly?  In other words, are your arguments and examples clear to the reader?
Documentation: are the sources clearly identified and fully documented in the appropriate style?
Editorial elements: is your grammar, spelling, and word usage correct.

This is just a proposal.

You will be writing a 8-10 page paper later on with a minimum of 10 sources.

unit 2 article analysis

Specific Question for Unit 2:

The assigned article details the growing divide between Texas as a state and the more liberal leanings growing within its major cities. Though each city is unique and different, a certain political philosophy exists which has led local, more urban governments to be more active than what Texans have traditionally allowed. The author concludes that if Texas is to continue its success, local city governments should not adopt a tax and spend agenda, but rather should continue the model championed by the state of low tax, low service which would allow business and enterprise to continue to flourish. Is the author correct? 

General Guidelines:

-Minimum of 750 words in length.

-Revised and edited.

-Incorporates the assigned article, the textbook, and other academic sources to affirm or reject various points. 

-Clearly answers the question posed.

-Organized well and concisely written.

-All source material cited.

Sexual Revolution in Early America and Bare Knees

Write a thesis that explains the issue(s) you will analyze.
Use the book to provide historical context for the film.
If relevant to your topic, what issues did the film not address about the era in which it was made that you believe are important. Provide information from the book in your discussion of those issues.
If relevant to your topic, what symbolism, metaphors, etc. do you see in the film?
If relevant to your topic, how did the values of the time shape the making of the film? You need to be able to support your arguments about the values of the time with information from the book, not just state what you believe the values of the time were.
Do not limit yourself to the suggestions I have provided here.

These papers are not book reports/film summaries.  Avoid lengthy summarization I have read the books and watched the films; I do not need to be told what they are about.  Use summarization only as necessary for evaluating the books and films.

You must cite the books properly.  History majors must use Chicago Manual Style.  Students majoring in other disciplines may use the citation style appropriate to that discipline.

Film Bare Knees and the PDF for the books will be added shortly

I Ching

Read I Ching, please indicate your question, how you generated the hexagram (i.e., the toss of the coins) and then interpret also the line judgements of the lines that change (6 & 9 lines) and the hexagram that it turns into… Analyze the result with the Daodejing of Laozi.

paper 2

DIRECTIONS: The point of this paper is to use what you learned up to this point in the course to identify possible violations of hazardous waste law (CERCLA and RCRA) in a real-world type situation. This exercise requires you to identify potentially responsible parties as well as likely claims and defenses. In other words, you are to act as an EPA official and review the record provided below to identify each party’s exposure to liability, as well as their potential defenses under CERCLA and RCRA.

You don’t need to write a formal essay and do not include a title page, abstract or table of contents (just use the 1st page header in the syllabus). You can organize your paper by listing each of the parties who could be held responsible under RCRA and CERCLA (some parties may fall under both), and for each potentially responsible party, describe the potential violations and possible penalties – as well as any possible defenses that could be claimed (and whether those may succeed on the facts here) – in one or more short paragraphs. Identify a defense that a party could theorectically raise, even if you then state you don’t think that defense would be upheld in these facts. You can also note if a potential violation would require more facts to make a final determination of liability that are missing from this fact pattern. This includes government action and private party enforcement options if applicable. There is no particular word minimum or maximum for this paper.

A bullet point list (or outline) of phrases or terms is NOT acceptable; complete sentences describing the potential factual or legal issues are required for each party.  But do NOT write an overall intro or conclusion that summarizes the fact pattern as a whole (I won’t read it and it won’t give you extra points). Refer to facts given in this hypothetical where relevant in your discussions of different party violations, defenses or liabilities. If you use an acronym, explain what it means.

REFERENCES & CITATIONS: You may ONLY use your textbook and the weekly slides/videos as references to support your explanations of certain violations or defenses. You should include internal citations and page references to certain parts of RCRA or CERCLA as described in the textbook, but block quoting from those sources will not add to your score. You do not need to find the statutes or case opinions separately from the book for internal citation and may use the RCRA and CERCLA chapter authors and page numbers as your internal references per Turabian Rule 19.1.9.

For example you could refer to “the requirement that generators must prepare a manifest under RCRA Section 3002” (Otum 2017, 170-171). 
Similarly, you can refer to the textbook discussion of a rule from a court decision in this same way with internal reference to the textbook chapter and page, not the underlying case itself.
Include a references page for the textbook chapters and video lecture slides used.
I am looking for your ability to spot potential liabilities and defenses in this fact pattern citing to the portions of the law (statute or caselaw) describing the requirements of that violation or defense in the textbook and your arguments why they apply to the fact(s) you chose.

Kosovo war (Critical analysis)

Critical analysis for SA
Identify and analyse critically the strategic approach(es)

Two parts:
1. What was the strategic approach?
2. Why/how: Critical analysis of the strategic approach (this should be the main focus of your essay)
Why/how did it succeed/fail?
Why/how did it resolve the conflict?
Why/how did it achieve a peaceful resolution (or not)?

Foot notes should be on the same page as Chicago style

Library Research Assignment #3



For this question list the revisions that you were instructed to make for your secondary sources from LRA #2 and/or describe any changes you made to your topic since submitting LRA #2. If you do not have any comments from the TA or instructor for a question from LRA #2 that means that you do not need to make revisions on that question.

STEP 1: List write in the text box Question 2, Question 3, Question 4, Question 5 and Question 6.

STEP 2: Next to each question above cut and paste the comments from LRA #2 that were included by the instructor/TA. If you have no comments, write (NC).

STEP 3: If you changed your topic include a brief description of why you change and the new topic. This will be you last chance to change a topic without meeting with either the instructor or TA to discuss changes.

To review your comments:

Go to My Grades (either on the left side of the page once you log in, or under the section of Blackboard with your name).

For Library Research Assignments, click on the assignment name. This will take you to a page with the assignment details. On this page click on your score (which is actually a hyperlink, even though it doesnt look like it). You should be able to see the LRA instructions, your answers, and my comments. If you cant see all of these, please let me know.


In this question you need to submit the revisions for Question 2 and Question 3 from LRA #2. As a reminder these two questions asked you to find 2 scholarly books that examine your topic from a historical perspective. The first had to be a general history of your chosen country or region. The second was a more detailed history of your specific topic. These are called secondary sources because they examine the past from the perspective of the present.

STEP 1: Review the comments from the grader that you pasted into question 1 and make the necessary changes here using the same format as you did in LRA #2. Label your general history 2A and your detailed history 2B. If no revisions were necessary simply copy and paste your original answers from LRA #2 into the text box using the 2A and 2B labels. If you need a reminder of what a citation should look like click the following link  Chicago Manual of Style bibliography format.

STEP 2: Add two more sentences to your paragraph description of each book.


In this question you need to submit the revisions for Question 4 and Question 5 from LRA #2. As a reminder these two questions asked you to find 2 scholarly history journal articles that examine your topic from a historical perspective. Both of these articles needed to be from journals that primarily publish history articles. These are called secondary sources because they examine the past from the perspective of the present.

STEP 1: Review the comments from the grader that you pasted into question 1 and make the necessary changes here using the same format as you did in LRA #2. Label your general history 3A and your detailed history 3B. If no revisions were necessary simply copy and paste your original answers from LRA #2 into the text box using the 3A and 3B labels. If you need a reminder of what a citation should look like click the following link  Chicago Manual of Style bibliography format.

STEP 2: Add two more sentences to your paragraph description of each article.


In the next 3 questions you will find 3 primary sources. In this question you will find your 1st primary source. Primary sources are documents produced at the time of the events that they describe and can be called eyewitness accounts of history. These can be newspaper articles, memoirs, autobiographies, letters, reports, bureaucratic papers, etc. The key is that they were written by someone describing events as they experienced them, rather than analyzing events with the benefit of time and distance. As such, most of the sources that you cite below should be published DURING THE TIME PERIOD THAT YOU ARE STUDYING.  So if your time period is 1950-1980 your citation below should be published during that time period. The only exception to this are memoirs or autobiographies, as these are items that people write later in life to describe events that they experienced. Only memoirs or autobiographies may be published outside of the date range for your topic.

STEP 1: Write out the citation for your 1st primary source in Chicago Manual of Style bibliography format.

STEP 2: Double check your source to be sure it is a primary source. Ask yourself:

Was this written and/or published during the historical time period I am studying? For example if you were studying race in 1920s Britain, then this should be written and/or published in the 1920s.
Did the author experience the events they are describing? Even old books can be secondary sources. If you book was published in 1960 but the events it describes took place in the 1800s, then it is not a primary source.
STEP 3: After the citation write a 4-6 sentence paragraph that tells me what kind of document this is, a brief description of its contents, and how you will use it in your paper.


In this question you will find your 2nd primary source. Primary sources are documents produced at the time of the events that they describe and can be called eyewitness accounts of history. These can be newspaper articles, memoirs, autobiographies, letters, reports, bureaucratic papers, etc. The key is that they were written by someone describing events as they experienced them, rather than analyzing events with the benefit of time and distance. As such, most of the sources that you cite below should be published DURING THE TIME PERIOD THAT YOU ARE STUDYING.  So if your time period is 1950-1980 your citation below should be published during that time period. The only exception to this are memoirs or autobiographies, as these are items that people write later in life to describe events that they experienced. Only memoirs or autobiographies may be published outside of the date range for your topic.

STEP 1: Write out the citation for your 2nd primary source in Chicago Manual of Style bibliography format.

STEP 2: Double check your source to be sure it is a primary source. Ask yourself:

Was this written and/or published during the historical time period I am studying? For example, if you were studying race in 1920s Britain, then this should be written and/or published in the 1920s.
Did the author experience the events they are describing? Even old books can be secondary sources. If you book was published in 1960 but the events it describes took place in the 1800s, then it is not a primary source.
STEP 3: After the citation write a 4-6 sentence paragraph that tells me what kind of document this is, a brief description of its contents, and how you will use it in your paper.


In this question you will find your 3rd primary source. Primary sources are documents produced at the time of the events that they describe and can be called eyewitness accounts of history. These can be newspaper articles, memoirs, autobiographies, letters, reports, bureaucratic papers, etc. The key is that they were written by someone describing events as they experienced them, rather than analyzing events with the benefit of time and distance. As such, most of the sources that you cite below should be published DURING THE TIME PERIOD THAT YOU ARE STUDYING.  So if your time period is 1950-1980 your citation below should be published during that time period. The only exception to this are memoirs or autobiographies, as these are items that people write later in life to describe events that they experienced. Only memoirs or autobiographies may be published outside of the date range for your topic.

STEP 1: Write out the citation for your 3rd primary source in Chicago Manual of Style bibliography format.

STEP 2: Double check your source to be sure it is a primary source. Ask yourself:

Was this written and/or published during the historical time period I am studying? For example, if you were studying race in 1920s Britain, then this should be written and/or published in the 1920s.
Did the author experience the events they are describing? Even old books can be secondary sources. If you book was published in 1960 but the events it describes took place in the 1800s, then it is not a primary source.
STEP 3: After the citation write a 4-6 sentence paragraph that tells me what kind of document this is, a brief description of its contents, and how you will use it in your paper.


In this question you will find a newspaper article that relates to the current event (last 5 years) to which you will link or compare your historical research.  This article may be published in a U.S. newspaper but the article should reflect the global significance of the issue it describes. As this is a current issue, the article must have been published in the last 5 years and the newspaper must be a mainstream internationally recognized news source.

STEP 1: Write the citation in Chicago Manual of Style bibliographic format for 1 current newspaper article that relates to the current issue that is linked to your historical research.

STEP 2: After the citation write a 4-6 sentence paragraph that gives me:

A brief description of the articles contents
An indication of how this article relates or compares with your historical topic. You should indicate whether you are tracing the historical development of a current issue or whether you are comparing the past and the present.
What makes the topic addressed in the article an issue of global significance.


As with your secondary sources, in this question you will revise the research questions that you created in LRA #2 here based on the comments. As a reminder, the idea of this paper is to find out something new about the history of the topic that you have chosen. This means that your questions should be opened ended. Avoid leading questions that make assumptions or judgments about your topic before you have conducted in-depth research.

STEP 1: Review the comments from LRA #2 for Question 6 that you pasted into question 1 of this LRA.

STEP 2: Revise those question here.  Label your questions separately 9A and 9B. If you did not have comments from the grader for Question #6 in LRA #2, then paste your original questions here using the above labels.

Theme IV: Its good to be the king. Rulership in the Ancient and Medieval World

Theme IV:    Its good to be the king.  Rulership in the Ancient and Medieval World
Who should rule? is a key question asked throughout the ancient and medieval world in every culture and civilization.  Does might make right?  Is the ruler divinely ordained or inspired?  These are just a few of the issues rulers, philosophers, scholars, and the masses debated, sometimes in words, and sometimes at the point of sword. Your task is to study how rule was conceived and manifested in anywhere from two to three different cultures/civilizations and to ascertain the foundation for later developments in political thought and action.  From this research, devise a thesis that will address your findings and help us better understand why uneasy is the head that wears the crown.

2) Document Analysis Paper 2 Length: 500 words Due: Monday, February 17 in Section (5%)
Analyze one of the primary sources you will be using for your paper.  Using the P.A.P.E.R. technique as well as guidelines provided by your instructors, discuss how and why your chosen primary source is important to your topic of study.  Be sure to address the larger historiographical issues associated with your chosen source.

Book Application Paper 2


The textbook to be read and something written about is:

1. 1. Toomey, Stella T., and Leeva C. Chung. Understanding Intercultural Communication. 2nd ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 2012. ( READ CHAPTER 6 – 7 (Pay Special attention to  CHAPTER 7 ( What Are the Different Ways to Communicate Nonverbally Across Cultures? ) that is what you are writing about.

A. You will be required to complete a total of 1 Book Application Paper in current Turabian format.

B.  The purpose of this application paper is for you to apply the content of the book to my current ministry context which is HOSPITAL CHAPLAINCY.

C.  For the Application Paper, you must read the assigned textbook readings for that module/week

D.  Each book application paper must be a minimum of 1,0001,250 words.

E. You must include a paragraph that provides a general overview of the book.

F.  From there, you will be required to apply at least 5 references to specific themes, topics, or quotes within the course text explaining how they can immediately apply to your current ministry context or how they might apply to your Ministry (HOSPITAL CHAPLAINCY )

G. I need a Title Page and a Table of content for the paper


1. The Textbook to read and write about is:

1. 1. Toomey, Stella T., and Leeva C. Chung. Understanding Intercultural Communication. 2nd ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 2012. ( pay special attention to CHAPTER 7 that the paper is all about )

2. Please do not apply for the paper unless you have access to the textbook above please.

civil rights movement

Research paper

The final paper should be at least 2500 words with an effective argument and scholarly sources.
THIS IS JUST A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF WHAT I WANT IN GENERAL THE INSTRUCTION AND BELOW)Please use the Chicago Style.  my research paper should be about civil rights movement and its impact on the united stated in terms of social mobility for African Americans, socio-economic growth, racial integration AND whatever else who may want to included. Please included PRIMARY and SECONDARY sources. I HAVE INCLUDED 2 SOURCES that I was looking at that you might find interring. Please included them in the bibliography ALONG with whatever else you choose to included
. All of the written assignments that you complete should will become part of your research essay, so it is incumbent that you treat each assignment as a component of a greater whole.

Here are some guidelines that I recommend you follow to ensure success:
All good papers have a strong thesis statement. This rule applies not only to the final research essay but to all of the component parts. The thesis statement for the research essay will be a cause/effect statement that can produce a coherent historical argument about civil rights movement and the impact on United States od America. As you develop a thesis statement, try to formulate something that you can prove given the sources you have. Use the word “because” somewhere in the thesis statement.
Research Writing: Elements and Stepsopens in a new window offers recommended online research resources

You will be expected to read at least two books and write two types of book reviews, again, focusing on the topic you have chosen to focus on for the research essay. The second of these two book reviews will be a modified version of a review essay, and will form a crucial part of the body of your final research essay. You should find interesting sources that will lead you to a topic you are interested in researching and writing about.

The paper will be written using the Chicago Style, incorporating footnotes and a bibliography with at least five academic sources, in addition to the two books you will review prior to writing the final research essay.
Chicago Manual of Styleopens in a new window Contains information from the Purdue Online Writing Lab on The Chicago Manual of Style method of document formatting and citation.
Research skills are vital to advanced level college work. Through research, you will develop higher level skills including techniques of historical research, developing and sustaining cohesive arguments, and integrating historical facts into comprehensive assertions about what they have learned. By synthesizing various perspectives and developing conclusions, the advanced level student will be able to identify and apply complex theoretical constructs.

URL endings offer a clue to the publisher:
.edu, the site is published by an educational institution that is responsible for its content. You will usually find reliable information there.

.org, the site is usually published by an organization. The information will reflect the values of the organization. For example, is published by the historians at Colonial Williamsburg and is an excellent source for information about early America. Websites like or are less objective sources. Information from sources like these will most likely have an obvious bias.

.gov, it is the site of a United States or a State government organization or agency.

.com, most sites end like this so you will have to do some investigation. The New York Times, like most news publications are .coms. If you or I started a website, it would also be a .com. You can find the publisher of most .coms through a site called If you haven’t heard of the publisher, you can search them and found out who they are. Can’t find out much about them? Perhaps it’s because they are not reputable sources. Think carefully before using them for your research.
The author of the article is another vital piece of information in determining credibility.
Use your search engine to find out about the author(s). See if they have expertise and knowledge in the field. You should also read the work critically. Are the authors presenting their own ideas or paraphrasing other authors? Do they cite sources in their writings? All authors write from a unique perspective (a.k.a., bias); what is the authors perspective? Do the authors position their viewpoints within a larger discussion on the topic? Authors with expertise will be able to describe how their own ideas are in agreement with or contradiction to other experts in the field.

What if the article has no author and it’s not in a reputable publication? Do you accept information from unnamed sources? Information from unnamed sources leads to essay conclusions that cannot be supported – or accepted – in this class.