Category: Chicago / Turabian

civil rights movement

The Annotated Bibliography + Bibliography

Preparing a Bibliography.

A bibliography is a list of sources that an author uses to research a topic. It includes all books, journals, Web sites, periodicals, and any other documents that you cite in a research essay. While the final bibliography often is developed at the end of the writing process, it is useful to start working on it early on. A good bibliography can help you keep track of sources you have consulted as well as sources you might have uncovered in doing your research that you would like to consult as you begin writing your paper. Here is what you should do:

Prepare a bibliography of at least 8-10 sources for your research essay. This bibliography should include:
The 2 sources that you consulted for the documents based essay (THE TWO SOURCES THAT I SENT)
It also must include two scholarly books about your topic, one of which you are reviewing in this module (USE THE BOOK THAT YOU REVIEW ) and another.
Any other additional scholarly materials.

Please note: You might add more sources to your bibliography as you continue to do research for your essay, and that you might remove some sources that you decide are not necessary to the final project. However, the bibliography that you submit at this stage of the research process should represent the majority of sources that you plan to include in your final essay.

Annotated Bibliography
This assignment might be one of the most important building blocks toward your final research essay because it starts to bring together all of the pieces that you have compiled so far. If all goes well, you will have completed about 40 percent of the research essay by the time the annotated bibliography is written. The second written assignment in this module will bring the research essay roughly 75 percent toward completion. Here’s what I’d like you to do:
1.    Go back to the research topic statement Civil rights movement , and the research essay abstract you prepared

2.    Review both of these pieces of writing, along with any instructor comments you received.

3.    Use the two writings, along with additional thoughts you have gathered, to write a thesis statement for your final research essay. Consider this statement to be as close to your final thesis as possible. It should include a cause and effect statement.
4.    BE SURE TO ADD YOUR CAUSE/EFFECT THESIS STATEMENT AT THE TOP OF THE ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY.  The thesis and argument together should be about 250-400 words in length. Place them at the top of the bibliography that you prepared for Module 4. You are now ready to begin writing the annotated bibliography.

5.    Purdue University’s Online Writing Lab  defines an annotated bibliography as “a summary and/or evaluation of each of the sources” one uses for researching a topic. Historians and scholars of many other academic disciplines prepare annotated bibliographies to organize materials and thoughts, outline papers, and develop arguments. We will use the annotated bibliography as a means for developing your thesis and argument. Please do the following:
o    Prepare a summary statement of 200 to 250 words for each of the sources in your bibliography. The statement should summarize the source and it should explain how that particular source will support your thesis and argument.
o    You may include one or two key quotes from the source in your summary statement (which also is known as an annotation) as well as biographic material about the author, if that material is relevant to your research essay’s topic.
o    Keep the annotated bibliography organized in alphabetical order for now. You will, however, probably want to start organizing your resources differently in the body of your paper as you start to do the final writing.
For further guidance on preparing your annotated bibliography, see Rampolla, chapter 3, pp. 29-31 as well as the Purdue Online Writing Lab .
Evaluation Criteria
Before submitting an assignment for this course please read the SUNY Empire State College statement on Academic Integrity  and fulfill the Turnitin Requirements and Procedures. Please use the Chicago Style for citations, and take care to ensure that the citations are completed properly. In addition, please use Rampolla’s A Pocket Guide to Writing in History to help ensure that your work is of historical quality.

Abstract civil rights movement

(THIS IS JUST A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF WHAT I WANT IN GENERAL THE INSTRUCTION AND BELOW)Please use the Chicago Style. This is a abstract however my research paper should be about civil rights movement and its impact on the united stated in terms of social mobility for African Americans, socio-economic growth, racial integration AND whatever else who may want to included. Please included PRIMARY and SECONDARY sources.

I HAVE INCLUDED 2 SOURCES that I was looking at that you might find interring.  Please included them in the bibliography ALONG with whatever else you choose to included

“The Civil Rights Act of 1964.” Harvard Law Review 78, no. 3 (1965): 684-96. Accessed February 8, 2020. doi:10.2307/1339128.

The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. Civil Rights Act. Encyclopdia Britannica. Encyclopdia Britannica, inc., January 3, 2019.

An abstract is a summary of a larger project that describes the content and scope, the objective, methodology, and findings, conclusions or intended results. Most academic papers that are published in scholarly journals or presented at scholarly conferences begin with an abstract that is written well before the paper is even researched.
To write your abstract, please complete the following steps:
1.    Prepare a statement of 200-250 words that includes the following (one essay incorporating the – 3 documents you have utilized):
o    The main objective of your project. (You can and should draw upon your research topic statement to develop this point.)
o    The methods you expect to use to explore your project.
    This section can include primary documents, books, and secondary sources.
    It also might include interviews or oral histories, films, or other materials that you might find valuable in researching your project
o    What you think your project will reveal. For example, if you did a research on immigrants, then this statement might include a sense of whether or not the U.S. immigration policies are discriminatory.)
o    Something that others might learn from reading your final essay.

Modern American History Book review

College online library, or a public or university library, and select a scholarly book on CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT that is related to Modern American History (make sure that the events happen between date 1877-Present). Please use the Chicago Style for citations, and take care to ensure that the citations are completed properly

After you have chosen a book, please do the following:
Familiarize yourself with the book and its contents.
Identify two or three themes or arguments within the book that you would like to focus on.
Do some additional research to deepen your understanding of the issues associated with the book.

Write a review of approximately 800 to 1,000 words Please structure the review in four parts:
1.    Introduce the subject, scope, and type of book
o    Identify the book by author, title, and publishing information.
o    Specify the type of book (for example, fiction, nonfiction, biography, autobiography).
o    Describe the book’s theme.
o    Include background to enable reader(s) to place the book into a specific context. For example, you might want to describe the general problem the book addresses or earlier work the author or others have done.

2.    Briefly summarize the content
o    Provide an overview, including paraphrases and quotations, of the book’s thesis and primary supporting points.
o    If the book has a narrative quality, briefly review the story line for readers, being careful not to give away anything that would lessen the suspense for readers.

3.    Provide your reactions to the book
o    Describe the book: Is it interesting, memorable, entertaining, instructive? Why?
o    Respond to the author’s opinions:
    What do you agree with? And why?
    What do you disagree with? And why?
o    Explore issues the book raises: What possibilities does the book suggest? Explain. What matters does the book leave out? Explain.
o    Relate your argument to other books or authors: Support your argument for or against the author’s opinions by bringing in other authors you agree with.
o    Relate the book to larger issues:
    How did the book affect you?
    How have your opinions about the topic changed?
    How is the book related to your own course or personal agenda.

4.    Conclude by summarizing your ideas
o    Close with a direct comment on the book, and tie together issues raised in the review.
o    Briefly restate your main points and your thesis statement.
o    If you like, you can offer advice for potential readers.

Modern American History Book review


College online library, or a public or university library, and select a SCHOLARLY book on CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT  that is related to Modern American History(make sure that the events happen between date 1877-Present).

After you have chosen a book, please do the following:
Familiarize yourself with the book and its contents.
Identify two or three themes or arguments within the book that you would like to focus on.
Do some additional research to deepen your understanding of the issues associated with the book.

Write a review of approximately 800 to 1,000 words Please structure the review in four parts:
Introduce the subject, scope, and type of book
Identify the book by author, title, and publishing information.
Specify the type of book (for example, fiction, nonfiction, biography, autobiography).
Describe the book’s theme.
Include background to enable reader(s) to place the book into a specific context. For example, you might want to describe the general problem the book addresses or earlier work the author or others have done.

Briefly summarize the content
Provide an overview, including paraphrases and quotations, of the book’s thesis and primary supporting points.
If the book has a narrative quality, briefly review the story line for readers, being careful not to give away anything that would lessen the suspense for readers.

Provide your reactions to the book
Describe the book: Is it interesting, memorable, entertaining, instructive? Why?
Respond to the author’s opinions:
What do you agree with? And why?
What do you disagree with? And why?
Explore issues the book raises: What possibilities does the book suggest? Explain. What matters does the book leave out? Explain.
Relate your argument to other books or authors: Support your argument for or against the author’s opinions by bringing in other authors you agree with.
Relate the book to larger issues:
How did the book affect you?
How have your opinions about the topic changed?
How is the book related to your own course or personal agenda.

Conclude by summarizing your ideas
Close with a direct comment on the book, and tie together issues raised in the review.
Briefly restate your main points and your thesis statement.
If you like, you can offer advice for potential readers.

commerce changed in Rio de Janeiro between the 1850s and 1925.

Based on the book Street Occupations by Patricia Acerbi, explain why and how street commerce changed in Rio de Janeiro between the 1850s and 1925.  Pay special attention to regulations and the changing role of the State, the municipal government, and the police. Include evidence from the book to support your argument.

4 pages, double-spaced. (name on the top, no need for cover page).

Upload to canvas (PDF or word file), or bring a hard copy to class (I prefer electronic submission)

Reference: Chicago (only footnotes, no need for a bibliography)


[First note] Patricia Acerbi, Street Occupations: Urban Vending in Rio de Janeiro, 1850-1925(Austin: University of Texas Press, 2017), xxx [include page or pages]

[After] Acerbi, Street Occupations, [include page number]

Make sure quote cite the page number.

Only use this book and just follow link. book:

Social Media Self Study

In a nutshell, here is what I am asking you to do for this assignment: pick one (or two or three, if you want) of Jaron Laniers arguments against social media (as he makes them in the book Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now) elaborate (or, if you dont like his argument, rebut) it/them using your personal experience with social media to make your argument.

5 of Laniers 10 arguments against social media:
1. You are losing your free will.
2. Quitting social media is the most finely targeted way to resist the insanity of our times.
3. Social media is making you into an asshole.
4. Social media is undermining the truth.
5. Social media is making what you say meaningless.

Watch Jaron Lanier on The View (June 19, 2018)
[interlocutors: Whoopi Goldberg, Meghan McCain, Joy Behar, Jedediah Bila, Jennifer McCarthy]

The pivotal question for this assignment is how can one make an argument like or against those of Lanier without being an insider/outsider, a critic and a perpetrator of that which is being critiqued? The answer, in the abstract, is that we have to work from our own experience.

What to do:

1. There are two kinds of personal experience I want you to research and inventory for the sake of the argument you will make in your paper: (a) gather the data that is being gather about you by social media sites. I want you to be very expansive about what you consider to be a social media site because most commercial sites have adopted at least some of the technologies and business models of sites that are purely social media sites. And, (b) identify key habits in your everyday life that are due to social media or parasitically attached to by social media. In Laniers words Something entirely new is happening in the world. Just in the last five or ten years, nearly everyone started to carry a little device called a smartphone on their person all the time thats suitable for algorithmic behavior modification. A lot of us are also using related devices called smart speakers on our kitchen counters or in our car dashboards. Were being tracked and measured constantly, and receiving engineered feedback all the time (p. 5). So the first thing to do is to circumscribe the extent of what you will write about for this paper. Inventory your mobile devices (e.g., phone, laptop, tablet, etc.) and decide which of them, or which subset of them, you will be paying attention to. Then, inventory your social media accounts (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, Google, etc.) and do the same with them: which will you focus on?

2. Work your way through the series of exercises on the Data Detox site: Supplement these exercises with some of the suggestions Brian Kernighan makes in Chapter 11 in his discussion of tracking; e.g., turning cookies on and off in your browser, installing something like Ghostery, etc. What you are aiming for here is a better understanding of how the social media sites are profiling you.


GOVERNMENT Write a 15 page research paper on ONE of the following topics:
1. What are the chief elements of Chinas (or any other nuclear state) nuclear strategy?
2. Why did the United States refrain from using nuclear weapons in the Vietnam or Korean War?
3. Why did deterrence fail in ___ (pick your conflict)? 4. What do nuclear weapons deter?
5. Is the U.S. nuclear umbrella to defend allies credible?
6. How does a no first use policy affect deterrence?
7. How do the concepts of deterrence apply in the cyber domain and can deterrence be effective?
8. How do new entrants to the nuclear club (India, Pakistan, North Korea) view deterrence and nuclear weapons in ways that may be different from established nuclear states?
9. Why is maintaining the nuclear triad necessary (or unnecessary) for deterrence?

Part One (Due February 16th) Provide a short research proposal that includes: tentative title; research question that phrases the topic in the form of a question; and a brief paragraph that describes the overall intent and scope of the research paper.
Format for Research Proposal:
Description of research question(s)
Description of tentative answer (hypothesis)
Types of sources you plan to use to test your hypothesis
Broader implications of your research Working bibliography

Part 2 (due March 8th)
Please provide Draft Thesis, Outline and Bibliography

Part 3 (Due March 31) Final Paper should be:
The text of the paper should be double-spaced with twelve-point font.
The paper should use footnotes (Chicago style)
Include a bibliography. The bibliography is not included in the page count.

Calvary Child Development Center

I am presenting myself as client. This is the website to the company i’m doing the power point presentation on . The CCDC was founded in 1977 and has grown to an enrollment of 800+ children in preschool and daycare programs for ages six months through five years. We are a ministry of Calvary Church and share Calvarys Christ-centered focus as well as its campus and facilities.

Women in the late 19th and early 20th century

Using four primary sources from the list below, answer the following question(s):
How do these documents and their authors reflect the New Woman of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries? What types of freedoms did women demand in these years? Some secondary sources allowed for background information. Please make sure the content is in line with the rubric. Thank you.

Contributions of Buddhism to the World

Analysis paper on the contributions of buddhism to the world.
Double space
Provide at least five academic sources for your analysis paper.
Cite academic sources, articles, books, etc., to support the
Provide proper footnotes/endnotes applicably.
Use Chicago Manual of Style (CMS) for your footnote/endnote and bibliography.
Provide your creative ideas and comments about the topic.
No wikipedia plz.