Category: Chicago / Turabian

Breaking Bad

I posted the picture of the directions and what needs to be included. Please read all of it because another person did my first 1 and i got a 65 on it. Your only writing about season 2 of breaking bad and refer to all the episodes of season 2. Your analyzing walter please don’t summarize whats going on in the episodes focus on walter and his behaviors. Also paper is due thursday at 11pm

Discussion Question

n reaction to the article on “Incarnational Apologetics” and Chapters 14 16, and 22 from the Everyday Series: Evangelism book, how does the information impact the way you will embrace evangelism in your daily life moving forward? How will you balance “incarnational” and “informational” approaches to evangelism? Do you believe there is a connection? You might also consider . . . do your struggle relating to people on an “incarnational” level when it comes to evangelism; or are you afraid of “informational” approaches to evangelism, etc.? In light of all of this, how do the three Vs (Vulnerable, Visual, Verbal), Servant Evangelism (which is more incarnational), and Share Jesus Without Fear (which is more informational)  come into play as far as how you might approach evangelism in the future?  Be VERY thorough, please address all of the readings, and be honest with your classmates!  (450 words minimum)

Religion discussion question

In this assignment, you will explore the main theological insights that arise from a study of your selected passage. You will work with the same passage that you identified in the Passage Selection Quiz.

In a thread of at least 400 words, address the following questions:

Indicate what your passage is and concisely describe the main point.
What do we learn about God His character and purposes from this passage, either directly or indirectly?
Which categories of systematic theology (soteriology, eschatology, ecclesiology, etc.) does your passage relate to, either directly or indirectly?
What are the themes/topics of biblical theology (kingship, covenant, Israel, etc.) that your passage relates to, either directly or indirectly?

In the early twentieth century, high rates of black incarceration resulted from convictions from property crimes. In the later twentieth century, high rates of black incarceration resulted from convictions for drug offenses. While the official cause cha

A project needs to be a single narrative not broken into chapters like a thesis.  The easiest way to organize it is probably chronological. 

My argument, In the early twentieth century, high rates of black incarceration resulted from convictions from property crimes.  In the later twentieth century, high rates of black incarceration resulted from convictions for drug offenses.  While the official cause changed, high rates of black incarceration continued through the time period in Mississippi and Louisiana.
Points clearly and concisely made, it cannot be repetitive at all,

It has to be in chronological order, I am submitting a former draft to reference from as far as the info on Louisiana and Mississippi, please use info from draft and sources because I have to use some info from the first draft as long as its worthy. outside of the earlier times this needs to focus on black incarceration resulted from convictions for drug offenses.
your primary focus might be on why did Mississippi and Louisiana criminalize narcotics?  Or, how did Mississippi and Louisiana drug laws cause mass incarceration?
Websites are not an acceptable source


A 25 to 30 page research paper (not including notes, graph-
ics, appendices, etc.) notes and graphs are needed
Can include alternative formats, such as a museum-quality
exhibit or documentary film.
Possible topics include analyzing a historiographical debate
or placing a smaller, local event in a larger historical context.
Relies more on secondary and less on primary sources. Must have footnotes as well.

I have to show where I stand on this argument and that is I do not agree with the amount of blacks that are incarcerated on drug charges in the two states. I think that it is unjust when compared to other races mostly whites. The sentencing is way too harsh.

FOLLOW THE OUTLINE!!! PLEASE FOLLOW OUTLINE!! Please do not pile a bunch of words together I am going to comb thru the paper with a fine tooth lol 

I will also send a pdf of a book I want used as well.

Medieval Recreation

                                            READ THE INSTRUCTION
Research Project:
    – Select a focused episode and investigate its role in World Civilization from 1000 to 1700. 
    – Write an essay of 1200 words that examines one or two aspects of the this topic:

Frontiers in Motion
Empire Building
Ecological Revolution
Imperial Arenas

To complete this research you will need to locate:

****one or more primary historical sources (documents written during the time you are focusing on.)*****


A diary excerpt from a Medieval explorer

An material artifact of historical significance (coin, device, map)

Literary publication

Quote in a scholarly biographies.


****at least two secondary historical sources that place the primary sources in their historical context (works written by contemporary historians).****

    1) Examples:

        a) A book (monograph) on world         history

        b) Documentaries

        c) An encyclopedia entry (Weak)   
I choose to research in medieval Game and Entertainment from 1000-1700

Here is my proposal:

Medieval Times Entertainments and Games


Every human being regardless of where or in the what period they lived in, all wanted to live their life joyfully. When we think of medieval times, the first thing that comes to our mind is the warlike character of people. People at that time also enjoyed going to events, feasts, games, and sports just like us. For my Magazine research paper, I am thinking of researching medieval Times Entertainment and Games. I want to focus on what they did during their free time. If they participated in tournaments, played board games, or did any sports. I would like to find out if anyone was prohibited from participating in the medieval game. For instance, based on their ranking in society, did anyone get excluded from participating in certain sports or games. What type of game was played by a different region of people at that time? Did religion or culture restrict people from playing a certain type of game?  I would like to find out if these games and entertainment were isolated from other groups of people. One of the most famous games that was played in medieval Europe by the Christians was: Chess, Table, and Dicing. Chess was more common at the local level rather than centralized ones (Olson, Page 2).  In some regions, Chess was not allowed because people started to gamble while participating in chess. I will go more in-depth in these entertainments and games around the medieval time and look at if these games impacted people living conditions positively or negatively.

Introduction/Thesis Only

1. The introduction identifies the topic and indicates the purpose of the research paper.
2. Explanations (or bridge sentences) are built in to provide focus and lead to the narrowed topic.
3. The introduction uses a hook to grab the readers attention, and it logically connects to the topic.
4. The thesis statement provides the topic, controlling idea, and several aspects to elaborate at the end of the introduction.
5. The introduction provides the reader with sufficient background information on the topic and presents clearly how the information is connected to the thesis statement.

Below is attached a link to my topic and a presentation I made for it. The topic is the Aponte Rebellion. All I need right now is the intro/thesis completed according to the rubric above.

US isolationism before WWI

Critical analysis paper on whether the United States was isolationist before WWI while focusing on the three decades before 1917.

Normal essay structure of intro, body, conclusion.

Chicago style


Bibliography with at least 5 published sources

Canada as a Middle Power

This is the following question that you have to base the paper on:  Is Canada a small, middle, or principal power? Has that determination changed in the last few years/decades? is this categorization still useful in determining Canada’s place in the international system?

1- The paper has to demonstrate  a research capability, argument, and coherent structure
2- there has to be a thesis, which means you have to have an argument 
3- I would like you to say that Canada is a middle power, not a small or principal power
4- be consistent with the question: make sure you address the question above in your thesis
5- Because you will have to argue, you will have to state the reasons why Canada is a middle power. 
6- please have a thesis because a thesis tells the reader what your paper will talk about
7- use Chicago style, with footnotes being at the bottom of each page.  Also, include a reference page
8- you have to have a minimum of 10 Academic sources. Only use academic sources like Google scholar, actual hard copy books and journal articles  (do not use the regular google )
9-  I want the paper to be 10 pages long, double space, Times New Roman with 12 point font
10- Avoid any plagiarism, as this class has the plagiarism detector.
11- Please be very clear and organized in the paper and make sure you have an argument
12- keep in mind that this is a political science/international relations class. so it is not an English literature class.  DO NOT BE DESCRIPTIVE, YOU HAVE TO HAVE A CLEAR ARGUMENT.

coaching and mentoring

this follows on from your previous work you did for me
casual type of writing
please answer          stating task 3        task 4        task 5

Task 3
Now look at how you would modify your approach and coaching delivery method style to accommodate the needs of a different individual/employee with potential inclusion/integration concerns (specific needs) such as age, for example, younger and mature age employees, cultural background, language or education, employees with a disability, employees who are being re-trained etc. 
Indicate specific strategies to address the modification process for each of the steps, paying particular attention to the needs of the learner (participant) and any specific skills or qualities the workplace coach/mentor may need to have to facilitate learning.

Task 4
Implement the second modified coaching plan.

Task 5
Write an evaluation of the feedback received from the in class simulations and both the workplace coaching experiences. Compare, reflect on and document the differences as well as the similarities.
Examine each of the key areas of:
    Establishing, developing, implementing and reviewing the workplace learning pathway
    Establishing, developing, implementing, closing and evaluating the learning/facilitation relationship
    The mentoring plans effectiveness   
    Identifying potential strengths and weaknesses of the participant and the mentor
    As a result of conducting this workplace coaching activity, are there any other activities the organisation needs to consider or implement to assure success of future in-house workplace coaching programs

Environmental law

WATCH FIRST: Love Canal, a New York Times Documentary (11 minutes):

There are many Superfund sites that need to be cleaned-up, and not enough money in the “fund” for EPA to pay for it. Often finding private parties solvent to clean-up is just as difficult as finding increased money.  How does this macro problem affect the specific locations near such sites?  READ this article for one example: (Links to an external site.)
For your initial discussion post, you may choose one of the following:
(1) Read the Superfund Task Force Report to EPA and comment on your opinion of the proposals to handle the timing, cost, and ability to clean-up, list/de-list, and handle Superfund sites: (Links to an external site.)
(2) Find an article (or more) about a specific Superfund site (like the Nevada one described in the article above) that is perhaps languishing on the list or switching between listing and de-listing decisions in various EPA administrations. Briefly describe and comment on your opinion of the situation and how it could be resolved at the state or federal level.

Review the video and the links provided above.