Category: Chicago / Turabian

Mock Tour Guide Memo

You are a tour guide. You have 25 well-paying clients who want you to pick the ONE spot in the American Southwest that best exemplifies Southwestern culture and history. Pick that location (Las Vegas, Disneyland, the Alamo, Sun City in AZ, the Painted Desert, Santa Fe, Tombstone, or any place else) and write a 300-word brochure introduction that justifies your response.

movie review

You will be required to submit an essay on the film that we watched at the last lecture.

The essays must be submitted before Tuesday noon, a late review will result in lower grades — but only one day of being late will be allowed, the essays are not accepted afterward.

Other general requirements (from the syllabus) :

These essays will be graded according to the following criteria:

1) insightfulness of thesis,

2) clarity and eloquence of expression,

3) spelling and grammar.

Please proofread your reviews before turning them in. ANY spelling or grammatical errors will result in a lower grade.

General tip: try to develop your thesis statement as clearly and strongly as possible. Do not retell the film — look at it from a critical perspective (this doesn’t mean that you have to focus on what you see as its shortcomings, you may and should also stress its positive qualities).

Based off of the sources provided

In a well-written and thoughtfully organized essay, answer the question listed below.  You must number your pages and use a proper citation method. Chicago-style footnotes needed. Excellent essays will demonstrate proficiency with all of the reading assignments  and draw smart connections between the readings. Establish a clear historical context in your answer. Use what you want to answer one of the following.

1) 2) United States cities, since the 1960s, can be understood in the political economic terms of deindustrialization, globalization, and postmodernity.  Giant shifts in the world economy have affected how our cities grow and change. How do you characterize these processes? How do these massive political and economic processes affect the American city? What cities experience this change most drastically? How have urban identities changed?

Human Resource Management Director

Turabian citation guidelines.*****author date style

The COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 has resulted in a crazy year for all of us; it appears that we will be dealing with the effects of the virus well into 2021, and possibly longer. We may have been affected in different ways, but the bottom line is that, thanks to the coronavirus pandemic, our personal and professional lives have been turned sideways and upside down!

You are currently the Human Resource Management Director for a public sector organization (city or county government) in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. You have a meeting scheduled with your city/county manager to discuss employee/employer issues resulting from the coronavirus. Identify and discuss the pertinent and important areas of consideration for the HRM Director, as well as the possible obstacles and solutions. Identify the areas that organizations, specifically HRM, have to address, including (but not limited to) staffing, work place environment, etc.

Include :
-How and what tools and concepts help when dealing with difficult employees (co-workers), citizens, officials, etc.?
-What about ethical issues, mission statements, and core values of an organization?
-communication and conflict resolution are also important issues to be developed
-All of these issues should be discussed in the form of: how do these tools help managers deal with the issues in a public organization, including employee engagement and interaction conflicts/problem solving.

Being able to interact with public/elected officials and irate citizens, advisory groups, businesses, etc. are also critical to a public organization’s success, especially in regard to funding and other resources.

Remember, this is the final essay for the semester; this means that your essay should reflect the material from the textbook and Getting Past No, articles and TED Talks (if appropriate). This essay is worth 120 points toward your final grade and must:

Be between 6-8 pages in length, not counting title and reference pages.
Utilize and cite material from the courses information and reading. You are only allowed to use class sources, i.e. textbooks, videos, journal articles, other articles or documents posted within the course.
Be double spaced, 12- point font, 1- inch margins, following Turabian citation guidelines.*****author date style
Submitted in .doc (or .rtf format).

references must also include:
Title: Human Resource Management in Public Service: Paradoxes, Processes, and Problems
Authors: Evan M. (Michael) Berman; James S. Bowman; Jonathan P. West; Montgomery R. Van Wart

Constitutional, Sectoral, Conflicts

***Turabian (Author-Date) Style
the final essays will require students to conduct research of both web-based and peer reviewed journals to support the essay responses. There are three essay questions
and students will have to use our textbooks as well as other external
sources as part of the assignment. Researching key ideas is helpful for
students to familiarize themselves with web-based sources and peer reviewed
journals that address public service ethics topics.

use articles from scholarly journals and websites to research assigned topics. These resources should supplement course readings and should also be utilized in framing responses to the essay questions.Scholarly articles are published in academic journals and they are peer reviewed. Full citations and references will be given for them, in correct Turabian parenthetic citation and reference list format.

Please write essays on the three topics shown below.

Each essay will:

Be 1-2 single-space pages in length, not including quotations, lists, citations, or references.
Correctly use Turabian author/date parenthetic citation and reference list style to cite sources.
Avoid plagiarism (see Course Overview).
Have a heading that identifies the topic.
Include a title page.

1. Constitutional value.  Identify a Constitutional principle or value that interests you and show how it appears in contemporary discussions about the public sector generally or public administration in particular.

2. Sectoral expectations.  Discuss how public expectations of career professionals working in the public, private, and nonprofit sectors differ. The discussion should, at minimum, include the relationship with elected officials, responsiveness to the public, and the varying ethical dilemmas confronted by each in carrying out their duties.

3. Conflict of interest. Discuss the concept of conflict of interest relative to the idea of the public interest. Research a specific conflict of interest law and include in your essay:

Who is covered by this conflict of interest law, distinguishing between elected officials, political appointees and members of boards and commissions, and career professionals. 
The activities restricted by the law.
Reporting requirements.
Characteristics of the body responsible for carrying out the law.
The process of handling complaints filed under the law.
What you find interesting about the law and its potential effects on government.

Cite, reference, and discuss at least one scholarly article (see Course Overview) and two websites for ***each of the three essay topics.
Cite, reference, and discuss concepts from course readings. (books below,2)

Title: The Ethics Primer for Public Administrators in Government and Nonprofit Organizations
Author: James H. Svara
Title: American Public Service: Constitutional And Ethical Foundations
Authors: Sheila Kennedy; David Schultz

Show live links for websites.

Negro Slavery Described by a Negro Ashton Warrner

Read the Essay Proposal Document attached for instructions on the essay

Assignment: Using your research proposal as a guide, research and write an essay that develops and proves an argument.  You essay must address the topic that you identified in your essay proposal.

Required sources:

      At least 4 peer-reviewed, scholarly articles (published after 1990) from a scholarly journal.  These can include the sources you used in the proposal/bibliography assignment.  These cannot be course readings. (*** USE THE SOURCES IN THE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE PROPOSAL, THEY DO NOT NEED TO BE THE EXACT REFRENCES ALTHOUGH USE THE SAME BOOKS)

      1 relevant course reading

      One document from the Early Caribbean Archive.  Click on the archive link.  *  (use this link:


Format: This assignment requires you to write an essay.  You must include an introduction that states your thesis and how you intend to prove it (**THE THESIS IS UNDERLINED IN THE PROPOSAL).  In the body of the essay, make sure that you include enough evidence to back up your ideas and ensure that each paragraph clearly addresses and develops your argument.  And remember to include a concluding paragraph that sums up your argument.

Remember to provide references for all borrowed material (facts, paraphrases, direct quotations, and ideas).  Use quotation marks to indicate direct quotations.  You must provide footnotes (including specific page numbers) for all borrowed material (including from websites used in class), and you must include a bibliography.  Refer to the videos from week 1 and the writing guides noted in the course syllabus for more information about this as well for proper bibliographic and footnote format.

The essay must be double-spaced, and you must include page numbers.  Finally, remember to proof-read the essay before you submit it and make sure that your writing is clear and accurate.

Robinhood Location analysis

The group selected an app and website based company called Robinhood. The company was formed by two students, roommates, and classmates at Stanford University. Baiju Bhatt and Vladimir Tenev graduated and moved briefly to New York state to create technology for hedge funds. After witnessing trading companies on Wall Street upcharge day to day people to initiate every trade, the partners returned to California to build their dream. Robinhood was founded in April 2013 in Menlo Park, California. But the company offers job opportunities in more locations. Headquarters are still located in Menlo Park, CA this area is used to employ corporate employees.

Historical Perspectives on Covid-19

Write an essay that approaches a contemporary problem (COVID-19 or also know as Coronavirus)  from a historical perspective, drawing from primary and secondary sources to write a thesis-driven essay.

Trace some historical antecedents for the current pandemic in the United States. You may focus on a particular event, theme, or problem relating to the Covid-19 crisis, and approach it from a historical perspective. What larger processes in American history help us understand this current crisis? What past events offer some insights or lessons for today? 

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Trade routes became important paths for cultural, commercial, and technological exchanges between civilizations. Traders, merchants, missionaries, soldiers, and nomads from Ancient China, India, Persian Empire, and Mediterranean countries used various roads and seaways to move goods, ideas, and information. Travel on land was slow and unpredictable. Caravans were vulnerable to attack and adverse weather conditions.

During the 1st century BCE, trade routes connecting China to Central Asia and areas surrounding the Mediterranean merged into a single route. The Silk Road, originally named for the vast amounts of silk traded along it, was a significant factor in the development of China, Egypt, Persia, Arabia, and Rome.  The goods traded were numerous. From Egypt came silk, paper, glass, jewelry, cosmetics, salt, wine and beer.  The Middle East offered woolens, asphalt, carpets, perfumes, bleach, and pain relieving drugs. The Han Dynasty provided silk, wine, laquerware, and grain.  And India produced fine cottons, garments, gems, ivory, foods, and pearls.  But goods weren’t the only things passed between these civilizations. Scientific, philosophic, intellectual and religious ideas were shared as well. Libraries collected works from far off lands and grew in number. Scientists began to specialize in areas dealing with the human body, plants, animals, astronomy and agriculture.

Roman roads were also vital in the encouragement of trade. Originally developed for easier military transportation, the roads allowed goods to be carried throughout the Roman Empire. Later, Alexander the Great would utilize these roads in his various conquests. It is Alexander that is most credited with the spread of Greek culture both intellectually and through merchant goods

Discuss the utilization of trade routes as a path to cultural diffusion.

-How did those routes impact the great civilizations of the time?
-What were the benefits and detriments of the routes and interaction between the groups?
-What else might we want to consider about this time, location, and people?


Needs 2 citations

Historical Perspectives on Covid-19

Write an essay that approaches a contemporary problem (COVID-19 or also know as Coronavirus)  from a historical perspective, drawing from primary and secondary sources to write a thesis-driven essay.

Trace some historical antecedents for the current pandemic in the United States. You may focus on a particular event, theme, or problem relating to the Covid-19 crisis, and approach it from a historical perspective. What larger processes in American history help us understand this current crisis? What past events offer some insights or lessons for today?